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Parents Ditch Diapers for Au Naturel Toileting Trend (AKA pooping on streets + sinks)

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Anti vaccines and now shitting in the street. Are we trying to regress 200+ years?



Unlimited Capacity
It's basically a spiritual practice, that's kind of turned into a psuedoscience, something about transferring energy called "reiki" using "Qi". Which basically consists of touching a patient with your palms in a certain manner, combined with hovering your hands palms down over the patients body up and down all mystical-like and shit.

Magical healing aura powers activate! Whoooooooo!

Lay on hands. Is she a paladin?


Lawyer turned Reiki?

I suppose I've heard more bizarre. Like Nobel Prize winner who believes in green space racoons.
What the fuck is happening.

I don't understand any of this. Anti-vaxxers, this. What the fuck is next?

They're all the same it seems. Upper middle class pampered lefties.

"I couldn't handle the real world, so I created my own fictional world!"

This shit is fucking bananas, it seems decades of proper health management has turned people into idiots who are incapable of remembering middle school history where

1) Vaccines are good
2) Shitting in the streets is bad

I think we have to accept the very real phenomena that a large amount of Americans do not understand that they are prosperous, and, more frighteningly, they do not understand where their prosperity arose from. It's like giving a child the keys to a Ferrari with no instruction manual or warnings not to use it until they're 16.

Whereas conservatives can choose to reject the lessons of the past for political or spiritual reasons, liberals sadly seem no more complicated than "I'm so overwhelmingly content with my life that I have nothing better to do than throw unnecessary wrinkles into my health and diet, just to see what works out." Even though a lot of these questions were answered 50 to 100 years ago. So fad diets, experimental child-rearing, holistic medicine, Eastern religion, "organic" foods...anything to show rebellion against establishment, for no other reason than they can.

Being healthy and wealthy certainly has its perks.
I for one welcome this. I mean the human race evolved living a disease addled existence, rolling around in its own squalor. This is just a return to nature.

El Odio

So if you teach a kid at such a young age that they can just crap and piss anywhere how do reteach them later that that's not okay?
Yup, I live in Park Slope the epicenter of all things baby in NYC and I have seen this in action between parked cars more than a couple of times. End of days.

Again, I have to know, are people using doggie bags or pooper scoopers to pick this stuff up or are they just leaving it between/behind some other person's car? If so, that is absolutely vile and is nothing more than being fucking lazy.

It is not cool to line the streets with human waste.
It is not cool to relieve yourself or your baby near someone else's property.

We are hitting critical mass on stupidity.


What the fuck. Seriously, what the fuck. How can these people think it is a good idea to shit in parks/streets/etc.


Married Member
I can't believe this is actually a thing.

These must be the same people who don't wash their hands after shitting.
Again, I have to know, are people using doggie bags or pooper scoopers to pick this stuff up or are they just leaving it between/behind some other person's car? If so, that is absolutely vile and is nothing more than being fucking lazy.

It is not cool to line the streets with human waste.
It is not cool to relieve yourself or your baby near someone else's property.

We are hitting critical mass on stupidity.

These people often rationalize it with #notallbabies. Seriously, they figure if everyone else does it the normal way, their special baby doesn't need to get a vaccine or shit in a diaper, and gets to reap all of the benefits. Of course, when you get a room full of people discussing this non-ironically at a bake sale or PTA meeting, then you get a neighborhood outbreak of some medieval goddamn plague.
These people often rationalize it with #notallbabies. Seriously, they figure if everyone else does it the normal way, their special baby doesn't need to get a vaccine or shit in a diaper, and gets to reap all of the benefits. Of course, when you get a room full of people discussing this non-ironically at a bake sale or PTA meeting, then you get a neighborhood outbreak of some medieval goddamn plague.

And then you have the comments coming from them after the outbreak:

"How could this happen in this neighborhood? We're good people! It must be those dirty kids that my kid associates with in public school!"

"How could this happen in 2015?"


Congratulations to the people endorsing this for successfully regressing back to the middle ages. They're probably anti-vaxxers too.

There's a reason diapers were invented, and there's a reason they're still used.
They fucking work.


Plays with kids toys, in the adult gaming world
The good old days are back! *punches scientist in the mouth*

Lets shit in the streets! oh and video games are witchcraft you will all be BURNED!!!!!


“I kept seeing him leave a trail of pee,” Partow, 41, said of her son. “The dog looked at me and said, ‘This isn’t fair. Why can he do that?’”

Shitting in the streets/public places, definitely NOT COOL!

But with my kid we did something called EC where he went diaperless while we were at home or in a "safe" place. We got really good at catching the warning signs and hustling him over to the potty when he had to go. Only had a couple of mishaps. He was potty trained before he turned 2.

If we were in public, he always had a diaper on. We would still try to get him to the potty if we were in a restaurant or something, but if we didn't make it or if there was no potty nearby, we still had the diaper for backup.


“I kept seeing him leave a trail of pee,” Partow, 41, said of her son. “The dog looked at me and said, ‘This isn’t fair. Why can he do that?’”


This is a great point. This is coming from a woman who things her dog can talk to her.


Shitting in the streets/public places, definitely NOT COOL!

But with my kid we did something called EC where he went diaperless while we were at home or in a "safe" place. We got really good at catching the warning signs and hustling him over to the potty when he had to go. Only had a couple of mishaps. He was potty trained before he turned 2.

If we were in public, he always had a diaper on. We would still try to get him to the potty if we were in a restaurant or something, but if we didn't make it or if there was no potty nearby, we still had the diaper for backup.

Way better than taking him to a gutter or a bush.


Humanity really is coming full circle. We were civilized, now we're just on the quest for fire.

Seriously. We're halfway back to hunter-gatherers here.

Here's what these people have got so far:
- Paleo diets
- Raw or uncooked food
- Shunning disease prevention methods
- Shitting wherever they want
- Tiny houses

All they're missing:
- Wearing no clothes
- Stopping personal hygiene
- Throwing rocks at eachother

The new fad is ignore the past 2000 years of civilization development in favor of crazy ass shit everyone knows is irrational.


This generation of parents is the worst.

This is amusing, because my friend spent a lot of time out in rural China and the thing he'd always bring up was that parents let their kids crap everywhere and anywhere in public. And now "alternative" parents are bringing it back in America.



Seriously. We're halfway back to hunter-gatherers here.

Here's what these people have got so far:
- Paleo diets
- Raw or uncooked food
- Shunning disease prevention methods
- Shitting wherever they want
- Tiny houses

All they're missing:
- Wearing no clothes
- Stopping personal hygiene
- Throwing rocks at eachother

The new fad is ignore the past 2000 years of civilization development in favor of crazy ass shit everyone knows is irrational.

I need to hit the gym for when we all become nudists.
Shitting in the streets/public places, definitely NOT COOL!

But with my kid we did something called EC where he went diaperless while we were at home or in a "safe" place. We got really good at catching the warning signs and hustling him over to the potty when he had to go. Only had a couple of mishaps. He was potty trained before he turned 2.

If we were in public, he always had a diaper on. We would still try to get him to the potty if we were in a restaurant or something, but if we didn't make it or if there was no potty nearby, we still had the diaper for backup.
Sure, well done.
But that's very different from what these people do.

Although the world is allready probably 50% dogshit anyway, so a couple of human turds probably won't hurt.....
Seriously. We're halfway back to hunter-gatherers here.

Here's what these people have got so far:
- Paleo diets
- Raw or uncooked food
- Shunning disease prevention methods
- Shitting wherever they want
- Tiny houses

All they're missing:
- Wearing no clothes
- Stopping personal hygiene
- Throwing rocks at eachother

The new fad is ignore the past 2000 years of civilization development in favor of crazy ass shit everyone knows is irrational.
Maybe our brains are getting smaller again. Maybe we're evolving more towards other animals again. Maybe our brains were just too complex. Counterproductive.

Sorry folks.. The retarded people have won. We just need to eat, shit, fuck. No need to be counting the stars for that.


Am I wrong in assuming this is a practice most likely done by a certain small group of middle class white people?
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