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Parents Ditch Diapers for Au Naturel Toileting Trend (AKA pooping on streets + sinks)

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Zeus Molecules

illegal immigrants are stealing our air
Seriously. We're halfway back to hunter-gatherers here.

Here's these people have got so far:
- Paleo diets
- Raw or uncooked food
- Shunning disease prevention methods
- Shitting wherever they want
- Tiny houses

All they're missing:
- Wearing no clothes
- Stopping personal hygiene
- Throwing rocks at eachother

The new fad is ignore the past 2000 years of civilization development in favor of crazy ass shit everyone knows is irrational.

I somehow feel the internet is too blame for this. People are able to google stuff and then feel like an expert on topics they know nothing about. This leads to arrogance, which in turn leads to shitty choices made with no regards to accepted reality.Because...."Hey, the internet told me this was a viable alternative solution to science/civilization/common sense."


Registered for GAF on September 11, 2001.
I always said we needed a new plague. There were far too many people on this planet.
Guess I'm getting my wish.

The Beard


Burrito day @ hippie daycare ?


I have a 10 month old daughter, and despite having never changed a diaper prior to her arrival - I figured it out. Yes, it is pretty gross on occasion, but it's still a hell of a lot better than letting her do her thing on the floor, or in the yard, or anywhere else that would likely set a bad precedent for the future. As far as diaper rash, it is a concern, but it is treatable, and butt paste (yes, that is a thing), is actually really good at preventing it in the first place.

Diapers may be gross, but it's infinitely better than the public health issues that would result from kids crapping all over the place.


First World Parents - please keep your feces out of our public spaces.


Noticing that Indian children were smaller than their counterparts in sub-Saharan Africa — who are, on average, poorer and hence less well fed — researchers have been coming to the conclusion that diseases stemming from poor sanitation are more to blame than diet.

with large numbers of people openly defecating, fecal-oral-transmitted infections are common, leading to diarrhea, with such diseases draining growing children of vital nutrients. Growing up in environments teeming with fecal pathogens has a permanently debilitating effect, experts say. Over time, a large buildup of fecal germs in the body can also manifest as severe intestinal diseases.
Am I wrong in assuming this is a practice most likely done by a certain small group of middle class white people?
What's the obsession with white people lately? Is that an american thing?
Hey look, a youtube video of someone making a fool out of himself. Let's put "white" in the title.

I don't understand. Racism is stupid in every direction.
And stupid comes in all sizes, shapes and colours.
You're probably right though, but that doesn't mean it's a white thing.
Are you thinking what i'm thinking?


Seriously. We're halfway back to hunter-gatherers here.

Here's what these people have got so far:
- Paleo diets
- Raw or uncooked food
- Shunning disease prevention methods
- Shitting wherever they want
- Tiny houses

All they're missing:
- Wearing no clothes
- Stopping personal hygiene
- Throwing rocks at eachother

The new fad is ignore the past 2000 years of civilization development in favor of crazy ass shit everyone knows is irrational.

i blame the idea that technology is advancing quicker than humans are evolving or some shit so it's better to do things the natural way like ye olde hunter gatherers.

The Beard

I'm assuming the parents that are doing this are the same parents that put leashes on their kids.

The day I see a kid wearing a leash and taking a shit on someone's lawn, is the day I quit life. I'll buy a sailboat and live in the ocean.


I just don't understand it. Parents will willingly not vaccinate their children, let them shit in the street and feed them raw milk, but they won't let them play outside unsupervised because that might be dangerous.


Unconfirmed Member
I just don't understand it. Parents will willingly not vaccinate their children, let them shit in the street and feed them raw milk, but they won't let them play outside unsupervised because that might be dangerous.

I agree with everything but the bolded because of one reason: CPS.

If your kid gets hurt doing something out on their own and you take them into the hospital and can't explain it, there's gonna be a knock on your door soon enough.

Way too many do-gooders in the world of mandatory reporting.


I think we have to accept the very real phenomena that a large amount of Americans do not understand that they are prosperous, and, more frighteningly, they do not understand where their prosperity arose from. It's like giving a child the keys to a Ferrari with no instruction manual or warnings not to use it until they're 16.

Whereas conservatives can choose to reject the lessons of the past for political or spiritual reasons, liberals sadly seem no more complicated than "I'm so overwhelmingly content with my life that I have nothing better to do than throw unnecessary wrinkles into my health and diet, just to see what works out." Even though a lot of these questions were answered 50 to 100 years ago. So fad diets, experimental child-rearing, holistic medicine, Eastern religion, "organic" foods...anything to show rebellion against establishment, for no other reason than they can.

Being healthy and wealthy certainly has its perks.

I think it really is the case of rich people essentially flaunting their wealth or at least demonstrating their complete ignorance of the ridiculous privilege they have in life.

But I really like the way you put it.


Are you thinking what i'm thinking?

I've got the rocks! >.>

Disclaimer: This is part of a series of replies that's a joke about going back to how things were pre-civilization. I'm not actually going to throw rocks at anyone. Just to be on the safe side.


Gold Member
That shit better not spread to Sweden (I haven't heard of it here yet at least). Some people not picking up their dogs' shit is enough, I don't need human baby shit in the streets too. Fuck.


I don't get it. My son is 8 now. Somewhere between 2 and 3 years old we potty trained him in one day. Have a one year old so I will do it again when the time comes.

"In the suburbs people set up potties in the trunk of their cars. That made me jealous. But in New York no one cares what you are doing. You can hold your baby to pee pretty much anywhere. Especially since few people would have any idea what you are doing.”

What the hell is she talking about..and why would someone be jealous about that. . I am fine with trying early potty training but don't take your kid out in public and let them "Eliminate" on the streets, that is just being shitty. I am ashamed to be part of this generation sometimes.
I swear, humanity continues to astound me with the ways they show their idiocy. This is fucking stupid, and this parent should have his child taken to a safe home.

Ollie Pooch

In a perfect world, we'd all be homersexual
lawyer-turned-Reiki healer

I just can't get past this line. I keep trying.
It's like she suddenly rejected truth and common sense and floated away into a fantasy world. I'm sure she's still making mad cash off stupid people, though. Probably anti vaxxers to boot.

This trend is gonna come full circle with some unvaccinated kid getting cholera from some shit on the street.


My child dev teacher and mom friend were both advised to let their kids go diaperless a bit *at home* but neither could do it because their kids were so unpredictable in that regard. I guess these people are basically teaching their newborns to hold it, which I'm not sure is a good idea. Sometimes infants are just not physically or mentally ready for stuff and we need to accept it rather than risk the chance of harming them. I'll show this to my teacher and see what she thinks. Regardless, letting your kids go on the streets is a BIG no, holy crap.

Seriously. We're halfway back to hunter-gatherers here.

Here's what these people have got so far:
- Paleo diets
- Raw or uncooked food
- Shunning disease prevention methods
- Shitting wherever they want
- Tiny houses

All they're missing:
- Wearing no clothes
- Stopping personal hygiene
- Throwing rocks at eachother

The new fad is ignore the past 2000 years of civilization development in favor of crazy ass shit everyone knows is irrational.
I don't see what's wrong with tiny houses, provided the houses themselves aren't a safety hazard for the number of people in them. If a single person or couple wants to be financially independent and can live small, then good for them. It helps all of us out in one way or another.


As a newish parent in my early 30s, I can confirm that my peers are doing the most ass-fucking-backwards shit with their kids.

All these idiots trying to reinvent the wheel, in the name of being "crunchy". No, you're just a dumbfuck.


I see this happening in boston a lot. People don't bother to try and find a bathroom, so they'll just pull down their kids' pants and hold them over a potted plant.

It's pretty fucking rude.
I see this happening in boston a lot. People don't bother to try and find a bathroom, so they'll just pull down their kids' pants and hold them over a potted plant.

It's pretty fucking rude.
I don't think I saw a verification one way or another from a previous witness of this...for the "solid" waste, do the parents leave it there, or clean it up?


I agree with the sentiments that parents these days are useless

My Mom has a preschool (4 - 6 year olds), and every time im there in the morning im appalled at how the parents treat their children and the shit they ignore

I use to get smacked all the time when i was being a little shit. But parents these days just tune their kids out and let them do whatever the fuck they want, with no care for the people around them.

These are the parents that take their 2 year old to the movies or let their 4 year old scream its lungs out in the store and act like nothing is happening

Just smack the little snot and get on with your life

I agree with the sentiments that parents these days are useless

My Mom has a preschool (4 - 6 year olds), and every time im there in the morning im appalled at how the parents treat their children and the shit they ignore

I use to get smacked all the time when i was being a little shit. But parents these days just tune their kids out and let them do whatever the fuck they want, with no care for the people around them.

These are the parents that take their 2 year old to the movies or let their 4 year old scream its lungs out in the store and act like nothing is happening

Just smack the little snot and get on with your life


i used to say the same things here on gaf.

Until i realized that was the gate to hell


It still blows my mind that someone can be intelligent and determined enough to go through years of law school, yet somehow also believe they have magic healing hands.

The mind really does let us compartmentalize intelligence, eh?


reiki is bullshit scientifically but it feels AMAZING to have it performed on you. i would fully recommend everyone here getting reiki performed on them


Unconfirmed Member
You're telling me I can walk into a preschool, loudly whisper "SSSSSSSS", and a portion of the building will crap themselves? Glorious.
I read the OP and I honestly couldn't figure out what this accomplishes. It seems like the parents are just trying to make things easier for themselves, but it doesn't teach the kid anything.
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