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Parents Ditch Diapers for Au Naturel Toileting Trend (AKA pooping on streets + sinks)

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Like, what they hell won't catch on as a trend that some idiots will swear by? Save up your spit in a mason jar, it makes a great healing drink the next time you come down with a cold!

The only thing I could see this accomplishing is, if done for long enough, creating a generation of kids that think it's okay to defecate basically anywhere they want.
Congratulations to the people endorsing this for successfully regressing back to the middle ages. They're probably anti-vaxxers too.

There's a reason diapers were invented, and there's a reason they're still used.
They fucking work.

Sölf;149696255 said:
And here I was, thinking the middle ages were over.

Are we heading back into another dark age or what

This might be worse. People in the middle ages were doing the best they could with what they had. These people today? Willfully ignorant.


We once stayed with friends of my wife who did this, "oh she never goes on the floor as we always watch and can catch the signs" she pissed on the floor at least 3 times a day while we were there.

They also had the kid sleep in a hammock, with the added benefit of it often taking up to 2 hours to get to sleep with a parent rocking it as they had become accustomed to the rocking and couldn't sleep without it.

Funking hippies


Christ, from 8 on my parents had no qualms leaving me home alone for entire weekends. Forget helicopter parents, we are breeding an entire generation of holier than thou GPS tracking full body armor 'my child is always a special unique snowflake than can do no wrong' parents.

I agree with you for the most part, but leaving a 8 year old home alone for a weekend is fucking stupid.
Just entered my Top 3 gifs of all time.


One of the things on my bucketlist is to take a piss out in the wilderness or in public. It seems liberating.


The father of one of my school mates was a doctor-turned-Reiki freak. He dumped his wife and kids and went on to live on a boat with his girlfriend.

One of my closest friends took up drugs, dumped his wife, and became something like this... I'm still shocked and it's been 4 years since it happened.
Like, what they hell won't catch on as a trend that some idiots will swear by? Save up your spit in a mason jar, it makes a great healing drink the next time you come down with a cold!

The only thing I could see this accomplishing is, if done for long enough, creating a generation of kids that think it's okay to defecate basically anywhere they want.

They already do in India and some parts of China. Fucking disgusting and you know how it goea there.


Scaley member
They already do in India and some parts of China. Fucking disgusting and you know how it goea there.

I want to think these guys are trying to see whether or not natural selection exists by deliberately making themselves vulnerable to contracting diseases that will kill them. At least only the smart people will be left and this whole "alternative medicine" stuff will die off, right?


So, she takes people's money for reiki healing (magic hands yo!) and lets her kid piss and shit on the sidewalk huh?


You're gonna keep replying to me with this until RPJ is over and I switch my avatar back, aren't you?

Aww, you know it's just because I think you're awesome <3

So, she takes peoples money for reiki healing (magic hands yo!) and let's her kid piss and shit on the sidewalk huh?

You have the correct amount of apostrophes, but in the wrong places.


I read the OP and I honestly couldn't figure out what this accomplishes. It seems like the parents are just trying to make things easier for themselves, but it doesn't teach the kid anything.

That's exactly why many of these parents do this and makes me wonder why they even decide to have kids in the first place if they don't want to be burdened by raising them.


Aww, you know it's just because I think you're awesome <3
You have the correct amount of apostrophes, but in the wrong places.

God damn it, I removed it from people's but missed the let's.

Damn you Terri, damn you to hell!


Unconfirmed Member
The sanitation health hazards of India are not a role model to be followed. These parents are assholes.
Again, I have to know, are people using doggie bags or pooper scoopers to pick this stuff up or are they just leaving it between/behind some other person's car? If so, that is absolutely vile and is nothing more than being fucking lazy.

It is not cool to line the streets with human waste.
It is not cool to relieve yourself or your baby near someone else's property.

We are hitting critical mass on stupidity.

No pooper scooper in sight but honestly I have never looked to see if its number 1 or number 2.


Letting babies crap in the streets and on the floor is crazy, but introducing the potty early works. My daughter is just under 1 now. She still wears diapers at all times (young babies can't control their bladders), but we have been using a potty with her since she was a month old (obviously holding her at first), and she has been taking 90%+ of her poos in there for the last 8 months.

I thought it was weird too at first, until my daughter started to consistently crap her diaper as I was in the middle of changing it at around 3 weeks of age. Why clean smeared shit off your kid if there's an alternative? Seems like a win-win in our case.

Diapers are like $0.25 a piece. $30-40 a month.

Maybe when they are a toddler or if you let your kid sit in piss all day. I don't know many babies that make it 24 hours on 4 diapers.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
&#8220;I kept seeing him leave a trail of pee,&#8221; Partow, 41, said of her son. &#8220;The dog looked at me and said, &#8216;This isn&#8217;t fair. Why can he do that?&#8217;&#8221;

The dog knows what's up.


They do this all the time in China and kids get potty trained quicker than the west because of it. China is really crazy as some people believe that any kid has a license to pee wherever they want and you will see kids like 6 years old just peeing out in the open. Men will also pee wherever they want as well.


They do this in China to. Country folk, not city folk.

It's a backwards, outdated, custom.

That is probably a matter of necessity or a custom like you said, this is people with certain level of education, wealth, aware of the facts simply fucking bored out of their minds.


it's 4th of July in my asshole
They are solar behind me when it comes to pooping and peeing, public doesn't cut it any more. The trend I'm Working on now is pooping in cars with open windows, much more sanitary to the general public.


That is probably a matter of necessity or a custom like you said, this is people with certain level of education, wealth, aware of the facts simply fucking bored out of their minds.

If by cities he means Beijing and Shanghai he may be right but they do this all over in China, not just in the country side unless we start calling cities of 8 million people "country folk". A lot of places in asia will do this and kids are better potty trained for it. My son is just two and has been potty trained for a while now. Had a co worker who had her kids in Thailand and the doctors were shocked here kids were still in diapers at two. We used diapers when going out but at home he was pretty much free from 6 months on.


If by cities he means Beijing and Shanghai he may be right but they do this all over in China, not just in the country side unless we start calling cities of 8 million people "country folk". A lot of places in asia will do this and kids are better potty trained for it. My son is just two and has been potty trained for a while now. Had a co worker who had her kids in Thailand and the doctors were shocked here kids were still in diapers at two. We used diapers when going out but at home he was pretty much free from 6 months on.

The age that kids are potty trained in North America has gone up pretty significantly in the past 50 or so years. It used to be uncommon for a child to reach their second birthday before being potty trained (no accidents during the day). Now a lot of parents don't even start until between 2 and 3. I'm starting to see friends my age with 4-5 year olds who still have to wear pull ups at night.


In fact, it's often been the case that the less fit people are to raise children, the more likely they are to be doing so.

No offense at all meant to anyone.

As evidenced by all the people that continue to breed children into extreme conditions of poverty, disease and war.

Having had two children, I cannot understand people making dealing with babies more complicated.
No fucking kidding. It's hard enough as it is, this is just making things more complicated for no tangible benefit. Unless of course, you consider the greater chance of getting shat on by your child a benefit.

From the OP:
“When kids get older, it can be challenging to get them to stop for a second to potty. They much prefer to pee on the floor and continue crawling or toddling on their merry way.”

But for many parents who practice EC, potty training is virtually non-existent, Stare added. “The trajectory from in-diapers to out-of-diapers is a very natural, gradual process.”
They're acting as if avoiding toilet training is worth all this nonsense. If you do it at the right time, it's not a hard process - they're old enough to understand what's going on, and they quickly learn to read the signs so they know when to go to the toilet. As a parent, you end up cleaning up after them for a few days as they learn, as opposed to this EC style, where you'll be doing it for years.

Honestly, it feels like some people have it so easy that they're creating problems for themselves. If your life is so boring and unchallenging that you're creating obstacles for yourself, find a better outlet for your energy FFS.


Another note from the article:

parents make “sisss” sounds or grunt noises when they see their babies going to the bathroom, and over time the kids start to associate those sounds with feeling relieved




Christ, from 8 on my parents had no qualms leaving me home alone for entire weekends. Forget helicopter parents, we are breeding an entire generation of holier than thou GPS tracking full body armor 'my child is always a special unique snowflake than can do no wrong' parents.

People want to get on teachers so hard but people like this are infesting the school system. Between the deadbeats and the helicopters I pity those poor fucking educators.


People want to get on teachers so hard but people like this are infesting the school system. Between the deadbeats and the helicopters I pity those poor fucking educators.

At least the pay makes it worthwhile to get a Master's and end up enduring all of that!


Gonna go on Xbox live chat in 10 years and go PPSSSSSSSS and listen to all the natural toilet kids piss their couches.


This is like a medieval quality of life they're going for; didn't they just shit in the streets way back then? We've come full circle!


Seriously. We're halfway back to hunter-gatherers here.

Here's what these people have got so far:
- Paleo diets
- Raw or uncooked food
- Shunning disease prevention methods
- Shitting wherever they want
- Tiny houses

All they're missing:
- Wearing no clothes
- Stopping personal hygiene
- Throwing rocks at eachother

The new fad is ignore the past 2000 years of civilization development in favor of crazy ass shit everyone knows is irrational.

Take this one off the missing list.
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