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Paris Assistant Police Chief and wife stabbed to death by ISIS linked terrorist

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wants to fuck an Asian grill.
Three years for association with terrorists? That should be grounds for being considered a prisoner of war. Indefinite hold.


What's the application process to be considered a member of ISIL? I feel like some of these people are expressing support for ISIL but probably never had any actual contact with them.

ISIS is as much an idea as an actual organisation.

Some like what ISIS is doing, subrscribe to their idea and thus, kill in the name of ISIS like they would in the name of any other ideology.


Unconfirmed Member
What's the application process to be considered a member of ISIL? I feel like some of these people are expressing support for ISIL but probably never had any actual contact with them.

Rachel Maddow was saying how ISIS has been telling would be Islamic extremist to kill or harm anyone by any means necessary. Don't bother coming to the Middle East. Just make sure they pleadg their loyalty to ISIS so they get credit. Then she rolled of a number of examples.
That poor kid.

A 3 years to a potential terrorist, gets you 2 people murdered later on.

When are we going to start learning from shit like this?
That poor kid.

A 3 years to a potential terrorist, gets you 2 people murdered later on.

When are we going to start learning from shit like this?

three years?!?!?!?!?

jesus FUCKING christ

What a fucking joke...

wow, another fuck up if so, along with the FBI. There's gotta be tougher laws and checks on these type of people, those that have planned or are on watchlists.

I heard an interview with some intelligence expert and they said there's just too many people flagged as potential threats to national security. You can't devote resources to track them all 24/7 and, out of hundreds of profiles, how do you know which ones will actually strike, anyway ? Also, one drawback of working in anti-terrorism is that everyone will know of your failures while your successful operations will stay secret.


Looked it up, convicted to 2,5 years and 0,5 years probation for the forming of a gang with the intent of terrorist activities concerning sending people to Pakistan. So he was convicted as a recruter it seems.
I heard an interview with some intelligence expert and they said there's just too many people classified as potential threats to national security so you can't devote resources to track them all 24/7 (and, out of hundreds of profiles, how do you know which ones are actually gonna strike?) Also, one drawback of working in anti-terrorism is that everyone will know of your failures while your successful operations will stay secret

Finding 'potential threats' is difficult, yes. But they FOUND this one!! And he was convicted. With the possibility of him being brainwashed over a substantial length of time, do you think that would change for the better of good, within 3 years?


I heard an interview with some intelligence expert and they said there's just too many people flagged as potential threats to national security. You can't devote resources to track them all 24/7 (and, out of hundreds of profiles, how do you know who's actually gonna strike?) Also, one drawback of working in anti-terrorism is that everyone will know of your failures while your successful operations will stay secret

France seems to be swarming with jihadists. These attacks will continue for years to come.

I don't want this in my country.


I heard an interview with some intelligence expert and they said there's just too many people flagged as potential threats to national security. You can't devote resources to track them all 24/7 (and, out of hundreds of profiles, how do you know who's actually gonna strike?) Also, one drawback of working in anti-terrorism is that everyone will know of your failures while your successful operations will stay secret

if you're actively recruiting and organizing with enemies of the state like ISIS you should be locked up for more than 3 years or booted out of the country



Well, the terrorist was a French national

yeah, I'm saying France should have kicked his ass out the country or locked him up for longer than three years and forced him to undergo some kind of mental rehabilitation or assimilation program

you can't just assume that somebody actively recruiting for ISIS is going to change after only three years. utter insanity.


will learn eventually
Most of the people that have been flooding into Europe are in fact economic migrants, not refugees fleeing conflict in Syria.

Sure if you say so. Doesn't mean it's the truth though.



Sure if you say so. Doesn't mean it's the truth though.


Ehh..the graph you just posted proves you wrong, with Syrians being less than half of the group :] And that was 2015, when nobody checked if your claim of being Syrian is actually true or not.


Of around 35 000 refugees who came to Finland last year, a couple hundred were from Syria. Most were from Iraq, which is now classified as "safe".
Ehh..the graph you just posted proves you wrong, with Syrians being less than half of the group :] And that was 2015, when nobody checked if your claim of being Syrian is actually true or not.

I mean, if you actually stack all of the bars, Syrian is less than half of the total in that image
I heard an interview with some intelligence expert and they said there's just too many people flagged as potential threats to national security. You can't devote resources to track them all 24/7 and, out of hundreds of profiles, how do you know which ones will actually strike, anyway ? Also, one drawback of working in anti-terrorism is that everyone will know of your failures while your successful operations will stay secret.
I've been pondering that three years thing. I mean, I'll be the first to say I don't want these guys roaming free, but it raises questions about how long you can incarcerate all these guys directly related to terrorism, not the ones who shoot people, but the ones who provide them with weapons, with the means to circulate between countries, or even the hate preachers who radicalize others without getting their hands dirty. I mean, we could say, it's not three years but five, ten or fifteen, but they will eventually get out. So what do we do about these people?

I mean, if you actually stack all of the bars, Syrian is less than half of the total in that image
Iraq and Afghanistan aren't exactly safe countries either to be fair. Not saying there are no economic migrants in there, just that being an unsafe shithole isn't Syria's monopoly.
When I read about the son my heart sank thinking what the hell happened to him. Thank God nothing happened but sad about the parents as that kid is going to be messed up. ;(

I once thought what would happen if someone stormed my house and did something my wife and son, so when I read this I was fearing the worst.


I think at some point we'll have to arrest people who sympathize with terrorist groups.
I know it's thought crime but some thoughts can be criminal, what's so hard about not supporting a murderous organization?
Ugh, this is making me increasingly angry. I'm so sick of these cowardly cunts killing innocent people. Good job man, you can mow people in a club down with a machine gun or stab them in their home. Fuck off.


Daesh really hard at work becoming the most hated and hateful political organization in history since the NSDAP.
A divine intervention where God show them the error of their ways and they all kill themselves out of shame would be much appreciated.
I think at some point we'll have to arrest people who sympathize with terrorist groups.
I know it's thought crime but some thoughts can be criminal, what's so hard about not supporting a murderous organization?

Just the workload of dealing with the known assholes is crushing law-enforcement and intelligence agencies at the moment. It's one reason the Americans are going all-in with automated surveillance.

It's not that we don't have enough clues and information but we can't scale up the analysis and intervention teams fast enough to keep track of it all.

If you want to add thoughtcrime to the mix, even disregarding the moral dimension, the practical reality of it just won't work out.

And for all the rhetoric, let's not forget that European intelligence and covert police forces have had their budgets squeezed at every turn, it's just an easy 'invisible' cut to make for elected officials, especially the left-leaning ones who mistrust these branches of government deeply.
Apparently the guy livestreamed the attack on facebook. :( god damn


Since people seem to be using this thread:

The guy was already convicted in 2013 for planning a terror attack. He got 3 years with 6 months suspended. Then he was released back into the public.


How in the hell was he not removed from the country at the very least if they weren't going to keep him locked up permanently?!
How in the hell was he not removed from the country at the very least if they weren't going to keep him locked up permanently?!

Practically speaking, how do you remove him and to where? Which country will have him? And if they don't want him, how do you get him there and make sure he doesn't travel back?


...lacks reading comprehension.
I heard an interview with some intelligence expert and they said there's just too many people flagged as potential threats to national security. You can't devote resources to track them all 24/7 and, out of hundreds of profiles, how do you know which ones will actually strike, anyway ? Also, one drawback of working in anti-terrorism is that everyone will know of your failures while your successful operations will stay secret.

At this point I say imprison them all for life if they have ever had any ties to IS or terrorism. If you can't watch them, you have to contain them where you can watch them.


What a horrible tragedy, but at least the kid survived. Don't blame them they couldn't get him alive with the kid in the scene and him killing the hostage but fuck it still frustrates me that there won't be any interrogations of the criminal that helps establish if it's a legitimate link to ISIL or just a crazy bandwagoner.

Condolences to the family.

Edit: oh fuck, seems like this dude was the real fucking deal in being a recruiter. God dammit, what horrible circumstances.
At this point I say imprison them all for life if they have ever had any ties to IS or terrorism. If you can't watch them, you have to contain them where you can watch them.

A lot of our best intelligence comes from disillusioned IS-supporters. We're not just fighting these guys on the battlefield, most of it is 'fought in temples' and the PR front is fierce. Thousands of them, particularly from Western-Europe, join out of misguided ideology and try to turn back around when the cold reality of fanaticism hits them.

Will we give them something to come back to and help us fight this evil or do we go 'nah, you were a stupid dick at 19, so we'll imprison you for life because of it'?


Apparently the guy livestreamed the attack on facebook. :( god damn

He was apparently saying that the Euro would be a graveyard and told people to attack the police, prison guards, journalists and rappers (?), and that it's easy because all the attention of the police is on football supporters :( Shit, I really hope this doesn't escalate.
What a horrible tragedy, but at least the kid survived. Don't blame them they couldn't get him alive with the kid in the scene and him killing the hostage but fuck it still frustrates me that there won't be any interrogations of the criminal that helps establish if it's a legitimate link to ISIL or just a crazy bandwagoner.

Condolences to the family.

Edit: oh fuck, seems like this dude was the real fucking deal in being a recruiter. God dammit, what horrible circumstances.
By all means, get the guy alive if there's no risk. Otherwise, take no prisoners
Practically speaking, how do you remove him and to where? Which country will have him? And if they don't want him, how do you get him there and make sure he doesn't travel back?

Antartica will gladly take him. ^_^

In all seriousness, I wasn't thinking of the difficulties when I posted. It certainly is a tough decision. Seems that the best options we have are to keep such people in jail longer, hope that a sentence such as the one this guy received is enough to rehabilitiate them or kill them.
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