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Paris Terrorist Attacks, 120+ dead. Do not post hearsay/unsourced/old news.

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Just woke up by my dad who wanted to know if anything happened to us, had no idea what he was talking about.
RIP for all the victims and my thoughts for the friends and families. To think that they are people cowardly enough to do this to innocents.
I remember when the Arab Spring started being 100% behind the revolution but right now I'm thinking Russia is right and bashar is better than letting daesh grow. What a fucking mess.


Amazon.com added this to their home page.



8 "people" did this....

Guys I'm just laying in my hotel room and I'm sobbing. I don't post this type of stuff, but I don't know what to do to process all this sadness.

I am in the middle of a "fight" with my really good bud and I just sent him a message saying I didn't care if he blamed me as long as we just talk again. I am literally so sad right now I can't even sleep. These innocent people never should have had to deal with these inhuman poisons.

Can you unpack that for us a bit? What does your 'bud' blame you for?

EDIT: Oh, I snuck into your post history and you mentioned that he and his family are Trump fans. Well, that's a pile of shit that you have to want to climb out of, but it apparently feels/smells great when you're in it. Just know that you're right.


There's rumors of muslims being happy in Paris / near Paris about the attacks and the killing. It's fake. People are debunking these false allegations.

As much as I have issues with Islam, even if it was true that some people were celebrating, it's like that absurd article VICE did yesterday of people celebrating on Twitter. A handful of the scum that says and does things like that is not going to be representative of the 1.6 billion Muslims worldwide, is it now?


Parliament here in the uk stopped the government last year from bombing Syria....I expect the UK government to back soon to ask for the green light now....war is coming

GSG Flash

Nobody ruins my family vacation but me...and maybe the boy!
France will come out of this stronger than ever, I hope every one of ISIS scum is wiped off the face of the earth.

Yeah, I finally remembered his name, it was kobashi100. Looked up his posts and he mostly spent his time arguing that the media was lying about ISIS and they weren't beheading people or selling sex slaves etc. He maintained that killing innocent civilians was a bad thing but went down the rabbit hole pretending ISIS wasn't evil, so I wonder if he's finally snapped out of it by now or if he's only gone further into the craziness.

I believe liger05 was even worse as an ISIS apologist than kobashi. He hasn't posted since January, maybe the CIA finally got him :/


This savagery has no explanation, I don't understand it I don't know why. What the hell man..

So many people murdered, MURDERED. Why the hell? Why FFS?


This savagery has no explanation, I don't understand it I don't know why. What the hell man..

So many people murdered, MURDERED. Why the hell? Why FFS?

It has an explanation, it's just hard to fathom that people can be so deluded by their radical religion that they forget all basic human values.
Everyone's already told you why Japan is different, but you don't listen. Hence SMH.
Nobody has said why Japan is different. Just that it's different, which I even acknowledge. I know the former empire of Japan is not ISIS. I even said the Japan example was only used because their culture was radically different from the west at the time, yet was able to be addressed. I also said they're different because they are a sovereign nation, whereas ISIS is not a traditional government.

I've also acknowledged posters that reminded me of middle east issues post WWI and WWII. And besides that, "everyone" keeps missing the fact I'm saying let's not do what we did in Afghanistan and especially Iraq in regards to support after any military action.

Besides that, I've also said I'm not an expert and am just trying to understand any way to address this as the status quo obviously isn't working. And beyond that, I've also asked for suggestions.

So yeah, that SMH can shove it. It's lazy and not conducive to discussion.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
Dude, the U.S. eviscerated the Japanese religion. Tell me, how did the U.S. invasion of Iraq eviscerate Islam?
It's a little different when the central "god" in that religion can be directly pressured by the US to publically renounce his own godhood.

If the US can go to Iraq and also get Mohommad to come down to renounce his status... Then it's comparable.

The piety towards state Shintoism was hardly as personal as Islam either. It was mostly social ritual.


This kind of stuff is exactly the response groups like ISIS and whoever the perpetrators of this attack are want.

They want Europe to start a backlash, that way their narrative of " West vs Islam" has legs and they can recruit more people for their twisted and misguided cause.

Do you not think them randomly shooting up large cities wouldn't generate that response anyway?

Far right groups can say wtf they like the damage has been done. The entire European continent and it appears from the rhetoric of world leaders that we have all lurched further right last night.
Nobody has said why Japan is different. Just that it's different, which I even acknowledge. I know the former empire of Japan is not ISIS. I even said the Japan example was only used because their culture was radically different from the west at the time, yet was able to be addressed. I also said they're different because they are a sovereign nation, whereas ISIS is not a traditional government.

I've also acknowledged posters that reminded me of middle east issues post WWI and WWII. And besides that, "everyone" keeps missing the fact I'm saying let's not do what we did in Afghanistan and especially Iraq in regards to support after any military action.

Besides that, I've also said I'm not an expert and am just trying to understand any way to address this as the status quo obviously isn't working. And beyond that, I've also asked for suggestions.

So yeah, that SMH can shove it. It's lazy and not conducive to discussion.

So many people have explained it already. Japan had a central leadership and their religion revolved around the emperor. These terrorists are split into god knows how many different sects and then there's the eternal Sunni vs Shiite struggle. How, in the name of god is that similar?
It's a little different when the central "god" in that religion can be directly pressured by the US to publically renounce his own godhood.

If the US can go to Iraq and also get Mohommad to come down to renounce his status... Then it's comparable.

The piety towards state Shintoism was hardly as personal as Islam either. It was mostly social ritual.

Yup, It's also hard to compare a religion that has a billion people in it to a culture that has about...less than 10% of that number in comparison. And Japan got nuked. Iraq did not.


As much as I have issues with Islam, even if it was true that some people were celebrating, it's like that absurd article VICE did yesterday of people celebrating on Twitter. A handful of the scum that says and does things like that is not going to be representative of the 1.6 billion Muslims worldwide, is it now?

Polls have repeatedly showed that sympathizers of terrorists are a non-insignificant percentage in many western countries. Mathematically that proves to be a scary number.


It's a little different when the central "god" in that religion can be directly pressured by the US to publically renounce his own godhood.

If the US can go to Iraq and also get Mohommad to come down to renounce his status... Then it's comparable.

The piety towards state Shintoism was hardly as personal as Islam either. It was mostly social ritual.

Because not all religions are equal? Because Shinto != Islam/Abrahamic Religion

So basically you're saying the problem is in Islam, not Western meddling.


Every time I hear or see an incident of this nature happen anytime or anywhere, this passage resonates with me more and more

- Carl Sagan

Yeah, that quote more or less changed my life. Every time I lose faith in humanity and in our future,, I often call back to it.


As much as I have issues with Islam, even if it was true that some people were celebrating, it's like that absurd article VICE did yesterday of people celebrating on Twitter. A handful of the scum that says and does things like that is not going to be representative of the 1.6 billion Muslims worldwide, is it now?

You're right :)


France will come out of this stronger than ever, I hope every one of ISIS scum is wiped off the face of the earth.

I believe liger05 was even worse as an ISIS apologist than kobashi. He hasn't posted since January, maybe the CIA finally got him :/

Radical/Extremist Islam needs to be wiped off the face of the earth, not just ISIS. ISIS, Boko Haram, Hezbollah, Al-Nusra front, Al-Qaeda, Lashkar-e-Taiba, they're just the many faces of the same body. It's high time either there is reformation and the moderates lead, or eventually you're going to create such a backlash that it amounts of almost outlawing of religious customs.

Additionally, it's time that the US cracks down on Saudi Arabia, the #1 sponsor of terrorism and main source of funding for ISIS and other Sunni terrorist groups. How the fuck this happens after Charlie Hebdo, after that stopped train attack I don't know. The fuck is wrong with Hollande and France? Hundreds butchered today.


Every action causes a reaction and here we are. A clusterfuck.

Never seen a reaction by Japan after dropping 2 nuclear bombs.

it's time that the US cracks down on Saudi Arabia, the #1 sponsor of terrorism and main source of funding for ISIS and other Sunni terrorist groups. How the fuck this happens after Charlie Hebdo, after that stopped train attack I don't know. The fuck is wrong with Hollande and France? Hundreds butchered today.

I agree.


Was getting caught part of your plan?


That is the one of the worst parts of this long-term, along with the fact that we are seemingly helpless against things like this. It's not like we're being attacked by soldiers in uniform, they are attacking from plain sight amongst civilians.
Indeed its such a hard situation for western countries to prepare for. The steps it can take to minimize the risk are steps that absolutely will abolish more freedoms and privacy to give the government more oversight over suspect citizens. Profiling and surveilence are very risky roads, unacceptable even for some people. But the risk of a tragedy like this to occur is worth minimizing as much as you can.
So many people have explained it already. Japan had a central leadership and their religion revolved around the emperor. These terrorists are split into god knows how many different sects and then there's the eternal Sunni vs Shiite struggle. How, in the name of god is that similar?

I mean, I basically addressed that in that first paragraph? I even explicitly stated I completely understand that the Japanese empire is different from ISIS. But the similarity was that fact that the cultures were foreign to western powers like the US. So.. going further, the vastly different nature of Japanese culture being foreign to the US didn't prevent the ultimate rebuilding of that nation. But of course things are additionally complicated as ISIS isn't a traditional nation, like I have already said.

It's why I also said that a full-blown conflict would cost an indeterminate amount of lives as any military operation would probably sweep through multiple countries within the middle east.

I further said that I fully understand that the political will does not and will not exist for such a move - unless attacks like these continue. However, something has to be done as this is not sustainable. I even asked you what do you think would be a good course of action as I'm not an expert.
People need to get these WW2 fantasies out their minds. That time is long gone and the world that existed then could not be any different from the one we live in now. Vietnam was the beginning of this new reality, then Soviet Afghan War and now the War on Terror. The days where it was all real simple and people signed unconditional surrenders on board a battleship while posing for photos don't exist anymore. No matter how much you want them to.

The sooner you stop living in the past, the sooner you can actually confront the issues.
Additionally, it's time that the US cracks down on Saudi Arabia, the #1 sponsor of terrorism and main source of funding for ISIS and other Sunni terrorist groups. How the fuck this happens after Charlie Hebdo, after that stopped train attack I don't know. The fuck is wrong with Hollande and France? Hundreds butchered today.

What exactly should this crackdown look like ? There are tens of millions of Wahabists in Saudi Arabia who are dedicated to their religion and will fight any attempt to seize from them their lands or wealth. You can't simply stop buying their oil, the global economy still relies too much on it.


People need to get these WW2 fantasies out their minds. That time is long gone and the world that existed then could not be any different from the one we live in now. Vietnam was the beginning of this new reality, then Soviet Afghan War and now the War on Terror. The days where it was all real simple and people signed unconditional surrenders on board a battleship while posing for photos don't exist anymore. No matter how much you want them to.

Yeah, and why would we even want to return to that period of disgusting human atrocity? Evolve past it and be better. Cause bombing the shit out of everything isn't the problem solver, it's a problem creator.


People need to get these WW2 fantasies out their minds. That time is long gone and the world that existed then could not be any different from the one we live in now. Vietnam was the beginning of this new reality, then Soviet Afghan War and now the War on Terror. The days where it was all real simple and people signed unconditional surrenders on board a battleship while posing for photos don't exist anymore. No matter how much you want them to.

The sooner you stop living in the past, the sooner you can actually confront the issues.

What are you trying to say?


People need to get these WW2 fantasies out their minds. That time is long gone and the world that existed then could not be any different from the one we live in now. Vietnam was the beginning of this new reality, then Soviet Afghan War and now the War on Terror. The days where it was all real simple and people signed unconditional surrenders on board a battleship while posing for photos don't exist anymore. No matter how much you want them to.

These really are dire times when people are describing WW2 as the good old days for warfare. :(


Yep. I doubt the authorities will let us make a similar march this time, since those latest attacks targeted random crowds of people.
With 200 wounded with a lot who are seriously injured, at some point they might be right...


. The fuck is wrong with Hollande and France? .

Let's be honest, there's not much that could have been done to prevent that. At each defused terror attack this year you had counter terrorist experts saying sooner or later one will pass through, and that was today. It could have been the train last time, and we have to prepare for it to happen again.
Of course we'll take new actions to fight those people, but you can't expect them to solve everything overnight (if ever) unfortunately.
Parliament here in the uk stopped the government last year from bombing Syria....I expect the UK government to back soon to ask for the green light now....war is coming

That was in August 2013. And it was to bomb Assad after the chemical weapons attack that killed thousands.

Which would have helped groups like ISIS which were not at the stage they are now.

Before spouting rubbish again, take the time to read up first.


Let's be honest, there's not much that could have been done to prevent that. At each defused terror attack this year you had counter terrorist experts saying sooner or later one will pass through, and that was today. It could have been the train last time, and we have to prepare for it to happen again.
Of course we'll take new actions to fight those people, but you can't expect them to solve everything overnight (if ever) unfortunately.

How the fuck do 8 individuals arm themselves with military grade assault rifles and hundreds of rounds of ammo, gain explosives and suicide bomb vests and coordinate and communicate well enough to target several areas in succession? That means it's an intelligence failure, especially after the train and Charlie Hebdo attacks, whereby security and intelligence should be on high alert, especially in Paris, the major city of the country.
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