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Paris Terrorist Attacks, 120+ dead. Do not post hearsay/unsourced/old news.

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As if this bullshit is the West's fault.

I'm not even beginning to imply this. But let's be honest. On a larger whole, the West has had a great part in helping to breed Extremist thinking. Of course it's a lot more complex than that but one can't deny that is plays a part.


Unconfirmed Member
No, the point is we've done more harm to Japan than the Middle East. Yet, you see terrorist from the middle East than Japan who had more atrocities done against them.

Sure, Japan is good and radical muslim terrorists are bad.

I'm still not seeing how we can use that to better understand this situation or its possible solutions.


You gonna nuke an ideology that spans across nearly ever continent? What about the extremists in our own countries? You gonna nuke them too?

Well..... if you were to do something like this the most logical site to blast into oblivion would be the holiest site for the faith:


(i am in no way condoning, suggesting or implying this should be done)
Just woke up, is it over?

What kind of question is this?

No. Its not. Bodies are still being found, the city is still very tense, and in the time it took for you to come to GAF, find this thread, and post this...you could have easily found write ups twice as fast.

At the moments the attacks have stopped. You can easily find write ups.


I'm not even beginning to imply this. But let's be honest. On a larger whole, the West has had a great part in helping to breed Extremist thinking. Of course it's a lot more complex than that but one can't deny that is plays a part.

You're not beginning to imply this, yet immediately after you are explicitly saying it is partially the West's fault?


And what's upsetting is the western world is largely unmoved by that compared with what just happened in Paris. That's the heart of the problem, I guess.
Why would the West be moved? We have our own problems, and this has taken place close to home. I've been to Paris this year, and multiple European/US cities.

I'm worried that this will turn out to be homegrown, citizens of France (or other EU countries), which have been influenced by ISIS/Al-Qaeda.


What's "Islamic terrorism"? I assume that's just more bullshit condemning an entire group of people, given opportunity of a tragedy/soapbox.

Acts of terrorism committed by Muslims who follow the Islamic religion and use their own interpretations to justify their actions. Hence, radical Islamists, Islamic terrorists. Just like groups of the IRA were often called catholic terrorists, or Jewish extremists, Sikh terrorists, Hindu terrorists. Certain imams or preachers use certain texts or interpretations to try and exploit and justify this shit.

You can't deny Islam isn't a factor in this, especially it's the one constant. Some of the Charlie Hebdo attackers were North African, the 9/11 hijackers were Yemeni/Saudi, most of ISIS is Iraqi/Syrian, Boko Haram is majority Nigerian African what's the uniting constant? There are extreme aspects of Islam and extreme interpretations that help justify their actions, just like Christianity in the past allowed for the burning of women at the stake as witches etc.
No, the point is we've done more harm to Japan than the Middle East. Yet, you see terrorist from the middle East than Japan who had more atrocities done against them.

So your point is there are more terrorists coming out of the middle east than Japan because reasons? and FYI the Japanese were brainwashed too during WW2 (human wave attacks, kamikaze). That was a different era.

The Middle East is made up of hundreds of millions of people comprised of different ethnicity, religion, geography etc. 8 people dont represent the middle east.

The best way to get rid of extremism is to stop supporting the people who fund, and spawn this ideology in the first place. Education and aid to the vulnerable across the world, to people who are susceptible to falling for garbage backwards ass organizations.


You're not beginning to imply this, yet immediately after you are explicitly saying it is partially the West's fault?

I am saying that it takes two to tango. No one is immediately at fault. It is far more complex than that. Please don't take this to heart.
I'm not even beginning to imply this. But let's be honest. On a larger whole, the West has had a great part in helping to breed Extremist thinking. Of course it's a lot more complex than that but one can't deny that is plays a part.

It's really not as complex as many people wish it to be. It's all about a single book which nobody dares to read. We had this situation before.


Just struck me as something a person would say when trying to make a shitty point rather than an apt descriptor.
It is a shitty point, but at the same time an important one when everything is trying to pussy around it. It is the same like blaming every school schooting on the mental problems of one individual. It is throwing your hands up in the air and saying, it is not something that could be stopped because it is just one mentally troubled individual.
I'm not even beginning to imply this. But let's be honest. On a larger whole, the West has had a great part in helping to breed Extremist thinking. Of course it's a lot more complex than that but one can't deny that is plays a part.

You arent implying it you are just outright staing it go on keep blaming the victim.
For a few seconds when I woke up, I had completely forgotten this had happened. This was good.

At least all my friends have finally replied. Some simply went to bed early and woke up to the horror of it all. My wife isn't canceling any of the things she intended to do in Paris today, she figures we've got to keep on living.

Just in case you weren't aware, James Woods is a completely rancid piece of shit.
This is incredibly secondary in the face of all this shit but after Rob Lowe, another opportunist moron going to the shitlist. Fuck that asshole.


It doesn't matter who we are, what matters is our plan.
What kind of question is this?

No. Its not. Bodies are still being found, the city is still very tense, and in the time it took for you to come to GAF, find this thread, and post this...you could have easily found write ups twice as fast.

At the moments the attacks have stopped. You can easily find write ups.

There's no need for this.
What kind of question is this?

No. Its not. Bodies are still being found, the city is still very tense, and in the time it took for you to come to GAF, find this thread, and post this...you could have easily found write ups twice as fast.

At the moments the attacks have stopped. You can easily find write ups.

Obviously I meant are the attacks over, and no, it wouldn't have been quicker to find news anywhere else since my phone unlocks to this thread.
You're talking about a region that has known conflict for thousands of years. What are you talking about this status quo cannot continue? No shit it can't but that's life. Given how long this has been going on for, it might be wise to learn to live with it because it's VERY unlikely it will be solved in your lifetime.

You'd have to achieve peace in Israel/Palestine. You'd have to bridge sectarian conflicts between Sunni vs. Shiite. It'd be easier to colonize Mars than solve that shit.

Learning to live with it isn't an option. It's a non-starter and I think you know that. There is going to be a response. And my point is if there is going to be a response and if military is the course of action here, it has to be thorough as much as possible. The "status quo" of drone strikes and related actions are not working and will not work. So escalation is likely and probably required.

Agreed that issues brought on by WWI, WWII, the creation of Isreal are fundamental issues that have to be addressed along with that. And in other posts previously in this thread, I mentioned that.


Sure. I am absolutely with you on that. But you have to admit that it certainly plays a part in leading and encouraging impressionable religious individuals to those extremist ideologies.

So people don't get me wrong I am in no way excusing what happened last night. It's inexcusable and downright gross.


I'm sorry and I know this is a pile-on, but this is almost infant level of reasoning. You know what makes Japan different? Japan was a fully industrialized nation with a future to worry about. You bomb some random villages in Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, Liberia, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, (yeah, you're going to have to kill a lot of people in different countries) - what you're doing is just cultivating more terrorists in a people with nothing to lose. Japanese and Germans had something to lose. Poor, impoverished, and uneducated don't.

We changed the religion of Japan. Would you support invading Saudi Arabia and declaring Allah doesn't exist?
Sure. I am absolutely with you on that. But you have to admit that it certainly plays a part in leading and encouraging religious fanatics to those extremist ideologies.

So people don't get me wrong I am in no way excusing what happened last night. It's inexcusable and downright gross.
I need a safe place.


When it comes to religious fundamentalism, it really doesn't take two to tango.

The West gave them an enemy to unite and hate on instead of each other. From Churchill gleefully gassing and murdering thousands in Iraq and abroad to the creation of Israel to the numerous government upheavals we specifically aided - I mean, we've only made it worse. We're not the cause of the strife, but we helped focus and intensify it with our aimless policy decisions (we as in the rich western world btw, this isn't only on America) in the Middle East going back to the days of the Ottoman Empire.

It's a sad history.


This fucking shit has been on my mind all day. Its just so close to home at typical places me and the girlfriend visit. I cant even fathom the sheer sense of horror when you're in there with your loved one(s) and people around you are being slaughtered. Fuck these dumbshit subhuman filthbags.
People need to get these WW2 fantasies out their minds. That time is long gone and the world that existed then could not be any different from the one we live in now. Vietnam was the beginning of this new reality, then Soviet Afghan War and now the War on Terror. The days where it was all real simple and people signed unconditional surrenders on board a battleship while posing for photos don't exist anymore. No matter how much you want them to.

The sooner you stop living in the past, the sooner you can actually confront the issues.

You're acting as if we just asked them to show up on the battleship. It took an incredible human toll to make that happen, including two nuclear weapons. Not to diminish those involved but those other wars are potatoes compared to the world wars. Over 50,000 British died on the first day of the Somme. The US lost about 5,000 throughout the entire Iraq War, 11 years of war. We are spoiled by the times right now.
Learning to live with it isn't an option. It's a non-starter and I think you know that. There is going to be a response. And my point is if there is going to be a response and if military is the course of action here, it has to be through as much as possible. The "status quo" of drone strikes and related actions are not working and will not work. So escalation is likely and probably required.

Agreed that issues brought on by WWI, WWII, the creation of Isreal are fundamental issues that have to be addressed along with that. And in other posts previously in this thread, I mentioned that.

Do me a favor right now and it's real simple. Explain to me what military action would have stopped the Boston bombers from doing what they did.

You also said you're not an expert so maybe you should stop stubbornly defending every single thing you say as gospel and open your mind to what people are trying to explain to you.
This website is a ceesepool so much vicrim blaming going on. Sure we asked for it we made them attack us peoples families are being torn apart and a good deal of you subhumans blame the victims.


The West gave them an enemy to unite and hate on instead of each other. From Churchill gleefully gassing and murdering thousands in Iraq and abroad to the creation of Israel to the numerous government upheavals we specifically aided - I mean, we've only made it worse. We're not the cause of the strife, but we helped focus and intensify it with our aimless policy decisions (we as in the rich western world btw, this isn't only on America) in the Middle East going back to the days of the Ottoman Empire.

It's a sad history.

Thank you. This is exactly what I was trying to say.


Sure, Japan is good and radical muslim terrorists are bad.

I'm still not seeing how we can use that to better understand this situation or its possible solutions.

Japan was never good, they did many horrible human atrocities. The only good thing they did was not bringing up their children into hating the Western world for bombing them with nuclear weapons and changing their religion.


I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
What's "Islamic terrorism"? I assume that's just more bullshit condemning an entire group of people, given opportunity of a tragedy/soapbox.

If you think that terror perpetrated and supported by people who shout "allahu akbar" while they are massacring people, who willingly blow themselves up because they "love death more than [we] love life", and who associate with the "Islamic State", which regularly publishes theological justifications for its actions, are not warranted to be labeled "Islamic", then you have been blinded by a miscalibrated identity politics. It should go without saying that this does not mean that all Muslims are islamists or jihadists, but apparently it's not obvious to you.

What Islamic texts have you read so far?
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