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Paris Terrorist Attacks, 120+ dead. Do not post hearsay/unsourced/old news.

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Wow, ive just learned from this.
My condolences to the families, hope all parisGAF is well and sound.

Im pñretty scared right now, when are this attacks going to stop? Is super hard to erradicate this types of groups that want to die to become stronger and have more followers.


That video of people running and hanging out of the building is disgusting. I don't know how people are capable of doing such horrible shit to other people.


Terrible, awful news all around, but unfortunately this is to be expected. France is at war with IS after all, and war... war never changes (
sorry, I had to
). It's just a matter of time before they probably hit another city.
Wahabbism and Salafism has been in existence for centuries and predates ISIS and AQ. They're akin to Nazism in their supremacist ideology. Much like Nazism and Japanese Imperialism was confronted, outlawed and subdued so must these two ideologies. Unfortunately the country behind those ideology is a US ally.

These sects need a "Ningen-sengen" moment, but who's going to create the right conditions for that and spread it?


Nintendo's Pro Bono PR Firm
It's no consolation, but if their Stade de France plan hadn't gone awry, we'd be looking at much higher figures.

We don't know what happened there but I'm fairly certain their plan wasn't to have 3 of their guys blow up to kill one single person while 80,000 people were in a stadium right next to them.
It would have been filmed live on TV. Traumatic. Euro 2016 is in France, stadiums entrance controls will need to be huge.
Quoting again for fresh page:

ISIS behind it. What a MASSIVE security fail.

All the hyper-surveillance in the world and they never saw this coming.

Edit: Missed soul's post.


Fuck... I can imagine some politicians will now demand more extreme interrogations of terrorist suspects
Human emotional reaction to tragedy. You can't blame anyone for thinking this way especially if it hit close to home or at home. I highly doubt if the one they got doesn't talk theyre going to just give up and sentence. He will be interrogated fiercely whether he chooses to talk or not dictates how far it's going to go.
My thoughts are with all affected by this. This is such a horrendous act. Now that ISIS have claimed full responsibility (as if it was going to be anyone else) they have just become the hunted.
Wahabbism and Salafism has been in existence for centuries and predates ISIS and AQ. They're akin to Nazism in their supremacist ideology. Much like Nazism and Japanese Imperialism was confronted, outlawed and subdued so must these two ideologies. Unfortunately the country behind those ideology is a US ally.
Yes. A staunch US ally. And it seems cutting the faucet off at the source is not going to happen because of that.
Don't take it personal or be upset and name-call, man. This is my opinion. It's definitely blowback.

But that's no reason it's a temper tantrum. You think that blowback is some sort of valid explanation for this sort of thing? That's like trying to excuse the actions of mentally ill people by saying that they are victims of society or some other vague hand waving explanation. The problem with these murderers is that their heads are messed up not "blowback."


So more full scale NATO meddling in the Mideast? I'm for supporting our allies, but the military stayed for over 10 years and that only resulted in creating more extremists, hundreds of thousands dead, American military murdering civilians and being complicit with child rapists. How are they gonna fight this virulent ideology to actually get rid of it and its offshoots?


Hi, I'm nortonff. I spend my life going into threads to say that I don't care about the topic of the thread. It's a really good use of my time.
Any English translation of the official ISIS statement?

My girlsfriend is travelling around Europe next month, during christmas and new year. Fuck.

Juicy Bob

Does it really matter what ISIS's reasons or justifications for the attack are?

There is zero reason or justification for murdering innocent people. We should not give them a voice.
But that's no reason it's a temper tantrum. You think that blowback is some sort of valid explanation for this sort of thing? That's like trying to excuse the actions of mentally ill people by saying that they are victims of society or some other vague hand waving explanation. The problem with these murderers is that their heads are messed up not "blowback."
Yes, I do. Once we get that communique translated (my French is terrible), we may have clues to motives. But this type of thing is textbook blowback though.


Junior Member
Keep your moronic accusations to yourself. We're all trying to make sense of this.

I asked you to explain yourself. You called me a moron. Yes we are all dealing with it in our way, but if you say something super vague that insinuates a conspiracy, is asking you to clarify moronic? Or did I misrepresent your intentions, which could easily be corrected by you correcting me, and then I would apologize.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
Does it really matter what ISIS's reasons or justifications for the attack are?

There is zero reason or justification for murdering innocent people. We should not give them a voice.
Yes I agree. But it's useful for the world to know that they have claimed responsibility.


This is just awful, I'm actually pretty fucking scared right now. I live in Italy and I often go to Rome to visit my relatives, think I'm gonna go less often now. I feel so sorry for our french brothers.

Shame France (and EU are part too). You are failed on protection for your own people.

I won't be surprised there will be more in France soon. Their agents need to be sorted.

holy shit dude...edit this post asap
I think the Russian strikes really hurt them. Daesh has to project power abroad now.

It's crazy how US intel knew Daesh was gonna happen but just let it be to use leverage against Assad. What a huge mistake.
If they have that much intel to say for certain it's really serious the attacks were not prevented.

It's also surprising that the U.S. did not hear about any of the planned attacks.

A U.S. official briefed by the Justice Department says intelligence officials were not aware of any threats before a series of attacks in Paris.


And that's scary to me... who knows when their next attack is on Western soil, they've come up with ways to plan these attacks undetected.


As someone going into London this afternoon, their threat to attack London among other cities next is a little unnerving.

I don't think it's too easy to get weapons and such in the UK in comparison to mainland Europe and I imagine crooks have some morals if some terrorist came asking for stuff.


Perhaps that. But mostly blowback.

Absolutely. Given what we know right now, this was some major, well-planned, and well-executed shit. Very professionally done. Targets chosen with some thought behind it.

Daesh has some deep connections in Paris to pull of some coordinated shit like this.

I'd bet good money that whoever built those explosive devices lives or lived in that area recently. Smuggling the components needed to construct them is a lot easier than smuggling the entire devices. I hope they bring the entire network down.


I asked you to explain yourself. You called me a moron. Yes we are all dealing with it in our way, but if you say something super vague that insinuates a conspiracy, is asking you to clarify moronic? Or did I misrepresent your intentions, which could easily be corrected by you correcting me, and then I would apologize.

I assumed you thought I was saying the French government had prior knowledge of the attacks and let them happen, and hence my calling that accusation moronic. ISIS are the most watched terror group on the planet at the moment, it seems far fetched they let something of this magnitude slip through the cracks.

Hip Hop

I don't think it's too easy to get weapons and such in the UK in comparison to mainland Europe and I imagine crooks have some morals if some terrorist came asking for stuff.

I really don't think they go around asking for people for guns.

They smuggle those in.
I'd bet good money that whoever built those explosive devices lives or lived in that area recently. Smuggling the components needed to construct them is a lot easier than smuggling the entire devices. I hope they bring the entire network down.
Yeah, man. I'm still not over how they managed to get so far as to carry this out. And I'm still shocked that French intel didn't have a clue.
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