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Paris Terrorist Attacks, 120+ dead. Do not post hearsay/unsourced/old news.

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or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
I never tend to put the onus of blame on intelligence agencies.

If I wanted to plan something with 15-20 people that the government has no idea about, believe you me, I could do it.
buddy of mine having no news of his cousin, she was in the restaurant that got attacked. He's flying to paris (from london) to help his familly. We fear she might be badly wounded if she never gave any news (she's not on the victim lists)


Figure out who is actually funding them. Then freeze and seize their assets, and send them to jail for financing terrorism. If these groups don't have money they really can't effectively operate, IMO.

I'm with chasing the money and bringing those funding IS to account.


ISIS is an eschatology cult that wants to bring about the end of the world why are people defending and/or trying to downplay their belief system?


Fucking Daesh. Scum. Wipe them out.
I want this to happen. I just don't know how
ISIS is an eschatology cult that wants to bring about the end of the world why are people defending and/or trying to downplay their belief system?

No one is defending DAESH belief system, but if you making a blanket statement on Muslims and Islam then it will be defended as your claim would be irrational. DAESH interpretation has no place and mahority of Muslims would love to see them wiped out along with their beliefs.


Junior Member
Western passports enable them to live in and travel to Western countries undetected.
how's that keep happening?

So scary.
I wonder if it was ignored by their leadership, the same way Bush ignored warning all year until September 11th...
I don't know what to make of it. I just know that US intel knew about Daesh years ago and thought they could use them as leverage. The half-ass airstrikes for a full year didn't even do shit either.


My facebook wall is rife with people trying to politicize this issue already (against Canadian PM Trudeau). I mean for fuck's sake, it hasn't even been 24 hours.
I wonder if it was ignored by their leadership, the same way Bush ignored warning all year until September 11th...
Germany warned them when they arrested the 50 yr old man with weapons hidden recently. They had been at a heightened state of alert the last few days and that's on top of already being at high alert. They didn't ignore anything this type of aggression is so hard to predict. There are so many means of encrypted and secure transmission. France has to be over extended trying to keep tabs on all possible extremists. They are actually some of the best at counter terrorism and that's what's frightening. As far as Bush ignoring all year that is just false. If you read the 9/11 report he was being briefed on it. I have seen multiple interviews with the investigators and they don't blame him. I am no supporter of Bush but to blame him for 9/11 or to say he ignored it is just false.


Honorary Canadian.
The David in Florence


Ugh cmon NSFW!!! I don't need to see that! Gross!

(Thought a joke might cheer people up)
In May, Judicial Watch obtained and published a declassified Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) report from 2012.

It reveals that “[t]he West, Gulf countries, and Turkey” were supporting the opposition force — described in the document as consisting of “the Salafist, The Muslim Brotherhood, and [Al Qeada in Iraq]” — fighting against the Syrian government. The intelligence correctly predicted the rise of a “salafist principality” that would be used to “isolate the Syrian regime”. This makes Obama’s statement about misjudging the rise of ISIS seem quite disingenuous; as he blamed the rise of ISIS on a US-trained Iraqi Army’s lack of will to fight as opposed to the generous funding and support it continues to receive from his administration’s own allies.

This was making the rounds in the news earlier this year in late spring/early summer. Never got the attention it deserved in mainstream press - for obvious reasons.

More on this story from the Guardian.


Junior Member
So sad. I'm worried the threat of ISIS will persist. The French and many other countries will retaliate, but then so will ISIS.

These fuckers need to be purged and extinguished from humanity.


Germany warned them when they arrested the 50 yr old man with weapons hidden recently. They had been at a heightened state of alert the last few days and that's on top of already being at high alert. They didn't ignore anything this type of aggression is so hard to predict. There are so many means of encrypted and secure transmission. France has to be over extended trying to keep tabs on all possible extremists. They are actually some of the best at counter terrorism and that's what's frightening. As far as Bush ignoring all year that is just false. If you read the 9/11 report he was being briefed on it. I have seen multiple interviews with the investigators and they don't blame him. I am no supporter of Bush but to blame him for 9/11 or to say he ignored it is just false.

Bush did ignore multiple warning starting as soon as he took office. Including one stating an attack is imminent two months prior to the September 11th. He did not take Al Quada seriously, at all.


Junior Member
Well they could very possibly be French. So yeah it's not hard for French people to get French passports.

because a lot of the time they're natives.

I wouldn't be surprised if the terrorists in this case were French

There is always a chance they are even french born citizens just like the Charlie Hebdo terrorists.

Not much what national, I mean travel to Western countries undetected. Like what the fuck.
No wondering how easy to get trafficking round main EU.


Gold Member
I'm so fucking furious. JUST FUCKING DIE, you filthy, evil animals. Die and burn in hell (if such a place existed). They need to be exterminated, that's all there is to it. This can't go on. FUCK.

RIP, victims. So pointless.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
I feel like the Al Qaida-led 9/11 which led into the entirely unrelated Bush Administration-led Iraq War continues to do hidden damage.

It taught an entire generation that military interference was always irrational and unjustified, because it was entirely corrupt and insane. We became justifiably afraid of using the western war machine because it was run by opportunists who hit whatever target they want for their own agenda reasons.

But If ISIS is behind these attacks, it's pretty rational to say "let's stop them". But we as a global society are very uneasy about this course of action after the experience of the last 15 years.

On this night I want to give a giant fuck you to Bin Laden and to Bush. Their interplay has made us impotent in reaction to real and clear threats.


I assumed you thought I was saying the French government had prior knowledge of the attacks and let them happen, and hence my calling that accusation moronic. ISIS are the most watched terror group on the planet at the moment, it seems far fetched they let something of this magnitude slip through the cracks.

It's not far fetched considering it was a handful of people in a country with a muslim population of about 5 million, and your intelligence office of less than a 100 people is trying to watch over 5000 people of interest in relation to any sort of radical Islamic organizations.

It's only far fetched if you think government intelligence agencies are completely omniscient. Or the more likely possibility of an extremely small group of people communicating with contacts, possibly outside the country, hiding in a huge population of innocent civilians were able to cause a huge loss of life.

Just think about it, they can't violate or even have the manpower and resources to keep tabs on the thousands of people in the country listed as being possibly connected to Daash, Al-Queada, the Taliban, or radical Islam. Any of them. They slipped through the cracks because no matter what a government does short of martial law, there's going to be cracks. That's exactly what loosely formed terrorist organizations that don't have the equipment or training to fight an actual first world military force are best at. They don't do anything to draw attention to themselves until the moment they all decide to attack.
People who believe this kind of terrorism could have been stopped by the IFA needs to have their reality checked, pronto.

There is not a single thing you can do against this kind of violence, and having boots on the ground is just a simple bandage on an already gaping wound.


May I have a cookie?
So sad. I'm worried the threat of ISIS will persist. The French and many other countries will retaliate, but then so will ISIS.

These fuckers need to be purged and extinguished from humanity.

They should have been demolished 18 months ago. I don't think there has been a more just cause to go to war in our lifetime. The level of apathy is sad, really.


“Think of the endless cruelties visited by the inhabitants of one corner of this pixel on the scarcely distinguishable inhabitants of some other corner, how frequent their misunderstandings, how eager they are to kill one another, how fervent their hatreds. Think of the rivers of blood spilled by all those generals and emperors so that, in glory and triumph, they could become the momentary masters of a fraction of a dot.”

― Carl Sagan
Pale Blue Dot


watching Today show and one of the French soccer player's sister was at the concert venue but she escaped, wow.


How is the West supposed to deal with IS? There needs to be a massive reaction now.
Bombing a Russian plane and attacking Paris might have been a major mistake by ISIS because it might bring the whole word together against them.


“Think of the endless cruelties visited by the inhabitants of one corner of this pixel on the scarcely distinguishable inhabitants of some other corner, how frequent their misunderstandings, how eager they are to kill one another, how fervent their hatreds. Think of the rivers of blood spilled by all those generals and emperors so that, in glory and triumph, they could become the momentary masters of a fraction of a dot.”

― Carl Sagan
Pale Blue Dot

Think of the sons and daughters of the slain :(

I'm sorry. I don't want to start an argument. That is an enigmatic quote by an amazing human.


Junior Member
Not much what national, I mean travel to Western countries undetected. Like what the fuck.
No wondering how easy to get trafficking round main EU.

I assume you are not a native English speaker. But whatever you are trying to say is coming off really poorly right now.
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