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Paris Terrorist Attacks, 120+ dead. Do not post hearsay/unsourced/old news.

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They should have been demolished 18 months ago. I don't think there has been a more just cause to go to war in our lifetime. The level of apathy is sad, really.
sadly the western world would rather turn a blind eye to the mess we are partially responsible for. The US's foreign policy, especially these last several years have been a total mess
I think the only way to do it is to stop all migration to western countries. Don't you agree?

We can argue left and right about our European immigration policies but leaving our borders closed will not miraculously solve these type of terrorism actions.

There are people being 'bred' by the likes of ISIS and Al Qaeda where their sole thought is suppose to be that everything other than Islam is bad and should be erradicated from the face of the earth.

You cannot defend yourself from that.
Waiting for a source on Bagnolet (right east of Paris). Browsing through Twitter, I found a lady complaining about firecrackers :

@FBergerolle: Stop aux stupides qui jouent avec ces drames. Bagnolet des petits cons jouent avec des pétards et effraient mon quartier

I wonder if he was a "refugee".
At least I don't wonder if this post was "putrid shit".


Junior Member
Calm down everyone. There is no need to spit on my English or post just because you disagreed with it.

I'm happy to talk seriously, but it seem pointless now and gone to the wrong way.


buddy of mine having no news of his cousin, she was in the restaurant that got attacked. He's flying to paris (from london) to help his familly. We fear she might be badly wounded if she never gave any news (she's not on the victim lists)

I hope it's not too serious. My sister used to work at one of the bars that got hit.

That the murderers attacked places where innocents go to have fun and enjoy life says a lot about their hatefulness and cowardice.


Wouldn't be surprised to see a push to forbid anyone who has visited/come from Syria from entering the country.
And from everything I have read that is exactly what ISIS wants. To have those who disagree with them trying to flee to the west be told no and have them be "shown" that the west doesn't care about them but they(ISIS) does.

Edit: I know it's almost conspiracy level but what if the passport was "planted" to incite reactions against Syrian refugees?
Calm down everyone. There is no need to spit on my English or post just because you disagreed with it.

I'm happy to talk seriously, but it seem pointless now and gone to the wrong way.

They're not spitting on your post because of your English or the fact they just disagree with you... You blamed a terrorist attack on the nation instead of the terrorists. Stop trying to make it seem like others are persecuting you for other shit.


Calm down everyone. There is no need to spit on my English or post just because you disagreed with it.

I'm happy to talk seriously, but it seem pointless now and gone to the wrong way. Another shame from gaffers :(

Your not talking seriously at all, shame on yourself posting crap like that


Calm down everyone. There is no need to spit on my English or post just because you disagreed with it.

I'm happy to talk seriously, but it seem pointless now and gone to the wrong way.

"Gone the wrong way" is putting it mildly. You actually blamed the terrorist attack on France, and told them to be ashamed.



What is Article 5?

NATO Article 5:

This principle is enshrined in Article 5 of the North Atlantic Treaty, which states that an attack on one Ally shall be considered an attack on all Allies. NATO invoked Article 5 of the Washington Treaty for the first time in its history following the 9/11 terrorist attacks against the United States.


Dunno, but it got to be there are some border check. It seem I could bring tons of heroin to EU very easy.

Oh yeah? I seriously hope you try lol.

Get an actual metric tonne of heroin across the continent of Europe, and post your results from an international prison.


I'm sure you realize how easy it is to just type words about how easy it would've been for them to prevent this if they just did border checks? What are border checks? Checking to see if the borders are still letting people through like they're supposed to be? Have you heard about the refugee crisis in Europe? Do they just close the borders and let the millions who AREN'T going to strap on suicide vests in downtown Paris just be told to go home?

Or do you seriously think they have the time and resources to stop and frisk every single person who gets off an airplane, drives across in their car, or is stuck in a refugee camp just outside of a city? Come on man, these things just aren't plausible when you consider how many people they have would have to deal with every second if they don't want anyone sitting around in a country for years without being able to legally or afford get a job, license, car, house.
Guys, don't forget that Daesh also pulled off something similar earlier this week in Beirut. Western press didn't condemn because it was a neighborhood with heavy support for Hezbollah.


It was only a matter of time I guess. But still that doesn't excuse the people behind these attacks.

Why is it so hard for people to understand one another on a basic level. If you need to make your point with a gun in your hand, your point is most likely invalid. Like the Spanish premier said: that isn't a fight between religions but between civilization and barbarism.

Thoughts go out to all the families and friends that now need to continue with their lives without their loved ones.
So sad. I'm worried the threat of ISIS will persist. The French and many other countries will retaliate, but then so will ISIS.

These fuckers need to be purged and extinguished from humanity.
The ISIS threat will persist. No major force is willing to go all in against them.
Do we think this attack will invoke Article 5?
Maybe, wouldn't mind that honestly.
Guys, don't forget that Daesh also pulled off something similar earlier this week in Beirut. Western press didn't condemn because it was a neighborhood with heavy support for Hezbollah.
French press sure as hell condemned it.

Conflicting reports about one or several car chases in the west of Paris.

Can hear helicopters.
I've seen "reports" (i.e. Tweets) mentioning East (Bagnolet) and West (Boulogne).
I've also seen tweets saying they live there and haven't seen or heard anything though.


Honorary Canadian.
Here's the thing. This is a culture war and only one side is fighting. The other side has tied one arm behind it's back while it's citizenry admonish themselves for even engaging.

This whole movement of trying to rationalize evil is very Chamberlain-esque and it's never worked before in human history. I don't know why so many people are willing to sit and say violence doesn't stop violence. Tell that to the Nazi. Tell that to the Japanese who were utterly destroying Asia in WW2.

I understand that it's asymmetrical warfare we're talking about here, but that doesn't excuse the west for sitting on its hands and hoping for the best.

I mean, we saw these people commit atrocity after atrocity and did nothing! Maybe it's time to pay attention, and admit that humanity is only going to be as civilized as its lowest people.

We have a choice: admit that there's a severe problem and act or sit back and wait for the next atrocity. But the most infuriating thing is we already know what's going to change. Nothing. And we've been getting mad at the same shit since Munich and still we refuse to admit that this is a very real war people have declared on our way of life.

My only hope is that this time will spur the world into action.

I'll probably get banned for this post and I'm sorry if I offend anyone, but Islamic extremism isn't going away so we should probably stop acting like it will.
And from everything I have read that is exactly what ISIS wants. To have those who disagree with them trying to flee to the west be told no and have them be "shown" that the west doesn't care about them but they(ISIS) does.

Edit: I know it's almost conspiracy level but what if the passport was "planted" to incite reactions against Syrian refugees?

Supposedly ISIS wants us to attack them as well. Does that mean we should just stand down?


Junior Member
How did they find the passport on the suicide bomber? I'm curious why he had a passport on him in the first place, unless he arrived in the country on the same day.
Basically France would be saying that the country or state declared by isis had attacked them and that the whole of nato have to attack isis

Other states could also just send a postcard with some nice messages. Article 5 doesn't define how other NATO states must react.


Police actively searching for accomplices. They are now certain they were not alone.
Police is entering a blackout of information not to give too much away.
(source : FR2 channel)
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