Yeah I hear there's a "crisis" in Syria where "hundreds of thousands of people have been displaced and face desperate conditions" because their home country is a "wartorn hellscape."I wonder if he was a "refugee".
Yeah I hear there's a "crisis" in Syria where "hundreds of thousands of people have been displaced and face desperate conditions" because their home country is a "wartorn hellscape."I wonder if he was a "refugee".
How did they find the passport on the suicide bomber? I'm curious why he had a passport on him in the first place, unless he arrived in the country on the same day.
That's what I ask myself.How did they find the passport on the suicide bomber? I'm curious why he had a passport on him in the first place, unless he arrived in the country on the same day.
How did they find the passport on the suicide bomber? I'm curious why he had a passport on him in the first place, unless he arrived in the country on the same day.
Well, that makes me feel safer.
Nato. When a Nato nation is attacked it can call for all Nato nations to join them in the fight.
I believe the US issued it after 9/11
Here's the thing. This is a culture war and only one side is fighting. The other side has tied one arm behind it's back while it's citizenry admonish themselves for even engaging.
This whole movement of trying to rationalize evil is very Chamberlain-esque and it's never worked before in human history. I don't know why so many people are willing to sit and say violence doesn't stop violence. Tell that to the Nazi. Tell that to the Japanese who were utterly destroying Asia in WW2.
I understand that it's asymmetrical warfare we're talking about here, but that doesn't excuse the west for sitting on its hands and hoping for the best.
I mean, we saw these people commit atrocity after atrocity and did nothing! Maybe it's time to pay attention, and admit that humanity is only going to be as civilized as its lowest people.
We have a choice: admit that there's a severe problem and act or sit back and wait for the next atrocity. But the most infuriating thing is we already know what's going to change. Nothing. And we've been getting mad at the same shit since Munich and still we refuse to admit that this is a very real war people have declared on our way of life.
My only hope is that this time will spur the world into action.
I'll probably get banned for this post and I'm sorry if I offend anyone, but Islamic extremism isn't going away so we should probably stop acting like it will.
No no it's more that people should not jump on the refugees. Just because it happened to be a Syrian passport doesn't mean it was a Syrian at all. It could still be anyone but it would help with identification of said assailant. I trust our governments know this already but with the power of NATO and western powers there could easily be more at play. I feel I'm derailing essentially with hypothetical elements but what does ISIS want? The fall of western civilization. Who is in Syria right now who could assist with that indirectly and directly? Never underestimate the enemy is all I am saying. There is no fucking way we can sit by though.Supposedly ISIS wants us to attack them as well. Does that mean we should just stand down?
Reports of explosions and shootings in Bagnolet, suburb east of #Paris
ALERTE ATTENTATS PARIS De nouveaux coups de feu et explosions signalés à Bagnolet. Hélicoptère dans les airs (sources multiples)
sadly the western world would rather turn a blind eye to the mess we are partially responsible for. The US's foreign policy, especially these last several years have been a total mess
Will fix.They did not actually say 3.
They said they knew other people were involved and were actively searching for them. They have no "numbers".
This makes me pretty scared about the Football European Championships next summer. I had plans about going if my country qualifies, but I'm not that sure now.
What THE fuck??
This is like saying that you don't wan't to use knifes to cut your bread because some lunatic killed someone with a knife.It's shit like this that has me wanting to go from agnostic to complete atheist.
You know what really saddens me?
I can picture discussions at the white house where suggestions to deploy troops in the region and go to war against ISIS are countered with concers over the budget. And I can imagine a big part of that is because the unnessecary invasion of Iraq depleted so many resources which should have been used to support this cause instead of that one.
Police probably smoking out the terrorist cells and they are fighting back.
you can't your life like that.
I'll probably get banned for this post and I'm sorry if I offend anyone, but Islamic extremism isn't going away so we should probably stop acting like it will.
Queue outside of a blood donation center
Queue outside of a blood donation center
I'm always sad that being gay keeps me from donating blood when there is a large need for it.
Queue outside of a blood donation center
You cannot destroy an ideology like this, trying to is what we have been doing for years and it just makes it worse.
Police probably smoking out the terrorist cells and they are fighting back.
More wealth in poor countries, stable governments, less hate between people and everyone you disagree with, more communication between countries in the UN,So basically a terrorist can be anybody regardless of background
How do we fight this?
Is ISIS just fishes for crazy suceptible/vulnerable people to take the bait and convert them to terrorists what can you do?
Would these same people have committed some horrible act otherwise?
I suppose the whole Cult/Group Support emboldens people to go through with it. The head of the snake needs to be cut of completely so that it cant seduce more people into this belief system
Horowitz has corrected that tweet, Belgian victims not terrorists:So basically a terrorist can be anybody regardless of background
How do we fight this?
Is ISIS just fishes for crazy suceptible/vulnerable people to take the bait and convert them to terrorists what can you do?
Would these same people have committed some horrible act otherwise?
I suppose the whole Cult/Group Support emboldens people to go through with it. The head of the snake needs to be cut of completely so that it cant seduce more people into this belief system
I'm guessing their background will still allude to ties with radical imams and other risk classes. Edit: they have been identified as the victims, but it wouldn't be surprising if some of the terrorists have Belgian passports. The two countries share a language, a big border, and previous terrorist events were also linked back to Belgium, like the train shooting.So basically a terrorist can be anybody regardless of background.
Higher chance of HIV with I believe the lower durability of condoms compared to straight missionary position sex. So historically, people who had gay sex, are banned indefinetely from donating.Wait, how come?
I don't understand how you go to war against an organization like IS. They are formless, unorganized, and they are an "idea". They actively seek their own deaths. They don't want power or land or wealth... They want to watch the world burn.
I can't imagine a more depressing enemy of the world.
Wait, how come?
Thank you, Churchill. Btw, we've been trying the strong-arm, bombs away strategy the past 70 years. It's partly why the Middle East is a hotbed of unrest and instability today.
I guarantee you that starting a war that you can't even describe beyond "kill Muslims in place x" is also a really, really bad argument. Gain some perspective.
Wait, how come?
Wait, how come?
You cannot destroy an ideology like this, trying to is what we have been doing for years and it just makes it worse.
I can't donate blood in my country because being in a gay relationship is putting me at risk of disease or something. The only other group excluded without any tests are people who have been with a sex worker within the last months.
In the U.S. being a homosexual man automatically disqualifies you from donating blood.
Because AIDS in the 80s.
Yeah, fucking ridiculous considering the difference between giving blood and not is not measured by anything else other than you saying "Yes, I have had relations with another male."
You could just leave that part blank, or answer no and they'll hook you up and take as much blood as you let them.
In France the ban is going to be lifted next year.I'm always sad that being gay keeps me from donating blood when there is a large need for it.