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Paris Terrorist Attacks, 120+ dead. Do not post hearsay/unsourced/old news.

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Can't you get tested then prove you don't have a disease etc so that you can show you're safe to donate blood?

I know in the U.S. you definitely can't.

It may depend on the state though, they don't hate all homosexuality. Just gay men, lesbian women are totes okay though, that's hot and not icky to politicians.


France appears to have very weak security agency, they wouldn't be able to discover a terrorist even if he is in front of their eyes.
Foolish post. The U.S. and the U.K. have the most advanced intelligence services in the world and they have also been victims of these kinds of attacks.

This sort of violence is often impossible to anticipate.
even i as a arab and muslim, i hate daesh with every fiber of my being, but i'm here to remand you that you can't beat an ideology with weapons, each time think you have "won", it will manifest even more uglier and hideous.

sadly us arabs take the large blame for giving birth to this ideology, its not that we don't want to fix it, its just we can't , the moment you speak out, you will mark out as "kaffir", a spy, an agent for the west, by both arab governments and supporters of that ideology, it is really a dark days for being an arab.
even my some members of my family are finding that ideology just and appearing.

the only way to "fix" this is by us arabs, we have to abandoned that idea, its the only way to for us to know peace.

again sorry for my poor english, but its something that was in my mind for long time and i had to let it out.


If they're afraid of that, then can't you get tested then prove you don't have a disease etc so that you can show you're safe to donate blood? (Even if you are but I mean as a way to show you're "officially" safe to donate blood IYGM?)

they test every blood donation, but there's a window (up to 3 months) in which one can carry the HI virus but it's not detectable yet.
even i as a arab and muslim, i hate daesh with every fiber of my being, but i'm here to remand you that you can't beat an ideology with weapons, each time think you have "won", it will manifest even more uglier and hideous.

sadly us arabs take the large blame for giving birth to this ideology, its not that we don't want to fix it, its just we can't , the moment you speak out, you will mark out as "kaffir", a spy, an agent for the west, by both arab governments and supporters of that ideology, it is really a dark days for being an arab.
even my some members of my family are finding that ideology just and appearing.

the only way to "fix" this is by us arabs, we have to abandoned that idea, its the only way to for us to know peace.

again sorry for my poor english, but its something that was in my mind for long time and i had to let it out.

I totally agree, i grew up in the Middle East and have a half Arabic half Kenyan bloodline
I wish I could. I was hoping French GAF would be on the case.

I am not sure it's worth reading, the usual terrorist tripe, but the abridged version is:
You thought you were safe in your fortress, but Allah allowed us to destroy you from where you didn't expect. Our target was the city of Abomination and perversion, the flag bearer of crusaders in Europe, Paris. Eight brothers armed with explosives and assault weapons targeted well chosen locations in Paris: the Stade de France where two crusader countries were fighting each other in a game that the French Imbecile (Francois Hollande) was attending, the Bataclan, where a celebration of idolatry and perversion was taking place, as well as other targets in other neighborhoods. The tally of those attack is at least 200 crusaders killed and even more wounded, praise be Allah. Allah helped our brothers and granted them what they wanted - martyrdom. May Allah accept as martyrs. And May France and those who follow her know that they remain the primary target of ISIS and that they will continue to smell the smell of death for having taking the lead of the crusade, for having insulted the prophet, for gloating about fighting the Califate with their planes which brought them nothing in their smelly Paris street. This attack is but the beginning of the storm and a warning for those who want to meditate and take lessons."


Here's the thing. This is a culture war and only one side is fighting. The other side has tied one arm behind it's back while it's citizenry admonish themselves for even engaging.

This whole movement of trying to rationalize evil is very Chamberlain-esque and it's never worked before in human history. I don't know why so many people are willing to sit and say violence doesn't stop violence. Tell that to the Nazi. Tell that to the Japanese who were utterly destroying Asia in WW2.

I understand that it's asymmetrical warfare we're talking about here, but that doesn't excuse the west for sitting on its hands and hoping for the best.

I mean, we saw these people commit atrocity after atrocity and did nothing! Maybe it's time to pay attention, and admit that humanity is only going to be as civilized as its lowest people.

We have a choice: admit that there's a severe problem and act or sit back and wait for the next atrocity. But the most infuriating thing is we already know what's going to change. Nothing. And we've been getting mad at the same shit since Munich and still we refuse to admit that this is a very real war people have declared on our way of life.

My only hope is that this time will spur the world into action.

I'll probably get banned for this post and I'm sorry if I offend anyone, but Islamic extremism isn't going away so we should probably stop acting like it will.

Do you know how ISIS was formed? Have you been paying attention to the news in Syria for the past month?


Unconfirmed Member
They do, that doesn't change, they don't care if you're lesbian, straight, asexual, polygamist, pansexual.

You just can't be a gay man and honest about it if you want to donate blood.

They do test blood for diseases like HIV before they give it to people, right? Right?!


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even i as a arab and muslim, i hate daesh with every fiber of my being, but i'm here to remand you that you can't beat an ideology with weapons, each time think you have "won", it will manifest even more uglier and hideous.

sadly us arabs take the large blame for giving birth to this ideology, its not that we don't want to fix it, its just we can't , the moment you speak out, you will mark out as "kaffir", a spy, an agent for the west, by both arab governments and supporters of that ideology, it is really a dark days for being an arab.
even my some members of my family are finding that ideology just and appearing.

the only way to "fix" this is by us arabs, we have to abandoned that idea, its the only way to for us to know peace.

again sorry for my poor english, but its something that was in my mind for long time and i had to let it out.

Thank you for your thoughts. It sounds to me from what you said that Arabs won't/can't fix this. Where does this leave the rest of the world?
Bagnolet still has conflicting reports, elected officials are saying "nothing is happening except a police helicopter doing the rounds" :
@DaoudaKEITA1: Les élus socialistes de Bagnolet sont ensemble en ce moment, à part un hélicoptère qui tourne porte de Bagnolet, rien d'inquiétant

And the local police station saying there isn't anything going on:
@Vergnaud: Au commissariat des Lilas (celui de Bagnolet m'a renvoyé dessus) : "il n'y a pas de souci. Il n'y a rien" #Bagnolet

This might all be a way to keep media at bay, mind you, as live tv coverage and social media don't help if there's some operation actually going down.

Prevelance of HIV in the gay community in the past lead to the ban, which was simply never lifted.
They're starting to lift it, actually. There was an amendment (I think) last week just for that.
It's under conditions (like being steady) but it's less discriminatory.
even i as a arab and muslim, i hate daesh with every fiber of my being, but i'm here to remand you that you can't beat an ideology with weapons, each time think you have "won", it will manifest even more uglier and hideous.

sadly us arabs take the large blame for giving birth to this ideology, its not that we don't want to fix it, its just we can't , the moment you speak out, you will mark out as "kaffir", a spy, an agent for the west, by both arab governments and supporters of that ideology, it is really a dark days for being an arab.
even my some members of my family are finding that ideology just and appearing.

the only way to "fix" this is by us arabs, we have to abandoned that idea, its the only way to for us to know peace.

again sorry for my poor english, but its something that was in my mind for long time and i had to let it out.

Interesting perspective, thanks for sharing.


Okay, since it seems to be taking this page already:

ALL blood donated is tested. All of it.

Of course this changes from country to country, but the questionnaire is there to make sure you aren't in a so called "window" where you might have been exposed to something and yet the tests would be unable to detect, so, regardless of sexual orientation, if you had unprotected sex or any other activity that might put you in a risk group on the last 2 weeks at least (some places could go up to 6 months or 2 years), your blood will probably not be used, again, regardless of sexual orientation.

The thing is, they don't even accept your blood if you are gay in a lot of places. You may not even had have sex in the last two years, whilst not using any kind of drugs and whilst being the healthiest living person on the universe. The simply fact that you are gay and had sex with a same sex partner once in your life will exclude you from donating blood in most places.

It is a ridiculous decision, of course, but it still is valid for most places.
Retaliation is an extremely nasty catch 22. In a way, doing so would be playing into the hands of those who committed this, and it would cost quite a bit in terms of resources and lives. But the the last two US-based invasions in the Middle East were practically steam-rolling operations, both the Taliban and Saddam crumpled like paper. Let's not beat around the bush, a US-lead charge to wipe out ISIS' so-called 'state' would merely last weeks at most. The only reason they're still around is because the Iraq army is corrupt and hopelessly incompetent, plus Assad is fighting multiple rebel factions.

What we did wrong was the rebuilding part. The Bush administration had absolutely no reconstruction plan whatsoever for both Afghanistan and Iraq ahead of time that actually took into account their needs and existing problems, and Obama had to pick up the pieces. No wonder the guy didn't want to deal with that shit.

Quite frankly? I actually advocate annihilating ISIS as a military power. You're not gonna stop those guys diplomatically. It sucks, I know, but the longer they continue exist as a 'state', the more horrific things they can get away with, both to human beings and to cultural artefacts and sites that they destroy. Tear them down, but first actually have a plan to pick up the pieces and fix/mitigate the problems they took advantage of.
They do test blood for diseases like HIV before they give it to people, right? Right?!

There is a time between infection and the point you can test it.
The same way you can't donate blood if you were recently in a country with malaria.

Being gay just put one in a risk group because of all kinds of reasons not that the red cross and politicans think that lesbians are hotter.


I know in the U.S. you definitely can't.

It may depend on the state though, they don't hate all homosexuality. Just gay men, lesbian women are totes okay though, that's hot and not icky to politicians.

There are actually quite a lot of exclusion criteria for blood donation. It is established as an extra medical safety precaution, not a 'we hate gays' personal agenda, come on.


Neo Member
So, what can we do to prevent this attack from being a success in the eyes of the perpetrators?

The way I see it, the goal of this attack is to cause sceptisism in Europe towards the muslim population and the waves of refugees arriving these days. If European nations treat their muslim populations worse or with more suspicion, the risk of muslims feeling alienated and an increase of radicalisation will be higher, and it'll be easier for ISIS to recruit more members to their vile cause.

We have to stand firm for our values, side by side with the moderate muslims who all feel the same disgust at these horrendous actions.


What if blood is tested though ?

Doesn't HIV take like 3 months or so to declare ? If you just had sex with an infected a week ago, how would they know you are carrying it ?

I am uneducated so maybe this is wrong and they can tell right away.

Also, le parisien said a car with 4 armed people just forced a barrage.


They do test blood for diseases like HIV before they give it to people, right? Right?!

Yes, that's required by law from any bodily fluid donating agency. It's literally a question on a little sheet of paper that tests your hemoglobin, heart rate, recent medical history, and there's a question just below I think sexual history questions that just asks if you were diagnosed with any STD's in the last year and all it asks is something along the lines of:

If you're male, have you had sexual intercourse with another male?

It doesn't ask in the past year, 2 years, no timeframe given. It's basically a question asking you to out yourself to complete strangers so they can tell you they don't want your blood.

There are actually quite a lot of exclusion criteria for blood donation. It is established as an extra medical safety precaution, not a 'we hate gays' personal agenda, come on.

Yes but most of those exclusion questions specifically ask your medical history, STD's, pneumonia, hepatitis.

None of them specifically ask you (if you're anything other than homosexual) to divulge your specific sexual history to strangers who are not doctors. It started in the 80s after the big AIDS scare that everyone pointed to as being caused by gay intercourse, when it was really just HIV infected blood that got through because they didn't thoroughly test donations.

Now that we require it by law you'd think that question wouldn't be relevant, but lo and behold they don't care if you're lesbian or any other orientation besides a homosexual male. Friends of mine who were refused to donate who were also gay told other gay classmates to specifically answer no on that question so they could give blood.

I'm just telling you the truth, I didn't specifically name a we hate gays agenda because if that were true then no other sexual orientations besides heterosexual would be allowed to donate. I seriously believe it's a backwards ass policy based on incredibly old misinformation from a time where AIDS was seen as being caused by male to male anal sex.


I see Gatwick north terminal (UK) was evacuated. Unconfirmed reports a guy had a grenade in his bag. Also the unconfirmed reports of more happening in France. So so sad.
Thank you for your thoughts. It sounds to me from what you said that Arabs won't/can't fix this. Where does this leave the rest of the world?

I don't think it's that they won't but more a case of they can't.

Radicals see themselves as "pure" Muslims thus if you're against them then you'll burn in hell too, the governments need to flush this behaviour out but they're too busy fucking around with all their oil money


sadly us arabs take the large blame for giving birth to this ideology, its not that we don't want to fix it, its just we can't , the moment you speak out, you will mark out as "kaffir", a spy, an agent for the west, by both arab governments and supporters of that ideology, it is really a dark days for being an arab.
even my some members of my family are finding that ideology just and appearing.

Thanks for posting this. It is very accurate.

This. This right here is the source of the poison. This is why you can't physically fight an ideology.

Somehow this internal Muslim hatred of the "other" or "kaffir" needs to change and you can't bomb it into people. It has to start internally.


That theater attack is crazy. If the attackers really did announce a hostage situation in order to buy time to cold bloodedly execute everyone that is sick beyond belief.


Unconfirmed Member
even i as a arab and muslim, i hate daesh with every fiber of my being, but i'm here to remand you that you can't beat an ideology with weapons, each time think you have "won", it will manifest even more uglier and hideous.

sadly us arabs take the large blame for giving birth to this ideology, its not that we don't want to fix it, its just we can't , the moment you speak out, you will mark out as "kaffir", a spy, an agent for the west, by both arab governments and supporters of that ideology, it is really a dark days for being an arab.
even my some members of my family are finding that ideology just and appearing.

the only way to "fix" this is by us arabs, we have to abandoned that idea, its the only way to for us to know peace.

again sorry for my poor english, but its something that was in my mind for long time and i had to let it out.

Well said. The West can silence groups like ISIS for a time but I agree that Arabs must lead this fight if we are to truly end it.


Thanks for posting this. It is very accurate.

This. This right here is the source of the poison. This is why you can't physically fight an ideology.

Somehow this internal Muslim hatred of the "other" or "kaffir" needs to change and you can't bomb it into people. It has to start internally.
I suspect that the book needs to modified for this to occur and that's not going to happen anytime soon...


That theater attack is crazy. If the attackers really did announce a hostage situation in order to buy time to cold bloodedly execute everyone that is sick beyond belief.

They didn't announce anything. There was no communication with the police. They just held people in there and executed them one by one.
Then the police stormed the place, the terrorists blew one or two (i think two) suicide belts, the third terrorist got shot by police.
The police lost 4 men.
Thanks for posting this. It is very accurate.

This. This right here is the source of the poison. This is why you can't physically fight an ideology.

Somehow this internal Muslim hatred of the "other" or "kaffir" needs to change and you can't bomb it into people. It has to start internally.
True. Bombing people will just cause them to double down on that ideology. And the cycle begins anew. Just imagine the rage at drone strikes from ordinary people who have done nothing wrong (which seems to be most people). That creates anger, rage, and wanting of retaliation.

Bottom line: we need to stop all these wars.
Okay, since it seems to be taking this page already:

ALL blood donated is tested. All of it.

Of course this changes from country to country, but the questionnaire is there to make sure you aren't in a so called "window" where you might have been exposed to something and yet the tests would be unable to detect, so, regardless of sexual orientation, if you had unprotected sex or any other activity that might put you in a risk group on the last 2 weeks at least (some places could go up to 6 months or 2 years), your blood will probably not be used, again, regardless of sexual orientation.

The thing is, they don't even accept your blood if you are gay in a lot of places. You may not even had have sex in the last two years, whilst not using any kind of drugs and whilst being the healthiest living person on the universe. The simply fact that you are gay and had sex with a same sex partner once in your life will exclude you from donating blood in most places.

It is a ridiculous decision, of course, but it still is valid for most places.

Good post. Your input is appreciated.
Here's the thing. This is a culture war and only one side is fighting. The other side has tied one arm behind it's back while it's citizenry admonish themselves for even engaging.

This whole movement of trying to rationalize evil is very Chamberlain-esque and it's never worked before in human history. I don't know why so many people are willing to sit and say violence doesn't stop violence. Tell that to the Nazi. Tell that to the Japanese who were utterly destroying Asia in WW2.

I understand that it's asymmetrical warfare we're talking about here, but that doesn't excuse the west for sitting on its hands and hoping for the best.

I mean, we saw these people commit atrocity after atrocity and did nothing! Maybe it's time to pay attention, and admit that humanity is only going to be as civilized as its lowest people.

We have a choice: admit that there's a severe problem and act or sit back and wait for the next atrocity. But the most infuriating thing is we already know what's going to change. Nothing. And we've been getting mad at the same shit since Munich and still we refuse to admit that this is a very real war people have declared on our way of life.

My only hope is that this time will spur the world into action.

I'll probably get banned for this post and I'm sorry if I offend anyone, but Islamic extremism isn't going away so we should probably stop acting like it will.

You cannot compare Islamic extremism to the German and Japanese empires. Those wars were wars over lands and resources. From a time when the British and French empires were also dicks.

What boggles my mind though: You do know, that you're doing *exactly* what ISIS wants right? Isis wants you to be mad. ISIS wants Europe to go to war with the muslim nations. That is the point. The entire point of terrorism is to create instability and chaos. It worked wonderfully when they baited America to fight in Iraq and Afghanistan, and now they hope it will here.

To win: Don't give them what they want. This is not representation of Islam, more than Donald Trump is a representative of all American values. ISIS is just one terror group trying to make the waves.
Thanks for posting this. It is very accurate.

This. This right here is the source of the poison. This is why you can't physically fight an ideology.

Somehow this internal Muslim hatred of the "other" or "kaffir" needs to change and you can't bomb it into people. It has to start internally.

You can't iron out this hatred with radicals, I'm Muslim and love my non Muslim friends.

What needs to change is the governments of where these douchebags come from need to stop allowing these people a soap box and make their actions highly punishable.

These fuckers will bomb mosques btw so the moment you aren't aligned with them they start attacking you with non believer bullshit
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