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Paris Terrorist Attacks, 120+ dead. Do not post hearsay/unsourced/old news.

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It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
BTW did the captured attacker reported by FOX ended up being confirmed as real?
Apparently the 4 men were the terrorists, not policemen. The first report was misunderstood.
Yes. The only police casualty that is reported at the moment is a policeman that was not on duty and one of the victims in the Charonne street attack. A policeman was wounded during the Police assault on the Bataclan theater.


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a saudi, from madinh
the main puller that supporting that ideology is,

we "arab" must to protect our cultural, heritage and mainly Islam from being westernize, to a lot of us arab, everyone is not a muslim or arab is plotting to harm islam or arab in anyway passable at any time.

sadly some of us took that ideology to seriously and apply it to everyday life to farther their gain, as they spread their poison, the "current" arab generation embrace that way of thinking as its the only and true way to regain our former glory.

basically any intervention from the outside, is viewed as new form of westernize and it is here here to harm us.

Thank you once again for your response. What you said does not sound encouraging.

I can't see how this can end well. If a large growing generation of Arabs are embracing this way of thinking and are endorsing and participating in this behaviour then it's going to get very ugly for everyone concerned.
"- 13h08. Une voiture force un péage dans les Yvelines (Sud-Ouest de Paris).
Selon nos informations la police traque une voiture de type Citroën Berlingo à bord de laquelle se trouvait quatre personnes lourdement armés et qui a forcé le péage de l'A10 à auteur Ablis (Yvelines) en direction de Paris."

That's an hour ago, why is it not bigger news?

Could be false or it could be that the sources are staying silent so the police can do their job


Hi, I'm nortonff. I spend my life going into threads to say that I don't care about the topic of the thread. It's a really good use of my time.
Police search for black car in connection with attacks
Paris police have put out an alert about a black Seat car, with a foreign numberplate - GUT 18053 - and five-spoke alloy wheels.

The vehicle is wanted in connection with the attacks yesterday.

Members of the public are advised not to approach the vehicle.

Source BBC
"- 13h08. Une voiture force un péage dans les Yvelines (Sud-Ouest de Paris).
Selon nos informations la police traque une voiture de type Citroën Berlingo à bord de laquelle se trouvait quatre personnes lourdement armés et qui a forcé le péage de l'A10 à auteur Ablis (Yvelines) en direction de Paris."

That's an hour ago, why is it not bigger news?
Because only Le Parisien reports it at the moment and they are not a reliable source of information. We should wait for more cold headed news outlets to report.
More wealth in poor countries, stable governments, less hate between people and everyone you disagree with, more communication between countries in the UN,
better cooperation between countries in the UN, less corruption, less selfishness, less of everything bad that leads to this stuff.

This isn't something that will vanish anytime soon, because crazy minds are crazy.

Easier said than done. The ISIS/ISIL uprising is a religious uprising made by a shiia unbalance of power in the region, Sunnis extremists (ISIS) are basically forming a caliphate to establish Sharia Law and are recluting Sunnis all over the world under the pretext that their way of life and religion on itself is being attacked. Right now the (puppet) government of Iraq is basically Shiia (and pro Iran) Iran is Shiia, Syria is Shiia, that is what caused the armed uprising of the kurds (an ethnicity minority of mostly Sunni Muslims) and the Sunnis (basically ISIS) once Al Maliki was put as the Prime Minister of Iraq in 2006. And this difference will not go away because ISIS is not just against the western world but against Shiia Muslims as well, they basically were born in the region because Saddam was the Sunni counter balance of power in the region (the other being Saudi Arabia, that is a Suuni state as well and that is being accused of supporting ISIS as well as they support the US thanks to the OPEC deals with the US since the 70's so the Saudis basically feel untouchable).

Also the difference aren't to go away anytime soon. I think that in the hole history of Iraq Shiites and Sunnis only had 1 (ONE!) coalition government in the last 1000 years. This division isn't like Catholics and Protestant or orthodox, there is a hate between this factions (at least in the most extremist side of each faction) with one calling the other heretics and the like and also political pressure of nations that one to control the region under their vision and understanding of their religion. This issue isn't going away with sending troops because the division is rooted not in a government nor in a terrorist group (ISIS isn't that anymore, they are basically a functional state, they collect taxes and issue ID to their "citizens") but in a group of extremist that are selling the fear of extermination of the Sunni culture at hands of the Shiia governments.

You can go and build schools and give them "democracy" but be ready for them to vote sunni extremist into power or people asking for an implementation of Sharia law (which basically is already in place in Saudi Arabia, US greatest ally in the region, though people will never ever discuss of the things happening there) because that is what their interpretation of religion push for.

Tom Penny

I cant comprehend these things. All i know there isnt some magic formula that can just stop this shit. Some people in general are just crazy. I could walk into the market and shoot it up if i wanted too. It just a fucked up world we are living in :(


Swedish news (DN, Omni) stating that Le Parisien that four heavily armed men in a car have broken through a road block in Paris just now.
Is this true`?

Yes, apparently a utility vehicle with 4 people in it forced a highway toll 50 km from Paris, going toward it. No mention of the "heavily armed" part though (and it did not happen in Paris). (Source : french radio RMC)


Suen, can you provide sources for the information you just posted? What you said seems reasonable but I know virtually nothing about ISIS outside of them being religious extremists, and I would like to know more.


Why? Children are a particularly easy target group to manipulate, especially if started early. It's generally why we are very carefully what and how to teach kids.

The people who pull things like this are generally between 20 and 35 years old.
No way you pull an OP like this with 15 year olds.
Stopped reading the thread for 10 hours. You guys have heard about the arrest last week in southern Germany, where a man tried to smuggle guns, grenades and TNT in his car and was heading towards France?


The people who pull things like this are generally between 20 and 35 years old.
No way you pull an OP like this with 15 year olds.
Look up the "Cubs of the Caliphate". ISIS is for a time now training children into professional soldiers. They have hundreds, maybe thousands of them.


I know this is an old post but this shouldn't be ignored, that guy either saw the futur in a vision or read something important somewhere on the internet.
It's too accurate...
it was confirmed fake half a day ago
Stopped reading the thread for 10 hours. You guys have heard about the arrest last week in southern Germany, where a man tried to smuggle guns, grenades and TNT in his car and was heading towards France?
yes, old news
I know this is an old post but this shouldn't be ignored, that guy either saw the futur in a vision or read something important somewhere on the internet.
It's too accurate...

If you went out your way to dig up this old post, you could also have seen that it was quickly debunked via an official JV.com statement (they have access to all posts on their sites even deleted ones).

It's a fake, dude edited his post afterwards to gain attention

The dude who did this probably isn't even the dude in the picture. EDIT: and it's a photoshop, not a post edit.


Look up the "Cubs of the Caliphate". ISIS is for a time now training children into professional soldiers. They have hundreds, maybe thousands of them.

Training children and actually having children out in Paris, France and doing this are two very different things.

We already know one of them was 25, so that takes care of the "15-18 year old" rumor.

There is no way we will see someone crazy young in this.


Europe 1 says the murderers were between 15 and 18 y/o. Child soldiers kamikazes. Fucking great.

French citizen on BBC news said the ones at the theatre were 20- 25ish. Guess we'll find out in the coming days and weeks.


If you went out your way to dig up this old post, you could also have seen that it was quickly debunked via an official JV.com statement (they have access to all posts on their sites even deleted ones).

Sorry, I just woke up, I will edit it.
I need a cup of coffee (Grance here)
It's a Swedish source, so even if it's trustworthy (which it is), he's asking if local media has picked it up.

DN and Omni are two of the biggest news media sites in Sweden, but since this is the first I heard of this I wanted to see if somebody else could confirm this since they are stating french media as source.

Source: Le Parisien.

Alrighty then.

The Arabs don't give a fuck. They've got the oil that the western world badly needs so they can do what the want to. There is no real pressure we could bring into operation.

Of course they do and there is pressure that can be applied, hitting them in the wallet where it hurts, the recent dealings with Iran are a good start I.e buying oil from them instead of the Saudis


Unconfirmed Member
Europe 1 says the murderers were between 15 and 18 y/o. Child soldiers kamikazes. Fucking great.

Highly doubt they all were that young. But I did hear one eye witness last night say he seen one of the attackers who looked very young and couldn't have been much older than 20.



WTF this was posted on JV.com forums a few days ago (biggest french videogame website)
Basically a poster said 8 days ago that there would soon be huge attacks in Paris, but he's giving some details. He said that there would be more than 100 casualties and that we should already use the hastag #prayforparis
There are a lot of batshit crazy people posting on these forums every day and talking about attacks every so often, but this post is eerily accurate (he's talking about coordinated attacks in various places in the capital, explosions, grenades and suicide attacks)
I don't know if it was just a random hoax, I'm gonna try to find a better source.

That's a hoax.


May I have a cookie?
What boggles my mind though: You do know, that you're doing *exactly* what ISIS wants right? Isis wants you to be mad. ISIS wants Europe to go to war with the muslim nations. That is the point. The entire point of terrorism is to create instability and chaos. It worked wonderfully when they baited America to fight in Iraq and Afghanistan, and now they hope it will here.

To win: Don't give them what they want. This is not representation of Islam, more than Donald Trump is a representative of all American values. ISIS is just one terror group trying to make the waves.

You're correct that ISIS thrives off of instability and chaos, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't fight them, it just means we need to actually be smarter than them about how we do it.


Good grief, this is today's front page of one of the main right-wing Italian newspapers:

I think you can easily guess/translate the title, the rest is what was happening as of yesterday night, with some gross errors ("bombs against (football) supporters, massacre at the stadium").

I'm speechless, it's as wrong as they could make it.
And of course this is not the only example of assholery in Italy, and I can easily guess this kind of people all over Europe already jumped on the bandwagon too.

It will be a fun year, oh yes.
also I'm kinda preemptively shitting my pants, as in a couple of week we'll have the jubilee year here in Rome


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Of course they do and there is pressure that can be applied, hitting them in the wallet where it hurts, the recent dealings with Iran are a good start I.e buying oil from them instead of the Saudis

I really hope you are right.
You can also cut down the number of people that follow that ideology by educating people and giving them better options. Unfortunately we have a situation here where young people are easily influenced and start doing horrible things.

What I refer to is the Mongol approach after listening to hardcore history.
My condolences, citizens of Paris. Part of me is skeptical about Justin Trudeau wanting to airlift 25k syrian refugees. It all seems like an elaborate plan from them to get inside a country and multiply until they can dominate, until the natives become a minority. I'm hoping he just thinks about his decision a bit more.


Football isn't important in times like this but:

BREAKING: Reuters: Friendly between England and France on Tuesday to go ahead. #SSNHQ

A little surprised with this.

Football IS important at a time like this. Both French and English fans can send a massive FU to those who'd try to change our way of life.

My condolences, citizens of Paris. Part of me is skeptical about Justin Trudeau wanting to airlift 25k syrian refugees. It all seems like an elaborate plan from them to get inside a country and multiply until they can dominate, until the natives become a minority. I'm hoping he just thinks about his decision a bit more.

Did you mean to post this on Voat?


I was in the RER B two hours ago and a homeless man entered our train to ask for money. He started yelling to say hello to the whole train and explain his situation, but people all around me shuddered. I kid you not. I got even a bit startled myself. Tensions are running high in the city in the aftermath of these awful events :(


Training children and actually having children out in Paris, France and doing this are two very different things.

We already know one of them was 25, so that takes care of the "15-18 year old" rumor.

There is no way we will see someone crazy young in this.
We'll see. I don't know of course, but I think it would be possible.

Football isn't important in times like this but:

BREAKING: Reuters: Friendly between England and France on Tuesday to go ahead. #SSNHQ

A little surprised with this.
To show that they can't bring France to it's knees. It's also a opportunity for english fans to show their respect.
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