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Paris Terrorist Attacks, 120+ dead. Do not post hearsay/unsourced/old news.

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My condolences, citizens of Paris. Part of me is skeptical about Justin Trudeau wanting to airlift 25k syrian refugees. It all seems like an elaborate plan from them to get inside a country and multiply until they can dominate, until the natives become a minority. I'm hoping he just thinks about his decision a bit more.

An elaborate plan from who?
I was in the RER B two hours ago and a homeless man entered our train to ask for money. He started yelling to say hello to the whole train and explain his situation, but people all around me shuddered. I kid you not. I got even a bit startled myself. Tensions are running high in the city in the aftermath of these awful events :(



Everyone keeps saying how we should fight back against Isis but no matter what you do it creates a fucked up situation.
What if we just stopped? like every single non muslim country just stopped dealing with Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan, just pull back and have nothing to do with them, would that get them to leave us alone?
That seems to be what causes the problems anyway, that is what they keep saying they want so why not do it?
Just let them destroy their own coutries instead of ours


Wrong about commas, wrong about everything
This is from the Charlie Hebdo attacks earlier this year. Reposting this just because this is one of the most powerful fotos I've seen in a long time and it can't be seen by enough people in case you have never seen it.
France will not break. Europe will not break. The world will not break.

My condolences, citizens of Paris. Part of me is skeptical about Justin Trudeau wanting to airlift 25k syrian refugees. It all seems like an elaborate plan from them to get inside a country and multiply until they can dominate, until the natives become a minority. I'm hoping he just thinks about his decision a bit more.

Lololololol still salty about the elections?


My condolences, citizens of Paris. Part of me is skeptical about Justin Trudeau wanting to airlift 25k syrian refugees. It all seems like an elaborate plan from them to get inside a country and multiply until they can dominate, until the natives become a minority. I'm hoping he just thinks about his decision a bit more.

One, that's positively insane. Two, what relevance does this bear on the topic at hand?
While we're far from the AIDS-scare in the eighties, being gay and engaging in sexual intercourse with other men puts you, statistically speaking, in a HIV risk category that's significantly higher compared to people who do not.


Excluding certain groups further decreases the risk of transmitting HIV through blood transfusions. It's not a way to judge you for your sexual preferences, it's medical risk reduction based on proven statistical data.
I mean, I totally understand that it feels like discrimination and it is, but post-donation blood testing is not a 100% guarantee and mistakes do happen. Measures are taken at every step of the blood-donation process to reduce risk.

But let's get back on-topic, shall we.
Having sex with someone who has HIV puts you at risk regardless of their sexual orientation, for example in Ireland 38.1% of people who contracted HIV were heterosexual. 9% were unknown. Yet gay men giving blood is still banned. Its an outdated discriminatory standard.
My condolences, citizens of Paris. Part of me is skeptical about Justin Trudeau wanting to airlift 25k syrian refugees. It all seems like an elaborate plan from them to get inside a country and multiply until they can dominate, until the natives become a minority. I'm hoping he just thinks about his decision a bit more.

always the juniors, always the tories


Is there any full english translation of this?


hmm , short words , they explain that some people from isis want to fight the infidels in the name of god and how this brave soldiers don't care about this world and only want to go to heven ...blah blah

some times they record them self before they do something


My condolences, citizens of Paris. Part of me is skeptical about Justin Trudeau wanting to airlift 25k syrian refugees. It all seems like an elaborate plan from them to get inside a country and multiply until they can dominate, until the natives become a minority. I'm hoping he just thinks about his decision a bit more.

WTF is this nonsense you are spewing...
Having sex with someone who has HIV puts you at risk regardless of their sexual orientation, for example in Ireland 38.1% of people who contracted HIV were heterosexual. 9% were unknown. Yet gay men giving blood is still banned. Its an outdated discriminatory standard.

What about the other 53%?


For you.
My condolences, citizens of Paris. Part of me is skeptical about Justin Trudeau wanting to airlift 25k syrian refugees. It all seems like an elaborate plan from them to get inside a country and multiply until they can dominate, until the natives become a minority. I'm hoping he just thinks about his decision a bit more.

Jesus fuck man, did you mean to post this shit here, really? You're goddamn insane.
My condolences, citizens of Paris. Part of me is skeptical about Justin Trudeau wanting to airlift 25k syrian refugees. It all seems like an elaborate plan from them to get inside a country and multiply until they can dominate, until the natives become a minority. I'm hoping he just thinks about his decision a bit more.

You may need to consult a professional for this level of paranoia cannot be healthy.


Everyone keeps saying how we should fight back against Isis but no matter what you do it creates a fucked up situation.
What if we just stopped? like every single non muslim country just stopped dealing with Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan, just pull back and have nothing to do with them, would that get them to leave us alone?
That seems to be what causes the problems anyway, that is what they keep saying they want so why not do it?
Just let them destroy their own coutries instead of ours
It's not their own country for fucks sake. They are taking over multiple formerly sovereign countries and slaughtering innocents. Even if you don't care for the humans there. ISIS hates the entire world, it's "only" acts of terrorism now, but imagine what they could do if they grew further in power because nobody stands against them? The countries around them will fall and they will acquire more heavy weaponry, more manpower, more children they twist into future terrorists and holy warriors. Ignoring them is just short-sighted.


Can someone with more knowledge chime in on my understanding of this:

Saddam Hussein was born Sunni but ruled as secular.
It kept the Sunni extremists happy, because he was Sunni after all, and while Saddam was a brutal ruler, he wasn't extremist to the point of genocide. Therefore the region was somewhat stabilized (relative to today).

This is likely an extreme simplification... But it seems like removing Saddam, a terrible but non genocidal Sunni leader, destabilized the region enough for Sunni extremists to organize and eventually form ISIS. They were happy with a "moderate" leader, as long as that leader was Sunni. Remove the "moderate" leader, and all hell breaks loose.

Is any of that even remotely accurate?
Would ISIS exist in a world where Saddam Hussein is still in power?


My condolences, citizens of Paris. Part of me is skeptical about Justin Trudeau wanting to airlift 25k syrian refugees. It all seems like an elaborate plan from them to get inside a country and multiply until they can dominate, until the natives become a minority. I'm hoping he just thinks about his decision a bit more.

I don't even...
I don't think you understand his argument, nor mine.

I think you have just no point.

No one denied that heterosexual people can have HIV as well that's the reason there are also other risk groups which are banned from donating blood.
In the long run it also helps those people if they need to receive blood.


Le Parisien has apparently retracted the news of the car with heavily armed men. It was apparently a single man that quickly turned around? Wtf is this
I think you have just no point.

No one denied that heterosexual people can have HIV as well that's the reason there are also other risk groups which are banned from donating blood.
In the long run it also helps those people if they need to receive blood.
The point is, I can prove without a shadow of a doubt I do not have HIV and not give blood. A heterosexual can have HIV and give blood. You don't see what's wrong with that?

Edit: oh anime avatar. Shouldn't have bothered.


How about we just finally debunk all religion as mythology and a way ancient man used to explain the world and control people. I mean, we are smarter than the desert people of thousands of years ago. Aren't we?


My condolences, citizens of Paris. Part of me is skeptical about Justin Trudeau wanting to airlift 25k syrian refugees. It all seems like an elaborate plan from them to get inside a country and multiply until they can dominate, until the natives become a minority. I'm hoping he just thinks about his decision a bit more.

Have you ever heard of Occam's Razor?


Le Parisien has apparently retracted the news of the car with heavily armed men. It was apparently a single man that quickly turned around? Wtf is this


"man approaches blockade and turns around" turns into "4 heavily armed men break through a blockade"?


Can someone with more knowledge chime in on my understanding of this:

Saddam Hussein was born Sunni but ruled as secular.
It kept the Sunni extremists happy, because he was Sunni after all, and while Saddam was a brutal ruler, he wasn't extremist to the point of genocide. Therefore the region was somewhat stabilized (relative to today).

This is likely an extreme simplification... But it seems like removing Saddam, a terrible but non genocidal Sunni leader, destabilized the region enough for Sunni extremists to organize and eventually form ISIS. They were happy with a "moderate" leader, as long as that leader was Sunni. Remove the "moderate" leader, and all hell breaks loose.

Is any of that even remotely accurate?
Would ISIS exist in a world where Saddam Hussein is still in power?

IIRC Saddam did commit genocide against the Kurds.


Unconfirmed Member
The point is, I can prove without a shadow of a doubt I do not have HIV and not give blood. A heterosexual can have HIV and give blood. You don't see what's wrong with that?

Edit: oh anime avatar. Shouldn't have bothered.

That last comment is unnecessary and only makes you sound like a prick. Who gives a shit what a person's avatar is? Grow up.
Everyone keeps saying how we should fight back against Isis but no matter what you do it creates a fucked up situation.
What if we just stopped? like every single non muslim country just stopped dealing with Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan, just pull back and have nothing to do with them, would that get them to leave us alone?
That seems to be what causes the problems anyway, that is what they keep saying they want so why not do it?
Just let them destroy their own coutries instead of ours

How did that work after the Soviets left Afghanistan?


How about we just finally debunk all religion as a way ancient man used to explain the world and control people. I mean, we are smarter than the desert people of thousands of years ago. Aren't we?

It's about power and control, not about "religion"/faith.


Can someone with more knowledge chime in on my understanding of this:

Saddam Hussein was born Sunni but ruled as secular.
It kept the Sunni extremists happy, because he was Sunni after all, and while Saddam was a brutal ruler, he wasn't extremist to the point of genocide. Therefore the region was somewhat stabilized (relative to today).

This is likely an extreme simplification... But it seems like removing Saddam, a terrible but non genocidal Sunni leader, destabilized the region enough for Sunni extremists to organize and eventually form ISIS. They were happy with a "moderate" leader, as long as that leader was Sunni. Remove the "moderate" leader, and all hell breaks loose.

Is any of that even remotely accurate?
Would ISIS exist in a world where Saddam Hussein is still in power?

Incorrect. He is responsible for 50,000-100,000 Kurdish deaths in a genocide known as the Al-Anfal Campaign.
Can someone with more knowledge chime in on my understanding of this:

Saddam Hussein was born Sunni but ruled as secular.
It kept the Sunni extremists happy, because he was Sunni after all, and while Saddam was a brutal ruler, he wasn't extremist to the point of genocide. Therefore the region was somewhat stabilized (relative to today).

This is likely an extreme simplification... But it seems like removing Saddam, a terrible but non genocidal Sunni leader, destabilized the region enough for Sunni extremists to organize and eventually form ISIS. They were happy with a "moderate" leader, as long as that leader was Sunni. Remove the "moderate" leader, and all he'll breaks loose.

Is any of that even remotely accurate?
Would ISIS exist in a world where Saddam Hussein is still in power?

Oversimplified but correct. Is not that Sunni extremist were Happy with a Sunnis secular rulling Iraq, they didn't have a vote. Saddam was ruthless with Shiia and Sunnis extremist. And yes taking out Saddam was the first step but putting Al Maliki as Prime Minister was the final blow. Sunni extremist used that as prove that a Shiia uprising was coming (the goverments of Iraq, Iran and Syria are Shiia) and started to sell the fear that a cultural extermination of the Sunnis was coming. Also the uprising of the kurds in Syria and Iraq is also to note, the Kurds are mostly Sunnis but from a different ethnicity (non-arabs) and Saddam basically tried to exterminate them.

Taking down Saddam and putting Maliki has to be the worse political movement in recent history and you wonder if it was calculate or the US government was completely naive.
How about we just finally debunk all religion as mythology and a way ancient man used to explain the world and control people. I mean, we are smarter than the desert people of thousands of years ago. Aren't we?

You don't think people will just move onto using other ideologies in order to influence and control people? I mean, they already do with politics. I don't see 'debunk all religion as mythology' really having the effect you're expecting. I've been an Atheist since I was old enough to think and I have still been susceptible to influence by others.


Wrong about commas, wrong about everything
Can someone with more knowledge chime in on my understanding of this:

Saddam Hussein was born Sunni but ruled as secular.
It kept the Sunni extremists happy, because he was Sunni after all, and while Saddam was a brutal ruler, he wasn't extremist to the point of genocide. Therefore the region was somewhat stabilized (relative to today).

This is likely an extreme simplification... But it seems like removing Saddam, a terrible but non genocidal Sunni leader, destabilized the region enough for Sunni extremists to organize and eventually form ISIS. They were happy with a "moderate" leader, as long as that leader was Sunni. Remove the "moderate" leader, and all hell breaks loose.

Is any of that even remotely accurate?
Would ISIS exist in a world where Saddam Hussein is still in power?

Hussein killed between 50.000 and 180.000 people in the Al-Anfal Campaign

How about we just finally debunk all religion as mythology and a way ancient man used to explain the world and control people. I mean, we are smarter than the desert people of thousands of years ago. Aren't we?

Are we?


German officials arrested a man from Montenegro last week who was on his way to Paris. He had 8 AK47s, some TNT and bomb equipment in his car. It was hidden quite professionaly.
They notified the French authorities.


edit: English: http://www.straitstimes.com/world/e...ny-last-week-likely-linked-to-paris-attackers

Apparently he had Paris as his target on his navigation system. Looks like this was supposed to be a lot worse :(
Good grief, this is today's front page of one of the main right-wing Italian newspapers:

I think you can easily guess/translate the title, the rest is what was happening as of yesterday night, with some gross errors ("bombs against (football) supporters, massacre at the stadium").

I'm speechless, it's as wrong as they could make it.
And of course this is not the only example of assholery in Italy, and I can easily guess this kind of people all over Europe already jumped on the bandwagon too.

It will be a fun year, oh yes.
also I'm kinda preemptively shitting my pants, as in a couple of week we'll have the jubilee year here in Rome
From Google Translate, it looks like it says "Islamist bastards" not Muslim
The point is, I can prove without a shadow of a doubt I do not have HIV and not give blood. A heterosexual can have HIV and give blood. You don't see what's wrong with that?

You can't though. It takes three months until your body has enough antibodies to test positive.
Banning specific groups from donating blood is just a further attempt of reducing that risk, even if it means to ban completly healthy people from donating.

Your stastics about HIV in Ireland proves the point.


lol, yeah you sound like a brat.
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