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Paris Terrorist Attacks, 120+ dead. Do not post hearsay/unsourced/old news.

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Can someone with more knowledge chime in on my understanding of this:

Saddam Hussein was born Sunni but ruled as secular.
It kept the Sunni extremists happy, because he was Sunni after all, and while Saddam was a brutal ruler, he wasn't extremist to the point of genocide. Therefore the region was somewhat stabilized (relative to today).

This is likely an extreme simplification... But it seems like removing Saddam, a terrible but non genocidal Sunni leader, destabilized the region enough for Sunni extremists to organize and eventually form ISIS. They were happy with a "moderate" leader, as long as that leader was Sunni. Remove the "moderate" leader, and all hell breaks loose.

Is any of that even remotely accurate?
Would ISIS exist in a world where Saddam Hussein is still in power?

The real problem was we went to war to get rid of Saddam with no clear plan on what to do after he was gone. But no Saddam killed 100,000+ people.


My thoughts are with the people of France today. The cowards ultimately wants us to turn against one another and instill fear in our hearts with these barbaric and heinous attacks. That is why we must stand united against them.

If we don't, they'll win.


Seems like Al-Qaida is condamning the attacks :

Le groupe terroriste Al-Qaïda a, à la grande surprise de tous, dénoncé et condamné avec force les attaques meurtrières qu’a connues la capitale française, Paris, hier soir.

« En mon nom et au nom d’Al-Qaïda, je dénonce avec la plus grande force les attaques criminelles à Paris », écrit Hani Sbaï, l’un des membres d’Al-Qaïda les plus actifs sur les réseaux sociaux.

Al-Qaïda accuse, par la voix de Hani Sbaï, les jihadistes de l’Etat islamique et affirme que l’opération a été menée en « réponse au bombardement par la France des puits du pétrole avant-hier à Dar Ezzour ».

To everyone's surprise, the terrorist group Al-Qaïda, has denounced and condemned with strength the deadly attacks in the french capital, Paris, yesterday.

« In my name and in Al-Qaïda's name, I denounce with the strongest force the criminal attacks in Paris », writes Hani Sbaï, one of the most active member of Al-Qaïda on social medias.

Al-Qaïda accuse, through the voice of Hani Sbaï, the islamic state's jihadists and affirms that the operation was a « reply the the bombing of the petrol wells in Dar Ezzour, two days ago, by France ».



Can someone with more knowledge chime in on my understanding of this:

Saddam Hussein was born Sunni but ruled as secular.
It kept the Sunni extremists happy, because he was Sunni after all, and while Saddam was a brutal ruler, he wasn't extremist to the point of genocide. Therefore the region was somewhat stabilized (relative to today).

This is likely an extreme simplification... But it seems like removing Saddam, a terrible but non genocidal Sunni leader, destabilized the region enough for Sunni extremists to organize and eventually form ISIS. They were happy with a "moderate" leader, as long as that leader was Sunni. Remove the "moderate" leader, and all hell breaks loose.

Is any of that even remotely accurate?
Would ISIS exist in a world where Saddam Hussein is still in power?

To a point. But Saddam was plenty genocidal. He gassed thousands of Kurds


Can someone with more knowledge chime in on my understanding of this:

Saddam Hussein was born Sunni but ruled as secular.
It kept the Sunni extremists happy, because he was Sunni after all, and while Saddam was a brutal ruler, he wasn't extremist to the point of genocide. Therefore the region was somewhat stabilized (relative to today).

This is likely an extreme simplification... But it seems like removing Saddam, a terrible but non genocidal Sunni leader, destabilized the region enough for Sunni extremists to organize and eventually form ISIS. They were happy with a "moderate" leader, as long as that leader was Sunni. Remove the "moderate" leader, and all hell breaks loose.

Is any of that even remotely accurate?
Would ISIS exist in a world where Saddam Hussein is still in power?

We don't know what would happen if a major factor gets changed. We don't know how the major factor would behave if he is still in power/alive. We don't know how other factors would react to the major factor. We don't know. Destabilization, betting on the wrong horse(Mawliki) made the current situation possible, yes.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
My condolences, citizens of Paris. Part of me is skeptical about Justin Trudeau wanting to airlift 25k syrian refugees. It all seems like an elaborate plan from them to get inside a country and multiply until they can dominate, until the natives become a minority. I'm hoping he just thinks about his decision a bit more.

Its always the juniors with the batshit insanity.
Can someone with more knowledge chime in on my understanding of this:

Saddam Hussein was born Sunni but ruled as secular.
It kept the Sunni extremists happy, because he was Sunni after all, and while Saddam was a brutal ruler, he wasn't extremist to the point of genocide. Therefore the region was somewhat stabilized (relative to today).

This is likely an extreme simplification... But it seems like removing Saddam, a terrible but non genocidal Sunni leader, destabilized the region enough for Sunni extremists to organize and eventually form ISIS. They were happy with a "moderate" leader, as long as that leader was Sunni. Remove the "moderate" leader, and all hell breaks loose.

Is any of that even remotely accurate?
Would ISIS exist in a world where Saddam Hussein is still in power?

If Bush's administration wasn't a complete fuck up who knows what could have happened, not that we should have invaded in the first place.


Give this a listen, it's 1:45:00 of pure grade American Neo Con fuckry.


The point is, I can prove without a shadow of a doubt I do not have HIV and not give blood. A heterosexual can have HIV and give blood. You don't see what's wrong with that?

Edit: oh anime avatar. Shouldn't have bothered.

Like others have said, it's all about risk reduction. Though it would be naive and disingenuous of me to say there aren't a great many bigots hiding by pragmatism to hide their bigotry.

For what it's worth, I don't think these policies make any sense whatsoever if a gay person can prove that they don't have HIV. There is no risk reduction in that at all. It makes no sense.

btw, anime avatars tend to be a red flag but usually only of the moe variety. Posters with shōnen/seinen avatars tend to be fairly inconspicuous. Generic cutesy anime shit is just random I've found so far in my observations:
My condolences, citizens of Paris. Part of me is skeptical about Justin Trudeau wanting to airlift 25k syrian refugees. It all seems like an elaborate plan from them to get inside a country and multiply until they can dominate, until the natives become a minority. I'm hoping he just thinks about his decision a bit more.



My condolences, citizens of Paris. Part of me is skeptical about Justin Trudeau wanting to airlift 25k syrian refugees. It all seems like an elaborate plan from them to get inside a country and multiply until they can dominate, until the natives become a minority. I'm hoping he just thinks about his decision a bit more.
LOL, that multiplication


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
I don't understand why really. Doesn't Al-Qaida hate western countries just as much as ISIS? Wouldn't this be in their interest? Do correct me if I'm wrong.

Dont go making monoliths out of people. Al Qaida hates ISIS.


I don't understand why really. Doesn't Al-Qaida hate western countries just as much as ISIS? Wouldn't this be in their interest? Do correct me if I'm wrong.
Al-Quaida hates ISIS more than anything. ISIS is even shit within the Islamic terrorist groups. Well, except Boku Haram, but that shit is also shit, just less powerful.


I don't understand why really. Doesn't Al-Qaida hate western countries just as much as ISIS? Wouldn't this be in their interest? Do correct me if I'm wrong.

Because AQ hates ISIS.
And this is basically them going "shit,we should have done this ourselves, but fucking ISIS did it,let's tell them how much they suck".

It's a travesty
Everyone keeps saying how we should fight back against Isis but no matter what you do it creates a fucked up situation.
What if we just stopped? like every single non muslim country just stopped dealing with Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan, just pull back and have nothing to do with them, would that get them to leave us alone?
That seems to be what causes the problems anyway, that is what they keep saying they want so why not do it?
Just let them destroy their own coutries instead of ours

As always, the naivety of some on here never ceases to amaze me.
In an ideal world, they would just focus completely on destroying each other.

In an ideal world. In the reality we're living in now though I am just relieved they are not working together. Relieved may not be the word I'm looking for, but the thought of them combining and working together is extra terrifying.


You can't though. It takes three months until your body has enough antibodies to test positive.
Banning specific groups from donating blood is just a further attempt of reducing that risk, even if it means to ban completly healthy people from donating.

Your stastics about HIV in Ireland proves the point.


lol, yeah you sound like a brat.

FFS. That is false.

Either you learn how to read or stop posting things you don't know about.
There is a french delegation in Syria right now .




In an ideal world, they would just focus completely on destroying each other.
Actually, various other terror groups are constantly fighting ISIS, but it's powerful enough to fight on multiple fronts at once. Also: even if someone would defeat ISIS, they wouldn't just both collapse. They would probably absorb the remnants and grow strong their selves. Whoever wins, we lose.
There is a french delegation in Syria right now .


Great. Now we need to make friends with that asshole again, to fight ISIS. Man, this is such a shitty situation.


Al Qaeda disagrees with IS ideology. They are murdering muslim brothers also which goes against the rules of Al Qaeda. They announced their own Caliph without consult, which was the final straw for Al Qaeda.


How did that work after the Soviets left Afghanistan?

well it was only a question but like I said, no matter what we do it will create a fucked up situation.
I would love for every member of every terrorist group to be killed but how exactly does that happen? look at what the arab guy said a few pages ago about his country and their persecution complex, how exactly do you fight these deep rooted and archaic customs that they hold so dear?


So when do Western countries stop being friends with the Saudi Arabia?

It's like putting out fires with fuel instead of water.
Did anyone have a link to Le Parisien to confirm it was false that the car broke the blokade?

-14h10. La voiture qui a inquiété les forces de l'ordre ne serait que celle d'un homme qui a changé de trajectoire au dernier moment pour prendre un autre itinéraire.

-14h10. The car that worried the police would only be that of a man who changed course at the last moment to take another route.
(Google trad)



I do think the attack going ahead yesterday was partially a response to the killing of Jihadi John.

It was obviously in the works for a while, however I personally believe his death was the catalyst that made them attack sooner.

The media certainly doesn't help by glamourising people like him.


Al Qaeda disagrees with IS ideology. They are murdering muslim brothers also which goes against the rules of Al Qaeda. They announced their own Caliph without consult, which was the final straw for Al Qaeda.

Didn't Al Qaeda murder a shit load of Muslim brothers in 911?
Everyone keeps saying how we should fight back against Isis but no matter what you do it creates a fucked up situation.
What if we just stopped? like every single non muslim country just stopped dealing with Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan, just pull back and have nothing to do with them, would that get them to leave us alone?
That seems to be what causes the problems anyway, that is what they keep saying they want so why not do it?
Just let them destroy their own coutries instead of ours

How did that work for Europe with Hitler? Russia? You think that these individuals would simply stay in Iraq and Syria? No. They're eventual goal is world domination and their brand of Islam. Do you want these people controlling the oil marker? Getting WMds and Nuclear weapons? My goodness.


I think you have just no point.

No one denied that heterosexual people can have HIV as well that's the reason there are also other risk groups which are banned from donating blood.
In the long run it also helps those people if they need to receive blood.

But even if they don't have HIV, haven't had intercourse with another man in years, show no symptoms of any other diseases that would make them ineligible to donate blood they still can't.

Only because they are gay, at a certain point that rule becomes fucking discriminatory.

There's no point in it from a preventative measure because the most preventative measures are already in place BY LAW! The only thing it's preventing is a homosexual man's blood being transfused into another person. No other reason matters.

Especially if it all comes down to risk factors then based on the WHO all heterosexual women should be denied the ability to donate blood since they make up about half of all current HIV/AIDS diagnoses.

Edit: I apologize for going so insanely off-topic.

Back on topic, that photo of all the different countries landmarks sporting the French Flag colors is fucking beautiful.
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