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Paris Terrorist Attacks, 120+ dead. Do not post hearsay/unsourced/old news.

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who the fuck goes to a suicide mission with their passport... Clearly attempting to get the west to turn on the refugees.

If it was a passport it was on purpose to result in stoking a reaction against local/regional nationals of Muslim origin which would create more recruits for a supposed war of civilizations


I think the question is more why would he give a fuck about being obligatory before blowing himself up?

That's like a guy getting his wallet and phone before he hangs himself.

It doesn't make sense.

In case of an ID check his mission would have been in danger. In that case he might have had to detonate his bomb early, not kill as many people, and also risk failure of the other attacks. So it makes perfect sense to bring it. No reason to see some kind of conspiracy to make refugees look bad.
Why the fuck is he allowed in the country then? It's like the Sydney hostage attack where they knew the guy was violent and extreme. Get these extremists out.
I saw on the news last night (American, so take with a grain of salt), French security knows of over 400 who have gone to terrorist training camps and returned to France. They are trying to keep tabs on them. Seems to me they could start there. Pick up every single one of them.


Having sex with someone who has HIV puts you at risk regardless of their sexual orientation, for example in Ireland 38.1% of people who contracted HIV were heterosexual. 9% were unknown. Yet gay men giving blood is still banned. Its an outdated discriminatory standard.

If anything, you are proving the point of the exclusion criteria.

Men who have sex with men make up a relatively tiny part of the total population, yet they are statistically speaking the group where the majority of total HIV transmissions and infections take place.
According to the CDC page I linked earlier, men who have sex with men make up about 2% of the total US population, yet this relatively tiny group is associated with 72%+ of all HIV infections in the US among the 13-24 age range, for example. A large majority, and as such, men who have sex with men pose a greater risk of transmitting HIV through blood donation in comparison with other groups. Hence, their exclusion.

Sorry for going OT again. Let's shelve this discussion now.


Why the fuck is he allowed in the country then? It's like the Sydney hostage attack where they knew the guy was violent and extreme. Get these extremists out.

You know that we still live in democracies, where the is something call the law and the right of citizens ? And where would you bring them if they are only French (most are) ? How do you do that for 1500 people ?


When on a suicide mission, one must always remember to follow local identification laws apparently.

I wouldn't know, but if on his way to the stadium he would have been stopped by police for identification (quite common when going to mass events like football games) he could have provided the passport and been let go on his way. If he didn't have any form of identification the police would have retained him until finding out who he was and he wouldn't have been able to reach his destiny. Also, if for whatever reason he would have aborted his mission he would have been just one more in the crowd instead of someone without identification, which always raises concern among police.

Carrying an id lets you get everywhere and not be suspect to police, not the other way around.


Unconfirmed Member
It's not my numbers. God dammit where is this dumb post from yesterday with that article.
Ugh now I have to go through the entire god damn thread.
Guess I got that "cleared up" part wrong then, sounded like those were yours.


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I saw on the news last night (American, so take with a grain of salt), French security knows of over 400 who have gone to terrorist training camps and returned to France. They are trying to keep tabs on them. Seems to me they could start there. Pick up every single one of them.

Why keep tabs on them. I think it should be a criminal offence if you train to be a terrorist and they should not have been allowed to reenter the country. If they try to smuggle in. Arrest and deportation. Fuck human rights. Enough is enough.
You carry your ID in your wallet all the time. It isn't a decision you do every day before leaving your home.

Not sure what so crazy about it.


Guess I got that "cleared up" part wrong then, sounded like those were yours.

Nah I was refrencing a really stupid post made last night where some guy was also fear mongering about muslims overtaking britain and stuff like that.

Something with sharia laws.



There's a french one.


ISIS said it was responsible for the attacks and that it was "carefully planned".


I do think the attack going ahead yesterday was partially a response to the killing of Jihadi John.

It was obviously in the works for a while, however I personally believe his death was the catalyst that made them attack sooner.

The media certainly doesn't help by glamourising people like him.

i doubt anyone outside the west cares about jihadi john.. guy was a tool


Why keep tabs on them. I think it should be a criminal offence if you train to be a terrorist and they should not have been allowed to reenter the country. If they try to smuggle in. Arrest and deportation. Fuck human rights. Enough is enough.

Pretty much. They've made their decision by going there. Throw them into a prison cell if they want to enter the country again.


Does it really matter if he was Syrian or not? You shouldn't demonise a whole country because of one psycho. Only idiots would brand a whole country terrorists.


I earned 100 Gamerscore™ for collecting 300 widgets and thereby created Trump's America
There's a french one.


ISIS said it was responsible for the attacks and that it was "carefully planned".

Wtf. They have a professional looking letterhead with a corporate-esque logo?


Why keep tabs on them. I think it should be a criminal offence if you train to be a terrorist and they should not have been allowed to reenter the country. If they try to smuggle in. Arrest and deportation. Fuck human rights. Enough is enough.

Has been a criminal offence since 2012


Does it really matter if he was Syrian or not? You shouldn't demonise a whole country because of one psycho. Only idiots would brand a whole country terrorists.

It does matter as we have no proper checks in Europe anymore on who is entering and passing through our countries. If he was Syrian, fears about ISIS members entering while pretending to be a war refugees seem to be accurate. We need better border patrols and checks in that case.

Why else does it matter? Syrian war refugees will be demonized even more now.


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Does it really matter if he was Syrian or not? You shouldn't demonise a whole country because of one psycho. Only idiots would brand a whole country terrorists.

It's not just one psycho is it. It's now a continuous stream of terrorists doing this activity which is causing increasing threat levels and due to the level of sophistication and planning, the west seems powerless to defend itself.


My excuse for what?.

Just googled a little, and found lots of articles of young muslims agree with IS

Like this http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/ukn...ls-40pc-of-Muslims-want-sharia-law-in-UK.html

edit: well, not 40% agree with IS, but want their laws.
So if aso 40% of the young muslims in Canada think its ok to kill innocent people, you should be a little bit worried atleast.

What a silly post. Because a percentage of young Muslims want laws that consider their religion, they automatically support ISIS? What kind of dangerous and twisted logic is that?

There isn't even a pre defined thing as Sharia law, it is literally just law that is based on Islamic or Quranic literature, and different country to country. It's the reason some Muslim countries have less strict laws than others, despite them still following "sharia".
Eugh just found out one of my old school friends is missing having been in Paris last night...I haven't talked to them regularly in years but...not to sound obvious but until it happens to you, you only hear about these things by proxy and feel a bit disassociated from it...

My thoughts and prayers go to the victims and their families, of course.

So it's not the greatest to have woken up this morning, check Facebook and see someone ranting about it all being a false flag zionist conspiracy...


Why keep tabs on them. I think it should be a criminal offence if you train to be a terrorist and they should not have been allowed to reenter the country. If they try to smuggle in. Arrest an jail. No trial.
'Knowing' is one thing, proving is another. A lot of these guys go via Turkey, a very popular tourist destination. If I'm an intelligence analyst and I see a guy who meets a certain profile traveling to Turkey alone for a long holiday, and comes back with no souvenirs, no photos, and no social media updates, I 'know' he was probably up to no good. All you can do at that point is add their name to a long list of suspects and try to track them. If you attempt to arrest them, the court will throw the case out.


It does matter as we have no proper checks in Europe anymore on who is entering and passing through our countries. If he was Syrian, fears about ISIS members entering while pretending to be a war refugees seem to be accurate. We need better border patrols and checks in that case.

Why else does it matter? Syrian war refugees will be demonized even more now.

You mean mainland Europe. You don't demonise a whole nation just because of a few crazies.


Junior Member
Does it really matter if he was Syrian or not? You shouldn't demonise a whole country because of one psycho. Only idiots would brand a whole country terrorists.

There are few people to route for in Syria these days. You have Assad and Russia on one side, and then you have ISIS, and then you have the rebels who have a questionable track record. The only good guys seem to be those fleeing the situation.


Fox News: 3 different attackers has passports from Syria, Egypt, and France.

Apologize if it's already been posted.


It's not just one psycho is it. It's now a continuous stream of terrorists doing this activity which is causing increasing threat levels and due to the level of sophistication and planning, the west seems powerless to defend itself.

I meant as in one person with a Syrian passport, obviously there are more then one. Also far more attacks etc are stopped then actually happen in the West, so I wouldn't call it powerless. If a terrorists group wants to do something like this enough then in the end it will happen. No one can stop stuff like this happening 100%.
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