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Paris Terrorist Attacks, 120+ dead. Do not post hearsay/unsourced/old news.

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I earned 100 Gamerscore™ for collecting 300 widgets and thereby created Trump's America
Not sure I see what you mean there. Is Westboro considered Christian?

Not by anyone but atheists that want to make Christians look bad.

Well, I'd say that's bullshit but I'm an atheist so fuck my opinion. You are what you say you are.

Doesn't mean they're representative of Christians as a whole. Same with these clowns and Muslims. Nuance and all that.

Anfony O

Worrying about Islamophobia when there are countless dead and even more taken hostage seems insanely distasteful to me.

Actually it is. Yes people have died but depending on how the media plays this countless more might suffer from these events. Terrorism is downright disgusting but if we don't tackle the way it is portrayed to the population then we just add fuel to the fire of an already vicious circle.


Sadly - that's exactly the ISIS plan / Al Qaeda plan. They want to restore the caliphate and turn the Middle East into basically a giant muslim version of Israel (and use the giant pile of oil to gain power in the world).

Stay safe Paris-GAF.

They are never going to achieve this obviously but I wonder when it will all end. It could be decades.


It starting.

A journalist from BFM TV spoke to a witness. This witness heard from a shooter : This is for Syria


Like it or not they consider themselves as true muslims and therefore we should also consider them as muslims.

I don't consider them Muslims or even religious people. I consider these people sub human pigs.

I hope the hostage takers are taken alive. The guillotine should be brought back just for them and every family and friend connected to the perpetrators should have their door kicked in in the morning.

This is the second highly coordinated attack like this, it can't be allowed to stand without robust uniform condemnation and the hardest of responses IMO.


What the shit is ARD doing. Interviewing German football officials instead of doing some proper Journalismus. Incredible.

Edit: and now even random fans. What the hell

They're probably trying not to spread any misinformation until the situation becomes a bit clearer.
Muslims better stay in their homes for a while, it's not going to be safe for them.
While I understand why you're saying this, you are painting the larger population of Paris as the aggressors when they are seemingly still in the midst of an attack that could kill more than 100 people. Have some tact.


CNN is saying an American Metal band was performing at the Concert Hall tonight in Paris.

Nobody stated which band(s) yet though.
it's josh homme's side project, Eagles of Death Metal.

A few people on twitter are saying he didn't join them on this tour, but I haven't seen any confirmation.


Fucking fucks now targeting metal/rock concerts? People drinking at bars? Eating at restaurants?

So fucking furious right now... Hope people in Bataclan are ok...
Jesus.....this is just too much and too frightening

stay safe Paris Gaf/ people of Paris, thoughts and prayers with those who have been injured/killed

what's this 100 hostages I'm hearing on the news!? just too scary man...

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
jesus christ the coverage on cnn arguing that it was an attack against americans because of the concert stop looking at your fucking navel


World's #1 One Direction Fan: Everyone else in the room can see it, everyone else but you~~~
God just watching BBC news makes me feel sick
Hoping the best for the hostages but given the stories of them opening fire on people as they went into the theatre I'm not expecting a good outcome
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