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Paris Terrorist Attacks, 120+ dead. Do not post hearsay/unsourced/old news.

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This is insane
Around the Stade de France is where we go to the movies with my children then eat something, I'm having a nervous breakdown, seriously.



This is terrible.

Apparently, the football stadium can not be evacuated at this point. No one in, no one out.

Army arrived in Paris, according to local TV here.
how is RAID going to deal with a hostage situation of 100+?

Just go in and hope they can act fast enough and hope for the least collateral damage? They must know that they clearly have no intention of living or negotiating and the end game is death, so how is RAID going to deal with this?


I have to go back from work now (on my lunch), but I worry what the situation will be when I get off work and check again. :-(


While I understand why you're saying this, you are painting the larger population of Paris as the aggressors when they are seemingly still in the midst of an attack that could kill more than 100 people. Have some tact.
But that's not what he's doing. It only takes a few crazy people and a general atmosphere to strike fear into a population.


Absolutely horrifying. The German sportscaster said the explosion had the ground shaking, even inside the stadium.
Stay safe, Paris GAF!
Fucking fucks now targeting metal/rock concerts? People drinking at bars? Eating at restaurants?

So fucking furious right now... Hope people in Bataclan are ok...

Their targets are what I love in Life : metal concert, bar drinking with friends, cartoons...
I fucking hate these lunatics...


All of this is just so scary. I was supposed to be DJing at a nightclub in the 10th district tomorrow night but it looks like it's gonna be cancelled. And I actually hope so because I really don't feel like going out.


41 > 38
Worrying about Islamophobia when there are countless dead and even more taken hostage seems insanely distasteful to me.

It's absolutely pathetic. Some of us have family members or friends in the thick of this who we can't get in touch with. Other Neogaf brothers and sisters are themselves in the thick of this.
I know there is a large contingent of people here who always post something along the lines of "awful stuff like this has happened throughout history, we'll be fine"....but I really think the world could be heading into some very dark times. It just feels like a tipping point may be coming on many many fronts.


Just for a bit of perspective, this is the Bataclan packed out for a K Pop Concert, not sure when it was:


And last Saturday, Nobuo Uematsu and Hiroyuki Nakayama performed at Bataclan for Piano Opera

Another shooting spree at Les Halles (1st district) confirmed


CNN is saying an American Metal band was performing at the Concert Hall tonight in Paris.

Nobody stated which band(s) yet though.

Eagle of death métal according to bfmtv

F*ck I was planning to join some friends near République, they are locked in the bar they were. Add to that one of my friend live rue Alibert.
I'm in shock....


I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
I hope people and the police manage to overpower the worthless and barbaric scum who is doing this and tear them to pieces.


I earned 100 Gamerscore™ for collecting 300 widgets and thereby created Trump's America
More than a gamechanger of the London and Madrid attacks? How many were killed in those?

I'm no European but it seems like tensions have been pretty high lately. I'm hoping this isn't a tipping point.
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