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Paris Terrorist Attacks, 120+ dead. Do not post hearsay/unsourced/old news.

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An interesting video here of people escaping the Bataclan (concert hall). Warning it might be shocking for some of you.

jesus....this is horrible....should've just stayed with the censored version that was showing on the news

these american news channels are fucking stupids with some of the questions:

"descibe the atmosphere in france"
"did you get a good/close look at the gunmen"
"Describe the scene when you were there"

yeah...I thought I take my time to observe the bastards gunning down innocent people..
I see some pasts saying that the Saudi's are the main funders for ISIS.... maybe some princes but the Government?

Didn't they arrest a bunch of ISIS people.... had their soldiers ambushed and killed by ISIS in Yemen had 2 gunfights with them in Riyadh, 3+ attacks on Shia Mosques, and a potential bomb attack that was thwarted all within this year?

I am all for reform in SA and abolishing the monarchy plus they fund a bunch of groups in Syria but to have ISIS do all those things SA just to cover up a Saudi connection sounds silly.

GSG Flash

Nobody ruins my family vacation but me...and maybe the boy!
I never said ISIS never attacked Iranian forces. Ofc they will to keep the ideology around them alive, but I mean look at the percentage the damage done to Bashar is almost nothing to what they did to rebels. When the Russian-Iranian attack began ISIS attacked the rebels from behind and took a considerable land from them. Right now a good chunk of that land is controlled by Syrian army. What about ISIS front lines with the Syrian army? it's quite.

And yet ISIS massacred Syrian and Iraqi soldiers, both of whom are allied with Iran, and ISIS suicide bombers have blew themselves up at Shia mosques in Saudi Arabia.

Heck, just yesterday there was an ISIS suicide attack at a Shia funeral in Baghdad and one in a Hezbollah stronghold in Lebanon.

Get out of here with your bullshit conspiracy theories.

The most likely source of ISIS support is Saudi Arabia and Qatar.
No, there's no question at all. It's Islamism. Imposing Islamic law throughout the world, through political or violent means. It's no secret, they've said it loudly and repeatedly.




Well sort of. Some want that. Others just want domination of the region. Others want Armageddon (effectively) brought about by the west invading and triggering some sort of apocalyptic battle in the region (based on historical texts which reference a battle with Rome, which some interpret as the US or the west in general, for some reason).


I see some pasts saying that the Saudi's are the main funders for ISIS.... maybe some princes but the Government?

Didn't they arrest a bunch of ISIS people.... had their soldiers ambushed and killed by ISIS in Yemen had 2 gunfights with them in Riyadh, 3+ attacks on Shia Mosques, and a potential bomb attack that was thwarted all within this year?

I am all for reform in SA and abolishing the monarchy plus they fund a bunch of groups in Syria but to have ISIS do all those things SA just to cover up a Saudi connection sounds silly.

I think ISIS makes most of their money by drug and oil trade.


I agree, Assad is no saint. But the situation got out of control in Syria once the situation exploded in Iraq (taking down Saddam and putting a pro Iran Shiia as Prime Minister) and Libya (Taking down Gaddafi), this people weren't saints but they had the situation under control thanks to actually understanding the ethnicity and religious divisions in their own country and region.

Currently the situation can't be solved by invading ISIS and installing a puppet government like in Iraq. The Syrian situation is now the same as Iraq 10 years ago. How are you going to back in this conflict? How do you solve it? How do you keep in check Sunni extremist? America is being really naive (again) or deliberately trying to completely destabilize the region (again).

Yeah lest take down Assad and Iran and then put some Shiia puppet governments that with democracy, unicorns and rainbows will establish a lasting peaceful democratic society without understanding that Sunni Kurds may revolt against them or that Sunnis are a majority in Syria and the most extremist will revolt just like in Iraq. Also the lost of Iran wouldn't come so easily and unscratched in the region as the majority of Shia Iranians will see the rise of new Sunni insurrections all over the place and may want to start their own rebellions as a method of self defense after the fall of the biggest Shia state in the region.

There is no clear answer into what would happen if you let Assad fall. But if he is in place you can at least stop worrying about Syria for a while and start to fight ISIS and the Kurds in Iraq, Lebannon and Lybia.

Later you could see how you could top down Assad or worrying about the the cold war between the Saudis and Iran.

Yeah every government taken down has been replaced by radicals, and it almost happened in Egypt too.
Apathy wins again

In your mind, everyone who elects to inform themselves of what happened and take a stand against it, without exposing themselves to the most graphic, soul-taking violence that exists in today's media-saturated society, is apathetic to the suffering and injustice of what happened.


So you watched the videos. How are you responding?
but the mods asked not to post graphic and shocking footage, people don't need to see it.Some people just want to see it, that's fine but whatever man. Your only seeing something terrible, no two ways about it...


Calling people stupid when you share an unsourced video that is, judging by what is written and said, old, is, well, stupid.

You're right, with the rifle-motion and the smiling face it's harsh to think the guy behind the reporter is stupid.


Calling people stupid when you share an unsourced video that is, judging by what is written and said, old, is, well, stupid.

Yeah they are real smart no matter what the situation. I am sorry if it's old etc. I am not French so i made the mistake of believing others on it. That's stupid, i agree. I am just really Mad at the situation right now.


I see some pasts saying that the Saudi's are the main funders for ISIS.... maybe some princes but the Government?

Didn't they arrest a bunch of ISIS people.... had their soldiers ambushed and killed by ISIS in Yemen had 2 gunfights with them in Riyadh, 3+ attacks on Shia Mosques, and a potential bomb attack that was thwarted all within this year?

I am all for reform in SA and abolishing the monarchy plus they fund a bunch of groups in Syria but to have ISIS do all those things SA just to cover up a Saudi connection sounds silly.

Yes, Saudi Arabia's government absolutely does not fund ISIS. They fund the utterly despicable Islamic Front instead, which isn't much of an improvement.
Watched the video

Why are people hanging from windows

Too hide?

Movie will never be able to replicate the screams of panic and fear ever, that audio is scarier than the video damn
In your mind, everyone who elects to inform themselves of what happened and take a stand against it, without exposing themselves to the most graphic, soul-taking violence that exists in today's media-saturated society, is apathetic to the suffering and injustice of what happened.


So you watched the videos. How are you responding?

I've seen horror firsthand and will never look away. I'll respond to this by doing whatever my country asks of me, until that comes to pass I'll make sure to donate to the first legitimate charity to assist the people of France.
Watching some atrocity to make it seem more immediate and real is not armouring yourself or a proof of bravery. It's just some sort of thrill seeking behaviour like watching porn.

El Odio

Preface : snip
I know what you mean. I have people calling the flag filter on fb a sign of racism/xenophobic/eurocentrism becausethis option isn't offered for tragedy in 3rd world countries. I'm absolutely disgusted by that because it feels like an attempt to downplay the entirety of what happened yesterday. As someone who had friends who turned out to be 20 minutes away from the main area under attack I was incredibly worried all last night for that and just because of the entirety of the fucked upNess of the entire situation. The global responses to last night are definitely going to be big and have a massive impact on the war with ISIS.
I've been trying to stay out of this thread to try and keep a clear head but I really felt lIke getting that off my chest.

Two Words

Will the world start to treat ISIS as something closer to the Nazis now? I feel like ISIS needs to be nipped in the bud before it is allowed to grow to a more harmful state.


Regardless of your opinions on the need to see the outcome of violence, the rule here is that anything that might be upsetting goes behind a clearly labeled link. That seems to have happened in this case, as there's a pretty clear warning that the content might be upsetting. So let's move on.


Unconfirmed Member
I'm convinced the game was the actual main target yesterday. 80.000 people inside watching the game, would have been horrendous if the suicide bombers made it in.

The German team actually had to evactuate their hotel earlier because of a bomb thread. But that and the French president being present at the game might have led to the security that prevented them from entering the stadium.
The Syrian passport found next to the body of one of the suicide bombers in Paris yesterday was registered on the Greek island of Leros, the Greek government said, suggesting that the holder came into Europe claiming to be a political refugee.

Well, shit.

Well there it is. People were called out for even suggesting the possibility they might have been a terrorist mixed in with innocent refuges.
The Syrian passport found next to the body of one of the suicide bombers in Paris yesterday was registered on the Greek island of Leros, the Greek government said, suggesting that the holder came into Europe claiming to be a political refugee.

Well, shit.

This was always, in theory a legit concern, but I felt would not and should not override the more pressing humanitarian need. Hopefully that sentiment stays, but damned if this won't help...


Not true. It is required that you have a valid ID, but you don't have to take it with you all the time.

That's true. But if you are asked to show it to police and you cannot, you are fined. So while you are not required to have it with you by law, you essentially always have to carry it around as police may ask for it.

Queen of Hunting

Unconfirmed Member
I'm convinced the game was the actual main target yesterday. 80.000 people inside watching the game, would have been horrendous if the suicide bombers made it in.

The German team actually had to evactuate their hotel earlier because of a bomb thread. But that and the French president being present at the game might have led to the security that prevented them from entering the stadium.

Not even the 80k number. Just think that stadium blowing up from 3 angles on live tv. That was the aim and main mission. Thankfully that never happened. But still a tragic event has taken place


The Syrian passport found next to the body of one of the suicide bombers in Paris yesterday was registered on the Greek island of Leros, the Greek government said, suggesting that the holder came into Europe claiming to be a political refugee.

Well, shit.

Not link has been made with any assassin yet.

I'm fascinated by people making assumptions, relaying misinformation and rumors, as these were facts or claims proven. This thread is a gold mine.


Well there it is. People were called out for even suggesting the possibility they might have been a terrorist mixed in with innocent refuges.

No one with a shred of intelligence would be ignoring the possibility. That's insanely naive.

I think the larger debate as what we do about that.
I think ISIS makes most of their money by drug and oil trade.
I feel the same way

we need to find ways to cut off their ways of trade like how they did with Al Shabab in Somalia
Yes, Saudi Arabia's government absolutely does not fund ISIS. They fund the utterly despicable Islamic Front instead, which isn't much of an improvement.

and they need to be held accountable for that but what I am getting at is we shouldn't make up things in order to justify certain actions

it is like when we invaded Iraq for 9/11
Well there it is. People were called out for even suggesting the possibility they might have been a terrorist mixed in with innocent refuges.

Terrorist intentions or not - how they hell did they get AK-47s into France? And where did their bomb packs come from?

I doubt they fled to Greece weidling aa high-powered, assault rifle. Surely refurgees are being searched and filtered for this stuff before being relocated???

They had to rendezvous somewhere in Europe with someone who supplied the weapons.
This is a really good write up. They literally want to kick start armageddon.

The Atlantic: What ISIS Really Wants

If what this article says is accurate, that a crucial component to ISIS' ability to recruit and radicalize is the fact that it holds territory its claimed de facto sovereignty over, then the civilized global community may need to consider an invasion and occupation of the area ISIS entrenched themselves in.
(However I realize the only way to do that without sparking a fucking wave of jihadis flooding in to fight "crusaders" is Arab regimes giving a massive amount of political and material support).


It shouldn't be forgotten that it is really easy to get a fake Syrian passport. This Dutch journalist bought a fake passport with the picture of the Dutch prime minister on it for $825.



So although it is a possbility it is a real Syrian passport, it could also just as easily be fake.
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