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Paris Terrorist Attacks, 120+ dead. Do not post hearsay/unsourced/old news.

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Just what exactly does ISIS want to achieve? I swear there's still a question mark over it no?

They want to establish a caliphate which they have and want to expand. Their message is to bring about the end times.

They believe the end times won't be triggered until the caliphate covers the Earth.


This is something that is quite recent though, and hardly a result of religion but the socio economic and unstable nature of the region. Pretty clear to see from the huge increase in suicide attacks since 2002.

Yes but the concept of self sacrifice for a "greater good" is hardly unique to religion or Islam. People who believe in Ideologies from communism to nationalism have commited these attacks.

No Islamic terrorism in France is not recent.
Have you heard of the Metro bombing of 1995? or the hijacking of that Air france Flight by terrorists?

Sacrifice for the greater good is not unique to Islam, true. That being said, how many dead to islamic terrorist attack those past 20 years? And how many due to non-islamic attack?
Stop saying religion is not a factor when it is one of the major one, you are deluding yourself. Those people are completely brain washed.
So a Greek reporter said their internal ministry confirmed the attacker with Syrian passport was registered as a refugee on thE Greek island Leiros in October. On front of Drudge but it links to info wars so.... but those they wanted this to be true will surely use this.


300chf ain't shit to me
I was at an event in Zürich today and when I arrived at the main station the place was crawling with police, all armed with machine guns. Pretty unnerving


The station exit I used to continue to my destination was blocked by police, when I tried to pass they let my friend and I go past (both white) but stopped a woman who was wearing a hijab. I felt terrible for her...


So a Greek reporter said their internal ministry confirmed the attacker with Syrian passport was registered as a refugee on thE Greek island Leiros in October. On front of Drudge but it links to info wars so.... but those they wanted this to be true will surely use this.

It's confirmed. BBC are reporting it too with a proper source. Would link but on mobile.


So a Greek reporter said their internal ministry confirmed the attacker with Syrian passport was registered as a refugee on thE Greek island Leiros in October. On front of Drudge but it links to info wars so.... but those they wanted this to be true will surely use this.

I got this as a news bump on my phone just now from NOS (Dutch news network, usually pretty accurate).

Could be a scare tactic.
Just plain speculation, but these suicide bombers must have killed themselves outside of crowds, so it should be possible to identify what belonged to them, if it survived the blast.

I didn't write anything about that, though. I answered to a post that promoted talks with and support of Assad as a solution.
Here's info on that Russian paper I mentioned: http://www.spiegel.de/international...-his-secret-strategy-for-syria-a-1062726.html

But Assad is the best case scenario for a solution in the region. Lest say the west support some opposition side like the Sunni oppossition (Moderate rebels my ass) and you kick out ISIS, Al Nusra and the Syrian Kurds from Syria, they are only going to flock towards their respective branches in Iraq or Lebbanon or Lybia, regroup and attack the new Syrian Government. Also this doesn't take into account that Iran and Syria have a mutual defense agreement, so in order to take down Assad you will also have to wipe out Iran government. That could lead to even more turmoil in the region when another Shiia government is overtaken and the Sunni in this regions either create their own rebel movements or join ISIS in Iraq or Al Qaeda or Al Nusra.

Taking down Assad can be worse than taking down Saddam and Saddam was a freaking Sunni secular that keep in check everyone (and genocides the Kurds) because you would let a lot of Sunnis without a counter Shiia balance and the entire region could down itself in complete civil war with several Sunnis extremist and perhaps even the uprising of Shiia rebels for the first time when they see themselves in danger of extinction when the most powerful Shiia government of the region start to fall against Sunni extremist.

Shit could go even worse than what I am saying if the Saudis smell blood and want to turn their nation into an actual Caliphate and expand or support the rest of the Sunnis insurrections (and some say they already are supporting ISIS and the like)


Felium Defensor
R.I.P to all the innocent lives lost. Thoughts and prayers are with their family/friends and everyone in Paris.

Pancake Mix

Copied someone else's pancake recipe
Guys, that video is really graphic, wouldn't recommend it, serves no purpose because you already know what exactly happened.

So a Greek reporter said their internal ministry confirmed the attacker with Syrian passport was registered as a refugee on thE Greek island Leiros in October. On front of Drudge but it links to info wars so.... but those they wanted this to be true will surely use this.

Really... "wanted this to be true." That's uncalled for man. You really wonder why someone would want it to be a foreign force and not naturalized citizens?


Sacrifice for the greater good is not unique to Islam, true. That being said, how many dead to islamic terrorist attack those past 20 years? And how many due to non-islamic attack?
Stop saying religion is not a factor when it is one of the major one, you are deluding yourself. Those people are completely brain washed.

Of course radical interpretations are a factor.

C0unter is simply pointing out that this isn't unique to religion or Islam in particular, as others have implied.


But reaping the ultimate reward for doing so instead of sacrificing yourself is a difference that should not be denied. The expectation of paradise turns a self-transcending sacrifice into an act that can easily be motivated by much more egoistic considerations.

The vast majority of suicide attacks pre 2001 were motivated by nationalistic reasons. It is only after 2001 has there been a huge increase in religiously motivated attacks. I don't see how you can argue that thousands of years old religions are the reason.


If refugees can't go where they want how do they get to Sweden?
There is virtually no border control inside the EU, so once you're inside, you can travel quite easily, even if your situation is illegal... I traveled a couple years ago from France to Norway by road, so :

France > Belgium > Netherlands > Deutschland > Denmark > Sweden > Norway

I don't remember a single border control...

Beside, some refugees enter the EU from the north... E.g., you're allowed to go through the russian-norway border (if I'm not mistaken) freely provided you have a russian Visa and you're not on foot (price of bikes skyrocketed there). Then, reaching sweeden isn't a big issue.


No, it's not the only option. It's the option that has been resorted to countless times in the past, and massively failed each and every time. It will only breed ISIS 2, 3 4 and 5. Only giving each new version of the group more ammunition to recruit, and more displaced and ignorant people to pray on.

The key is education, infrastructure, trade, academia, dialogue, improved foreign policy etc. Basically these places that are currently breeding grounds, need to cease being areas of constant war, violence, destruction, fear, turmoil and poverty. These things are perfect catalysts with which such groups thrive.
What if people don't want to be educated, participate in academia, have a dialogue etc?


At least one guy was lucky because of his phone. Video and more images in the link.


A mobile phone has been credited with saving the life of a man who was caught up in gunfire when terrorists launched an attack outside the Stade de France in Paris on Friday night.
In an extraordinary interview with iTele in France, the man named only as Sylvestre claimed his head would have "exploded" if not for his mobile phone, which apparently absorbed the impact of a bullet.

He also said a bullet had grazed his ribcage, pointing to his torso. There was a bullet hole in his T-shirt, which was stained with blood. He believed his thick jacket may have absorbed some of the impact of that bullet.
"I wouldn't wish it on anyone," he said.



They want to establish a caliphate which they have and want to expand. Their message is to bring about the end times.

They believe the end times won't be triggered until the caliphate covers the Earth.
In regards to this, I think the Pope's remarks about "WWIII" don't help the current situation.

Ugh, what a stupid comment.


The vast majority of suicide attacks pre 2001 were motivated by nationalistic reasons. It is only after 2001 has there been a huge increase in religiously motivated attacks. I don't see how you can argue that thousands of years old religions are the reason.


Though radical interpretations likely play a role, among others, for the more recent attacks.


Any passports found might be real, or fake. It's not really out of the question that a criminal group might use fake ones, if it's required. More likely they would just go with whatever were easiest, such as the members just using their actual passports.

Either way, I would assume whoever is investigating would try to determine whether or not any passports found are real, and not just say "oh, OK, this is who they were/where they were from."


I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
In regards to this, I think the Pope's remarks about "WWIII" don't help the current situation.

Ugh, what a stupid comment.

I googled it, and apparently talk about a "piecemeal World War 3" goes back into 2014. Seems to be some general idea of his. Still sounds pretty silly.


Unconfirmed Member
But Assad is the best case scenario for a solution in the region. Lest say the west support some opposition side like the Sunni oppossition (Moderate rebels my ass) and you kick out ISIS, Al Nusra and the Syrian Kurds from Syria, they are only going to flock towards their respective branches in Iraq or Lebbanon or Lybia, regroup and attack the new Syrian Government. Also this doesn't take into account that Iran and Syria have a mutual defense agreement, so in order to take down Assad you will also have to wipe out Iran government. That could lead to even more turmoil in the region when another Shiia government is overtaken and the Sunni in this regions either create their own rebel movements or join ISIS in Iraq or Al Qaeda or Al Nusra.

Taking down Assad can be worse than taking down Saddam and Saddam was a freaking Sunni secular that keep in check everyone (and genocides the Kurds) because you would let a lot of Sunnis without a counter Shiia balance and the entire region could down itself in complete civil war with several Sunnis extremist and perhaps even the uprising of Shiia rebels for the first time when they see themselves in danger of extinction when the most powerful Shiia government of the region start to fall against Sunni extremist.

Shit could go even worse than what I am saying if the Saudis smell blood and want to turn their nation into an actual Caliphate and expand or support the rest of the Sunnis insurrections (and some say they already are supporting ISIS and the like)
Ok, I understand now, thanks. I still think the Russian "plan" agrees with this, though. They just want Assad out of office by holding a vote, not by force.
Havent had any service for a long time now. Is it over? The last thing I remember reading last night was the concert hall situation was over but police were still investigating a couple of other locations.
Hopefully this makes EU countries reconsider their immigration policies. Don't really care whose sensibilities this offends; it's plainly obvious that taking in even more immigrants with misogynistic, homophobic and overall intolerant attitudes is only going to exacerbate the problem.

I don't think it was immigrants and if you try to be harsh to people that aren't responsible you play into ISIL's agenda. All the French and Europeans should stay united and help one and other. No need to going after people like the refugees, migrants, etc.


Havent had any service for a long time now. Is it over? The last thing I remember reading last night was the concert hall situation was over but police were still investigating a couple of other locations.

They are currently chasing a car with 4 armed individuals.


There's going to be a necessary evil of having to screen/monitor/keep tabs on asylum seekers. I'd rather have that than not letting them in at all.

Saying people should be just let in and damn the consequences is reckless and is going to galvanize detractors when the odd terrorist invariably goes through. That's not the answer.

Sad situation all around.

If refugees are turned back, ISIS wins. Plain and simple.


But Assad is the best case scenario for a solution in the region. Lest say the west support some opposition side like the Sunni oppossition (Moderate rebels my ass) and you kick out ISIS, Al Nusra and the Syrian Kurds from Syria, they are only going to flock towards their respective branches in Iraq or Lebbanon or Lybia, regroup and attack the new Syrian Government. Also this doesn't take into account that Iran and Syria have a mutual defense agreement, so in order to take down Assad you will also have to wipe out Iran government. That could lead to even more turmoil in the region when another Shiia government is overtaken and the Sunni in this regions either create their own rebel movements or join ISIS in Iraq or Al Qaeda or Al Nusra.

Taking down Assad can be worse than taking down Saddam and Saddam was a freaking Sunni secular that keep in check everyone (and genocides the Kurds) because you would let a lot of Sunnis without a counter Shiia balance and the entire region could down itself in complete civil war with several Sunnis extremist and perhaps even the uprising of Shiia rebels for the first time when they see themselves in danger of extinction when the most powerful Shiia government of the region start to fall against Sunni extremist.

Shit could go even worse than what I am saying if the Saudis smell blood and want to turn their nation into an actual Caliphate and expand or support the rest of the Sunnis insurrections (and some say they already are supporting ISIS and the like)

You say Assad is the best solution but he and his government are the ones that escalated the violence. The protests in Daraa wouldn't have even happened if his crony's first reaction to kids saying things against the government were to rip off their fingernails. Furthermore Baathist parties like to pretend they are secular when in reality they are sectarian, with Assad's government having a heavy shiite bent.
There's going to be a necessary evil of having to screen/monitor/keep tabs on asylum seekers. I'd rather have that than not letting them in at all.

Saying people should be just let in and damn the consequences is wreckless and is going to galvanize detractors when the odd terrorist invariably goes through. That's not the answer.

Sad situation all around.

If refugees are turned back, ISIS wins. Plain and simple.
I think this is the most reasonable solution.


I think it is perfectly reasonable to be extremely concerned with the thousands of people crossing the borders that you truly know nothing about at all. Especially if this individual indeed managed to do this in the timespan of a little than month.
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