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Paris Terrorist Attacks, 120+ dead. Do not post hearsay/unsourced/old news.

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41 > 38
More than a gamechanger of the London and Madrid attacks? How many were killed in those?

My own thoughts here, but this is on a different level in my mind because it has the feel of an actual military operation rather than a "plant some bombs and run" operation. We have shooters across the city, bombers, hostage takers, etc. From the news reports and limited info we're getting, Paris seems like an active war zone right now.


So I have a vacation to Paris/italy and I'm leaving tonight, landing in London for a stopover, then to paris by tomorrow afternoon. I don't know what to do.

Prayers go out to everyone there.

I'm guessing you will still be able to travel, but who knows. DAmn


My mum was supposed to be in Paris today but had changed travel plans to tomorrow. She's obviously not going now. What horrific events. Stay safe Paris and RIP.
The whole bombing campaign has been a disastrous waste of time. Everyone knows men on the ground is the only thing going to make a difference.
There was no support for that under the US and EU population. That might change now in Europe at least. Of course we now have the added trouble with Russia involved there, so it's a mess.


Don't trust bfmtv that much they are their own source and they love drama. Official numbers seem to be "at least" 40 dead


Their targets are what I love in Life : metal concert, bar drinking with friends, cartoons...
I fucking hate these lunatics...

I hate these fucks too man, this is just crazy all around. : We are already in plan vigipirate cause since Charlie Hebdo I can't go inside my daughter's school and this shit still going on, near the holidays, i got the news and it said 20 people dead and 5 injured and now at least 60 dead... Fucking hell.
Not sure I see what you mean there. Is Westboro considered Christian?

Not by anyone but atheists that want to make Christians look bad.

As a Mass-going Catholic who loathes those morons: Yes, they're (unfortunately) Christians too.

I don't think so. Religious indoctrination is the core if this all.

Stop being silly. There have been, and will be, lots of non-religious/completely secular ideologies that have given rise to horrific violence. For example, in the 20th, we had anarchism, communism, counter-communism, nationalism, racism and eugenics all with their hyper-violent sub-streams.


Get ready folks, this is going to have round the clock coverage all over the world for days until this hostage situation is over
6 events tonight :

Ray Wonder

Founder of the Wounded Tagless Children
Yo what the fuck
Really I feel bad for these people. Just a normal day turned nightmarish. I hope no one else gets hurt.
My thoughts are with you Paris. This is going to change things. It will affect policy in the EU and in the United States. It will effect our election too.


Oh fuck. Well, that is it. Borders will be locked down, Syria invaded and more military on the streets. There will be a very strong response to weed out ISIS, and I hope it will be fast and effective.

Good luck, the borders having been open for everyone all across the EU for a long time. God fucking dammit, I hope the Paris police/army is able to catch these bastards.


Get ready folks, this is going to have round the clock coverage all over the world for days until this hostage situation is over
If this is the type of extremist attack it's looking more and more like, it's hard to believe they'd leave any hostages alive..


FGC Waterboy
How? How do you destroy an evil ideology?

There are two ways, and I am officially scared that the quicker, more genocidal route, might be looked at. Normally you just use speech and time and police action; but I'm worried the full blown military option might get used.
HOW THE FUCK can a terrorist operation this huge slip past the intelligence?

These fucking scumbag terrorists. Picking on innocent civilians. You shameless pathetic lowlives. If you had any fucking shred of honor you would fight soldiers on battlefields. Cowards!


Insane. Seem like a huge coordinated attack on several different locations, creating a lot of chaos and confusion.

Can't imagine the situation on the streets of Paris. And those hostages. Awful.
Don't trust BFM TV. These guys are so stupid they are filming the police positions during hostage situations, informing the terrorists. They also don't confirm their informations.


A woman who evacuated Bataclan was speaking at TV5, she saw 4 shooters, no masks, they appeared to be from the Middle East...


This is terrible.

I don't have that much to say, but I'm terrified at the thought of being there during the attack judging by what people were describing. Absolutely terrible.


The BBC guy interviewing the guy at the bar asking him to describe the dead bodies in the street was gross.


Wrong about commas, wrong about everything
God damn, the death toll is going to hit tripple diggits isn't it......fuck....so many dead....
I'm going to cry...
100 kids who died in pakistan got the army to get their act together and now the Taliban in pakistan are destroyed. Hopefully Europe can do the same to Isis


The newscaster on http://www.france24.com/en/ said this would be the worst violence in France since WW2.
Speaking of WWII, doesn't much of Europe have a bunch of undetonated warheads stuck in the ground? I think a gaffer found one in France. I don't know how common those are but I hope they don't get triggered.
Don't trust bfmtv that much they are their own source and they love drama. Official numbers seem to be "at least" 40 dead
I hope you're right.
If this is Isis now hopefully an army can go in and destroy them instead of relying of incompetent armies and militias

Iraq and Afghanistan were not exactly and quick and easy. The best hope is that these recent events push the US and Russia to put aside this macho bullshit and get together against their common enemy.
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