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Paris Terrorist Attacks, 120+ dead. Do not post hearsay/unsourced/old news.

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Interesting analysis piece over on politico, raises the point that this and the downing of the Russian airliner may not be "officially sanctioned" isil acts.

The logic being this will hasten the speed with which isil is defeated (in terms of their territory/caliphate being destroyed), now that both Russia and NATO will be doubling down.

No comfort to victims of the Paris attacks of course. Nor future victims, since the end result will likely be more frequent terrorist attacks on western targets as the caliphate enters its death throes.

Longer term, terrorist attacks by militant Islamist groups are simply the new normal. The victimhood and rage are too entrenched to ever be completely resolved, in our lifetimes at least.


The European championships will need the highest level of security. It won't be pretty.

You don't get virgins in heaven if you don't take anybody with you, right?

yeah. They failed.

But this belief needs to be eradicated somehow. The danger is that they don't value their own life and are willing to blow themselves up. Even well educated men have converted to this belief and blew themselves up (such as the guys who controlled the planes).
Fuck. Unfortunately, they could do that. On PS4, on XBone, or whatever other kind of service. That sucks. :/

They could do it through lots of services, and many would be as, if not more, secure without the need for such time consuming things like this. People communicating privately is not the "scary part of all this" and it will never be stopped, there's always new ways developed to ensure privacy.


The European championships will need the highest level of security. It won't be pretty.

yeah. They failed.

But this belief needs to be eradicated somehow. The danger is that they don't value their own life and are willing to blow themselves up. Even well educated men have converted to this belief and blew themselves up (such as the guys who controlled the planes).

Problem is they get a lot of these guys when they are just children. Completely shaking off your beliefs that were drilled into as a child is an extremely though thing to do.


So it seems at least one of the terrorists DID seek asylum before gaining entry into France (BBC.co.UK).

This is worrying given the huge exodus that is happening in Syria ATM.


So one of the 8 terrorists had a ps4 so it's assumed possible that's how they organized the attacks? Seems like a stretch. I could see if all 8 had a ps4
Considering that the PlayStation app allows for messages to be sent through the PSN network you honestly would just need 8 guys with PSN accounts and cell phones.


Problem is they get a lot of these guys when they are just children. Completely shaking off your beliefs that were drilled into as a child is an extremely though thing to do.

Pretty much. Highlighted in this video.


Saw it pop up on someones twitter today and was fascinating.

OMG I just saw the most horrific picture from the Bataclan in the replies to the tweet. Don't scroll down if you don't want to see a picture of dead bodies.
You should probably just link to that instead.

Considering that the PlayStation app allows for messages to be sent through the PSN network you honestly would just need 8 guys with PSN accounts and cell phones.

Why would they not just download something like tor though, that NSA themselves have proven to not be able to get intercept, instead of PSN, something that script kiddies have proven to be able to hack?


While I'm glad we have footage and pictures for future generations to see the horror of such evil actions and strive to end them occurring again, I have no interest in looking at them myself.

RIP to all the fallen and I hope all those in hospital pull through okay.


There's someone on my FB saying people shouldn't change their profile pics because it's a "white supremacist flag" because of France's colonialist history and such... I know this is off-topic but god it makes me so fucking mad and wanted to vent.
Hitler clearly didn't give a shit about his allies when they stood in the way of his Empire. Operation Barbarossa?

Stalin was never a real ally. Hitler wrote a book called "My Struggle" in which he announced that the future for Germany was to "go east", exterminate all the inferior Slavic population--maybe keep a few as slaves--and build an empire there.

Stalin knew all about that. Early communism was always racing with capitalism anyway, like the space race and the arm race that followed. He just didn't think Hitler would be coming until England was taken care of.

And yet, when Barbarossa started with a surprise attack, the Nazis plowed through 3 armies and found another 3 standing behind them. After defeating those they found 2 more armies behind them. And then things started to slow down and the Nazis ran out of time.
Stalin was never a real ally. Hitler wrote a book called "My Struggle" in which he announced that the future for Germany was to "go east", exterminate all the inferior Slavic population--maybe keep a few as slaves--and build an empire there.

Stalin knew all about that. Early communism was always racing with capitalism anyway, like the space race and the arm race that followed. He just didn't think Hitler would be coming until England was taken care of.

And yet, when Barbarossa started with a surprise attack, the Nazis plowed through 3 armies and found another 3 standing behind them. After defeating those they found 2 more armies behind them. And then things started to slow down and the Nazis ran out of time.

Maybe Stalin could not have given Hitler all the oil, steel, rubber and chemicals needed to build his armies and then there would have no attack at all. My country would also not have been conquered in 1940.
There's someone on my FB saying people shouldn't change their profile pics because it's a "white supremacist flag" because of France's colonialist history and such... I know this is off-topic but god it makes me so fucking mad and wanted to vent.

People who think Napoleon was a white supremacist have a curious view of history.

The flag now stands for Liberty, Equality, Fraternity.

La Marseillaise is more problematic, but how fitting on days like these. It's a call to arms against an oppressor who threatens to kill women and children and whose impure blood must be spilled.


Maybe Stalin could not have given Hitler all the oil, steel, rubber and chemicals needed to build his armies and then there would have no attack at all. My country would also not have been conquered in 1940.

Maybe the post-WWI terms should have been fairer towards the German people and we wouldn't have had another war in the first place. What's your point?


That's why the way to beat this is education.

Give people a chance to succeed and be happy.
You do realize that even adolescents with higher forms of education went to ISIS to defend their religion right? The whole fairy tale of ' let's just educate them and all this will go away' has been shot down a long time ago.
Maybe Stalin could not have given Hitler all the oil, steel, rubber and chemicals needed to build his armies and then there would have no attack at all. My country would also not have been conquered in 1940.

Stalin needed money. Germany got steel from Sweden and oil from Romania.
Russia was expelled from the League of Nations after invading Finland.
Also Russia performing so poorly in the Winter War against Finland was probably another reason for operation Barbarossa. The Russians had 30 times more planes than the Finns and 100 times more tanks.


Terrible news all around. My condolences to all victims.

If anything, everyone should avoid places like these in the future. Nobody knows if it will happen again. The most horrifying thing is they probably have terror cells and sleepers everywhere.

We let them through (Austria)? Fuck my country.

Generalizing your country won't do any good.

Germany seems to have been pretty lax as well.

The open letter from the Federal Agency for Migration and Refugees in question.

Behörden fehlt der Überblick: Flüchtlingszüge leeren sich auf ihrer Fahrt durch Deutschland.

Federal Agency for Migration and Refugees Open Letter. Page 3 said:
The omission of Identity checks also eases the infiltration of Central Europe and presents an increase of danger potential by members of terror group IS.

A little bonus:

Major Moser: "Es endet im Bürgerkrieg" Important part starts at 0:17 where he talks about checking IDs.

tl;dr: Checks are inadequate and they are risking an possible influx of terrorists.

EDIT: Not only inadequate but potentially unlawfully bad.
Terrible news all around. My condolences to all victims.

If anything, everyone should avoid places like these in the future. Nobody knows if it will happen again. The most horrifying thing is they probably have terror cells and sleepers everywhere.

Places like where? The city? Concerts? Restaurants? Sports events? I don't see what that achieves.


It doesn't matter who we are, what matters is our plan.
It's the top image on the Daily Mail so anybody who clicks onto the website is immediatly greeted with it.

Holy fuck. That's so inappropriate, even for the DM. I expected for it to be hidden behind a link so you at least had a choice, but no.

The more I think about it, the more terrible I feel for having seen that while the families are still raw from the loss.


Places like where? The city? Concerts? Restaurants? Sports events? I don't see what that achieves.

Capitals. Places with big amount of planned gatherings. What we see from this is that they yearn for public eyes.

They failed to infiltrate the Stadium and opted for the next best thing, not only that the explosions where heard on TV.


So there was a demonstration in Lille yesterday against terrorism and in support of the victims. A small group of extreme right wingers comes in with a banner that reads "Expel the islamists".

Whaf follows:


'Facists out!' is what the crowd is chanting

Now this is the France I love.

How do I get Dailymotion to work properly?
It's always stuttering for me feeling like a low-grade 90s youtube clone.


Capitals. Places with big amount of planned gatherings. What we see from this is that they yearn for public eyes.

They failed to infiltrate the Stadium and opted for the next best thing, not only that the explosions where heard on TV.
Almost all victims were in random bars and restaurants and a concert venue that holds 1500 people, I would hardly call them huge. What do you do ? Stop going outside at all ?
These places aren't any more dangerous now than they were a week ago, things like this happen and they will probably happen forever, no matter how sad it is to admit. You can't just stop living your life because "who knows what might happen".
Terrible news all around. My condolences to all victims.

If anything, everyone should avoid places like these in the future. Nobody knows if it will happen again. The most horrifying thing is they probably have terror cells and sleepers everywhere.
So you're suggesting that we give in to the terrorists, show them that they've won, we are now too terrorized to go to large public events in major cities?
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