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Paris Terrorist Attacks, 120+ dead. Do not post hearsay/unsourced/old news.

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Obama is doing things a bit differently. Note that he avoids EOs by handing out Presidential Memoranda and other similar directives which for all intents and purposes are the same as EOs.

I believe there are some articles regarding this from 2014.

Your link specifically states:
this table does not include other forms of written presidential orders (such as memorandums), or discretionary executive actions not accompanied by a published presidential directive.


A redditor translated the thoughts of a Parisian that was trapped in the Bataclan Theatre during the attack: https://np.reddit.com/r/videos/comments/3suexn/the_arrival_of_terrorists_in_bataclan_theatre/cx0njfh?context=3

i translated a reaction posted by a guy in /r/france[1] so yall english speaking people could feel what he felt last night.
I was in the bataclan tonight. I went home an hour ago but I can't find sleep anyway. I don't got the full story, the situation quickly made that we didn't had any visibility on the terrorists objectives, the room, etc. I give my feelings, "my" version.
When we heard "fireworks", I was in the pit close to the stairs when terrorists entered and i directly ran towards the scene on the right side, by reflex. In my "space", everybody was wrapped around in non-probable positions et painful for everybody, face against the floor, the head set on anything close, a leg for exemple. With on the bottom a bloodbath.
And it's how the worst game i every played began. The waiting game. An harmful silence in the room only broken by erratic gunshots. No timers, no logic, nothing. Just, sometimes, a gunshot. And you're wondering if the next shot is for you.
Waiting the arrival of the police, without any notion of time (no watch, cellphone unreachable). Feel people stand up to get slaughter immediately. And again, and again... No right to move because a single movement rise the pains -yours and the other ones (we were really wrapped up). No right to walk, to whisper, nothing. Somebody start crying? This person is welcomed by collectives "ssshhh".
Terrorists didn't said anything, except at the beginning something about Syria, Hollande (our president) and the fact that it was only the beginning. At the start, they're "exploring" the location, shooting randomly lying people. Then we didn't see them. Then we heard gunshots.
Impossible to stand up quickly and to run away from me, all my muscle are asleep and no way to have a view of the room without potentially cross a terrorist eyes, a chance i didn't dare to take. I bet everything on the police. We say to ourselves that in a case like that, the whole army should be running even the Charles-de-Gaulle (our aircraft ship) on the Seine, that somebody if going to enter and do something.
We obviously have no idea of the simultaneous events in République and the Stade de France. And nobody comes. Gunshots continue. And we keep waiting, playing lottery with the terrorists. With awful thoughts like: "please, not me, aim the other side of the room". These thoughts are interrupted by gunshots .
At a moment (let say the "middle"?My time notion is more than corrupted), an explosion blew. By other witnesses, it's a grenade they threw on the pit. I can't confirm, only that it was an explosion. And that's when the waiting game take an other side. They got explosives. Fanatics armed with explosives without revendication... Your brain as the gift to directly think of the worst: we aren't a trade value.
I'm naturally wondering if the goal isn't simply to blow the whole building or at least us. The waiting isn't the same at all. Time become longer. Pain intensified. People panics/suffers more and more. Phone rings more and more because close relatives try to have news, an other stress bringer (no noise!). We're looking to comfort in eyes-games with the few people we see to finally find the same fear.
Where is the police? What is she doing? We start to really desperate interiorly. Finally, somebody whispers "police is here". Then everything change. Time become even more longer because she doesn't intervene right away (scouting, etc). At this time I think that terrorists went up somewhere in the bataclan because policemen came in without shooting.
Then a herd of policemen come in. When standing up, helping other to stand up, seeing policemen in armor storm the bataclan... It was an undescriptible release. We're looking to each other, blessed to be alive. We stay obviously cautious. Police doesn't know if terrorist are with us or elsewhere (I couldn't tell).
Finally they went elsewhere according to intel. We start walking, hands in the head, closely happy interiorly. It's again quickly stopped by THE vision of NIGHTMARE. Dozens of bodies, people agonizing, a sea of blood in the pit. Awful. Horrible. I look the zone in which I was before running to the bottom and I see several bodies. It could have been easily me.
I go out quickly, still having my hands on the head, seeing the entrance personnel of the bataclan lying on the floor (the "fireworks" we heard before terrorist came in). A few steps and I collapse. A torrent of tears. I don't even remember last time I cried before tonight, but no way i stop. I'm shaking. But i'm alive. Finally, we are regrouped in cafés of the next street, blessful to had make it and take our cellphones to give some news. And we learn about all the other things. République, Stade de France, etc.
What a fucking pity. All this for what? I don't bring any essential news through this text but it feel good. It's "frustating" to be in the event and be helpless, stay face on the ground/leg/arm/etc. During 2-3 hours not helping. Translation stop here. I hope I delivered the same emotion.


The only consolation out of this tragedy is that the organization that is ISIS very likely committed suicide last night. Godspeed to all who pursue them.
You do know decimating the Germans in ww1 is what caused the rise of Nazism in the first place?

I swear, people like you need to take High School World History class again (assuming you're in the US, regardless, take the course). It was decimating Germany and shitting on them afterwards that gave rise to the Nazi party in the first place.

Maybe you should take a refresher? The Nazi party came to power because of the economic recession and hyper inflation in Germany. The Germans were looking for a way out, and Hitler gave them the illusion that he had the solution and knew what to do.

They all caused it but Versailles and WWI were only very indirect causes. They gave context to what happened but there were so many ways it could have gone other than winding up with Hitler and the Nazis in charge, and their rise to power was contingent on things well out of their control. Without the loss of WWI Hitler's party doesn't exist, but without the '29 Wall Street Crash the Nazis won't get close enough to smell political power through a walkie talkie. Even with both Versailles and the crash, the Nazis still weren't guaranteed victory. The KDP + SPD could have formed a coalition government against them since the Nazis lacked a majority. They chose not to, because the Communists refused to cooperate with filthy "moderates". Hitler was handed power at this critical moment with his appointment as Chancellor and the appointment of several other Nazis into prominent positions (at his insistence) where they could have major influence over police and interior services. After here the NSDAP heavies had free reign to intimidate and inflict violence on their opponents, disseminate propaganda and so on. The party gets an increase in votes, forms a minor coalition and then basically votes democracy away in some highly dubious legislation.

I should also point out that issues like Reparations were by the time of the Nazis rise to power already settled in reasonable ways with the US mediating and helping to renegotiate. The Weimar republic had begun rearming beyond the limits of Versailles in the late 1920s in secret. Actual revisions of the treaty were a somewhat likely outcome in the not too distant future. Without coming to power in '33, it's really hard to see a long term future for the party except on the political fringes. I've seen people try to connect the rise of Fascism to the rise of ISIS in the wake of the ME conflicts, but imo it holds up very poorly as a meaningful comparison. The US did stay around for a while and it did help rebuild Iraq in the image of an idealized democratic state. Reality on the ground was not as rosy as it should have been in theory, to say the least. But there was no German AQ, no German ISIS, no ongoing religious conflicts that WWI existed inside of. The things a clusterfuck and I have a lot of trouble wrapping my head around the full extent of it.
A worthwhile reminder that ISIS's stated goal is to eliminate coexistence:


They are literally depending on you to be islamophobic so they can achieve that black and white vision.

Part of the problem, though, is that there is genuine disagreement over what constitutes Islamophobia.

Is a cartoon, or a suggestion that Islam is a factor in making it easier for a group like ISIS to exist, or negative historical views of Muhammad, or criticism of treatment of women in Islamic communities, enough to push a rational, moderate person into joining a murderous death cult?

So far at least 20,000 foreigners have gone to join ISIS in Iraq and Syria. 5000 Europeans, 1550 of them from France.

You have young European men and women willingly going to join an evil group known for murder, rape, kidnapping and sex slavery. And that's only the ones who traveled there, not the ones who sympathize but stay home.

According to a Pew Poll 19% of French Muslims ages 18-29 believe suicide bombing civilian targets is often/sometimes justified. 23% said "rarely justified" and 57% said "never justified."

From the same poll, 46% of French Muslims do not believe Arabs carried out the 9/11 attacks, compared to 48% who do. Only 15% of Muslims in Pakistan said Arabs carried out the attacks.

Statistics like these may better inform us on how ISIS recruits. If a significant number of Muslims believe in conspiracy theories that could make them more susceptible to radicalization. It could also make them vulnerable to being told that negative stories about ISIS are conspiracies as well. Islamophobia is real, and dangerous, but I don't think that means we should ignore potentially important knowledge. It's a difficult balancing act.
We can't kill Nazism, but we can kill Nazis, and we did. Nazis aren't running around killing Jews anymore not because we defeated their ideology, but because we fucking killed a mother load of them during WWII and now they're too chickenshit to start another movement because they know what we're capable of.

ISIS needs to be shown how far the free world is willing to go to send a message that tells these terrorist fucks to fuck off and don't fucking mess with us because we don't play nice.

And how exactly do you explain the explosion in recruitment for radical Islam, terrorist attacks, etc since 9/11.

The only way to deal with it using your resolve is to literally mass murder hundreds of millions of Muslims to the brink of extinction. Expel all of them from every nation and Hurd the rest up somewhere in the Artic.
re: things about Nazis
The recession happened because of the terms of the Versailles treaty which was basically the capitulation of Germany from WW1.

It's a little bit tricky to compare post-WW1 to other situations. WW1 erased a generation of people in France, Germany, and the British commonweaths. It exhausted most of those countries' resources and wealth. The winners (Britain, France) short-sightedly took what they could from the losers, in large part to try to make up for the immense toll they'd paid to win.

But Germany had paid that same toll to lose. And then the reparations on top of it. It wasn't just the treaty. It was the treaty and the most horrific war that had ever been fought. And the survivors of the first one were in charge of the next one!

There is probably a case to be made that you need something as horrifying as WWI battlefields to give rise to something as horrifying as the Nazi party.
A good friend of mine is in Paris right now with his wife and 2 year old kid, his hotel is a block from the Bataclan. Turns out he was visiting a friend on the outskirts of Paris on the night of the attack. Fate is so fucked up.
Religion should not be associated at all with ISIS at this point. They could be any religion - the goal is to get rid of these guys who are using violence as their means to communicate.
So what's going on with the identities of the attackers? I heard they identified one guy by name and he was French. Are they still claiming one was a refugee?

AFP cites police sources that a car used in the attack on Friday has been found in Montreuil, meaning a group of attackers is still on the loose.



A man who rented a VW Polo used by terrorists at the Bataclan concert venue was intercepted at the border with Belgium, Paris prosecutor Francois Molins said. The man, who was driving a different vehicle when he was caught, is a French national living in Belgium and was accompanied by two other people, Molins said.

So could be the same car for all we know, and he's not still on the loose. That said, there was almost certainly more people involved in orchestrating this than just the shooters. So in that sense, there's most definitely still people on the loose.


Cretinously credulous
Religion should not be associated at all with ISIS at this point. They could be any religion - the goal is to get rid of these guys who are using violence as their means to communicate.
No they couldn't be. What kind of world do you live in to believe that?


So could be the same car for all we know, and he's not still on the loose. That said, there was almost certainly more people involved in orchestrating this than just the shooters. So in that sense, there's most definitely still people on the loose.

It's a Seat that was found, one apparently in connection with "the shooting of the rue de la-Fontaine-au-Roi (5 killed) & of the rue de Chaconne (19 killed)".


It doesn't matter who we are, what matters is our plan.
No they couldn't be. What kind of world do you live in to believe that?

I'm sure there's plenty of psychos who murder people every day that are atheist. ISIS twist and use religion to their own ends - Islam doesn't cause this.



AFP cites police sources that a car used in the attack on Friday has been found in Montreuil, meaning a group of attackers is still on the loose.
That's the car that was used to get to the restaurants and bars. Hope they find him/them.

So what's going on with the identities of the attackers? I heard they identified one guy by name and he was French. Are they still claiming one was a refugee?
The only identity that's been confirmed so far is the french one who blew himself up in the Bataclan. Two are rumored to have passed through Greece as refugees but no confirmation yet.


The recession happened because of the terms of the Versailles treaty which was basically the capitulation of Germany from WW1.

People act like the payments demanded of the Versailles treaty were particularly brutal, they weren't. Had the German government not decided printing money and borrowing was a better idea than raising taxes to pay for the war, and decided after the war not to pay off the reparations by borrowing, no such situation would have arisen. Of course Germany was betting from the start on themselves being able to extract vast payments from the Entente powers to pay for the war.

I swear, people like you need to take High School World History class again (assuming you're in the US, regardless, take the course). It was decimating Germany and shitting on them afterwards that gave rise to the Nazi party in the first place.

Decimating Germany? A bit odd given that it was Northern France and Belgium that were completely devastated, not Germany. The humiliation of losing territory is also criticized by people, but it was far less of a humiliation than the settlement Germany imposed on Russia in 1917. That settlement was completely outrageous.
No they couldn't be. What kind of world do you live in to believe that?

My point is that whatever beliefs they have is not important at this point. No nation would want them and no religion would want them either. They've dug their own grave and so this is a call to not get rid of a religious extremist group, but just a group of people called ISIS.

I want this because I don't want this war to be associated with those of Muslim faith - this should be a war against those who belong to a group called ISIS.


I'm sure there's plenty of psychos who murder people every day that are atheist. ISIS twist and use religion to their own ends - Islam doesn't cause this.

Nobody is saying Islam is the CAUSE, but you kind of definitively need to subscribe to that theology to be a member of ISIS.

No shit there could also be like, an atheist terrorist group doing this shit in some alternate reality, but there isn't - this is our reality and we can pretty easily see the links there, the groups claim them themselves.

I agree with the poster above: You cannot persecute anyone who follows an islamic religion, but you would be downright foolish to pretend that there is no connection at all just to avoid the appearance of islamophobia.


My point is that whatever beliefs they have is not important at this point. No nation would want them and no religion would want them either. They've dug their own grave and so this is a call to not get rid of a religious extremist group, but just a group of people called ISIS.

I want this because I don't want this war to be associated with those of Muslim faith - this should be a war against those who belong to a group called ISIS.

Their beliefs is important. ISIS is a religious extremist group, fueled by the teachings of Quran. Why should we pretend that is not so? As posted by not psycho in the previous page, Islam fundamentalism is a problem.
So , just curios. If they are the isis is the case what is really stopping from a more broad and heavy bombing attack on their main grounds?

Are they basically mixed in with the people in the country and it's too hard to pinpoint who is isis and who isn't?

I would imagine a lot of people who aren't a part of the group is trying to get out of there. Seems like I'm always lost in these things as there is never any clear answers out there for me.


damn the right-winged nationalists are having a field day here in Denmark. One of the spokespersons actually went out and said that we have to bomb everyone, including civilians, women, and children. I couldn't believe what I was hearing on national television.

The same party is the second-largest party now after the last election back in May, by the way. Denmark is super scary to be in right now because of the racism. You should see the facebook wall of a Turkish Muslim politician (and she's seriously the nicest person ever) - it's completely insane.

Meanwhile the "moderate" party are using Bush-era rhetoric with "dark powers", "hate our freedom", and bullshit fairy tales narratives.


So , just curios. If they are the isis is the case what is really stopping from a more broad and heavy bombing attack on their main grounds?

Are they basically mixed in with the people in the country and it's too hard to pinpoint who is isis and who isn't?

I would imagine a lot of people who aren't a part of the group is trying to get out of there. Seems like I'm always lost in these things as there is never any clear answers out there for me.

These a some bite sized videos that should give you a basic understanding of ISIS and their role in Syria.

A brief history of ISIS

War in Syria
Their beliefs is important. ISIS is a religious extremist group, fueled by the teachings of Quran. Why should we pretend that is not so? As posted by not psycho in the previous page, Islam fundamentalism is a problem.

Yeah it's not good to stick your head in the sand and pretend it doesn't have to do with religious belief because it totally does.

Also it's not like terrible violence by atheists is some hypothetical. Look at the Big Three monsters of the 20th century: Stalin, Mao, hitler. 2 out of 3 atheist and the other one motivated by race and nationalism not religion.

But religion is central with the terrorist groups we are dealing with. It is hard for us to deal with because tolerance and pluralism are a big part of who we are. But you can't ignore it.


So , just curios. If they are the isis is the case what is really stopping from a more broad and heavy bombing attack on their main grounds?

Are they basically mixed in with the people in the country and it's too hard to pinpoint who is isis and who isn't?

I would imagine a lot of people who aren't a part of the group is trying to get out of there. Seems like I'm always lost in these things as there is never any clear answers out there for me.

In terms of bombing targets, exactly. Even if ISIS marches in and says 'this city is ours now, this city is an ISIS stronghold' - what does that mean exactly? Civilians are still civilians, no matter who claims to control the city. Bombing cities into submission is a military idea rooted in the concept of a united nation-state that exerts control (and conversely responsibility) over all citizens it claims under its dominion.

That's without even getting into the problems that bombings will leave behind survivors, relatives, friends, networks - even if the targets are 'legitimate', their families that will suffer may not necessarily be predisposed to helping ISIS, but it's fairly natural that they wouldn't exactly be predisposed to looking favourably upon the Western nations that authorised military attacks either.
And how exactly do you explain the explosion in recruitment for radical Islam, terrorist attacks, etc since 9/11.

The only way to deal with it using your resolve is to literally mass murder hundreds of millions of Muslims to the brink of extinction. Expel all of them from every nation and Hurd the rest up somewhere in the Artic.
Regular muslims aren't those who associate themselves with ISIS, and those who do decide to join aren't exactly peaceful and innocent, nobody is suggesting that we nuke them or carpet bomb their civilian population. You're going after people who decide to join and fight for ISIS, the same people who are enslaving women and decapitating those they call infidels, whether you would like to accept it or not we're at war with them, they're basically a terrorist state, and either we take them out or they expand their terrorist operations against us.


I would 100% agree with this rational line of thinking if it weren't for the fact that ISIS members are actual moustache-twirling bloodthirsty drug addled power drunk tank drifting sadist motherfuckers.

They may have had an opening position of scorn towards their "enemy" that a reasonable person could remotely empathize with but still wholly condemn their actions (like Hamas), but they drank too much of their own Kool-Aid. They are rapist pillager smack heads, who lost any shred of humanity when they started enjoying it.
Some definitely are straight up evil. They're usually the ones in charge, but they don't seem to be in the majority. If I want to go with the flow and compare this all to Nazi Germany, not every Nazi was evil, and that became obvious when all those evil motherfuckers at the top were either killed or put in jail. Unfortunately that's harder to do with ISIS because the conditions that gave rise to both leaders and followers still exist. If we attacked the conditions and not the people there would be no one for these bastards to send on suicide raids. Their power is largerly based on the reinforcement of fear and alienation that western nations put on muslims, particularly foreigners. They exploit this need to belong and turn it into something they present as righteous. We know that's bullshit, but some people are in such desperate situations they have no choice but to believe until western nations actually provide an alternative. Instead, they launch airstrikes that kill innocent people along with militants, and make ISIS's message stronger.


It doesn't matter who we are, what matters is our plan.
Nobody is saying Islam is the CAUSE, but you kind of definitively need to subscribe to that theology to be a member of ISIS.

No shit there could also be like, an atheist terrorist group doing this shit in some alternate reality, but there isn't - this is our reality and we can pretty easily see the links there, the groups claim them themselves.

I agree with the poster above: You cannot persecute anyone who follows an islamic religion, but you would be downright foolish to pretend that there is no connection at all just to avoid the appearance of islamophobia.

Actually I think separating them from religion is one of the better things that you can do.

At this point I don't know if they are purposefully twisting Islam, or whether they've actually managed to convince themselves they're good Muslims, but for the world, including the Muslim community, to say that you do not represent them, that your representation of the Quran is disgusting, and that their actions are tantamount to heresy, belittles them and their credibility.

We need to physically fight them, and eliminate them, but we also need to win psychologically by mocking them and have them realise that the entire world thinks they're full of complete bullshit.


Just saw this. The tickets of the two bombers that went through Leros. You can see their names. Their passports (don't know if real or fake) where also checked at Croatia and Austria.


That's without even getting into the problems that bombings will leave behind survivors, relatives, friends, networks - even if the targets are 'legitimate', their families that will suffer may not necessarily be predisposed to helping ISIS, but it's fairly natural that they wouldn't exactly be predisposed to looking favourably upon the Western nations that authorised military attacks either.

The only solution would be to get the people who would rise against the ones who defeat ISIS to take out ISIS itself. Apparently those people don't have any problems with ISIS killing 10.000 who are from a different group but will rise up to avenge ISIS and form ISIS2 against the foreign power who kill 100 of their own group.

I can see no other way of achieving that other then threatening the entire group with annihilation so that getting rid of ISIS becomes a necessity for survival.


Some definitely are straight up evil. They're usually the ones in charge, but they don't seem to be in the majority. If I want to go with the flow and compare this all to Nazi Germany, not every Nazi was evil, and that became obvious when all those evil motherfuckers at the top were either killed or put in jail. Unfortunately that's harder to do with ISIS because the conditions that gave rise to both leaders and followers still exist. If we attacked the conditions and not the people there would be no one for these bastards to send on suicide raids. Their power is largerly based on the reinforcement of fear and alienation that western nations put on muslims, particularly foreigners. They exploit this need to belong and turn it into something they present as righteous. We know that's bullshit, but some people are in such desperate situations they have no choice but to believe until western nations actually provide an alternative. Instead, they launch airstrikes that kill innocent people along with militants, and make ISIS's message stronger.

How do you explain a large part of ISIS fighters being European second-generation muslims who have relatively high quality of living? Nobody forced them to board a plane to a war zone and commit atrocities. They did so at their own behest, leaving a safe and comfortable lifestyle behind. And if we are to take a pacifist approach to ISIS, how do you propose we keep non-ISIS territories in Syria and Iraq safe?
When you think about it. It's pretty amazing we still let Germany exist as it does today. They are the only nation to attempt going to war with the entire world.... twice


When you think about it. It's pretty amazing we still let Germany exist as it does today. They are the only nation to attempt going to war with the entire world.... twice

Please tell me you aren't being serious. I know irony doesn't come across that well online but still.
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