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Paris Terrorist Attacks, 120+ dead. Do not post hearsay/unsourced/old news.

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I was supposed to go to Place de la République later on today... I don't think I'm gonna do it now.

I can hear helicopters flying near my street. Scary stuff.


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I imagine it's not always clear that they have links with ISIS

In this case they said they knew he had links with ISIS.

There are probably 100's of them walking around free right now.


It doesn't matter who we are, what matters is our plan.
The sort of little shits who think it's funny to prank call the emergency services. Lack of empathy, shitty upbringing.


So the guy on the run is a 21 year old French national with 'known links' to ISIS.
He's belgian apparently.

So how many young Muslims are wandering around France with 'known links' to ISIS and why are they not being locked up.
They're not being locked up because visiting the Middle East isn't a crime last time I checked.
Also, there are more than 5000 persons in France under surveillance for being linked to radical islamists. We don't have the infrastructure to efficiently watch them all, and some are always going to slip through the cracks.


prison time for the fuckers who threw firecrackers. Seriously how fucked up do you need to be to do that

It happened yesterday too in Paris, and in Lyon too...

We have teenagers too in France and they "have fun" as they can... At least I hope they're teenagers. But yeah they're assholes.
Source : https://twitter.com/Nicoandthebobos/status/665949776777711616?lang=fr

roughly translated: we were at a bar ("le comptoir de Turenne") when someone throw some firecrackers at us, provoking panic and screaming. 4 other bars got the same thing.

Fucking hell :/

In this case they said they knew he had links with ISIS.

There are probably 100's of them walking around free right now.

Sadly you can't exactly arrest people if they haven't done anything yet.


In this case they said they knew he had links with ISIS.

There are probably 100's of them walking around free right now.

The guys on the "S" list? Someone on TV said yesterday there are more than 5k people on that list. I imagine they can't just arrest them because they might do something at some point, rule of law and all.


Was in a bar near Republique just now. Saw 5-6 police cars drive by, sirens on, then dozens of people running from there. Left in a hurry. Scary.


It all comes back to abject poverty. Groups like ISIS don't happen when you have a population with a thriving economy that can afford to feed, clothes, and shelter itself. Groups like ISIS happen because they approach people who've been watching their children starve to death and they say "strap this bomb to your chest and we'll give your family $10,000". We don't need to send 100,000 troops to the Middle East, we need to send 100,000 doctors and teachers along with freighters full of food and supplies.

how can any of this happen though without the aid of military?

There is no realistic way you can send any of the people or aid you listed without there being protection against terrorist.. At worst all you'd do is give the terrorists a full stomach (and not the normal population) and some hostages for them to kill or make money with.

And while i agree that poverty is a factor.. it's not the only or even the most important factor. It doesn't explain that many responsible for terrorist acts aren't that poor to begin with. There not just a few of them who lead a perfectly normal, even educated life before doing what they do. That's when religion comes into play in my opinion.


I know people are very much on edge, but firecrackers have a pretty different sounds than gunshots.

For people to be playing around at times like this is just pathetic. I hope everyone reassembles.


I don't agree that ISIS can be stopped by bombing and ground invasion would be to costly, but that's a separate issue that has nothing to do with Russia.

If they can't be stopped by bombing alone then a ground invasion is the only viable strategy.

ISIS welcome the idea of battle with the forces of 'Rome' as part of their death wish belief that they will prevail and be one step closer to the second coming and ultimate victory.

The entire reasoning behind the terror attacks is to provoke a land war, where as the bombings albeit not entirely effective do sap their resources and manpower and leve them frustrated.

The arguments against a land war are that it's what the enemy want, but at the same time a land war would be a far more effectively strategy to turn the region into the meatgrinder necessary to chew through ISIS militarily in short order.

Most of the bombings that Russia is doing are not against ISIS.

I think at this juncture it's increasingly hard to take the accuracy of reporting on who does what all that seriously given the partisan nature of the press for the most part. Personally I'd say it serves Putin's purpose more to bomb ISIS and get the western powers on his side, but it also serves US interests to say the opposite.


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The guys on the "S" list? Someone on TV said yesterday there are more than 5k people on that list. I imagine they can't just arrest them because they might do something at some point, rule of law and all.

Perhaps the rules have to change.

I don't know. I'm just quite angry about this right now.


I just saw Trump's... thoughts on the situation.

Yep, more guns are certainly going to help against fucking grenades in a theater. For fuck's sake man...

Aren't that his thoughts on the January situation? He is now only complaining that Obama doesn't call this Islamic terrorism.


It doesn't matter who we are, what matters is our plan.
I think at this juncture it's increasingly hard to take the accuracy of reporting on who does what all that seriously given the partisan nature of the press for the most part. Personally I'd say it serves Putin's purpose more to bomb ISIS and get the western powers on his side, but it also serves US interests to say the opposite.

It did seem quite telling how firmly the Kremlin skirted around the strong possibility that it was ISIS who brought down their plane.


What's up with Belgium, seems like most of the terrorists came from there?
Molenbeek is a cesspool of criminals where even the police is scared to go. That is what you get when you have a socialist mayor that refuses to take a hard stance on crime and urges the police not to intervene in rioting.
His point was plenty of countries have lost a war without getting desperate enough to give a power to someone like Hitler, specifically citing blood-thirsty tendencies. The Punic Wars seemed like a decent comparison for a previously thriving "country" losing a war, being hamstrung by post-war terms, and then ultimately giving power to a reasonably genocide friendly individual.

Except that's not really what happened. Carthage was doing very well despite the war debts set out by Rome, and Hannibal was already Carthage's main general by the time the war broke out.

They also didn't turn to him because they were desperate. His father lead the army before him, so he was the next logical candidate for the job.
Aren't that his thoughts on the January situation? He is now only complaining that Obama doesn't call this Islamic terrorism.

No, he appeared in the news i was watching today. The translator said something like "If those people wopuld have had guns in paris, less people would have died" and people started cheering in the back.
There was a woman in the public and her cheering face was disgusting. The worst part of america, indeed.
I really really hope he doesnt get elected, its not gonna happen, but people honouring him scare me.


No, he appeared in the news i was watching today. The translator said something like "If those people wopuld have had guns in paris, less people would have died" and people started cheering in the back.
There was a woman in the public and her cheering face was disgusting. The worst part of america, indeed.
I really really hope he doesnt get elected, its not gonna happen, but people honouring him scare me.

Oh, for once he is smarter on Twitter than on TV.


I just saw Trump's... thoughts on the situation.

Yep, more guns are certainly going to help against fucking grenades in a theater. For fuck's sake man...

Trump and anyone who is honestly seriously considering voting for Trump needs to really just be hardline tagged and marked and left out of any decision making ever.
The things that have come out of his direction during this..


Turkish officials have said that they foiled a major terror plot on Istanbul, on the same day as the Paris attacks.

Meanwhile, senior Iraqi intelligence officials are said to have warned coalition countries of imminent assaults by Isis just one day before last week’s deadly attacks, according to the Associate press.

Iraqi intelligence sent a dispatch saying the group’s leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, had ordered an attack on coalition countries fighting against them in Iraq and Syria, as well as on Iran and Russia, “through bombings or assassinations or hostage taking in the coming days.”

Shouldn't be a surprise really. Last I read Belgium has the most foreign fighters in ISIS

Per capita, yes. Molenbeek is probably the most infamous town of Belgium, a brooding nest for islamic extremism and IS recruitment. In that sense it's not very surprising the attackers originate from there. In general the area around Brussels (Molenbeek, Schaarbeek) is one big cesspool the police tends to tip-toe around. Add to that the laissez-faire strategy and you basically have a paradise for terrorist organisations.
One of the biggest supporter group of Olympique de Marseille football club just put up the following banner.


I guess it might be difficult to fathom how strange and amazing this is unless you're French or football savvy but woah.


I just saw Trump's... thoughts on the situation.

Yep, more guns are certainly going to help against fucking grenades in a theater. For fuck's sake man...
Who knows, you might see that death total significantly lower if people were equipped with something as small as a hand gun


The fact that one of the terrorists came in as a refugee is EXTREMELY unsettling. I literally just finished a short research paper on the U.S.-Syrian immigration situation (I'm in an Immigration Law course). It wasn't a contention in my paper, but most of my sources made it rather clear that it would be hard for a terrorist to cross the border as a refugee....at least in the U.S.

In the U.S., the process can take anywhere from 18 months to 2 years and we mostly only accept single mothers, children, and victims of violence/torture. And the refugees were already in the system well-before ISIS became a mainstream thing (although they could have been radicalized by some other terrorist organization....it's just unlikely that it would have been ISIS).

I know that Germany has already admitted 92,000 refugees and the U.S. has only admitted just under 2,000. I can definitely see more European countries following a stricter U.S.-policy, especially now considering the this latest revelation.

In any event, this revelation will NOT go over well politically.
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