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Paris Terrorist Attacks, 120+ dead. Do not post hearsay/unsourced/old news.

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Who knows, you might see that death total significantly lower if people were equipped with something as small as a hand gun
And you might see regular gun violence go up. It's a stupid discussion. Europe has its gun laws, that's not going to change nor should it. How America wants to figure its mess out related to this is up to them.


Aren't that his thoughts on the January situation? He is now only complaining that Obama doesn't call this Islamic terrorism.

You can correct me if I'm wrong here, but I'm I'm drawing from his comments on the situation yesterday.

Trump and anyone who is honestly seriously considering voting for Trump needs to really just be hardline tagged and marked and left out of any decision making ever.
The things that have come out of his direction during this..

It just blows my mind entirely that someone can try to make a gun-right angle on something like this.

Who knows, you might see that death total significantly lower if people were equipped with something as small as a hand gun

I know man, someone would have undoubtedly entered Max Payne bullet time and shoot a grenade in midair like he was in Vanquish.

Paris is Marseille's most hated rival (mostly football-wise but not only). Their foofball fans' favorite chant and motto is "Paris we fuck you up".

So Marseille putting up a banner saying "We are Paris" is just shocking and amazing.. If this is not a symbol of national unity I don't know what is.


Who knows, you might see that death total significantly lower if people were equipped with something as small as a hand gun

Yeah, maybe they could have shot the terrorists and saved many lives....

Oh wait..... what happens when a country has many guns in circulation? Many more than 133 people will die a year due to gun related deaths....


The Amiga Brotherhood
Who knows, you might see that death total significantly lower if people were equipped with something as small as a hand gun

And a significantly higher death-toll the other 364 days of the year.

Seems sensible, even assuming anyone could have been effective against such heavily armed terrorists in that situation.
Who knows, you might see that death total significantly lower if people were equipped with something as small as a hand gun

You want random people carrying guns in public. At a full concert. For the off-chance some guys with an AK and grenades start shooting. In which case you have said random guys firing back. Through the packed crowd...
Death toll by mass shootings in the USA in the last three years was over 1200 people, I think we're good.

But this is anyway really the wrong topic to bring it up. If anything, this just shows we need even tighter gun control for the remaining illegal ones.


I can't stop thinking about Wednesday. I'm going to a concert of the prodigy, and I'm sure it's going to be awesome and nothing terroristy will happen, but still... What if?


Couldn't hurt to have defense other than your fists

yes it would hurt

because that "defence" would be used against other people and lead to a much higher death toll. just like America.

this has to be joke posting though so I won't comment any further.


Two employees in my company were planning to go to Istanbul this week for a convention, is that advisable in the current climate? Help please, I'm new to Europe
The fact that one of the terrorists came in as a refugee is EXTREMELY unsettling. I literally just finished a short research paper on the U.S.-Syrian immigration situation (I'm in an Immigration Law course). It wasn't a contention in my paper, but most of my sources made it rather clear that it would be hard for a terrorist to cross the border as a refugee....at least in the U.S.

In the U.S., the process can take anywhere from 18 months to 2 years and we mostly only accept single mothers, children, and victims of violence/torture. And the refugees were already in the system well-before ISIS became a mainstream thing (although they could have been radicalized by some other terrorist organization....it's just unlikely that it would have been ISIS).

I know that Germany has already admitted 92,000 refugees and the U.S. has only admitted just under 2,000. I can definitely see more European countries following a stricter U.S.-policy, especially now considering the this latest revelation.

In any event, this revelation will NOT go over well politically.
is this confirmed? There was a syrian passport found but i did not read confirmations that the passport belongs to one of the terrorists. Also lets not forget that one of the identified terrorist was a french national and one other from montenegro


Terrorists are trained and armed with AK's and grenades. There is also the element of surprise, you're at a concert not expecting a firefight surely. Good luck with your handgun.
I can't stop thinking about Wednesday. I'm going to a concert of the prodigy, and I'm sure it's going to be awesome and nothing terroristy will happen, but still... What if?

Two employees in my company were planning to go to Istanbul this week for a convention, is that advisable in the current climate? Help please, I'm new to Europe

Don't let fear dictate your lives. Consider how many things can routinely kill you on any given day. The car you drive, the plane you fly in, the train you ride in, etc. What are the odds of being a victim of terrorism? A thousandth of a decimal of a percent?
is this confirmed? There was a syrian passport found but i did not read confirmations that the passport belongs to one of the terrorists. Also lets not forget that one of the identified terrorist was a french national and one other from montenegro

Even then I don't get why people are so surprised? It's a civil war, there are thousands of ISIS members that have Syrian IDs.
It's another thing if they were actually hiding among the refugees to gain access to Europe.
Even then I don't get why people are so surprised? It's a civil war, there are thousands of ISIS members that have Syrian IDs.
It's another thing if they were actually hiding among the refugees to gain access to Europe.

also people should not forget that syrian isis members may easily fake IDs or come into europe via other routes. ISIS is a well organized organization that has a lot of resources.


Even then I don't get why people are so surprised? It's a civil war, there are thousands of ISIS members that have Syrian IDs.
It's another thing if they were actually hiding among the refugees to gain access to Europe.
Someone from the Greek government says it was a refugee registered in October.


Two employees in my company were planning to go to Istanbul this week for a convention, is that advisable in the current climate? Help please, I'm new to Europe

Istanbul should be save, the last two bombings targeted pro-Kurdish rallies in Ankara and East Turkey ahead of the elections. Here's is a list of all terror incidents in Istanbul. When in doubt, check the website of the Bureau of Consular Affairs

Turkey is generally a safe country, millions of tourists come to Istanbul every year

Deleted member 80556

Unconfirmed Member
Is it confirmed that one of the terrorists who had the Syrian passport was the actual owner of the passport? The Guardian was reporting that at the moment it was unknown if that man had come through Greece.

Perhaps the rules have to change.

I don't know. I'm just quite angry about this right now.

It's not wise to make decisions while angry, you know.


Two employees in my company were planning to go to Istanbul this week for a convention, is that advisable in the current climate? Help please, I'm new to Europe

If you're new to the EU, quick info: the fact if Istanbul is in Europe (and Turkey should join the EU) is a bit of a discution topic over here (less so in the last couple years, because of Greece crisis and so on)...

But in anyway, it should be safe. Like most of Europe really, terrorists attack aren't actually the norm over here...

Is it confirmed that one of the terrorists who had the Syrian passport was the actual owner of the passport? The Guardian was reporting that at the moment it was unknown if that man had come through Greece.

My last stand (from le monde) was that the passport found was used in Greece by a refugee to gain access to the EU; it's however still unclear if the passport actually belonged to one of the bomber.

Don't ISIS member (comming from the West especially) usually have to burn their papers to join ISIS?


Don't let fear dictate your lives. Consider how many things can routinely kill you on any given day. The car you drive, the plane you fly in, the train you ride in, etc. What are the odds of being a victim of terrorism? A thousandth of a decimal of a percent?

Ok thanks for being reassuring


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Is it confirmed that one of the terrorists who had the Syrian passport was the actual owner of the passport? The Guardian was reporting that at the moment it was unknown if that man had come through Greece.

It's not wise to make decisions while angry, you know.

Good job I'm not making the decisions relative to those kinds of policy. I would be cracking down hard.

Deleted member 80556

Unconfirmed Member
If you're new to the EU, quick info: the fact if Istanbul is in Europe (and Turkey should join the EU) is a bit of a discution topic over here (less so in the last couple years, because of Greece crisis and so on)...

But in anyway, it should be safe. Like most of Europe really, terrorists attack aren't actually the norm over here...

Talking about Istanbul:

My last stand (from le monde) was that the passport found was used in Greece by a refugee to gain access to the EU; it's however still unclear if the passport actually belonged to one of the bomber.

Don't ISIS member (comming from the West especially) usually have to burn their papers to join ISIS?

Yeah, that's what I remember. Thought I had missed something since people were talking as if it was confirmed one of the attackers came through Greece.

Good job I'm not making the decisions relative to those kinds of policy. I would be cracking down hard.

Isn't that the way the Patriot Law came to be?


Is it confirmed that one of the terrorists who had the Syrian passport was the actual owner of the passport?
No not at all.
Itélé has been reporting that 2 more of them have been identified and are both french (one at the stadium and the one boulevard voltaire). They seem pretty sure of themselves, mentioning names and birth dates and all, but I haven't seen anyone else report it so take it with a grain of salt.
One of the biggest supporter group of Olympique de Marseille football club just put up the following banner.


I guess it might be difficult to fathom how strange and amazing this is unless you're French or football savvy but woah.
The fact there's not the beginning of a hint of the promise of anal sex is mind blowing indeed!
Also lets not forget that one of the identified terrorist was a french national and one other from montenegro

Why do people keep on throwing in the other nationalities of the terrorists when it comes to the one that passed through Greece as a political refugee? No one is claiming that all the terrorists rode the Trojan horse into France


Why do people keep on throwing in the other nationalities of the terrorists when it comes to the one that passed through Greece as a political refugee? No one is claiming that all the terrorists rode the Trojan horse into France

You would be surprised how many STILL want to make this about refugees and immigration


You would be surprised how many STILL want to make this about refugees and immigration

The refugee system in place needs to be worked on. It is a mess of a system and you would be foolish to think this man is the only one with ill intention who will get in. As is the system is setting up massive backlash down the line as all the people exploiting it coming from other areas will get their asylums denied and have to be sent back.

The checks should be going on before hand not after. After creates larger problems.
Well apparently, according to the minister of justice, the syrian passport found is a flase:

Let's hoep it's true and will calm down the immigiration talks a bit.

It sounds to me like the passport found was a fraud but was used to come along with the refugees through Greece. They likely made a fake one so if he got checked he could get by. This makes it worse.

As I said earlier before I got yelled at, I wouldn't be surprised to see real terrorists blending in with the refugees to take advantage of the overwhelmed immigration officials.

The best way to sneak into a country if you are on watch lists is to enter with a mass of people that can't be searched. It's like hiding in plain sight. This has been a concern for awhile and it's looking like the concerns were correct.


Well apparently, according to the minister of justice, the syrian passport found is a flase:

Let's hoep it's true and will calm down the immigiration talks a bit.

Won't really change the conversation. After all, there's been plenty of reports of people using false Syrian passports to cross the border into Europe so it kind of amounts to the same thing.

To use a left wing source - The Guardian


Would it really matter if the pass itself is fake? What matters is that it was registered in Greece.

Well, that's true, hadn't thought so far ahead...
Anyway, the immigration crisis was hard enough without terrorist angst making it even harder...
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