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Paris Terrorist Attacks, 120+ dead. Do not post hearsay/unsourced/old news.

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Yeah planes would also be spotted almost immediately going airborne and a response scrambled.
You can not really hide or blend in something like that.

Unless they had long range bombers they would also need a way to even get their aircraft anywhere near France. To put it in perspective, you cannot fly a F16 or even the new F35 across Australia without needing to refuel once or twice while in the air.


Groups like ISIS feed off political instability and large numbers of disillusioned young muslim men, and dropping bombs only creates more of both. Watching things blow up is emotionally satisfying but I hope someone out there has better ideas for what to do long term.

That's how the west fucked up the Iraq war (and Afghanistan) . I still think it was right to get rid of Saddam, but there was no clear plan on what to do afterwards.

Like you said I hope whatever happens there is a plan for afterwards.


It is a very stupid question. Why bother posting if you such a complete fucking retard.

Alt-tab and Google search.


Now, I am not going to tell you where you just fucked up.
But you just fucked up.


Interesting piece on what has changed in Frances policy since the attacks
They were one of the last hard stance takers on Assad leaving.


My mother told me that France, with the assistance of the US and Russia, is planning to fly in and attack ISIS.

Is this the actual plan? Because that quite literally does seem like a declaration of warfare.


My mother told me that France, with the assistance of the US and Russia, is planning to fly in and attack ISIS.

Is this the actual plan? Because that quite literally does seem like a declaration of warfare.

All of them already have various forces in the region. My guess is that they will be much more aggressive in their attacks now.

I'm not entirely sure what the circumstances are there but at the very end it looks as if the LEO ran a woman across the line of fire for some reason.

I'm fairly confident you see a slight glimpse of the suspect before the second round of fire as he falls back before unloading on them.
I'm not entirely sure what the circumstances are there but at the very end it looks as if the LEO ran a woman across the line of fire for some reason.

I'm fairly confident you see a slight glimpse of the suspect before the second round of fire as he falls back before unloading on them.
Yeah I'm not sure why they ran in front of a live fire zone like that. Seems highly dangerous obviously.
French soldiers patroling Paris:

French Rafales taking off for the to bomb ISIS:

Purportedly an account of the opposition from within Raqqa: https://twitter.com/Raqqa_SL

its sad how its always fall on our heads god bless and safe the civilian of #Raqqa #Syria #ISIL #ISIS

#Raqqa water and Electricity is cut until now Because of air strikes #Syria #ISIL #ISIS

#Raqqa Airstrike by Warplanes on #Maddan city East #Raqqa #Syria #ISIS #ISIL

#Raqqa no Civilian got killed or Wounded by the Warplanes Airstrikes until now according to the #Raqqa Hospitals #Syria #ISIL #ISIS

#Raqqa sounds of Explosion in #EynEssa city north #Raqqa #Syria #ISIS
My mother told me that France, with the assistance of the US and Russia, is planning to fly in and attack ISIS.

Is this the actual plan? Because that quite literally does seem like a declaration of warfare.

France has already been bombing ISIS. They are just stepping up their attacks with intelligence shared by the US. Though I suspect this is largely symbolic as any important targets would have already been hit by now.


Really fast reaction by France's military.

They had the forces in place. Plans should be already made also, only the execution order was needed.

The announcement of the number of victims almost mirroring the number of people killed by the attack feels a bit strange though. Don't think they should publicise that. It's understood by everyone that France needs its revenge, but it should be more low key at least in terms of public communication.


A VERY disturbing photo of the Bataclan aftermath has leaked onto the internet. Be careful not to stumble across it if you're the queezy type.

There's also a video on reddit of the shooting at the theater as soon as it starts. Then it cuts out. Gave me the chills it's pretty disturbing.
France's involvment in Irak was fairly recent, and in Syria (at least against ISIS) even more so. I doubt they targeted France specifically as a retaliatory gesture. It's much more likely because France has the largest muslim population in Europe and a lot of them are disenfranchised with their life in France and how they percieve beeing treaten as second class citizen within the country.

If ISIS was about retaliation for beeing bombed, their bigest target would be the USA, yet hitting them is a lot harder (despite having hundreds of "militants" from the US on the ground in Syria) that say, hitting up Paris.

That has nothing do to with the plight of Muslims in France. Read the release from ISIS.

In a blessed battle whose causes of success were enabled by Allah, a group of believers from the soldiers of the Caliphate (may Allah strengthen and support it) set out targeting the capital of prostitution and vice, the lead carrier of the cross in Europe — Paris.

ISIS kills more Muslims than non-Muslims.

These targets included the Stade de France stadium during a soccer match — between the teams of Germany and France, both of which are crusader nations — attended by the imbecile of France (Francois Hollande). The targets included the Bataclan theatre for exhibitions, where hundreds of pagans gathered for a concert of prostitution and vice.

Basically, they do this out of the purity of their heart.
French soldiers patroling Paris:

French Rafales taking off for the to bomb ISIS:

Purportedly an account of the opposition from within Raqqa: https://twitter.com/Raqqa_SL

Nice propaganda from French incapable government ... I do not think this will fix anything.

brave men, facing an AK-47 with only a shotgun or a 9mm

Completely :( ... illustrating the point of above ... years of poor government , making our police forces unable to face those situations.
I know this is sad to admit, but I have come to the realization that not having cable or newspapers at College is not an excuse to not keep up with the news. What's a good source that is fairly unbiased and perhaps has a good android app?

Years ago I used to use the BBC app and thought they were a good source. I feel like I'd rather just stick with one source if possible instead of getting an rss reader and spending all day looking at news, but if that truly is the best way then you can recommend that to.


Nice propaganda from French incapable government ... I do not think this will fix anything.

Completely :( ... illustrating the point of above ... years of poor government , making our police forces unable to face those situations.

I can't agree with that, the police in France is equipped to deal with most of the treats, you don't want them to have the gear and mentality of US Police that would be bad for everyone. For muscled response you have RAID and GIGN, you don't need more
I know this is sad to admit, but I have come to the realization that not having cable or newspapers at College is not an excuse to not keep up with the news. What's a good source that is fairly unbiased and perhaps has a good android app?

Years ago I used to use the BBC app and thought they were a good source. I feel like I'd rather just stick with one source if possible instead of getting an rss reader and spending all day looking at news, but if that truly is the best way then you can recommend that to.

I use the BBC app. They don't rely on advertising. They're sometimes a little slow, but that's because they try to be careful.
Reports coming out is that the french Airforce is pounding the hell out of the capital right now. Something like 30 consecutive bombardments.
All three were already bombing ISIS.

The US has been leading a coalition dropping bombs on ISIS, but it doesn't look they have any real targets.

France is part of the coalition.

Russia is bombing the rebels who oppose Bashar Al-Assad while claiming to be bombing ISIS. It looks like ISIS placed a bomb in a Russian passenger plane out of Egypt and killed 224 Russians.

The coalitions has been stalling because they don't have targets to drop bombs on.
France is now picking up the pace, but it looks like they just drop bombs on Raqqa--the capital of ISIS.

ISIS doesn't have factories to bomb.


I know this is sad to admit, but I have come to the realization that not having cable or newspapers at College is not an excuse to not keep up with the news. What's a good source that is fairly unbiased and perhaps has a good android app?

Years ago I used to use the BBC app and thought they were a good source. I feel like I'd rather just stick with one source if possible instead of getting an rss reader and spending all day looking at news, but if that truly is the best way then you can recommend that to.

I usually just stick with the NYT. Yeah, they're not perfect, but if I want to get the facts about something without speculation, they usually are pretty good at keeping the two separate. Al Jazeera is a pretty good second.
Turkish authorities foiled a plot to stage a "major" attack in Istanbul on the same day as the deadly gun and suicide attacks in Paris, a senior official said on Sunday.
Police on Friday detained five people in Istanbul, the source told AFP, including a suspected close associate of the notorious Islamic State (IS) group militant known as "Jihadi John" who Washington believes was likely killed in a recent drone strike in Syria.

"We believe they were planning an attack in Istanbul on the same day as the Paris attacks" on Friday, the official said on condition of anonymity.

"The initial investigation shows we foiled a major attack."

Aine Lesley Davis -- like "Jihadi John" a British citizen who guarded foreign prisoners in Syria -- was among the IS suspects detained in a swoop in Istanbul.

This french bombing feels like deja vu when Jordan hammered ISIS targets

who knows if this will have long term/ significant effects

I feel like this will continue in one form or another until the issues with Israel or Saudi Arabia are resolved. Or maybe it'll even keep going until oil stops being important.

Even if everyone agrees that organizations like ISIS are awful, there's way too many people who want to continue creating the environments that produce these organizations.
These French planes are coming from UAE and Jordan.... who knows how big the fleet is there and if they added more planes for the coalition since Friday
I feel like this will continue in one form or another until the issues with Israel or Saudi Arabia are resolved. Or maybe it'll even keep going until oil stops being important.

Even if everyone agrees that organizations like ISIS are awful, there's way too many people who want to continue creating the environments that produce these organizations.

I feel like these outrage bombings will have a short hooray but not really get anywhere

on top of that I don't think top ISIS officials would just chill in their capital knowing that they might get striked due to Paris
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