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Paris Terrorist Attacks, 120+ dead. Do not post hearsay/unsourced/old news.

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This entire situation is awful, but responding with violence is exactly what they want people to do.

I have to ask, how is ISIS expected to be stopped if not with violence?
They do NOT want people to respond with violence, they want people to be afraid and change their lives and they way they live their day to day lives.


This entire situation is awful, but responding with violence is exactly what they want people to do.

lol what. Weren't these attacks precisely because they're being bombed in Syria? Hello? You think we should play pattycake with them or send in a delegation of nice men to talk it out?


Great to see these two talking, impromptu, in the hotel lobby at the G20 summit.



Junior Member
Organizations like ISIS will use any excuse to attack.

Doing nothing won't stop them, either.
I feel like every time something like this happens it's reported that the people were known to police
Initial intelligence has worked numerous times. Execution and follow through have failed numerous times.


They had one of the killers and now they don't.

Pretty simple really.

What is also simple is, that without evidence police cannot detain people indefinitely.

I don't know what happened in this case, but hopefully we will soon get the full story.


Totally wronger about Nintendo's business decisions.
This entire situation is awful, but responding with violence is exactly what they want people to do.

The West is screwed either way. It's not like if we ignore them they will go away. Doing nothing is basically saying that terrorism is something that we just have to live with.
ISIS will stay around if no one does something about them. How is attacking ISIS strongholds a bad thing?

Yup. The thing is, ISIS doesnt want to be left alone with their slice of land. No, theyll keep attacking and killing and recruiting. I understand the naivety in not wanting to fight back against them, but....theyre a virus fullstop. Too far lost. If you try to show them mercy, theyll cut off your head. If you ask them to stop the violence, they will bomb you where you stand.

They are the closest thing this whole world has that is a common threat. The good thing is, if as a world we stand together and say "we will stop you", then that will be good for us. It will show that we can be united as a planet.


because if nothing else the last 15 years has taught us that dropping bombs on people doesn't really solve the terrorism problem

I won't solve all problems, but IS can't be reasoned with, so there is no alternative to military action.

Aside from that, de-radicalization of Muslim extremists should be another priority. But that's easier said than done.


Organizations like ISIS will use any excuse to attack.

Doing nothing won't stop them, either.

Initial intelligence has worked numerous times. Execution and follow through have failed numerous times.

Yeah when it works we just don't hear about it as much.

Just a shame is all.


because if nothing else the last 15 years has taught us that dropping bombs on people doesn't really solve the terrorism problem

how else do you want to drive them out? Should the Kurds, Iraq only fight a defensive war despite the fact that ISIS has captured their lands and cities and is continuously attempting to extend their grasp? Should we send teachers, doctors or foreign aid money into terrorist occupied territory?
The adage that violence begets violence has been around for a long time. It's a big reason why enlightened leaders like Ghandi, MLK, etc. who understood that and practiced non-violent resistance are so revered.
I have to ask, how is ISIS expected to be stopped if not with violence?
They do NOT want people to respond with violence, they want people to be afraid and change their lives and they way they live their day to day lives.

uh actually they do want people to respond with violence, ISIS is a death seeking terrorist group trying to start a holy war with the west to begin the apocalypse. The more fighting there is the more they can play it into their narrative and get more people to join them.

Now don't get it twisted I'm not saying to do nothing, I personally got no problem with people bombing them to hell, if anything all I'm saying is that shit is fucked either way.


This entire situation is awful, but responding with violence is exactly what they want people to do.

The kind of violent response they want is western people killing innocent Muslims so that they can say "See? They're our enemy!" not by military strikes against their strongholds.


uh actually they do want people to respond with violence, ISIS is a death seeking terrorist group trying to start a holy war with the west to begin the apocalypse. The more fighting there is the more they can play it into their narrative and get more people to join them.

Now don't get it twisted I'm not saying to do nothing, I personally got no problem with people bombing them to hell, if anything all I'm saying is that shit is fucked either way.

Ah fair enough then.


ISIS will stay around if no one does something about them. How is attacking ISIS strongholds a bad thing?

Yep, and anyway going to open conflict is the logical réaction. One could argue about interventions in foreign civil wars like in Syria being justified or not, but the latest events were an act of war from IS towards France. We can go by the book and declare war against them.(even if nobody does that any more).
The only question is the level of cooperation with Syria, Russia etc.
Also we'll have to prepare for further terror retaliation, but as we say, "à la guerre comme à la guerre".
We very much should fight back against ISIS. We will not win the war against violent extremism by responding in kind though. The Islamic world needs to unite on the side of civilization and shame these people into irrelevance, that is the only way this will ever end.
And doing nothing at all will do a lot won't it? They will still target countries all over the world.

Groups like ISIS feed off political instability and large numbers of disillusioned young muslim men, and dropping bombs only creates more of both. Watching things blow up is emotionally satisfying but I hope someone out there has better ideas for what to do long term.
I don't know how there ever is gonna be peace in the ME unless the Sunni-Shiiite divide is healed. Ever since the divide was used for gaining political power shit just blew up.
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