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Paris Terrorist Attacks, 120+ dead. Do not post hearsay/unsourced/old news.

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Bodacious acts like some reasonable conservative but it turns out he's just a racist arsehole! Shocking.

Is it true to say that France has had more Islamic terrorist attacks than any other western nation? Seems like there's a few every year, even if most of them are 'minor'.
Apparently the attackers at the concert were shouting "This is for Syria". This ideology is going to take decades to defeat. It is the ideas that have to be stamped out. Isis want the west to react and put boots on the ground. It will create more terrorists.

It's terrifying. It's like a hydra. How do you fight it?


Just tuned in to all of this. Have a family friend in the city, this is terrifying. RIP to the victims and to all else - stay safe.


Wrong about commas, wrong about everything
My sister was in an underground concert near republic. No news since 15m. 15m I'll take my moto to scout around. Fuck

Don't do it. I'm sure she is fine. You won't be able to find her and you are just putting yourself in danger and making it harder for the police.


Being Muslim and Syrian is about to get really bad in France, and a lot of parts of Europe.

I expect a backlash against the Muslim community to follow soon. This is terrible.
Jesus Christ, my best friend is over at Paris with his wife. They are okay though and heard lots of ambulances, probably shittinf his pants.


Apparently the attackers at the concert were shouting "This is for Syria". This ideology is going to take decades to defeat. It is the ideas that have to be stamped out. Isis want the west to react and put boots on the ground. It will create more terrorists.

More like centuries.


I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
I am slightly confused about Obama's statement. He is talking in the past, but isn't all of this still going on?


Deploying a 'Christian' army is unlikely to make things any better in the long term though. Just give those morons another excuse to go 'OMG CRUSADERS'

Tons, they are very common, they're also hard to find unless you're doing some construction work, so not exactly dangerous in terms of terrorist use.

This. Military won't solve anything. Israel has tried military even before its existence. US tried military. The British tried military, Russia tried military. We need a new approach because blowing up things makes things worse.


Some good friends of mine are in Paris, said they heard sirens but are apparently far enough away

I see people already tripping over themselves to blame the acceptance of refugees from a war zone.
I'm always amazed at how easy it is for terrorists to get exactly the reaction they want


Still inside a bar somewhat near the bataclan, updating from my phone. We're calmly staying in just in case, waiting for updates and the all clear that everything is good. Apparently a friend was at the show but is fine.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
Still inside a bar somewhat near the bataclan, updating from my phone. We're calmly staying in just in case, waiting for updates and the all clear that everything is good. Apparently a friend was at the show but is fine.

Stay safe dude.
My thoughts are with the French people.
RIP to all those who fell today.


This whole situation is so fucking infuriating.
The incompetent shitty people governing allowed mass surveillance to avoid stuffs like that.
Of course it served no purpose.
People are dead and dying and the only response will be more drastic measure to be sure all dick pics are safely stored by the secret services.
And on top of that we're going to be assaulted by another onslaught on our intelligence with conspiracy theories.


This is just awful. Whoever did this needs to be held accountable, but there's too much speculation to know who that is at this point.


CNN is saying something about the stadium, can't confirm, but he says they are killing people one by one in there. Someone posted on facebook for the police to please raid the stadium.


This is also my question all the time. When there is one shooter it can slip under the radar, but how can these well organised attacked go under the radar. What use is for those big budgets for the different secret services from different countries if not for situations like this? It's nice that allied country are intercepting each other's leaders though, much better use of money.

Poor Paris..

You can't watch everyone and if you aren't do anything dodgy through communications that can be tracked or doing everything face to face, I don't blame them for not finding these people. Sometimes you just can't stop evil unfortunately. It's a balance between security and freedom and unless they stick cameras, microphones, trackers etc. under our skin, it's not going to change. You have to fight it other ways along with security.

Hope the hostages get out of this alive.
Brother is in the city. Doesn't speak French and he's trying to travel back to his place. I'm trying to tell him to ask anyone to let him stay with them until things die down. He needs to not be traveling around.

Give me some French he can say to someone asking can I please stay in your home?
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