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Paris Terrorist Attacks, 120+ dead. Do not post hearsay/unsourced/old news.

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Yup. Supposed to get on a plane for Warsaw tomorrow, and then travel on to Lyon, France this week. Likely an irrational fear, yes... but it sure doesn't make you feel comfortable about boarding that flight.
Lyon (the city where I live) is not a big a symbol as Paris, I don't think (and hope) there will be trouble.
I'm currently in London for the weekend and I hope the closing of the border will not be much of an issue (yes I do realize I'm selfish)
I don't know what to think of all this, for the first time in my life I feared for the life of loved ones and I'm actually afraid of the future and I shouldn't because it would mean the terrorists have won. I feel helpless this is not a problem that can be fixed with votes (such as the rise of far right politicians) but rather with violence and we all know by now what truly sad and disastrous events this brings.
Mike Oldfeld's Nuclear feels awfully appropriate ("When did it all went wrong?")
This seems like a maximum psychological terror attack. I doubt the gunmen have any intention of trying to escape. Hostages are just to draw out the terror as long as possible. Shoot people one at a time and if they get rushed, just detonate so you can take military/law enforcement with you. Absolute evil.

Reminds me of Mumbai.
As terrible as this news is why does there seems to be some downplaying it? So what if it is being reported by CNN and Fox? It is not that far fetched what they are reporting is happening.

All the English language media is reporting things that they source from the French media, which means they are all far behind timewise and actively confusing to cite.


If the media could fucking stop telling us where the police is doing an assault at the moment. Every information could be crucial to the terrorists. We can seriously wait to know about what exactly happens.


Good work, French police. The faster they get the hostage situation taken care of, the more they can focus on the next.


stick to CNN or Fox if you want flashy graphics and theme songs.
That is overly harsh. I get people on here don't like CNN or Fox News but in the last 30 minutes CNN had eyewitness interviews and interviews with terrorist analyst. There is not much you can do when there is so little information coming in.


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
the guardian's reporters have statements from people who were inside the bataclan (warning: makes for uncomfortable reading)--has the situation there ended? one of them says that police entered the building and told hostages to run.




This is horrible

It seems like the terrorists know what they're doing, diverting all the response teams by doing it in 7 locations

Seven locations but all in the same area, in fact even no that far from the Charlie Hebdo attacks. If it was more spread out maybe things would be even worst.


not tag worthy
Fucking hell my Facebook feed had a French friend pop up she was at the concert , heard shots during a song , and fled she managed to get out.. Holy hell
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