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Paris Terrorist Attacks, 120+ dead. Do not post hearsay/unsourced/old news.

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Words fail me. Nothing I can say will mean or do anything to ease the pain all Parisians must be feeling.

But, I pray that the politicians across world will not use this event as further reason to vilify and dehumanize the refugees coming to Europe. I pray that they do not use this event to further encroach on the ideas of liberty by invading privacy and denying freedom of speech. I pray that American politicians do not use this event as further reasons for personal armament and re-invasion of our data. I pray, but I know this will never happen. I know that this event will only increase the hatred of refugees. I know that this event will re-inspire waves of Islamaphobic hate crimes. I know that, regardless of the death toll, this event will be the source of more isolationist. And I know that the scum of Da'esh and other Islamic terror groups will use this as a way to legitimize their power.


What's frightening is that they literally attacked the stadium while the president was there, and some of the attacks happened a few hundreds of meters away from the Charlie Hebdo.

Meaning they attacked a place that was heavily guarded since the January attacks. Just showing that they can attack wherever they want, whenever they want.


Has any group claimed responsibility yet?

ISIS will gladly take credit, but AQAP has a history of doing this. Wonder how France would react if it indeed was an AQAP or AQAP endorsed op considering the situation in Yemen where Frances' ally, KSA, have a detente with AQAP against the Houthis.


An inside job to push a political agenda.

That the government is behind the attacks to further their own agenda for something. People talking about that are idiots and should be ignored.

inside job / conspiracy theories / bullshit

An inside job.

IE 9/11 Truthers.

Operations by one group pretending to be another. Like if Bush orchestrated 9/11 pretending it was Al-Qaeda, that would be a FalseFlag operation.

A staged terrorist attack designed to manipulate public opinion.

I never heard that term before. Thanks


Shouting "God is greatest" while firing indiscriminately into a crowd. I can't even fathom how fucked in the head you need to be to do that. How the fuck can you be "radicalized" into doing that? Surely you just have to be a complete prick and then be gently nudged in the right direction.

Fucking hell, imagine having your life ended by a complete waste of oxygen like that. Doesn't even bear thinking about.


Mine is pretty and pink
If the media could fucking stop telling us where the police is doing an assault at the moment. Every information could be crucial to the terrorists. We can seriously wait to know about what exactly happens.

Yeah remember the last time when media reported the current position of survivors within the building. (Charlie Hebdo)

Fucking disgusting by them.


Absolutely sickening. It's tough keeping composed, especially seeing all this brutal stuff on twitter and streams. I should probably stop looking through that.

My heart goes out to those who've lost loved ones, and to those still in this situation. Hope this can end soon.


It's clear the intelligence services have failed to some degree to let this atrocity fall through the net, but I do marvel the bravery of the French Police for doing their duty under the greatest of pressure scenarios. Heroes, the lot of them.


Really eager to hear about the Bataclan situation. Hope it ends with a "positive" conclusion because it sounds absolutely terrifying.


army out to prevent further attacks



Exposing the sinister cartel of retailers who allow companies to pay for advertising space.
as someone living in Europe... the refugees are not the problem lol. Most of these terrorists were born and/or raised in Europe.

Radical islam is the problem. And that's the belief system a significant number of muslim asylum seekers adhere to. If just a tiny minority of all muslims are radicals, if just a minority of that minority will turn to violence, it means that Europe will face more terrorist attacks if the total number of muslims in our community goes up. I simply don't believe that the muslim community is large is capable of reducing extremism. All reports say they're completely blind to it.
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