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Paris Terrorist Attacks, 120+ dead. Do not post hearsay/unsourced/old news.

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I sure hope so. I call myself a pacifist, but a point comes where an action has to be taken or there's a solid chance you'll lose everything. We're rapidly approaching that point right now.

This is just devastating. Unprecedented.

I work with a lot of people who live in Paris, remotely. Oh, god.

This. There are very few justifications for war and Isis has provoked it too much already. If NATO don't come together on this, we might as well give up and accept terrorism as a natural event that happens three times a year.


BBC News are reporting a rumour, to be confirmed, that a fire has been set at the "Jungle" refugee camp in Calais as a possible revenge attack.

This is just getting worse and worse :(


I hate this feeling of helplessness. I'm sitting here eating dinner while innocent people are being killed hundreds of miles away from me, and all i can do is sit and fell bad for them.

tell me about it. feel like shooting the heads off these pieces of fucking shit


Over 100 dead?! Jesus Christ

Andrea Mitchell just said on MSNBC that she's 'never seen the CIA so flummoxed' and said her sources there knew within 20 minutes of the 9/11 attacks that it was Bin Ladin.

Now? In her words: ____________________

Unsettling as fuck.

Well also the CIA knew for months that Bin Laden was planning an attack against the U.S, and it became clearer in the run up to September that it would involve planes. And they sounded that alarm with the Bush admin. three dozen times.



WTF this was posted on JV.com forums a few days ago (biggest french videogame website)
Basically a poster said 8 days ago that there would soon be huge attacks in Paris, but he's giving some details. He said that there would be more than 100 casualties and that we should already use the hastag #prayforparis
There are a lot of batshit crazy people posting on these forums every day and talking about attacks every so often, but this post is eerily accurate (he's talking about coordinated attacks in various places in the capital, explosions, grenades and suicide attacks)
I don't know if it was just a random hoax, I'm gonna try to find a better source.

What the hell?
Shopping mall attack was real. Fox news just showed a video

Forum Des Halles

Holy crap seriously?
I moved to that area a few months ago. Currently home now in that area. Saw a LOT of police on my street and they moved out quickly. We weren't sure if it was just a rumour or it there were actual attacks. This is damn scary...

WTF this was posted on JV.com forums a few days ago (biggest french videogame website)
Basically a poster said 8 days ago that there would soon be huge attacks in Paris, but he's giving some details. He said that there would be more than 100 casualties and that we should already use the hastag #prayforparis
There are a lot of batshit crazy people posting on these forums every day and talking about attacks every so often, but this post is eerily accurate (he's talking about coordinated attacks in various places in the capital, explosions, grenades and suicide attacks)
I don't know if it was just a random hoax, I'm gonna try to find a better source.

What the fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck???



WTF this was posted on JV.com forums a few days ago (biggest french videogame website)
Basically a poster said 8 days ago that there would soon be huge attacks in Paris, but he's giving some details. He said that there would be more than 100 casualties and that we should already use the hastag #prayforparis
There are a lot of batshit crazy people posting on these forums every day and talking about attacks every so often, but this post is eerily accurate (he's talking about coordinated attacks in various places in the capital, explosions, grenades and suicide attacks)
I don't know if it was just a random hoax, I'm gonna try to find a better source.

why in the hell someone who really knows something (and is apparently against it) would post in a videogame website instead of,you know,going to the proper authorities?


I can't believe they killed the hostages, this is beyond horrible, fuck those killers.

Of course they were going to kill them. If the police treated this like a standard hostage situation with attackers that wanted something, and not a massacre in progress, I am going to be incredibly frustrated. Took way too long to get the word that the gunmen had been taken down.

WTF this was posted on JV.com forums a few days ago (biggest french videogame website)
Basically a poster said 8 days ago that there would soon be huge attacks in Paris, but he's giving some details. He said that there would be more than 100 casualties and that we should already use the hastag #prayforparis
There are a lot of batshit crazy people posting on these forums every day and talking about attacks every so often, but this post is eerily accurate (he's talking about coordinated attacks in various places in the capital, explosions, grenades and suicide attacks)
I don't know if it was just a random hoax, I'm gonna try to find a better source.

Oh god... That would be insanity if this person knew this was going to happen and no one took it seriously...


Totally wronger about Nintendo's business decisions.
So 7 coordinated attacks. That pretty much confirms that these were terrorist sleeper cells. It's going to be interesting to find out where these people came from.

WTF this was posted on JV.com forums a few days ago (biggest french videogame website)
Basically a poster said 8 days ago that there would soon be huge attacks in Paris, but he's giving some details. He said that there would be more than 100 casualties and that we should already use the hastag #prayforparis
There are a lot of batshit crazy people posting on these forums every day and talking about attacks every so often, but this post is eerily accurate (he's talking about coordinated attacks in various places in the capital, explosions, grenades and suicide attacks)
I don't know if it was just a random hoax, I'm gonna try to find a better source.

Do you have a link to the actual post?
Terrorism doesn't really work. It doesn't effectively spread a political message, or fulfill demands. It's just a way of inflating self sense of power, while not really granting any.

They're just crazy serial killers.

Lan Dong Mik

And why would I want them?
I hate this feeling of helplessness. I'm sitting here eating dinner while innocent people are being killed hundreds of miles away from me, and all i can do is sit and fell bad for them.

Agreed 100%. I'm in America, feeling helpless, sad, angry, etc. This shit has gone way too far and I'm just sitting here wondering what it's going to take for our world leaders to do something about it. I mean this is beyond tragic at this point. Something needs to be done.



WTF this was posted on JV.com forums a few days ago (biggest french videogame website)
Basically a poster said 8 days ago that there would soon be huge attacks in Paris, but he's giving some details. He said that there would be more than 100 casualties and that we should already use the hastag #prayforparis
There are a lot of batshit crazy people posting on these forums every day and talking about attacks every so often, but this post is eerily accurate (he's talking about coordinated attacks in various places in the capital, explosions, grenades and suicide attacks)
I don't know if it was just a random hoax, I'm gonna try to find a better source.

What in the hell ?


Worst part is, this isn't some war against a country or against people. It's a war against idea's. The idea that everyone who doesn't live like you do should die.

There isn't an easy solution here, you can't just send an army to kill an idea. Sending an army now to the middle east to try and kill every possible terrorist would end up only creating more of them and making things worse.



WTF this was posted on JV.com forums a few days ago (biggest french videogame website)
Basically a poster said 8 days ago that there would soon be huge attacks in Paris, but he's giving some details. He said that there would be more than 100 casualties and that we should already use the hastag #prayforparis
There are a lot of batshit crazy people posting on these forums every day and talking about attacks every so often, but this post is eerily accurate (he's talking about coordinated attacks in various places in the capital, explosions, grenades and suicide attacks)
I don't know if it was just a random hoax, I'm gonna try to find a better source.

What the fuck.



WTF this was posted on JV.com forums a few days ago (biggest french videogame website)
Basically a poster said 8 days ago that there would soon be huge attacks in Paris, but he's giving some details. He said that there would be more than 100 casualties and that we should already use the hastag #prayforparis
There are a lot of batshit crazy people posting on these forums every day and talking about attacks every so often, but this post is eerily accurate (he's talking about coordinated attacks in various places in the capital, explosions, grenades and suicide attacks)
I don't know if it was just a random hoax, I'm gonna try to find a better source.
For people curisous, JV.com (jv stand for jeux vidéo meaning video games) is a trash level forum. Maybe it was a real warning, maybe not. There are topics about incoming terrorist attack every day on this forum.


The people who did this are bastard muslims, not those who are just ordinary muslims. Then again, I actually wonder how many muslims will gonna speak out against these terror attacks. Response to the Hebdo attacks was surprisingly muted, especially in countries where Islam is more rooted.

What the hell man? The whole of Europe stood up for unity and against terrorism and rasism.


I'm breaking down. Powerlessness vibrating my every fiber. My sister could have been at that concert. My brother in law hangs out nearby. Desperately seeking within what can individuals do for good when it needs so few to succeed in doing evil.

WTF this was posted on JV.com forums a few days ago (biggest french videogame website)
Basically a poster said 8 days ago that there would soon be huge attacks in Paris, but he's giving some details. He said that there would be more than 100 casualties and that we should already use the hastag #prayforparis
There are a lot of batshit crazy people posting on these forums every day and talking about attacks every so often, but this post is eerily accurate (he's talking about coordinated attacks in various places in the capital, explosions, grenades and suicide attacks)
I don't know if it was just a random hoax, I'm gonna try to find a better source.
This is probably bullshit.

Can't find anything on Google.

"jours il y aura des attentats un peu partout dans Paris"

"des explosions, des grenades, des kamikazes"

And http://fotoforensics.com tells that the picture is probably arranged (going by the white noise).
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