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Paris Terrorist Attacks, 120+ dead. Do not post hearsay/unsourced/old news.

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I wonder what ISIS reasoning will be. Absolutely inhuman.

They are terrorists. Don't let anything distract you of that.

In saying that their message to the Muslim world is that they are trying to bring back the Caliphate. It's something along the lines of they believe God won't return until the caliph is established on Earth.

The last Caliphate was during the Ottoman Empire.


That's one thing I never understand; people/officials asking about prevention... how the hell can you defend yourself against these kinds of attacks?


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
Just said on Russia Today:
"There are reports that news about fires in refugee camps in Calais are false and old."


I hate this feeling of helplessness. I'm sitting here eating dinner while innocent people are being killed hundreds of miles away from me, and all i can do is sit and fell bad for them.



WTF this was posted on JV.com forums a few days ago (biggest french videogame website)
Basically a poster said 8 days ago that there would soon be huge attacks in Paris, but he's giving some details. He said that there would be more than 100 casualties and that we should already use the hastag #prayforparis
There are a lot of batshit crazy people posting on these forums every day and talking about attacks every so often, but this post is eerily accurate (he's talking about coordinated attacks in various places in the capital, explosions, grenades and suicide attacks)
I don't know if it was just a random hoax, I'm gonna try to find a better source.

Keep us updated, because this just got intriguing.



WTF this was posted on JV.com forums a few days ago (biggest french videogame website)
Basically a poster said 8 days ago that there would soon be huge attacks in Paris, but he's giving some details. He said that there would be more than 100 casualties and that we should already use the hastag #prayforparis
There are a lot of batshit crazy people posting on these forums every day and talking about attacks every so often, but this post is eerily accurate (he's talking about coordinated attacks in various places in the capital, explosions, grenades and suicide attacks)
I don't know if it was just a random hoax, I'm gonna try to find a better source.

lol wut
My mom emailed me. She's safe right now. She said "No more Paris for me". I told her that this is what those fucks want. I'll go to Paris with her next year.


Tears in the rain

WTF this was posted on JV.com forums a few days ago (biggest french videogame website)
Basically a poster said 8 days ago that there would soon be huge attacks in Paris, but he's giving some details. He said that there would be more than 100 casualties and that we should already use the hastag #prayforparis
There are a lot of batshit crazy people posting on these forums every day and talking about attacks every so often, but this post is eerily accurate (he's talking about coordinated attacks in various places in the capital, explosions, grenades and suicide attacks)
I don't know if it was just a random hoax, I'm gonna try to find a better source.

Holy fuck


I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
I do feel conflicted. On the one hand, I realize that these doomsday-craving maniacs want nothing more than war with "the West" and more involvement from us in the middle east. I also realize that military intervention does not destroy an ideology. On the other hand, I wouldn't dislike to see the outer frame of this self-proclaimed "caliphate" obliterated in a few days or weeks of NATO intervention, to show all other Jihadist maniacs how the glorious war against "the West" will end for their caliphate and their delusions of armageddon.

At the very least, I hope that the discussion over the next days will not ignore the fact that we are indeed at war with an ideology and that we have to do more to support reformers, instead of putting the entire blame on imperialism. You don't assassinate tens and hundreds of innocent people face-to-face unless you are believing in some seriously perverted form of moral justification.

WTF this was posted on JV.com forums a few days ago (biggest french videogame website)
Basically a poster said 8 days ago that there would soon be huge attacks in Paris, but he's giving some details. He said that there would be more than 100 casualties and that we should already use the hastag #prayforparis
There are a lot of batshit crazy people posting on these forums every day and talking about attacks every so often, but this post is eerily accurate (he's talking about coordinated attacks in various places in the capital, explosions, grenades and suicide attacks)
I don't know if it was just a random hoax, I'm gonna try to find a better source.

Holy fuck! Unbelieveable...


These terrorists don't care about human life. It's means nothing to them.
Tossing grenades at a crowd of people inside a confined space is beyond fucked up demonstrates that.
Reaching " The Gates of Heaven" is more important than anything else to the minds behind these attacks.

is a little more complicated than that

WTF this was posted on JV.com forums a few days ago (biggest french videogame website)
Basically a poster said 8 days ago that there would soon be huge attacks in Paris, but he's giving some details. He said that there would be more than 100 casualties and that we should already use the hastag #prayforparis
There are a lot of batshit crazy people posting on these forums every day and talking about attacks every so often, but this post is eerily accurate (he's talking about coordinated attacks in various places in the capital, explosions, grenades and suicide attacks)
I don't know if it was just a random hoax, I'm gonna try to find a better source.
"jours il y aura des attentats un peu partout dans Paris" -> nothing on Google



WTF this was posted on JV.com forums a few days ago (biggest french videogame website)
Basically a poster said 8 days ago that there would soon be huge attacks in Paris, but he's giving some details. He said that there would be more than 100 casualties and that we should already use the hastag #prayforparis
There are a lot of batshit crazy people posting on these forums every day and talking about attacks every so often, but this post is eerily accurate (he's talking about coordinated attacks in various places in the capital, explosions, grenades and suicide attacks)
I don't know if it was just a random hoax, I'm gonna try to find a better source.
wow wow wow

WTF this was posted on JV.com forums a few days ago (biggest french videogame website)
Basically a poster said 8 days ago that there would soon be huge attacks in Paris, but he's giving some details. He said that there would be more than 100 casualties and that we should already use the hastag #prayforparis
There are a lot of batshit crazy people posting on these forums every day and talking about attacks every so often, but this post is eerily accurate (he's talking about coordinated attacks in various places in the capital, explosions, grenades and suicide attacks)
I don't know if it was just a random hoax, I'm gonna try to find a better source.

What in the world..


That's one thing I never understand; people/officials asking about prevention... how the hell can you defend yourself against these kinds of attacks?
You can't. Which is why I hate the knee jerk reactions from politicians that usually follow stuff like this.
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