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Paris Terrorist Attacks, 120+ dead. Do not post hearsay/unsourced/old news.

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For people curisous, JV.com (jv stand for jeux vidéo meaning video games) is a trash level forum. Maybe it was a real warning, maybe not. There are topics about incoming terrorist attack every day on this forum.

Yes, it's absolutly impossible to know who is serious and who is not on this shit forum, nobody (except the OP) could know it was serious.


Worst part is, this isn't some war against a country or against people. It's a war against idea's. The idea that everyone who doesn't live like you do should die.

There isn't an easy solution here, you can't just send an army to kill an idea. Sending an army now to the middle east to try and kill every possible terrorist would end up only creating more of them and making things worse.
It's a war for the soul of Islam and the radicals are winning. This is a fight that should be led by Muslims, by Imams and community leaders, not the west. I'm still waiting for that to happen.
Agreed 100%. I'm in America, feeling helpless, sad, angry, etc. This shit has gone way too far and I'm just sitting here wondering what it's going to take for our world leaders to do something about it. I mean this is beyond tragic at this point. Something needs to be done.

No one seems to identify what this "something" is. First we had Al Qaeda and we're still in Afghanistan. Then we had Iraq and everything that spawned from that, which includes IS.

You could occupy every nation in the ME and there's still NOTHING stopping someone in Europe or North America to become radicalized and carry out any form of attack.

Really, the only answer is taking the Patriot Act to new levels. Are you ready for that? Because bombing or sending troops to Syria is not the answer to ideological terrorism. It's not about what landmass you hold. So, please tell us what something is other than wishing your world leaders could find a silver bullet cure.


A friend sent me this



all over my instagram feed



I can't take this anymore, shutting down the Internet for the rest of the day.

My prayers and love are being sent to everyone in France right now.


Yeah, they say the pictures are old. Let's pray that that is accurate and they aren't just following internet discussion. My fingers are crossed that we can have this news fully confirmed, any more lives lost - no matter their background - would be tragic.
Terrorism doesn't really work. It doesn't effectively spread a political message, or fulfill demands. It's just a way of inflating self sense of power, while not really granting any.

They're just crazy serial killers.

I agree.

At this point, ISIS are just murder fetishists. When you read reports of the shit they do in their videos, like burying rows of bombs and forcing unsuspecting people to kneel over the spot and blowing them up, it's pretty obvious. No "fighter" would even think of doing something like that. They're just sick fuck murderers.
Andrea Mitchell just said on MSNBC that she's 'never seen the CIA so flummoxed' and said her sources there knew within 20 minutes of the 9/11 attacks that it was Bin Ladin.

Now? In her words: ____________________

Unsettling as fuck.

This is what Isis wants.. It's an ideal it builds and builds and then 6-7 friends get the idea and can do something like this.
why in the hell someone who really knows something (and is apparently against it) would post in a videogame website instead of,you know,going to the proper authorities?

JV.com is basically French 4chan.

For people curisous, JV.com (jv stand for jeux vidéo meaning video games) is a trash level forum. Maybe it was a real warning, maybe not. There are topics about incoming terrorist attack every day on this forum.



The Birthday Skeleton
I do feel conflicted. On the one hand, I realize that these doomsday-craving maniacs want nothing more than war with "the West" and more involvement from us in the middle east. I also realize that military intervention does not destroy an ideology. On the other hand, I wouldn't dislike to see the outer frame of this self-proclaimed "caliphate" obliterated in a few days or weeks of NATO intervention, to show all other Jihadist maniacs how the glorious war against "the West" will end for their caliphate and their delusions of armageddon.

At the very least, I hope that the discussion over the next days will not ignore the fact that we are indeed at war with an ideology and that we have to do more to support reformers, instead of putting the entire blame on imperialism. You don't assassinate tens and hundreds of innocent people face-to-face unless you are believing in some seriously perverted form of moral justification.

This is how I feel now too.
On one hand I know that "This is what they want". But for what? To recruit more people? It seems to work pretty damn fine even without this.

At least troops on the ground would show that there is a punishment for the crime. Obliterate the motherfuckers.


I hate this feeling of helplessness. I'm sitting here eating dinner while innocent people are being killed hundreds of miles away from me, and all i can do is sit and fell bad for them.

Same here. It's 9:30 in the morning here in Korea, I'm with my girlfriend and I wish there was something, anything I could do, even just to give someone a hug.

There aren't enough words to describe how upset I am.

EDIT (read first): The posts below are from 2014. This might mean by default that it's unrelated. I'm posting it due to the coinciding dates and how this is the first Friday 13th to fall on November since those posts.

I can't confirm any validity outside of it being Google Cache, but this was posted:


It's different to the text posted above and this time it's a cached page, not an image.

There will be a series of attacks from that famous date
Attention to ALL transport such as plane, train, metro.
And public places

I have my sources

I'm not trying to fearmonger or spread something, so please just take it with a truckload of salt. I don't know anything about it, I'm just sharing.


I agree.

At this point, ISIS are just murder fetishists. When you read reports of the shit they do in their videos, like burying rows of bombs and forcing unsuspecting people to kneel over the spot and blowing them up, it's pretty obvious. They're just sick fuck murderers.
They have no resources or bargaining power so they resort to the most primal alternative--violence.


Worst part is, this isn't some war against a country or against people. It's a war against idea's. The idea that everyone who doesn't live like you do should die.

There isn't an easy solution here, you can't just send an army to kill an idea. Sending an army now to the middle east to try and kill every possible terrorist would end up only creating more of them and making things worse.

Exactly. This has to be fought and won in the court of reason. For that fight to succeed education and reforms need to happen. Some believe systems haven't been properly defanged since their inception.
Sadly the Western world seems to be in the mood to form a corral and put up the flag of Christianity again. I wish there would be actual leaders trying to get their electorate away from delusions instead of playing into them for votes.
Jesus christ o_o I walked away to take a nap and woke up to full on terrorist attacks in paris. Sending good thoughts and such to people, hopefully the dead count doesn't continue to rise, ti's already beyond horrifying x___X


Just flipped on CNN before heading out. Absolutely distraught, horrifying images. My heart aches for everyone in Paris.


Should total over 160 by tomorrow when chaos has stopped. :/

Meh. That big a fire I'd assume quite wide reports and confirmation so not convinced till we see some more official sources.

There has been several independent sources reporting this.
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