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Paris Terrorist Attacks, 120+ dead. Do not post hearsay/unsourced/old news.

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WTF this was posted on JV.com forums a few days ago (biggest french videogame website)
Basically a poster said 8 days ago that there would soon be huge attacks in Paris, but he's giving some details. He said that there would be more than 100 casualties and that we should already use the hastag #prayforparis
There are a lot of batshit crazy people posting on these forums every day and talking about attacks every so often, but this post is eerily accurate (he's talking about coordinated attacks in various places in the capital, explosions, grenades and suicide attacks)
I don't know if it was just a random hoax, I'm gonna try to find a better source.
I need an actual link to this and not a screencap because this is incredibly intriguing. All I found was this: http://www.jeuxvideo.com/forums/42-13-41752728-1-0-1-0-pub-full-screen-jvc.htm

cobra-sa-76 said:
seriously we do little more !!

Hello I write on this site more and more topics or forumeurs complain (rightly) Ad page that embeds itself in full screen on our screens, that's just unbearable! ... It would be the administrators learn about the harmful effects of "forcing" in advertising material is cheesy, useless, and it irritates everyone .... thank you guys for us

Same time as the post you linked. Not sure if it was edited. Yours looks like a photoshop though.

JV.com just said it was a fake, they checked.

Thankfully it's fake


This. There are very few justifications for war and Isis has provoked it too much already. If NATO don't come together on this, we might as well give up and accept terrorism as a natural event that happens three times a year.

wel it kinda is...it's not like we never had terrorist acts before isis

you can't always stop anyone who wants to do harm from doing so,it's impossible

the best you can do it's harm their network and infrustructures,and work well eith intelligence..for the rest,you can't be always safe,not in this world


Horrific, my condolences to those who have lost friends and family today.

If indeed this is another case of radical Islam, I also feel very bad for European Muslims who aren't extremist scum. Combined with the refugee crisis, this shit might blow up like a powder keg.

What is clear though is that Islam has an extremism problem similar to Christianity a few hundred years ago. Saying "oh it's just a few bad apples!" is just not going to be enough anymore. Muslim communities are going to need to dig deep and purge themselves of these elements which are likely bigger than they care to admit.


This misinformation campaign to accuse the Calais reporting as misinformation is kinda hilariously strange

Multiple sources are reporting with pictures from on site and still people are doubting pointing to 2nd of november without actually checking the sources of the 2nd of november.

That was by daylight, it's night time in europe right now!


Members of ISIS cannot be reasoned with, there will be the odd person you can bring back to reality but if there were a hypothetical list of people that are hard to convince that their world-view is wrong, they would be up there.

These people think that literal paradise awaits them if they kill hundreds of innocent people. The only reasonable way to stop them is to eliminate them.

Once that is achieved, work can be done to strengthen ties between Islam, the west and the middle east so we can all co-exist peacefully, and be sure that radical groups like ISIS and Al-Qaeda can never form again.

Such a process however is like fighting the concept of racism. There's too much history and there's too much fear within humanity to even imagine such a world within 10 lifetimes.


This. There are very few justifications for war and Isis has provoked it too much already. If NATO don't come together on this, we might as well give up and accept terrorism as a natural event that happens three times a year.

As awful as this is, 100 dead in itself is not justification for a war that will kill many hundreds of thousands of civilians and in the end accomplish nothing. we have learned this lesson too many times.


The Chuck Norris of Peace

WTF this was posted on JV.com forums a few days ago (biggest french videogame website)
Basically a poster said 8 days ago that there would soon be huge attacks in Paris, but he's giving some details. He said that there would be more than 100 casualties and that we should already use the hastag #prayforparis
There are a lot of batshit crazy people posting on these forums every day and talking about attacks every so often, but this post is eerily accurate (he's talking about coordinated attacks in various places in the capital, explosions, grenades and suicide attacks)
I don't know if it was just a random hoax, I'm gonna try to find a better source.

Is this for real?
So those explosions in Bataclan were fucking grenades being thrown at the hostages.

What is this shit. How do we even want to continue living in a world like this? I can't handle this.




Parisian Gaffers stay safe.

My thoughts are with all Parisians. 2015 has been terrible so far. Fuck.

I'm afraid this is reality, a new wave of terror will hit Europe for a multitude of reasons...
Fuck terrorists, I hope they burn in the eternal flames of the deepest cirlcle in hell.


I think we should only post things with official sources.
Twitter is the fastest news source in the world. It's all about separating signal from noise.

The 2nd of november video is completely different than the photo evidence coming in from various sources.
friend's friend's friend was executed in the concert hall. Dont know her personally but this still sadden me tremendously.

Hope all people in europe remain safe.
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