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Paris Terrorist Attacks, 120+ dead. Do not post hearsay/unsourced/old news.

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Goddamn, I'm just a loss at what to say, the fear that must be going through every Frenchman/woman and refugee's hearts and the horrific loss of lives. I'm just so sad.


Damn I just finished Parks & Recreation and liked his character. Didn't know he was this shitty RL.

Yeah, just as he was gaining some ounce of respect in my eyes after recent great work, it turns out he is a fucking imbecile.

I agree.

At this point, ISIS are just murder fetishists. When you read reports of the shit they do in their videos, like burying rows of bombs and forcing unsuspecting people to kneel over the spot and blowing them up, it's pretty obvious. No "fighter" would even think of doing something like that. They're just sick fuck murderers.

I think they're worse than that. They're culture-killers. They literally want every culture on the planet eradicated except for their own. Not just people, but beliefs, lifestyles, artworks and literature. As if it's not bad enough killing and coercing thousands of people to their cause, they have to actively destroy everyone else's cause.

Oh this is bad.
Terrorism doesn't really work. It doesn't effectively spread a political message, or fulfill demands. It's just a way of inflating self sense of power, while not really granting any.

They're just crazy serial killers.

Terrorism in isolation doesn't work. In conjunction with an ideology that attracts followers it most definitely works. The British considered many US tactics during the revolutionary war terrorism, the Irgun used terrorism effectively against the UK in trying to found the state of Israel. Political violence works, that's why there is so much of it.


I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.


This misinformation campaign to accuse the Calais reporting as misinformation is kinda hilariously strange

Multiple sources are reporting with pictures from on site and still people are doubting pointing to 2nd of november without actually checking the sources of the 2nd of november.

That was by daylight, it's night time in europe right now!

multiple souces are meaningless if they all come from a single original one...people are just saying that we need to wait and see before spreading info that might or might not be true...


FYI, you can mark yourself "Safe" on Facebook during dangerous events to let everyone who might be aware you are in Paris know that you are safe.


Kills Photobucket
Sounds stupid, but if France is anything like England, a football ground would be about the safest place to be. All bags are checked on entry, no liquids allowed in.

Not stupid at all. And since France's President was there security was probably extra good. It would certainly suck to be confined to a stadium at a time like this, but it sounds like it would at least be safe. Hopefully concessions are well stocked and everyone can get something to eat.


I haven't seen it posted yet:



What is clear though is that Islam has an extremism problem similar to Christianity a few hundred years ago. Saying "oh it's just a few bad apples!" is just not going to be enough anymore. Muslim communities are going to need to dig deep and purge themselves of these elements which are likely bigger than they care to admit.

I'm not gonna go around "purging" anyone suspicious from the Muslim community.

You don't try to kill ideologies like that.


I mean how do we stop these kinds of attacks from happening.

Preemptive measures, such as clandestine operations to infiltrate sleeper cells and disrupt them are the best way. Attacking and destroying ISIS might demoralize its supporters but you'll just get another group eventually, you have to attack the root of the problem, the ideology itself. Unfortunately the main propagator of ISIS like ideology is immune to Western backlash, but I won't derail this thread.
Twitter is the fastest news source in the world. It's all about separating signal from noise.

The 2nd of november video is completely different than the photo evidence coming in from various sources.

Look at the title, it says to only post sourced things that arent old. That account is just some random person and no news sites are reporting it


What does that have to do with Paris? She's just saying not to be mad at her for not streaming today.

Was calling out the fact of people showing disrespect. To each their own on what's disrespectful I guess. (Got one reply each way *shrugs*)

Anyways, back on topic:

Norwegian media are now reporting at least 140 dead.
Confirmed yet by others? Dear God if true :/

thread is moving too fast but has any groups claimed the attacks yet? what are the motives?

ISIS from what I've heard a lot but I don't think it's confirmed at all. I'm not the best source on this though, moreso following instead of relaying info >_>


The West has problems with coming to grips with the fact that ISIS' motivation is a religious prophecy, according to which a war with "the West" will lead to the beginning of the end times, to which these maniacs are looking forward to.

"What ISIS really wants": http://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2015/03/what-isis-really-wants/384980/

That sounds more like an instruction then, not a prophecy. By trying to make it happen on purpose, they admit their own beliefs are pure balls.


This is absolutely terrifying. 140 dead out of nowhere with no real escalation or forwarning.
My heart goes out to all those touched by the tragedy.

One day this cowardly "war" will have to stop - right?
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