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Paris Terrorist Attacks, 120+ dead. Do not post hearsay/unsourced/old news.

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Latest figures from the attacks; (Source: Le parisien)

Bataclan theatre, Boulevard Voltaire: At least 100 dead, seven seriously injured, four wounded
Stade de France, Saint-Denis: Four dead, 11 seriously injured, 39 wounded
Rue Bichat: 14 dead, 10 seriously injured, 10 wounded
Avenue de la Republique: Four dead, 11 seriously injured, 10 wounded
Charonne: 19 dead, 13 seriously injured, 10 wounded
Beaumarchais: Three seriously injured, four wounded


Look at the title, it says to only post sourced things that arent old. That account is just some random person and no news sites are reporting it
Look at the Twitter stream, there are by now 2 video's posted (including police/fireman response) and more and more sources reporting

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
Sad day, my condolences to all the victims. I was in NYC during 9-11 and it's such a scary feeling not knowing what will happen next or if loved ones are safe.

Not sure what can be done to stop this :/


I haven't seen it posted yet:


I got this on my twittter feed: https://twitter.com/MetalHammer/status/665311979230248961

User Actions

Metal HammerVerified account
PARIS UPDATE: Emily Dorio, wife of Eagles Of Death Metal drummer Julian, says band are all safe. @EODMofficial
Alex CranshawAdam BurgessAshleigh GoodhallSonia YildirimRestless SinnerGravity DynamicZoot ManMattMeggan Houts
12:35 AM - 14 Nov 2015


As awful as this is, 100 dead in itself is not justification for a war that will kill many hundreds of thousands of civilians and in the end accomplish nothing. we have learned this lesson too many times.

What's the alternative, though? When they're actively pressing in?

I was actually for airstrikes against Assad, because the situation was as dire as this. And even with today's hindsight I think it would have been the right thing to do. It would have cut short the following years of horror which were inevitable and awful.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
I can't sleep, this is heartbreaking

me too... i was supposed to go to bed early... now my body is shivering and I'm crying i can't sleep..
Just wanted to share some jewels I've seen on Facebook.

They took away all the citizens guns over there they can't defend themselves this is what happens in gun free zones how did they get all their bombs and long guns and shotguns in there if you don't you need to start standing for the Second Amendment because in this world you cannot coexist

Obama supplied the weapons for his brothers!

f somebody else in that group would have been armed not as many people would have died tonight so you think about how you want to but one person carrying could have stopped a bunch of it

I'm ashamed to consider myself an American. These ignorant people make me sick.


The 'H' stands for hentai.
So France 24 has updated the death toll to 140 people.

They are very conservative in reporting the situation (not jumping to conclusions), so that is pretty much the current number. Ugh :(

ISIS just claimed the attacks as their work. Warns Washington, London and Rome next

I think most people figured out there was an ISIS connection pretty early.


More confirmation from Calais:

what exactly are you trying to prove? why are you so eager for this to be a thing?

either it will be true or it won't and some random fuck (who is not posting any photos and has no photo of themselves on twitter) is not going to be the difference


This is absolutely terrifying. 140 dead out of nowhere with no real escalation or forwarning.
My heart goes out to all those touched by the tragedy.

One day this cowardly "war" will have to stop - right?

with this particular terrorist group?sure

but there are dozens more..hell wasn't al qaeda the enemy n.1 until recently?we already forgot about them?
If this is ISIS the whole Earth needs to agree to just go in and wipe them out. Every last one. They are disease in humanity and they need to be wiped off the face of the planet.

Clean sweep, everything they control gone. Every country against them.


The reports have been hard to read.

One of my old coworkers lives there, hope he's OK and that there are no more casualties :(


I am just finding out about this... so horrible.. why are they showing a football match and then a bunch of people on the field... what happened there??

RIP to those who died .. such a waste of so many innocent people :( I just dont get this evil in this world.


What's the alternative, though? When they're actively pressing in?

I was actually for airstrikes against Assad, because the situation was as dire as this. And even with today's hindsight I think it would have been the right thing to do. It would have cut short the following years of horror which were inevitable and awful.

Not inevitable. Western intervention is partly to blame for the chaos. We had absolutely no idea who we were helping or what we were doing.

Assad is awful but under his rule, Syria was a relatively safe, stable country.

'What's the alternative' - being cautious and careful is something that would benefit everyone. Our reactions to previous atrocities have been a disaster
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