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Paris Terrorist Attacks, 120+ dead. Do not post hearsay/unsourced/old news.

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Better pic of One World Trade Center.


Beautiful picture that gives off some sense of unity and hope from the nightmare of today.


Take care Paris.

NYT did the same thing after the Charlie Hebdo massacre.

This is one issue that the Left Wing is dead wrong on.

There is some truth to that. Buy it's just another facet to this horrible thing happening.

Organisations like UNICEF, SIDA, UN has screamed for help for years.
Massive need of cash and manpower but our leaders in the West haven't been listening. Now we have camps in Lebanon, Libya and whatnot where shitty situations work as open recruitment center for organisations of any kind.

Fun fact: In Congo a certain military refused us access to camps, we were not allowed to set up the most basic toilets, water supplies and when my father said fuck you to that and dug out graves for over 50 bodies he got chewed out like you wouldn't believe it by this military leader.
In Lebanon they refused them to dig out latrines or set up a water pump to an already finished drilled well.
So many more shitty decisions has happened that where way above my head.

Guess how easy it is to say
Hey, want a better life? Let me start brainwashing you
In these camps? Heck to even speak about it back where these young men call home will help to start the brainwashing.

And now I wonder how fast EU will close their eyes to Erdogans "shenanigans" to get thar flow of people to stop faster.

Addendum. I don't agree with this "victim blaming". It's much more than just this and refusing to accept all the sums of these circumstances is plainly wrong and most disgusting of all is all this fucking finger pointing. Horrible things happens all the time. Sitting around trying to shit on someone instead of trying to work so we can avert these situations always comes last.
Fuck those people. And fuck everyone else that can't muster any sympathies but try to win political points. Fuck you.

Please stay safe my friends and strangers in Paris.


Junior Member
looking at some replies and tweets and i fucking hate how ISIS continues to give Islam a bad name when they literlly share NOTHING with Islam.

May all victims rest in peace.

Pancake Mix

Copied someone else's pancake recipe
This is absolutely disgusting...

I feel for the families :(

France has a relatively notable muslim population, due to its former colonial territories and the influence it still holds. Attacks like these feed the far right who feed persecution of minorities, which can then make it easier to radicalise. Its deliberately creating a vicious cycle.

That said, we still technically don't have confirmation of who the terrorists are or their affiliations.

Hang on a second..... While it's true that persecution of minorities can lead to radicalization, these nutcases were nutcases period. There's no excuse on Earth for this and there's not even a vicious cycle in this instance because you have to be a psychopathic piece of shit to do this. Now's not the time to complain about far-right nutjob groups in France....because a few far right nutjobs of a different stripe (Muslim extremist) just killed over 100 innocent people in cold blood.
looking at some replies and tweets and i fucking hate how ISIS continues to give Islam a bad name when they literlly share NOTHING with Islam.

May all victims rest in peace.

Isis is a blip in history and this will only hasten their demise. There will be a war coming to Isis on a bigger scale soon


Drop your obnoxious backseat modding act while you're at it.

Fuck off - its not back seat modding to wish everyone be well informed. Disagree all you want but to describe it as obnoxious is just you looking for a fight - pathetic, cuntish behaviour on such a night.
Drop your obnoxious backseat modding act while you're at it.

Great job adding to the thread and replying to a page old post just to fluff yer guff.

Moving onto matters that are actually relevant:

Patrick Pelloux — a doctor and member of Charlie Hebdo — is commenting the situation and the medical response. Wounds are similar to those from war (assailants used heavy rifles)
He is saying we should not be afraid. /u/dClauzel

Via Reddit LiveStream


How can suicide bombers be at large? Did I miss something?

No, I was asking if the '4 dead terrorists' figure included the 2 suicide bombers or was it just referring to the shooters.

There was 7 locations, trying to figure out the minimum number of shooters still on the run.


It seems a lot of people in here are confused about the term 'Moderate Muslim'.

This video from a gathering of self-described Moderate Muslims living in the UK should help.

Nearly the entirety of the crowd agrees that sharia law is correct and that homosexuals should be killed, you should be stoned for adultery and executing anyone who tries to leave Islam is a 'moderate' stance.

The only thing that does not make them 'extremists' is that they wont do these things because it's against the 'law of the land' (british law). They still believe that all the things mentioned above 'should' be done as it's god's law as mentioned in the Qur'an.

No guidance or ruling on the punishment of gays of adulterers is mentioned in the Quran, only that they are grave sins, described in kind. Law of the land (in Muslim countries) is not the same thing as actual Quranic literature. There isn't even a set pre defined version of Sharia Law, as it is different country to country, unsurprisingly as laws changes with the times and societal conditions or requirements.


Should be noted at least that France's Malia intervention was under this President and seen as a well done job. I think these attacks will force some perspective changes, do you care about Assad in these circumstances, probably not.
Julien Pearce a reporter is talking to Anderson Cooper about being in the theatre. He was stuck in there for 15 min from the beginning of the shooting till he escaped. When he escaped police were still not there! He said he saw 2 or 3 gunmen with ak47s. He said the crowd was just laying on the floor and the shooters went around executing people point blank. So awful and frightening.
The response to the tweet is pretty sad. We overreact so much that we forget to even take a second and realize how inconsequential it is to everything. Possibly hundreds of people could die and we're whining about a tweet. Grow up and stop acting so selfish, theres a world outside Twitter.

Stay safe Paris, hold your kids closer tonight. This shows how short our lives could be.


"Wounds are similar to those from war"

As I said before, the death toll is gonna spiral out of control. Some very serious injuries being reported from all the heavy assault weapons used.


I'm going to call it a night. I hope in a few hours the news will be a bit more clear on the whole situation. I dread to see the number of people who have lost their lives :(


From itélé

The terrorists were very young and at least two of them (not the one from the stadium) detonated their explosives vests.

Edit : And speaking french,

Probably the two more at te stadium were waiting for the end of the match to explode when the spectators would have been getting out of the stadium. So the toll count is low to what it should have been.
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