oh my fucking god this keeps getting worse
Hunt these fuckers. Be ruthless in their long, slow, merciless deaths.
Well shit... that almost got me again. Ok, check date and time. Stupid twitter.I don't think that was related. That tweet was made 4 hours ago
I love you Löfven... thank you for thisLöfven posted this:
Med chock och sorg mottar vi rapporterna från Paris och följer utvecklingen minut för minut. Jag tänker på och känner starkt med offren, deras anhöriga och det franska folket. Vi står enade med Frankrike i denna mörka stund.
So when tea party say they want unethical changes to the us laws based on what they believe in according to the constitution, do you agree with them that they are doing it with sound judgement ? Ha
How do you "finish the job" exactly? Eradicate the entire region?
It's an ideology that can spread as easily as posting on social media. I know you're scared and you want to feel safe knowing there's a solution but it's very likely you will have to live with this for your entire lifetime. Would finishing the job stopped people like the Boston bombers who never went to Syria or Iraq? How about that guy in Tennessee who went on a shooting spree after being recruited online?
Ironically, stuff like the NSA spying is probably the most viable way to stop stuff like this. But is that something you're ready to accept?
you weren't fast enough in that editHunt these fuckers. Be ruthless in their long, slow, merciless deaths.
Sources.153 dead now.
Just heard about the hostages. Unbelievable. What is this accomplishing?
How do you "finish the job" exactly? Eradicate the entire region?
It's an ideology that can spread as easily as posting on social media. I know you're scared and you want to feel safe knowing there's a solution but it's very likely you will have to live with this for your entire lifetime. Would finishing the job stopped people like the Boston bombers who never went to Syria or Iraq? How about that guy in Tennessee who went on a shooting spree after being recruited online?
Ironically, stuff like the NSA spying is probably the most viable way to stop stuff like this. But is that something you're ready to accept?
Of course not why on earth would you think I would?
My point was that those people all describe themselves as moderate muslims and many folks have shown in this thread that they don't understand what moderate muslims actually believe.
Well now MSNBC is also reporting that the assailants may still be at large
Both CNN and MSNBC citing French sources
Damn, Fox News showed an image from the cafe with bodies everywhere.
They did warn about showing it, make your kids leave and everything, but I feel sick.
Hunt these fuckers. Be ruthless in their long, slow, merciless deaths.
Omg fucking fox news saying the Eiffel tower went dark and they have video. They showed a vine as proof and the date, which was clearly visible, was January 8.
Well now MSNBC is also reporting that the assailants may still be at large
Both CNN and MSNBC citing French sources
Nice edit.Hunt these fuckers. Be ruthless in their long, slow, merciless deaths.
Please don 't say this![]()
So, Le Pen easy will be the next president, but I really hope she is not, because a France radicalized only will mean a terrorist victory.
Isis is a blip in history and this will only hasten their demise. There will be a war coming to Isis on a bigger scale soon
There is no hope for diplomatic solutions with this enemy. The only possible victory comes with conditions that are unpalatable to most of the world.
This is beyond fucked.
So a choice between liberty and security. That's no choice at all.Ironically, stuff like the NSA spying is probably the most viable way to stop stuff like this. But is that something you're ready to accept?
Yes they believe it themselves, my question is simple, when these idiots call themselves moderates do you believe they are in fact moderates or do you only believe that it is their view that they are moderates. There is a major difference
I don't think that will effect them, really.You beat them by being better people than them and not letting their shit change you. You never sink to their level.
WowFuck, Martin Kelly, the Crystal Palace and Ex-Liverpool footballer was believed to have been at one of the restaurants attacked:
Because "ISIS" is not a fucking target you can point to on a map, you're essentially saying let's indiscriminately bomb some brown peopleMaybe I'm cynical, but saying we should bomb ISIS in response to an ISIS terrorist attack isn't "disrespect."
You lost me here.
Heartbreaking and awesome simultaneously.One world trade center now in NY
Hunt these fuckers. Be ruthless in their long, slow, merciless deaths.
153 dead now.
Let me know if they apologize for it, or just pretend it never happened.Omg fucking fox news saying the Eiffel tower went dark and they have video. They showed a vine as proof and the date, which was clearly visible, was January 8.
There is no hope for diplomatic solutions with this enemy. The only possible victory comes with conditions that are unpalatable to most of the world.
This is beyond fucked.
Her Twitter avatar is just perfect.Well one more stupid statement by our vice-primeminister here in Sweden.
"The very serious events in Paris can now be difficult for the climate summit in December, when over 100 heads of government are planning to participate"
That's not the thing you're supposed to say after a thing like this.