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Paris Terrorist Attacks, 120+ dead. Do not post hearsay/unsourced/old news.

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Hang on a second..... While it's true that persecution of minorities can lead to radicalization, these nutcases were nutcases period. There's no excuse on Earth for this and this was not a non-psychopathic human's response to persecution. Now's not the time to complain about far-right nutjob groups in France....because a few far right nutjobs of a different stripe (Muslim extremist) just killed over 100 innocent people in cold blood.

I was trying to briefly summise why, if it were ISIS, they would attack France in particular, and in so doing used a bit of political shorthand to explain the intended result. I apologise if that seemed like/meant I was detracting from the more immediate issues.
When a large group of people explain to me who they are and what they believe in I have no reason to doubt them.

Could you enlighten me as to why i'm naive?

So when tea party say they want unethical changes to the us laws based on what they believe in according to the constitution, do you agree with them that they are doing it with sound judgement ? Ha
So when tea party say they want unethical changes to the us laws based on what they believe in according to the constitution, do you agree with them ? Ha
Uh... yes? That is what they want, right?

EDIT: Wait, did you mean do I agree that's what they mean? I don't understand your analogy.


The 'H' stands for hentai.
"Wounds are similar to those from war"

As I said before, the death toll is gonna spiral out of control. Some very serious injuries being reported from all the heavy assault weapons used.

Ugh, I hope not, but the human body is fragile and it doesn't take much to kill us.


So when tea party say they want unethical changes to the us laws based on what they believe in according to the constitution, do you agree with them that they are doing it with sound judgement ? Ha

Sound judgement or not why wouldn't you believe they would if they could? you're really not making any damn sense here.
Great job adding to the thread and replying to a page old post just to fluff yer guff.

Moving onto matters that are actually relevant:

Patrick Pelloux — a doctor and member of Charlie Hebdo — is commenting the situation and the medical response. Wounds are similar to those from war (assailants used heavy rifles)
He is saying we should not be afraid. /u/dClauzel

Via Reddit LiveStream

Former member by the way. He quit after the Thalys train attack in August because he personally didn't have the energy to continue (though he still supports Charlie Hebdo).


So, Le Pen easy will be the next president, but I really hope she is not, because a France radicalized only will mean a terrorist victory.


I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
The dates people

Trump was very respectful when he addressed this an hour or so ago

I am sure that he will at least wait 1-3 days until he actually tweets the same statement about gun laws in France again. His opinion will not have changed since January.
Sound judgement or not why wouldn't you believe they would if they could? you're really not making any damn sense here.

That if they say jump you jump instead of saying he are they right or wrong. This thought process creates fear and reprisals after barbaric attacks like this from those who have no control


Maybe I'm cynical, but saying we should bomb ISIS in response to an ISIS terrorist attack isn't "disrespect."

That if they say jump you jump instead of saying he are they right or wrong. This thought process creates fear and reprisals after barbaric attacks like this from those who have no control

You lost me here.


So when tea party say they want unethical changes to the us laws based on what they believe in according to the constitution, do you agree with them that they are doing it with sound judgement ? Ha

He's not agreeing with their judgement? He's not agreeing with them at all, he's saying that he believes that they are saying exactly what they want.

Which is completely true.


Damn, Fox News showed an image from the cafe with bodies everywhere.

They did warn about showing it, make your kids leave and everything, but I feel sick.
Only if there is a vacuum
Taliban were borne out of a vacuum
Al Qaeda were born out of a vacuum and Isis were born out of a vacuum

This time, finish the job

How do you "finish the job" exactly? Eradicate the entire region?

It's an ideology that can spread as easily as posting on social media. I know you're scared and you want to feel safe knowing there's a solution but it's very likely you will have to live with this for your entire lifetime. Would finishing the job stopped people like the Boston bombers who never went to Syria or Iraq? How about that guy in Tennessee who went on a shooting spree after being recruited online?

Ironically, stuff like the NSA spying is probably the most viable way to stop stuff like this. But is that something you're ready to accept?


i don't know yet... keep me updated plz

Löfven posted this:
Med chock och sorg mottar vi rapporterna från Paris och följer utvecklingen minut för minut. Jag tänker på och känner starkt med offren, deras anhöriga och det franska folket. Vi står enade med Frankrike i denna mörka stund.

And Romson wins the price for the most tasteless comment:

Needs to be translated to English:
The very serious events in Paris may cause problems for the climate meeting in December, where a hundred heads of state were expected to participate

As someone who considers France and Paris almost a second home, I don't know what to say right now. It's just too horrible... Too incomprenhensible.


G20 meeting in Turkey sunday and monday, not sure if those meetings are ever of any use, so nothing will come of it I guess.


Damn, Fox News showed an image from the cafe with bodies everywhere.

They did warn about showing it, make your kids leave and everything, but I feel sick.

LOL. Honestly seeing nothing of this in Europe, makes you think about the different news cultures. CNN anchormen also seemed cold as fuck about this while people here are pretty much baffled


4 police officers were killed trying to rescue the hostages according to itélé. Rest in piece to those brave men and women that knowingly went into a building where they didn't know who or where the bad guys were, yet pushed through anyway to save as many people as they could.
He's not agreeing with their judgement? He's not agreeing with them at all, he's saying that he believes that they are saying exactly what they want.

Which is completely true.

Yes they believe it themselves, my question is simple, when these idiots call themselves moderates do you believe they are in fact moderates or do you only believe that it is their view that they are moderates. There is a major difference


The Birthday Skeleton
Would be lovely if American internal politics could be kept away from this thread. Everybody knows by now that there a big number of stupid candidates there, their opinion on this topic (or many other topics) is really irrelevant.

It's also a bit disrespectful to have Trump and the others invading this thread.
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