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Paris Terrorist Attacks, 120+ dead. Do not post hearsay/unsourced/old news.

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French President Hollande: "We are going to lead a war which will be pitiless."


Holy shit.

Edit: Full quote:

Look, the lyrics of "La Marseillaise" practically say "don't fuck with France". Would you want to piss of a country that says this in its national anthem?

To arms citizens
Form your battalions
March, march
Let impure blood
Water our furrows

I didn't think so!


I know its a reaction to awful tragedies and all

but hearing a president say "pitiless", "war", and having "no mercy" as said earlier sure fucks with me regardless of the reason

The quote is absolutly WRONG! I'm French and he said "Lead a battle" not WAR, the word WAR in French is "guerre", he didn't pronounce this word. He just said that we will face this battle, lead this battle, and be will have no mercy. But he didn't say "war".


The quote is absolutly WRONG! I'm French and he said "Lead a battle" not WAR, the word WAR in French is "guerre", he didn't pronounce this word. He just said that we will face this battle, lead this battle, and be will have no mercy. But he didn't say "war".

shameful reporting


I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
I know people might be very angry against ISIS or whoever are causing the attack, but war is not justified, war is NEVER justified.

That's naive. The war against the Nazis, for instance, was justified. It would have been morally abhorrent if they had been allowed to conquer their neighbors and conduct genocide against millions of people. War can be justified. Sometimes it is a moral necessity.

I am not saying that that't the case here, but as a general rule and given the reality we find ourselves in, "War is never justified" just makes no sense.
Look, the lyrics of "La Marseillaise" practically say "don't fuck with France". Would you want to piss of a country that says this in its national anthem?

To arms citizens
Form your battalions
March, march
Let impure blood
Water our furrows

I didn't think so!



The quote is absolutly WRONG! I'm French and he said "Lead a battle" not WAR, the word WAR in French is "guerre", he didn't pronounce this word. He just said that we will face this battle, lead this battle, and be will have no mercy. But he didn't say "war".

There it is. Thank you for clarifying.


The quote is absolutly WRONG! I'm French and he said "Lead a battle" not WAR, the word WAR in French is "guerre", he didn't pronounce this word. He just said that we will face this battle, lead this battle, and be will have no mercy. But he didn't say "war".

My goodness.. did the media manipulated the quote?


All my friends and family are safe but I can't help but weep for such horrors

Paris is my home, my place... I'm shocked


ISIS is an idea, an ideology. Starting another half assed war in the middle east will just make it worse.

Libya, Iraq, Iran, Syria, Palestine, Afghanistan. If you really want to destroy entities like ISIS in these countries they need to be made safe, stable and prosperous. Destabilizing these countries and encouraging poorly thought out regime change is a terrible idea.

In a sea of war, poverty and despair groups like ISIS and Al Quadia will thrive. Especially when you throw religious fundamentalism into the mix

Yep, nothing to do with people being pussies or whatever.

Considering Hollande's comment though, I hope whoever "wipes isis from the planet" is willing to maintain occupation until the countries it invades are stable. Whats the point of sacrificing countless innocent lives to repeat Iraq.
shit i bet everyone of you would go full Punisher mode if it happened to your loved ones

That doesn't mean the course of action is logical or right. Imagine how much better off we would be now if we had been more logical leading up to the Iraq war but the emotion of 9/11 had people all fired up.

We've been at this for 15 years and there's ZERO end in sight. I agree IS has to be dealt with but there has to be a bigger long term solution that deals with radicalization and people need to accept that terrorist acts will occur many times throughout their lifetime. Not to mention IS would love nothing more than to capture soldiers for their disgusting PR videos showing execution and beheadings.


Who ever said this? Did you just make shit up and decide to disagree with it?
a non violent way of taking on isis is, at least in my opinion, a nice gesture considering the amount of people they just killed, for no reason at all. Of course I'm leaving out all the beheadings and dismemberment's they've been responsible for as well.


French President Hollande: "We are going to lead a war which will be pitiless."


Holy shit.

Edit: Full quote:

Its time. No more fucking around. ISIS needs to wiped from the planet

It won't stop these incidents, more likely than not these where domestic islamist extremists, same as last time.

ISIS claiming it don't mean they did it.

I forsee a long and protracted war, where like Al Qaeda, they still exist afterwards.

France is looking revenge, unfortunately they most likely need to look at their own doorstep first.


When you see the dismembered bodies of your citizens with the blood still fresh on the ground I don't think there can be a different response.

This, exactly.

And I'd say to those who are angry at some of the more bloodthirsty responses in here: They may not be right, but it's a human reaction for many to seek revenge while the bodies are still warm. I'd forgive them their words right now, and see what the same people have to say in two, three days time. Blood runs hot when blood runs through your streets. Let the blood be washed away, the innocent buried and we'll see where we stand.

I do not know the correct way to deal with ISIS. I have no idea. But I won't fault anyone for thinking they need to be dealt with by military force and I won't fault anyone who thinks that's ultimately pointless, either.


Obsidian fan
Y'all do know France has already bombed ISIS, yeah? They even bombed them less than a week ago.

Also do keep in mind we don't even know if this was ISIS yet. It could be AQ. It could be a cell of people who sympathise with ISIS or AQ.

Slow down.


I know its a reaction to awful tragedies and all

but hearing a president say "pitiless", "war", and having "no mercy" as said earlier sure fucks with me regardless of the reason
The translation is a bit misleading. His speech was firm but he didn't talk about war. He used the word "combat".
ISIS poked the bear and will hopefully be wiped off the face of the Earth for it.

Yeah a new group will sprout up in its place but hopefully nowhere near as large or sadistic.

When was last time something actually got "wiped off the face of the Earth" rather than just becoming "large or sadistic". I think last time it was attempted was al quida and we all know how that went.

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
lol while this paris tragedy is going on you're worried about someone on an online forum getting banned for calling people who want nations to be nice to terrorist groups pussies, sad

Dude it's not about being nice, it's about being smart. Going in gung ho is what made it possible for Isis to exist. We were in Iraq for years and guess what this attack still happened, were still in Afghanistan.

I'm all for military intervention when necessary but you're just being silly and not thinking.


But what would going to war with ISIS do? We'd just destabilize the region further and continue the quagmire that is extremism in the Middle East that caused this tragedy. That's not to say that we shouldn't do anything, but a boots-on-the-ground assault feels like it would be more reactionary and "Mission Accomplished"-y than effective.
It won't stop these incidents, more likely than not these where domestic islamist extremists, same as last time.

ISIS claiming it don't mean they did it.

I forsee a long and protracted war, where like Al Qaeda, they still exist afterwards.

France is looking revenge, unfortunately they most likely need to look at their own doorstep first.

I dont disagree but the idea war never works is wrong and allowing something like ISIS to exist unopposed just lets the poison spread and allow them to feel they can get away with it.

The entire world should unite and utterly eradicate them


The only way war will work if it's accompanied by 50 years of occupation (what the Bush admin intended for Iraq) and Marshall Plan level money. That's it. There will always be a power vacuum to fill otherwise.


CHEEZMO™;185411741 said:
Y'all do know France has already bombed ISIS, yeah? They even bombed them less than a week ago.

Also do keep in mind we don't even know if this was ISIS yet. It could be AQ. It could be a cell of people who sympathise with ISIS or AQ.

Slow down.

Some seriously bloodthirsty folks in this thread.

Reminds of that immediate post-9/11 period, where something had to be done in retaliation, long-term consequences be damned.


The quote is absolutly WRONG! I'm French and he said "Lead a battle" not WAR, the word WAR in French is "guerre", he didn't pronounce this word. He just said that we will face this battle, lead this battle, and be will have no mercy. But he didn't say "war".

I guess media is using google translate for their translations

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
Apparently the authorities captured one of the attackers and HE is claiming ISIS recruited him and 3 others and trained them in Syria. From Fox so take with a grain of salt.
See tons of super emotional posts in this thread. Also, posts that are distance to the whole situation and try to condemn or analyze what other poster's knee jerk reactions are. I feel this shit is too early to have any sort of rational discussion about. Please think twice before writing your posts. Do you feel the same tomorrow? Is the shit you wrote now what you would want someone to read a week from now?


When was last time something actually got "wiped off the face of the Earth" rather than just becoming "large or sadistic". I think last time it was attempted was al quida and we all know how that went.
We killed their soldiers, assassinated their leaders, and severely hampered their ability to launch terrorist attacks against the United States?

Deleted member 80556

Unconfirmed Member
Apparently the authorities captured one of the attackers and HE is claiming ISIS recruited him and 3 others and trained them in Syria. From Fox so take with a grain of salt.

That is very, very old, and no other outlet seems to have reported it, so it's probably false.

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
Some seriously bloodthirsty folks in this thread.

Reminds of that immediate 9/11 period, where something had to be done in retaliation, long-term consequences be damned.

Yep, more Americans died in the Iraq war than in 9-11 and what did that accomplish? Oh yea it turned Iraq in the perfect place for Isis to take form.
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