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Paris Terrorist Attacks, 120+ dead. Do not post hearsay/unsourced/old news.

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In Iraq we would gather body parts after a suicide attack. Once we gathered and assembled the remain we used biometrics to ID them. At one point I had to jam my hand into a skull to roll the eyes into position to take eye scans. The investigation will probably do the same.

Thats... uh... that's quite the fucking thing.


The Birthday Skeleton
ISIS is an idea, an ideology. Starting another half assed war in the middle east will just make it worse.

Libya, Iraq, Iran, Syria, Palestine, Afghanistan. If you really want to destroy entities like ISIS in these countries they need to be made safe, stable and prosperous. Destabilizing these countries and encouraging poorly thought out regime change is a terrible idea.

In a sea of war, poverty and despair groups like ISIS and Al Quadia will thrive. Especially when you throw religious fundamentalism into the mix

It's in the fucking name. Islamic State. Without a state there is no fucking ISIS. That doesn't mean there won't be other terrorist organizations, but to not fight the damn worst terrorist organization in recent history just under the pretext that there will be other to follow is stupid. It will only prove them able to do whatever they want, it will make them look invincible and the civilized world look weak. Which will generate more adepts of extremism for them but also for right wing parties in the West.


ISIS is an idea, an ideology. Starting another half assed war in the middle east will just make it worse.

Libya, Iraq, Iran, Syria, Palestine, Afghanistan. If you really want to destroy entities like ISIS in these countries they need to be made safe, stable and prosperous. Destabilizing these countries and encouraging poorly thought out regime change is a terrible idea.

In a sea of war, poverty and despair groups like ISIS and Al Quadia will thrive. Especially when you throw religious fundamentalism into the mix

This is an admirable sentiment and possibly the only way to achieve meaningful peace in the region.

How on earth do you start though?

Hopefully somehow people find a way. We have enough reasons to.
One world trade center now in NY


I must be incredibly stupid, but I did not know another World Trade Center was built.


Yes, I consider their words as one of moderate muslims.

I would consider people who do not believe what they do 'Muslims who reject Islamic teachings' or more simply 'Non-Devout Muslims'

You can't just make your own definitions and pass them off as fact, in a way you're doing exactly what self proclaimed "moderate" muslims see themselves as while still wanting Sharia Law to be the de facto rules of their country or the world.


This video provides good examples of what Muslims by any other name would be described as radical, but since they proclaim to be "moderate" they can entirely ignore the questions of the beliefs that they want to be established as law.
Finally managed to get home (I live quite close to where the attacks happened). I was at a birthday party with my wife. My mom was taking our 3-year-old to eat out not 10 minutes on foot from where the reports were coming from. Although at the time it happened they were supposed to be home and in bed, I couldn't get a hold of them. Managed to reach them only at midnigt. Harrowing.

This is all so surreal. On the way home I realized I have never seen my city so empty and lifeless. I still can't wrap my head around it although we all knew something like that was bound to happen. Friends and family seem to be safe but I can't help but think about all the families torn by such mindless violence.

I hope my fellow citizens will understand what it is exactly that the refugees are trying to escape. I hope everyone will not forget our values and motto. I'm not optimistic but I hope. Thanks for all the support - altthough I wish for thoughts more than prayers.

Will try to get some sleep now. Have to be in shape if I want to donate some blood tomorrow. Tomorrow will be hard.

Glad you made it through this. Rest well, and show the world France's best face.

Tom Nook

Finally managed to get home (I live quite close to where the attacks happened). I was at a birthday party with my wife. My mom was taking our 3-year-old to eat out not 10 minutes on foot from where the reports were coming from. Although at the time it happened they were supposed to be home and in bed, I couldn't get a hold of them. Managed to reach them only at midnigt. Harrowing.

This is all so surreal. On the way home I realized I have never seen my city so empty and lifeless. I still can't wrap my head around it although we all knew something like that was bound to happen. Friends and family seem to be safe but I can't help but think about all the families torn by such mindless violence.

I hope my fellow citizens will understand what it is exactly that the refugees are trying to escape. I hope everyone will not forget our values and motto. I'm not optimistic but I hope. Thanks for all the support - altthough I wish for thoughts more than prayers.

Will try to get some sleep now. Have to be in shape if I want to donate some blood tomorrow. Tomorrow will be hard.

Glad you're safe.

Hearts and prayers to the victims and their families :(


if you think we should take on a terrorist group in a non violent way, you're probably a pussy. or just a straight up idiot, or probably both.

You talking to me? Because I'm pretty sure I support military action against ISIS.

I also support banning your disrespectful junior ass.
It's probably because of Boko Haram. They call themselves ISIS's West Africa Province after all.
They don't control the country either. They are only active in the North Eastern part of the country, which also happens to be the poorest and most underdeveloped region. If you really wan to fight these people you have to fight ignorance and poverty. That's why they hate "western education", that's why they go after schools. They need people to be poor, ignorant, desperate and hateful in order for them to join their forces.


IDK if it is true or not, but I heard on NPR/news (not today) that ISIS has yet to claim something that they didn't do.

so them not claiming something, makes me think Al Qaeda could be a potential. certainly seems like something they would do since it is a large one-off event, and they've been sidestepped by ISIS as of late.

That's what one of the guys on MSNBC said. Al-Qaeda trying to prove that they're still relevant by calling for attacks on soft targets, which the guy said is unusual for them.
Finally managed to get home (I live quite close to where the attacks happened). I was at a birthday party with my wife. My mom was taking our 3-year-old to eat out not 10 minutes on foot from where the reports were coming from. Although at the time it happened they were supposed to be home and in bed, I couldn't get a hold of them. Managed to reach them only at midnigt. Harrowing.

This is all so surreal. On the way home I realized I have never seen my city so empty and lifeless. I still can't wrap my head around it although we all knew something like that was bound to happen. Friends and family seem to be safe but I can't help but think about all the families torn by such mindless violence.

I hope my fellow citizens will understand what it is exactly that the refugees are trying to escape. I hope everyone will not forget our values and motto. I'm not optimistic but I hope. Thanks for all the support - altthough I wish for thoughts more than prayers.

Will try to get some sleep now. Have to be in shape if I want to donate some blood tomorrow. Tomorrow will be hard.

You are a good person.


holy crap i just realized who Eagles of Death Metal is or whose in the band.

i was wondering how i've never heard of this "metal" band even though they had 1000+ people there.....


lol at pussies who think we shouldn't take on isis with violence

Agreed. How do people propose we rid the world of a group that literally wants to kill everyone, man woman and child, who doesn't adhere to their beliefs?

Edited my post because I read "shouldn't" as "should" lol


Infuriated. Full support to the French people. You were our bros when no one else was. Be Strong. Protect yourselves.


I wonder how feasible it will be over the next days and weeks—especially for politicians—to express the opinion that the right way to respond to this event is to change nothing and continue living normally.
When we are called to vote in a co ple of weeks?

Not the slightest chance.

Although I think it would be the best option, beside putting back some money into police services who faced dire times recently.
Fuck this. I thought the news was depressing, but looking at some posts here I'm even more depressed. Do you really want to fight hate and prejudice with even more hate and prejudice?

ISIS needs to be dealt with, but blaming Refugees who are running from ISIS is just fucked up.
In Iraq we would gather body parts after a suicide attack. Once we gathered and assembled the remain we used biometrics to ID them. At one point I had to jam my hand into a skull to roll the eyes into position to take eye scans. The investigation will probably do the same.

oh my god


Sure, let's just find the president of ISIS* in the ISIS capital, and put sanctions on the ISIS government.

As much as I'd love to simply "attack ISIS" I don't think there's any way to. They're a loose network of cells that operate all over the world. How do you go to war with "that?"
ISIS is building its caliphate as a traditional state. Unlike Al-Qaeda or the Taliban, they are actually holding territory and has a seat of power at its capital in the Syrian city of Raqqa. They also have affiliates, who are loosely connected outside organizations that have pledged loyalty to ISIS, but for the most part are distinct organizations with their own history and aims.

So ISIS are absolutely an entity that can be destroyed in an unconventional war. Plus, even if ISIS is overrun and reverts to a traditional AQ-esque terrorist organization, that will still mean that they have less power, fewer resources, and less ability to launch massive attacks against the West.


You talking to me? Because I'm pretty sure I support military action against ISIS.

I also support banning your disrespectful junior ass.
lol while this paris tragedy is going on you're worried about someone on an online forum getting banned for calling people who want nations to be nice to terrorist groups pussies, sad
French President Hollande: "We are going to lead a war which will be pitiless."


Holy shit.

Edit: Full quote:

French President Hollande : "We are going to lead a war which will be pitiless. Because when terrorists are capable of comitting such atrocities, they must be certain that they are facing a determined France, a united France, a France that is together, and does not let itself be moved, even if today we express infinite sorrow."
How do you propose we rid the world of a group that literally wants to kill everyone, man woman and child, who doesn't adhere to their beliefs?

I'm pretty sure their real motivation is starting a war with the west which would bring about the end times according to some prophecy

So to them us fighting them is exactly what they want want to happen and is specifically why they are doing these things


I wonder how feasible it will be over the next days and weeks—especially for politicians—to express the opinion that the right way to respond to this event is to change nothing and continue living normally.

I don't think it will be feasible because it's not the right course of action.
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