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Paris Terrorist Attacks, 120+ dead. Do not post hearsay/unsourced/old news.

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United States and Russia need to show up and enter this WAR, i mean wipe those guys from this Planet!
Geopolitical and economic BS aside, I hope France, Russia, the US and others can get together on this. Share intel, troops, navies, air to get this shit taken care of.
a non violent way of taking on isis is, at least in my opinion, a nice gesture considering the amount of people they just killed, for no reason at all. Of course I'm leaving out all the beheadings and dismemberment's they've been responsible for as well.

That's because there's no violent way to deal with it. How are you going to fight ideology? Go door to door, ask people to "pinky swear" that they don't like ISIS and if they say yes just kill them on the spot? What the fuck are you talking about?


ISIS poked the bear and will hopefully be wiped off the face of the Earth for it.

Yeah a new group will sprout up in its place but hopefully nowhere near as large or sadistic.

Oh wait, battle? We'll see...

That's not how this goes down. Politicians that prey on fear and distrust will use this to advance their agendas, they will go to war torn nations, they will kill many, many, many people (a lot of which will be civilians), they'll say "Mission Accomplished", and then those destabilized regions will become a breeding ground for the exact same kind of trash that formed groups like ISIS in the first place.
I dont disagree but the idea war never works is wrong and allowing something like ISIS to exist unopposed just lets the poison spread and allow them to feel they can get away with it.

The entire world should unite and utterly eradicate them

What the fuck are you talking about unopposed? Do you know how many bombing campaigns there have been against them? Russia and Assad claim to be going after them as well. Just today we learned about this Jihadi John character being killed and the town of Sinjar being retaken.
Finally managed to get home (I live quite close to where the attacks happened). I was at a birthday party with my wife. My mom was taking our 3-year-old to eat out not 10 minutes on foot from where the reports were coming from. Although at the time it happened they were supposed to be home and in bed, I couldn't get a hold of them. Managed to reach them only at midnigt. Harrowing.

This is all so surreal. On the way home I realized I have never seen my city so empty and lifeless. I still can't wrap my head around it although we all knew something like that was bound to happen. Friends and family seem to be safe but I can't help but think about all the families torn by such mindless violence.

I hope my fellow citizens will understand what it is exactly that the refugees are trying to escape. I hope everyone will not forget our values and motto. I'm not optimistic but I hope. Thanks for all the support - altthough I wish for thoughts more than prayers.

Will try to get some sleep now. Have to be in shape if I want to donate some blood tomorrow. Tomorrow will be hard.

just glad to hear you and your family are safe


Thing is, US, France, Russia, etc. are at war with ISIS. It's just not the kind of spectacular "war" people want.

I can't speak for everyone but it is far from wanting a spectacle for me. ISIS are raping, murdering and plundering all across the middle east. Are we to just sit back and let them?
French President Hollande: "We are going to lead a war which will be pitiless."


Holy shit.

Edit: Full quote:

huh, that's about as pissed as a response as you can give...just wonder how that war will play out. Hopefully just attacks on known bases and strongholds. That'll still be a gigantic undertaking...other countries will get involved. This could be good and not a shitstorm like Iraq, if they do it intelligently.


CHEEZMO™;185411741 said:
Y'all do know France has already bombed ISIS, yeah? They even bombed them less than a week ago.

Also do keep in mind we don't even know if this was ISIS yet. It could be AQ. It could be a cell of people who sympathise with ISIS or AQ.

Slow down.

So? ISIS,AQ same shit different name. Their all terrorists.
We killed their soldiers, assassinated their leaders, and severely hampered their ability to launch terrorist attacks against the United States?

Yes and craziest of them just joined ISIS. Problem solved I guess... Also US didn't need to invade 2 countries to kill Bin Laden. So I'm not sure what approach you are talking about.

Fox Mulder

Good. The world will never be rid of extremists, but letting a fucking caliphate run wild with impunity commiting some of the gravest crimes against humanity I've ever heard of is fucking insane. Take away their state, take away their funding, take away their support, and take their lives.

It's sad they've been allowed to fester as long as they have. The US is pulled back after two long wars and air strikes won't get the job done. A multinational force should sweep through for these roaches.
That gap was filled by the Taliban, who are more successful and ruthless than ever.

Taliban have existed since 1990 they only care about Afghanistan . No one heard of Taliban until 2001 when they didn't attack us, they were hosting someone who did, Taliban of Afghanistan has yet to control all of Iraq since 1990


Terrorist groups are not disembodied thoughts that travel like angels through dreams.
They need people, money and training just like any other organization. Terrorist groups on the middle East are on locations that are hard to reach for geographical and political reasons, but they are not ideas, they are people who can be killed with resources that can be cut.

You won't end the issue once and for all with war. A humanitarian effort is definetly part of the equation (both logistical and moral), but the notion that you if you cut one head, two more will grow is false and, frankly, a romantization of real people who are murderers.

War is not the end, but I can't see how it is not the start.


The Birthday Skeleton
But what would going to war with ISIS do? We'd just destabilize the region further and continue the quagmire that is extremism in the Middle East that caused this tragedy. That's not to say that we shouldn't do anything, but a boots-on-the-ground assault feels like it would be more reactionary and "Mission Accomplished"-y than effective.

ISIS has the capacity and money (because they own a territory that has enough oil to make them rich) of organizing big attacks on Europe's soil. But let's sit all together and sing Kumbaya while waiting for the next attack because there is nothing that can be done. They won. We can't do anything against them. We should just make peace with the situation and wait peacefully until when? Until they occupy the whole Middle East or how would this end without any intervention from the West?


That's because there's no violent way to deal with it. How are you going to fight ideology? Go door to door, ask people to "pinky swear" that they don't like ISIS and if they say yes just kill them on the spot? What the fuck are you talking about?
is isis an ideology? i thought they were a terrorist group
The only way war will work if it's accompanied by 50 years of occupation (what the Bush admin intended for Iraq) and Marshall Plan level money. That's it. There will always be a power vacuum to fill otherwise.

Your history on the Bush plan is factually wrong. The original plan, delusional in retrospect, was to have US forces out of Iraq in two years or so and than the insurgency slapped them into reality.


My thoughts go to everyone involved in this tragedy. This is not something related to France. This is punch in the face of every person with a pinch of good sense. We are all french today.


Yep, more Americans died in the Iraq war than in 9-11 and what did that accomplish? Oh yea it turned Iraq in the perfect place for Isis to take form.

Iraq was not invaded in response to 9-11. The Bush Administration insisted it was in the lead up, but all evidence was fabricated. That has nothing to do with destroying Isis in any case.

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
Thing is, US, France, Russia, etc. are at war with ISIS. It's just not the kind of spectacular "war" people want.

Pretty much, if anything a large force would help Isis more than the invading nation. Not sure what the best way to handle Isis is :/ they would just spread out and come back once we leave.

Combination of special forces, helping opposition and strategic bombing and diplocy with neighboring nations I guess.


ISIS is an idea, an ideology. Starting another half assed war in the middle east will just make it worse.

Libya, Iraq, Iran, Syria, Palestine, Afghanistan. If you really want to destroy entities like ISIS in these countries they need to be made safe, stable and prosperous. Destabilizing these countries and encouraging poorly thought out regime change is a terrible idea.

In a sea of war, poverty and despair groups like ISIS and Al Quadia will thrive. Especially when you throw religious fundamentalism into the mix

Many have been saying this since 30 years back. Probably more and I'm to jaded and tired to not think we will be saying this in 30 years to come. Probably more.


CNN's Evan Perez was talking about how this was similar to the 2008 Mumbai attacks: coordinated attacks on multiple locations. And surprisingly, it wasn't done by al-Qaeda; it was just very "al-Qaeda-like", committed by a completely different terrorist organization


Gotta have those boots on the ground for it to feel "real."

There's a lot less collateral damage when it's troops assaulting ISIS held land and not just drones bombing 'the general area of operations'

You have to ask yourself the uncomfortable questing of what are you more comfortable with, potential loss of civilian casualties or potential loss of NATO troops?


Iraq was not invaded in response to 9-11. The Bush Administration insisted it was in the lead up, but all evidence was fabricated. That has nothing to do with destroying Isis in any case.

Sure it does. Because it begs the incredibly relevant question: how the fuck do you do it?

Par Score

Diplomacy and tackling the root causes of ideologies which promote and organise atrocities such as this is the only solution.

There is no solution to be found in violence, only more violence. History has proven time and again that conflict will only beget more conflict.

These terrible acts should be met with calm and a desire to see an end to the violence, not calls for revenge which will help no-one, least of all the dead.


What does being from the US have to do with being aware of ISIS more than anyone else not in Syria or Iraq?

Beyond our media being obsessed with speculating on what they will or won't do to us.

well, I meant that latter

ISIS is on US citizen's minds is all im saying. specially compared to someone from Uruguay

yet misinformation seems rampant


I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
The world needs to take care of these scumbags like they took care of Nazi Germany. This shit is going on for too long.

The problem is that Islamism and Jihadism are not a nation with a leadership, a territory, and an army that you can bomb into oblivion. The terrorists who did that today probably didn't need more to exist other than the Internet and a few weapons. This is a war of ideas, and the enemy is Islamism/Jihadism. We should fight that war and support reformers instead of allying with countries like Saudi Arabia who fund the root cause of this ideology.
ISIS has the capacity and money (because they own a territory that has enough oil to make them rich) of organizing big attacks on Europe's soil. But let's sit all together and sing Kumbaya while waiting for the next attack because there is nothing that can be done. They won. We can't do anything against them. We should just make peace with the situation and wait peacefully until when? Until they occupy the whole Middle East or how would this end without any intervention from the West?

I don't know wtf this idea is that nothing is being done against them. You do realize a US soldier was killed in a raid against them right? Not to mention countless bombing campaigns.
ISIS is an idea, an ideology. Starting another half assed war in the middle east will just make it worse.

Libya, Iraq, Iran, Syria, Palestine, Afghanistan. If you really want to destroy entities like ISIS in these countries they need to be made safe, stable and prosperous. Destabilizing these countries and encouraging poorly thought out regime change is a terrible idea.

In a sea of war, poverty and despair groups like ISIS and Al Quadia will thrive. Especially when you throw religious fundamentalism into the mix

Very naive. You really don't know what ISIL really is or what it is entirely consist of. You really think it is because its poor brown people and somehow making all those nations somehow prosperous is going fix much? I don't anyone know how many decades it will take for that to happen and how many people will be killed since we can't start a fight, but ISIL will. Only two of those countries have anything to do with ISIL . Iraq war were the remaining sunni terrorists groups joined up with ex-saddam officials, and with the civil war in Syria it was a natural focus point for jihadists all that became ISIL. Besides many foreigners ISIL aren't even poor and so the only point you was right about was ideology, and many joined them because of that and wasn't poor.

Anyway, the only way to hurt ISIL is through taking their territory and killing/capturing their leadership and destroy their infrastructure. If you really point those nations to all nice and rich then you have to defeat ISIL, because how else are you going to make all those nations(Iraq and Syria mostly) nice and cozy when they are there actively killing people? A war/battle/conflict has to be fought and no sugar coating and looking through western glasses is going to fix that.
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