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Paris Terrorist Attacks, 120+ dead. Do not post hearsay/unsourced/old news.

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Though I get your point, ISIS use civilians in the lands they control as a shield to prevent attacks.

The fuck is this shit?


ISIS is an idea, an ideology. Starting another half assed war in the middle east will just make it worse.

Libya, Iraq, Iran, Syria, Palestine, Afghanistan. If you really want to destroy entities like ISIS in these countries they need to be made safe, stable and prosperous. Destabilizing these countries and encouraging poorly thought out regime change is a terrible idea.

In a sea of war, poverty and despair groups like ISIS and Al Quadia will thrive. Especially when you throw religious fundamentalism into the mix

This is a well written post and why starting a war wouldn't work


I know people might be very angry against ISIS or whoever are causing the attack, but war is not justified, war is NEVER justified.

Battling violence with violence is never a good solution.

They are still attacking?
Never justified? I guess we should have just let Hitler continue to murder millions of innocents.
As in people who were directly involved in the events today got away?

if they only neutralized 5 suspects, then yes. had to be more than that. If not directly involved with the attack, then helped them set it up. The people who actually did it are probably just grunts and possibly citizens whom other people knew. Sort of like how the boston bomber was just a kid with a room mate and had appeared to be well-integrated into society.


I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
I don't think it will be feasible because it's not the right course of action.

We all expected that an event like this would happen. I don't think anyone would have been able to make the case that a new terror attack in Europe wasn't just a matter of time.

I wonder why we always have to decide on policies in situations like this where we naturally are not in the most composed state of mind.


As in people who were directly involved in the events today got away?
When you arrive in a car, use a machine gun in a restaurant to kill a dozen people, then run away asap, there's a good chance that you can escape the police for a while.

I'm not that surprised, and that's the main reason for the curfew, I'd say.

I just hope the police know who to chase.
This whole situation is horrible, rip to all victims, prayers to all living in Paris who are nearby the violence be safe, and fuck ISIS if this is them.


What is the right course then?

Not necessarily putting troops anywhere, but greater security precautions, coordination of agencies, funding to agencies, task forces to tackle domestic terrorism, reviewing gaps in current policies, etc.

Sitting on your hands doing nothing and hoping it doesn't happen again is not the right thing to do.
ISIS is an idea, an ideology. Starting another half assed war in the middle east will just make it worse.

Libya, Iraq, Iran, Syria, Palestine, Afghanistan. If you really want to destroy entities like ISIS in these countries they need to be made safe, stable and prosperous. Destabilizing these countries and encouraging poorly thought out regime change is a terrible idea.

In a sea of war, poverty and despair groups like ISIS and Al Quadia will thrive. Especially when you throw religious fundamentalism into the mix

This is the best post I've read in this thread. Give this person his member status. With that said, though...

What do you propose we do? Surely something has to be done.


I'm pretty sure their real motivation is starting a war with the west which would bring about the end times according to some prophecy

So to them us fighting them is exactly what they want want to happen and is specifically why they are doing these things

It certainly will be the end times for them. Alternatively, not fighting them allows them to spread. It's a fucked up situation either way.

Ultimately though ISIS is a virus that needs to be wiped out, otherwise it's never going away and could spread dangerously.


I know its a reaction to awful tragedies and all

but hearing a president say "pitiless", "war", and having "no mercy" as said earlier sure fucks with me regardless of the reason
He personally saw the carnage of the bodies in the Bataclan, I don't blame him at this point.


What if some of those people advocating against violence are family members of the victims? Would you call them cowards as well? Would you look them in the eyes and stand next to them while you call them pussies?
nah because their family member or members were just killed in a terrorist attack. i hate politics really, but i really do get annoyed when people think we should be nice to terrorist groups


Anderson Cooper just interviewed a woman who survived the attack on one of the restaurants. Absolutely frightening. She managed to escape completely unscathed.


French President Hollande: "We are going to lead a war which will be pitiless."


Holy shit.

Edit: Full quote:

Good. The world will never be rid of extremists, but letting a fucking caliphate run wild with impunity commiting some of the gravest crimes against humanity I've ever heard of is fucking insane. Take away their state, take away their funding, take away their support, and take their lives.
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