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Paris Terrorist Attacks, 120+ dead. Do not post hearsay/unsourced/old news.

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I can't speak for everyone but it is far from wanting a spectacle for me. ISIS are raping, murdering and plundering all across the middle east. Are we to just sit back and let them?

the post you quoted even said that those countired are at war with isis so where do you see them sitting back and let them?

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
Iraq was not invaded in response to 9-11. The Bush Administration insisted it was in the lead up, but all evidence was fabricated. That has nothing to do with destroying Isis in any case.

It doesn't matter that it was fabricated , at the time 9-11 was invoked at every possible moment. The bush administration used the anger after 9-11 to invade Iraq. There is no question about that. It has everything to do with destroying isis. We need to know how we got there and there and why before using force.


I don't really trust myself right now to talk about anything. Caught between spiteful hate and emotional outrage.

Prayers and thoughts for those caught in tonight's carnage.
But what would going to war with ISIS do? We'd just destabilize the region further and continue the quagmire that is extremism in the Middle East that caused this tragedy. That's not to say that we shouldn't do anything, but a boots-on-the-ground assault feels like it would be more reactionary and "Mission Accomplished"-y than effective.

There is the argument that an aspiring "caliphate" without a land (especially in Syria) loses any and all credibility. The whole ideological premise of Isis would crumble. That's not to say that it's a magic bullet, honestly I can't even pretend to know what the fuck the west is supposed to do at this point.


Such tragedy... sigh. My heart goes out to all the victims and their families. :( Feel ill hearing about all of this tonight.
Anyway, the only way to hurt ISIL is through taking their territory and killing/capturing their leadership and destroy their infrastructure. If you really point those nations to all nice and rich then you have to defeat ISIL, because how else are you going to make all those nations(Iraq and Syria mostly) nice and cozy when they are there actively killing people? A war/battle/conflict has to be fought and no sugar coating and looking through western glasses is going to fix that.

Going into Iraq and doing what you just said is what allows groups like ISIS to thrive in the first place. How is doing more of the same going to fix the problem.


Yes and craziest of them just joined ISIS. Problem solved I guess... Also US didn't need to invade 2 countries to kill Bin Laden. So I'm not sure what approach you are talking about.
I'm not saying that we were right to invade Iraq. Leave Iraq alone and you don't fuck up the Sunni/Shia balance in the region and AQI doesn't form.
I don't know wtf this idea is that nothing is being done against them. You do realize a US soldier was killed in a raid against them right? Not to mention countless bombing campaigns.

Bombings won't work. You need a ground invasion. The us soldier didn't die in a raid against them he died in a rescue attempt


We killed their soldiers, assassinated their leaders, and severely hampered their ability to launch terrorist attacks against the United States?

Middle East is more destabilized than ever, millions dead, millions on the run, we are facing one of the biggest humanitarian crisis in the history of mankind, Taliban is stronger and more gruesome than before the Afghanistan invasion, Al Qaeda is first time in Iraq and Isis is a bigger terrorist organization than any of those before.

It could have worked out better.


Aftershock LA
This makes me so sad. I'm just so spent emotionally when it comes to tragedies like this. It happens so frequently that I barely have time to process the previous one before the next one strikes. My heart goes out to all of the families and friends of the victims. My prayers are with you all.

So awful.


ISIS has the capacity and money (because they own a territory that has enough oil to make them rich) of organizing big attacks on Europe's soil. But let's sit all together and sing Kumbaya while waiting for the next attack because there is nothing that can be done. They won. We can't do anything against them. We should just make peace with the situation and wait peacefully until when? Until they occupy the whole Middle East or how would this end without any intervention from the West?

Thanks for diluting my point by calling it "Kumbaya". Great response.

This story has played out the exact same way since the 90s as it will again and again. There is going to be an ISIS, and Al Queda, a Taliban that is the definition of evil that MUST be stopped, and then it will be all well and good. Hey, we'll even help the Iraqis set up their own FreeGovernment and everything will be perfect!

Western involvement in the Middle East has been cyclical and catastrophic. I don't know what the answer is -- and if I did, maybe I'd have a Nobel Prize -- but being Charlie Brown when Lucy is about to tee up the football again is not the answer.

There is the argument that an aspiring "caliphate" without a land (especially in Syria) loses any and all credibility. The whole ideological premise of Isis would crumble. That's not to say that it's a magic bullet, honestly I can't even pretend to know what the fuck the west is supposed to do at this point.

Me neither.


What does it mean? What terrorist group without ideology would be? Could you give me an example?
nah, could you tell me how isis could be stopped by using non violent actions? since it's oretty obvious you're against the violent action idea based on your posts in this thread


Diplomacy and tackling the root causes of ideologies which promote and organise atrocities such as this is the only solution.

That's a good plan in a post ISIS world to prevent the rise of such groups.

However for the situation as it stands, how would you have conducted diplomacy with the men that killed 100+ people in a music theatre?


I hope Paris GAF is ok. Thoughts are with the families of the victims.

I can't stop thinking about this. I'm just so fucking mad. This has to stop. We have to annihilate these fuckers.


I hate having to read headlines about attacks like this. Cowardly act that solves nothing. I feel for the families of all the victims.


FGC Waterboy
What a fucking 21st century vision of war though.

I grew up in a small town in the Midwest - 9/11 happened when I was 17. Most of my friends enlisted / went ROTC from 2001 till now. They're pretty messed up from their deployments...and I didn't understand the term "horrors of war" until they came back from their tours.

Based on the French President's comments...ISIL may get their war. But I don't think they're going to find it as prophetic as they hoped.


Ahmadiyya are 99% Hanafi school of thought. Everything is same except concept of Prophethood....

20 million followers out of 1+ Billion Muslims. Not only that, they're considered apostates in some circles.

I'm not bashing on your beleifs, I'm pointing out Ahmadiyya followers out of mainstream Islam are miniscule.
I'm not saying that we were right to invade Iraq.

But who does US invade to fight ISIS? Syria? Iraq? Nigeria? Somebody posted a map here where Egypt was under ISIS control.

If you are talking about small missions to assassinate leaders you might be right. But with Russia randomly bombing Syria I don't think anyone will risk that.
The problem is that Islamism and Jihadism are not a nation with a leadership, a territory, and an army that you can bomb into oblivion. The terrorists who did that today probably didn't need more to exist other than the Internet and a few weapons. This is a war of ideas, and the enemy is Islamism/Jihadism. We should fight that war and support reformers instead of allying with countries like Saudi Arabia who fund the root cause of this ideology.
I'm not talking about bombing, nuking etc. the shit out of Syria until everyone is dead, but world leaders need to get their shit together and find a way to deal with this stuff.
I grew up in a small town in the Midwest - 9/11 happened when I was 17. Most of my friends enlisted / went ROTC from 2001 till now. They're pretty messed up from their deployments...and I didn't understand the term "horrors of war" until they came back from their tours.

Based on the French President's comments...ISIL may get their war. But I don't think they're going to find it as prophetic as they hoped.

This. They need to be shown the only prophecy which will
Come true for them is a gun shot in the head of Baghdadi


I'm stunned you don't even know ISIS and their ideologies, yet have absolutely no qualms about enlisting for military action.

Do you even know what you'd be up against and why?

You honestly asking if someone who's gung ho about enlisting in the military knows about who or why they're fighting? lol


I'm stunned you don't even know ISIS and their ideologies, yet have absolutely no qualms about enlisting for military action.

Do you even know what you'd be up against and why?
yeah, i'm up against a bunch of losers with guns. i'll find out why in due time but right now i'm not interested in anything other than having fun with life


I'm worried some wackos might do something in England again like 7/7. I was on holiday in Paris 10 years ago when that event took place. I would never have thought this would happen in Paris a decade on. Sad times.


Why does he wear the mask!?
Did Uber really charge people fares when regular taxi drivers drove people home for free?

Wow. That is shitty.


you can't put a price on sparks
But who does US invade to fight ISIS? Syria? Iraq? Nigeria? Somebody posted a map here where Egypt was under ISIS control.

If you are talking about small missions to assassinate leaders you might be right. But with Russia randomly bombing Syria I don't think anyone will risk that.

I think that is the only viable response other than liberating cities we know are under their control at the moment.
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