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Paris Terrorist Attacks, 120+ dead. Do not post hearsay/unsourced/old news.

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Le Point news site is noting that the Bataclan concert hall may have been targeted because "the owners are Jewish", which was the reason the venue was targeted by attack attempts in the past.


That's a relief for the French and rest of world. The tension and fear would have been too much if they had even 1 on the lose

CNN was stocking fear of more.

There is more than likely people out there who helped prepare the attack. Bomb makers for instance don't sacrifice themselves typically
Do you really think we should try it the exact same way again? You do notice how much that went wrong?

Afghanistan succeeded in destroying al Qaeda there didn't it

Iraq war is the only one not justified. This one is

This is the bread in a bowl solution you have is who has invited all terrorists to join them in one location, we invade this one location and take care of majority of radicalists and its ideals


If we start another all-out war in the middle east, we should at least have a better plan for how to deal with the situation afterwards. I have the impression that much of the problems in that region are due to the fact that the borders of the nations in that region do not align at all with the ethnic groups and identities that exist there.

So if we remove ISIS (and Assad, or whoever else we fancy conquering) from that map, it might be a good point in time to think about splitting up nations like Iraq and involving the ethnic groups there in deciding on new nations and borders.

It's not about borders, it's about governments. We removed governments, and terrorists took over. Don't remove the governments.
If we start another all-out war in the middle east, we should at least have a better plan for how to deal with the situation afterwards. I have the impression that much of the problems in that region are due to the fact that the borders of the nations in that region do not align at all with the ethnic groups and identities that exist there.

So if we remove ISIS (and Assad, or whoever else we fancy conquering) from that map, it might be a good point in time to think about splitting up nations like Iraq and involving the ethnic groups there in deciding on new nations and borders.

"We should turn the ME into a giant carpark" comments incoming.

Seriously, more wars?

The first thing that should have happened is redrawing the stupid fucking borders that britain made, lumping disparate groups of people who hate each other together into one 'country' (Iraq) was a bad idea.

I certainly am not versed in any way on those type of situations. But sounds like a great start also and part of any larger and longer-term plan.


I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
That's stupid. It's not about borders, it's about governments. We removed governments, and terrorists took over. Don't remove the governments.

You realize that the only reason these governments stabilized the region is because they were brutal dictators who gassed their own people if necessary?

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
If we start another all-out war in the middle east, we should at least have a better plan for how to deal with the situation afterwards. I have the impression that much of the problems in that region are due to the fact that the borders of the nations in that region do not align at all with the ethnic groups and identities that exist there.

So if we remove ISIS (and Assad, or whoever else we fancy conquering) from that map, it might be a good point in time to think about splitting up nations like Iraq and involving the ethnic groups there in deciding on new nations and borders.

I get where you're coming from man that sounds like recipe for disaster.
I just got home from work and had no idea about any of this :/ been reading through the past couple of pages here and catching up on the news, and for those of you trying to start bullshit and fights, you're better than that. We are better than that. Let's comfort France gaf and talk about things that matter not start petty bullshit. Hope everyone is safe


What does killing Baghdadi have to do with a ground invasion though? You say you want a ground invasion but if taking out the head is all it takes to bring down IS then what's all this about ground invasion?
You can't really make sure somebody is dead until you verify it in person. And launching a special forces assault into an isolated estate with minimal defenses is a hell of a lot different than launching a special forces assault into the large, fortified heart of the enemy army.

Plus, how would you pin him down without taking territory from him and denying it to him?
It's not about borders, it's about governments. We removed governments, and terrorists took over. Don't remove the governments.

Of I feel like if you do remove a government, have a plan in place to not have a slightly less evil/corrupt person take it over. Have a true leader in there along with the necessary support for the new government to take roots. If that is full occupation and true infrastructure building over years and decades, then so be it.


I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
I get where you're coming from man that sounds like recipe for disaster.

Yeah, I don't want a new war. I just hope that if it comes to that our leaders will have a better plan of how to deal with the aftermath. Thinking that Iraq without Saddam would become a stable democracy was incredibly naive. Really no point in repeating every single mistake we already made.


Junior Member
Why is Al-Qaeda attacking France? Is France attacking Yemen? Isn't that where Al-Qaeda is based now?

This seems to me that it's the work of ISIS


I'm surprised there hasn't been a big attack against Russia yet.

(CNN)—ISIS' affiliate in Egypt says it brought down Metrojet Flight 9268. And U.S. officials are more confident that terrorists bombed the Russian plane, killing all 224 people aboard.
I think it is honestly you who is naive. Ending ISIS will not end terrorism. But sure, bank on this short term reformation provided by jaded westerners.

Lol who said anything about ending terrorism? Did I say anything about ending terrorism?

Very naive. You really don't know what ISIL really is or what it is entirely consist of. You really think it is because its poor brown people and somehow making all those nations somehow prosperous is going fix much? I don't anyone know how many decades it will take for that to happen and how many people will be killed since we can't start a fight, but ISIL will. Only two of those countries have anything to do with ISIL . Iraq war were the remaining sunni terrorists groups joined up with ex-saddam officials, and with the civil war in Syria it was a natural focus point for jihadists all that became ISIL. Besides many foreigners ISIL aren't even poor and so the only point you was right about was ideology, and many joined them because of that and wasn't poor.

Anyway, the only way to hurt ISIL is through taking their territory and killing/capturing their leadership and destroy their infrastructure. If you really point those nations to all nice and rich then you have to defeat ISIL, because how else are you going to make all those nations(Iraq and Syria mostly) nice and cozy when they are there actively killing people? A war/battle/conflict has to be fought and no sugar coating and looking through western glasses is going to fix that.

Nope I don't believe I didn't and getting rid of ISIL will be like getting rid of the terrorist groups in Iraq because they are one giant militia that aren't trying to hide and there is an active fight not like an occupation .
Afghanistan succeeded in destroying al Qaeda there didn't it

Iraq war is the only one not justified. This one is

This is the bread in a bowl solution you have is who has invited all terrorists to join them in one location, we invade this one location and take care of majority of radicalists and its ideals

You're just hung up on names which produce hollow victories. Yeah, we really destroyed Al Qaeda but they just changed names and the ones who remained joined ISIS or Al Nusra or the thousand other sects. It's just a way for politicians to score points, including Obama by saying such and such group is dead while another one springs up.

Bin Laden is dead but what changed? The threat is more real now than it was when he was alive. How many #2 members of groups being killed has been publicized?

The fight has to go on but your naive idea that there's any conclusion to this battle is laughable. The overarching jihadist ideology has not been eradicated at any point in the last 20 years and that's what you should be focusing on.


Fell asleep earlier (in UK) and just woke to the news of events from the Bataclan as bad as it could be. What a senseless and brutal waste. My prayers for those who have lost. God bless Paris x :'(


My prayers go out to Paris.

This is such a difficult thing to combat. It's almost impossible to target someone's ideology. It's even more difficult when people like this blend in almost anywhere and literally switch it on when the time comes. This is guerrilla warfare against innocent people not by "soldiers" but it could be by someone you walk by each and every day, a friend, a coworker. How can you possibly combat that? Conventional warfare will NOT stop these people at all.
kinda surprised more people arent talking about this aspect of the whole thing

crazy they'd be able to pull something like this over security so soon after Hebdo. I remember Hollande instantly promising to go HAM on protetion of public places...

The news is still fresh, Hollande is gonna get it in a few more days. The prospect of a Front National government is still improbable but looks less inconceivable by the day.

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
Afghanistan succeeded in destroying al Qaeda there didn't it

Iraq war is the only one not justified. This one is

This is the bread in a bowl solution you have is who has invited all terrorists to join them in one location, we invade this one location and take care of majority of radicalists and its ideals

We're still in Afghanistan so in not sure al Qaeda is destroyed. Also it was special forces that took out Bin Ladin and many of the taliban/al Qaeda leaders.

Isis is different so hopefully there is away to stop them completely. I'm just worried about how the world goes about it.


Yeah, I don't want a new war. I just hope that if it comes to that our leaders will have a better plan of how to deal with the aftermath. Thinking that Iraq without Saddam would become a stable democracy was incredibly naive. Really no point in repeating every single mistake we already made.

America seemed to think Saddam was a necessary evil for keeping that region in check since they supported him for so long.


The news is still fresh, Hollande is gonna get it in a few more days. The prospect of a Front National government is still improbable but looks less inconceivable by the day.

All over Europe conservative and right wing governments are forming or winning elections. This will only cement that Hollande isn't fit to lead, especially after Charlie Hebdo, if this level of sophistication can happen in France. It will galvanize Anti-muslim and anti-immigrant sentiment as well.


kinda surprised more people arent talking about this aspect of the whole thing

crazy they'd be able to pull something like this over security so soon after Hebdo. I remember Hollande instantly promising to go HAM on protection of public places...

that probably changes forever in France


The Birthday Skeleton
You're just hung up on names which produce hollow victories. Yeah, we really destroyed Al Qaeda but they just changed names and the ones who remained joined ISIS or Al Nusra or the thousand other sects. It's just a way for politicians to score points, including Obama by saying such and such group is dead while another one springs up.

Bin Laden is dead but what changed? The threat is more real now than it was when he was alive. How many #2 members of groups being killed has been publicized?

The fight has to go on but your naive idea that there's any conclusion to this battle is laughable. The overarching jihadist ideology has not been eradicated at any point in the last 20 years and that's what you should be focusing on.

Isis holds territory and oil reserves that allows them to finance, train and organize terrorist attacks on European soil. It's about destructing capacities, not just chasing a name.

But in this case the name is also important, because it's the base of their whole ideology. An Islamic State without a State?


how the hell did it actually happen tho

kind of weaponry to kill that amount of people passing through security at a concert


Someone said earlier that it was ISIS and they were targeting washington and rome next? is there a source that? The thread is moving to quickly I lost the post.


Junior Member
how the hell did it actually happen tho

kind of weaponry to kill that amount of people passing through security at a concert

Not to mention that automatic rifles are extremely hard to acquire in France

Where did they get them from? How were they smuggled in?
You're just hung up on names which produce hollow victories. Yeah, we really destroyed Al Qaeda but they just changed names and the ones who remained joined ISIS or Al Nusra or the thousand other sects. It's just a way for politicians to score points, including Obama by saying such and such group is dead while another one springs up.

Bin Laden is dead but what changed? The threat is more real now than it was when he was alive. How many #2 members of groups being killed has been publicized?

The fight has to go on but your naive idea that there's any conclusion to this battle is laughable. The overarching jihadist ideology has not been eradicated at any point in the last 20 years and that's what you should be focusing on.

They didn't change their name. They split from
Al Qaeda because al Qaeda wanted to terrorise for their views without creating a state and mostly for political gains of claiming while Isis wanted to create a caliphate and a state and were primarily religious with political intentions. Al Nusra wants to remove Assad and create a Muslim
Brotherhood type state and has resisted conflicts with groups who don't want shariah law while Isis has killed and gone to war over wanting to impose shariah law against those who don't want shariah law
Can't believe it turned out as bad as I feared when reports about this started coming out. Terrible, RIP to all those affected. Complete solidarity with our French brothers and sisters over there now.

I live in America, and outside general articles about Europe or specific articles regarding events I'm largely ignorant of the going-ons regarding security and intelligence services over there.....

So what a somber year for France. It's so hard to compare American and European homeland security services because of the difference in regions/neighbors, political structure, and so forth...

But what has been the mood about intelligence services in Europe (France specifically if possible) this year?

In one year you have Charlie Hebdo, the foiled train attack, and now this terrible coordinated attack. I curious to see what direction European countries will take regarding their intelligence agencies regarding domestic attacks, will Interpol be expanded? What criticisms are there, was there just not enough resources to prevent such coordinated attacks, etc. What power will the people bestow on their governments in the wake of this year filled with not only with terrorist incidents, but rising tides of nationalism and uneasiness of mass migrations. Will that power be too much?

God, what a turbulent time for Europe.


If we start another all-out war in the middle east, we should at least have a better plan for how to deal with the situation afterwards. I have the impression that much of the problems in that region are due to the fact that the borders of the nations in that region do not align at all with the ethnic groups and identities that exist there.

So if we remove ISIS (and Assad, or whoever else we fancy conquering) from that map, it might be a good point in time to think about splitting up nations like Iraq and involving the ethnic groups there in deciding on new nations and borders.

That would be the logical thing to do, but I might imagine that oil ressources and linked economy could seriously endenger that plan; there definitively would be a "new" state that'll feel it lost ressources, and the hate will just continue.
Would probably still be better than the current situation.


that puzzling face
how the hell did it actually happen tho

kind of weaponry to kill that amount of people passing through security at a concert

Presumably the kind of weaponry to kill that amount of people would also be able to kill security at a concert, just prior to that.


Isis holds territory and oil reserves that allows them to finance, train and organize terrorist attacks on European soil. It's about destructing capacities, not just chasing a name.

But in this case the name is also important, because it's the base of their whole ideology. And Islamic State without a State?

Yup, a lot of power goes into a name. Which is why we should stop calling them the Islamic State, ISIS, or ISIL because that validates them.

We should call them "Daesh" since they really fuckin hate being called that.
Isis holds territory and oil reserves that allows them to finance, train and organize terrorist attacks on European soil. It's about destructing capacities, not just chasing a name.

But in this case the name is also important, because it's the base of their whole ideology. And Islamic State without a State?

I'm just pointing out that the overarching problem is literally constantly prevalent. The people who are members of IS were members of AQ in Iraq and they'll be in the next group when IS is "defeated." It's a reason why there is a term called the War on Terror that has been going on for a long time.
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