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Paris Terrorist Attacks, 120+ dead. Do not post hearsay/unsourced/old news.

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how the hell did it actually happen tho

kind of weaponry to kill that amount of people passing through security at a concert

? They probably killed or threatened the security. Security staff at concerts just check the tickets and deal with drunkards, I don't think they are trained to deal with fucking terrorists.



that other youtube link brought me to his goodbye message.


I lost it half way through the video (00:37-00:50), especially with what has happened today. Feeling helpless.

for all those who can only post.....from around the world, when we feel helpless to what is happening. Spread love to those around you and to the people you'll continue to meet.


? They probably killed or threatened the security. Security staff at concerts just check the tickets and deal with drunkards, I don't think they are trained to deal with fucking terrorists.

i'll just refrain to my earlier post about coming off of Hebdo and the promises of upped security at places like this, then
This is just the beginning, unfortunately. This scene will be repeated around Europe. It's only going to get worse. So sad. RIP to the victims.

kinda surprised more people arent talking about this aspect of the whole thing

crazy they'd be able to pull something like this over security so soon after Hebdo. I remember Hollande instantly promising to go HAM on protection of public places...

Yeah, for real. People here have insisted that this kind of thing can't happen with European style gun control, so how could this happen?
They didn't change their name. They split from
Al Qaeda because al Qaeda wanted to terrorise for their views without creating a state and mostly for political gains of claiming while Isis wanted to create a caliphate and a state and were primarily religious with political intentions. Al Nusra wants to remove Assad and create a Muslim
Brotherhood type state and has resisted conflicts with groups who don't want shariah law while Isis has killed and gone to war over wanting to impose shariah law against those who don't want shariah law

It's a different name for the same brand of extremism. Many times involving the same former members of past groups. Look up what Baghdadi was doing in the years leading up to 2012.
I'm not talking about bombing, nuking etc. the shit out of Syria until everyone is dead, but world leaders need to get their shit together and find a way to deal with this stuff.

Destabilized the region in the first place, the answer is to destabilize it more?

And lets not pretend American foreign policy was about "caring about people" in the first place. Didn't even Trump say ME wouldn't be the mess it is now if we didn't keep taking country by country (Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan) bringing that democracy and freedom. Lets do more of that. Lets kill Assad and take of his country then target Iran /s
There is more than likely people out there who helped prepare the attack. Bomb makers for instance don't sacrifice themselves typically

The Boston Bombers made bombs out of modified retail-store pressure cookers and metal scraps/nails/screws.

You can Google together a bomb these days, that's how freaking easy it is. You don't need chemists or scientists to make these things anymore. You can buy them at Target and Walmart.
So you want western intervention to end ISIS, but these same westerners should not be concerned with ending Islamic fundamentalism? Selfish.

Lol stop putting words in my mouth. I said nothing about Islamic fundamentalism . I was talking about ISIL and ISIL only . It is not matter of wanting to they already been intervening against ISIL and is currently doing that.

But hey if I am selfish for getting rid of a terror militia like ISIL than I'm okay with that.


Yup, a lot of power goes into a name. Which is why we should stop calling them the Islamic State, ISIS, or ISIL because that validates them.

We should call them "Daesh" since they really fuckin hate being called that.

Daesh is the literal translation of the acronym ISIS....


This is just the beginning, unfortunately. This scene will be repeated around Europe. It's only going to get worse. So sad. RIP to the victims.

Yeah, for real. People here have insisted that this kind of thing can't happen with European style gun control, so how could this happen?

In the end guns and explosives are cheap/easy to make and/or smuggle. Regardless of gun control.


My friends are in Paris at the moment. Had a chance to text them to make sure they're all okay.

All shaken up, of course. They were due to leave the country tomorrow.
If we start another all-out war in the middle east, we should at least have a better plan for how to deal with the situation afterwards. I have the impression that much of the problems in that region are due to the fact that the borders of the nations in that region do not align at all with the ethnic groups and identities that exist there.

So if we remove ISIS (and Assad, or whoever else we fancy conquering) from that map, it might be a good point in time to think about splitting up nations like Iraq and involving the ethnic groups there in deciding on new nations and borders.

You won't find the political capital in the US to fund another war like that, not unless we get another major attack and I mean major attack, think Avengers with the aliens invading new york major. And the EU don't have the military to do it on their own to be honest, not to mention the Russians already beat them to it.


I certainly am not versed in any way on those type of situations. But sounds like a great start also and part of any larger and longer-term plan.
The end of World War One ruined the Middle East in so many ways it's astounding. Britain really just went in there and it feels they just didn't care.

Back to the main topic, this is just awful and horrible. I hope they manage to capture all those who helped commit this disgusting attack. All these poor innocent people didn't deserve this.
As I said Isis will have no influential power of the concept of Caliphte or state is removed

Really dude? So all those stories about how they've basically brought jihad into the 21st century by using social media is just fantasy talk? Every expert on TV has been talking about how they can reach any corner of the world and radicalize people through the internet. The Boston bombers are a classic example of how this would work. They didn't need oil funding or a caliphate state to carry out an attack.


Not that this needed to be said, but just in case you didn't want to become even more enraged over this awful catastrophe - avoid Trump's twitter. The guy has cranked the insensitive cunt levels up to 11.


When I read the they were playing, I started crying, thinking that Josh Homme was killed. He wasn't there on this tour though.

This is just so surreal.

Yeah, it's fucking horrible. My boyfriend was in that venue just one week ago.

My heart goes out to everyone involved. Just... fuck.

Pancake Mix

Copied someone else's pancake recipe
I'm seeing some posters asking how they got in the venue first but my understanding is that they shot at cafes around the concert hall first and then stormed it. That is what The Guardian reported.


This is just the beginning, unfortunately. This scene will be repeated around Europe. It's only going to get worse. So sad. RIP to the victims.

Yeah, for real. People here have insisted that this kind of thing can't happen with European style gun control, so how could this happen?

You're not serious, are you? The gun death rate in France is exponentially lower than the US which is what gun control prevents. This is apparently a terrorist cell and we don't know how they got the firearms but you can be assured it was harder than a lone wolf shooting in the US.


The Birthday Skeleton
If only social media would have existed in 1939.

"We can't go against the nazi, they just appeared in Germany because it was a very unstable country and a lot of people became poor. And if we take out the nazi, there will be some other German extremists that will just rise instead of them. Better prepare a long term plan on how to make Germany stable and rich under Hitler so the people will be convinced that the he is not the solution. Sure, there will be some deaths and some more territories conquered, but war is never a solution".


The end of World War One ruined the Middle East in so many ways it's astounding. Britain really just went in there and it feels they just didn't care.

The Ottoman Empire is partly to blame for that, along with the colonial powers after its fall.

The Empire held that region together for more than 600 years, only to stagnate, collapse and get carved up by European colonials.
Not that this needed to be said, but just in case you didn't want to become even more enraged over this awful catastrophe - avoid Trump's twitter. The guy has cranked the insensitive cunt levels up to 11.

Those are old tweets from the Charlie attack. Gingrich and Carson have been the really terrible ones in responding.

"We can't go against the nazi, they just appeared in Germany because it was a very unstable country and a lot of people became poor. And if we take out the nazi, there will be some other German extremists that will just rise instead of them. Better prepare a long term plan on how to make Germany stable and rich under Hitler so the people will be convinced that the he is not the solution. Sure, there will be some deaths and some more territories conquered, but war is never a solution".

Things went well in Iraq and Afghanistan.


The Boston Bombers made bombs out of modified retail-store pressure cookers and metal scraps/nails/screws.

You can Google together a bomb these days, that's how freaking easy it is. You don't need chemists or scientists to make these things anymore. You can buy them at Target and Walmart.

Also some of the videos Vice posted about black markets in Iraq I think it was, shows clearly that they produce the weapons by hand. Could explain the where the weapons came from theory.
Really dude? So all those stories about how they've basically brought jihad into the 21st century by using social media is just fantasy talk? Every expert on TV has been talking about how they can reach any corner of the world and radicalize people through the internet.

No state no state
No caliphate no call to join

Why did fighters go there, to run the caliphate, if there is none they lose all influence, if you take away the oil you remove their major source of funding. They will be even more weak than al Qaeda currently once you take oil, state and caliph away from them,


Fox was doing well reporting the events earlier when it was just Shepard Smith.
Seriously, I'd take him on the air all day. He's the best reporter on TV period.
Not that this needed to be said, but just in case you didn't want to become even more enraged over this awful catastrophe - avoid Trump's twitter. The guy has cranked the insensitive cunt levels up to 11.


You're not serious, are you? The gun death rate in France is exponentially lower than the US which is what gun control prevents. This is apparently a terrorist cell and we don't know how they got the firearms but you can be assured it was harder than a lone wolf shooting in the US.

The USA has literally 50 times as many gun deaths as France adjusted for population per year.

So yeah actually gun control works there pretty fucking well comparatively.


oh man fuck this shit.

how could someone in their right mind do this?

how does one fight an ideology?

how do we cure this madness?
We're still in Afghanistan so in not sure al Qaeda is destroyed. Also it was special forces that took out Bin Ladin and many of the taliban/al Qaeda leaders.

Isis is different so hopefully there is away to stop them completely. I'm just worried about how the world goes about it.

"Westerners" don't have the stomach to take care of ISIS. It's not like a traditional, enemy state. How do you combat an ideology?
If only social media would have existed in 1939.

"We can't go against the nazi, they just appeared in Germany because it was a very unstable country and a lot of people became poor. And if we take out the nazi, there will be some other German extremists that will just rise instead of them. Better prepare a long term plan on how to make Germany stable and rich under Hitler so the people will be convinced that the he is not the solution. Sure, there will be some deaths and some more territories conquered, but war is never a solution".

What a laughable shitty comparison. Germany and Japan signed unconditional surrenders and the war was over. Is there some grand islamic jihad leader that will do that for the thousand extremist groups out there?

Not to mention there wasn't a war on Nazism for 15 years leading up to 1939 either.


Lol stop putting words in my mouth. I said nothing about Islamic fundamentalism . I was talking about ISIL and ISIL only . It is not matter of wanting to they already been intervening against ISIL and is currently doing that.

But hey if I am selfish for getting rid of a terror militia like ISIL than I'm okay with that.

What, you accused the guy suggesting stable regime change to eliminate ISIS as being naive. What do you think he meant by that? Hopefully you're not dense enough to assume that he was suggesting getting rid of ISIS in a vacuum, right? Islamic fundamentalism and ISIS are one and the same in this context. I hope I don't need to tell you this. What good will getting rid of ISIS and only ISIS do, if westerners keep dying at the hands of fundamentalists who will replace them? You're being obtuse.
If only social media would have existed in 1939.

"We can't go against the nazi, they just appeared in Germany because it was a very unstable country and a lot of people became poor. And if we take out the nazi, there will be some other German extremists that will just rise instead of them. Better prepare a long term plan on how to make Germany stable and rich under Hitler so the people will be convinced that the he is not the solution. Sure, there will be some deaths and some more territories conquered, but war is never a solution".

"I would have started by dropping supplies and information on Germany. Food for the hungry. Dollars, francs and pounds - about 130 billion marks worth. Photos of families. Pictures drawn by children. Photos of children playing together, with captions like: "two of these are Jewish, can you tell which ones?" Leaflets too, questioning the futility of war, promoting compassion and so on. I would drop all my guns, without bullets, and broken fragments of artillery equipment. Books from the greatest authors, art from the greatest painters, and music from the greatest composers. All the treasures of my people.

Then I would write a letter and make sure everyone read it. It would tell the Germans that me and my people were coming over the border, unarmed and well-fed, to march on Berlin and put the leaders of the Nazi party on trial for their crimes. It would ask the people of Germany for their support in this. The letter would predict the possible massacre that the German military would inflict on foreign protesters. It would also beg the common soldier to wake up, and refuse to follow such mad orders. But the letter would emphasise, massacre or not, the protest would go on to the last man, woman and child. Some things are worth dying for

That would be the gist of it anyway. There was something like 20 million combat deaths in WW2, estimates vary. That's like three and a half Holocausts. Better to die a misguided idealist than have that much blood on your hands. If the protesters were all killed and the Nazi party kept its power, then it's better to be dead than a member of the human race anyway. Just my preference though, would probably be carted off to an asylum for even suggesting it"


What could they possibly do when these people come in shooting and throwing explosives?

more than this?:

Someone at the venue said there was no security. He came in after giving a ticket with no pat down or anything.

and more than drunkyard checking bouncers? specially if you promise it after a tragedy

not saying have a swat team in there, but be on the ready. ive talked to french friends who were actually expecting something like this sooner than later

you are supposed to tighten security in public places, venues, gatherings, and such after something like Hebdo, specially if you promise it. Seems like they didnt. this wasnt some random underground nightclub either
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