how is this thinking not flawed then? wtf?
"oh say they come at you with an explosive vest? what then! so lets just skimp on security"
all im saying is reports are coming that security was ridiculously scarse and this is coming right off Hollande talking about upping security at venues cause of Hebdo is all
not saying its the end all be all to this sort of problem, but everything seems to imply they could and should have done more.
Two members of [Eagles of Death Metal's] crew told an NBC News reporter that one of the band members have died in the attack. It is unclear which band member was killed.
Two members of [Eagles of Death Metal's] crew told an NBC News reporter that one of the band members have died in the attack. It is unclear which band member was killed.
Yeah, exactly what you need in a concert venue full of thousands of panicking people - giving all of those people guns.
This is where the unofficial confirmations are coming in
Yet they're running from ISIS, not Assad.
Two members of [Eagles of Death Metal's] crew told an NBC News reporter that one of the band members have died in the attack. It is unclear which band member was killed.
Exactly. Gun control only takes away guns from people that follow the law. It does nothing for bad guys except ensure they can murder as many people as possible, without resistance. Like we saw tonight.It's too bad none of those people had the option to even TRY and defend themselves.
Yet they're running from ISIS, not Assad.
I'd take my chances versus being able to do NOTHING. You may be fine with being completely helpless. Others are not.
Well, if they banned guns this wouldn't ha-
Oh ISIS, a force Saddam would have squashed without trying.
Nazi Germany provided a somewhat functional governing system to those that they weren't trying to murder. ISIS's territory doesn't have electricity.
Yes, definitely keep your head on a swivel and keep situational awareness. Or better yet, just stay home and shop on Amazon like I do.
It would be amazingly easy to bomb or shoot up a mall in the USA. Actually, I'm amazed it hasn't happened yet, whether from terrorists or home grown crazies.
Huh? It's my personally held belief that humans are pretty shitty. I'm sick of this perpetual state of unresolvable conflict and our destruction of Earth. We just don't deserve it.oh these comments took a while this time
That was one of the hardest things I've ever had to read on this site. I cringed myself into a coma.
But what exactly do you do? The Hebdo attacks primarily went after a supermarket and a magazine office.
When you're getting down to that level of targeted attack, where do you draw the line on security?
I'm just point out how ridiculously foolish your comparison is. Comparing Nazis and the Japanese to religious zealots in terrorist cells.
You can make the case you want to make but at least admit what it actually entails instead of this fallacy that we can just go in there and destroy islamic extremists and then it's all happy endings. Like the last 15 years didn't just happen.
I understand that this is genuine and from the heart, but it's really not the time for a pro-second amendment soapbox.
That's a common misconception
Yet they're running from ISIS, not Assad.
About 900 Syrian refugees were interviewed in front of refugee homes and registration centers in five German cities.
"Around 70 percent of respondents say they have fled because of Bashar al-Assad's regime," Perabo said. He found the responses astounding, especially because the prevailing image in Germany is that IS is responsible for the mass exodus from Syria. "The battle against IS terrorism will not solve the problem," the survey found.
I'd take my chances versus being able to do NOTHING. You may be fine with being completely helpless. Others are not.
"We should turn the ME into a giant carpark" comments incoming.
Seriously, more wars?
Two members of [Eagles of Death Metal's] crew told an NBC News reporter that one of the band members have died in the attack. It is unclear which band member was killed.
There's conflicting reports, so I don't know what to make of this.
Well, if they banned guns this wouldn't ha-
ISIS may not operate an effective government, but they fit essentially every definition of a state.
In the shuffle of confusion you really think people were going to figure out who was a terrorist and who isn't? You think there won't be bystander casualties?
No guarantee that giving everyone guns would've resulted in less casualties. It may have resulted in even more.
Exactly. Gun control only takes away guns from people that follow the law. It does nothing for bad guys except ensure they can murder as many people as possible, without resistance. Like we saw tonight.It's too bad none of those people had the option to even TRY and defend themselves.
I'd take my chances versus being able to do NOTHING. You may be fine with being completely helpless. Others are not.
I'd take my chances versus being able to do NOTHING. You may be fine with being completely helpless. Others are not.
So this goes against the drummer's wife's account of all band members being safe?
I'd take my chances versus being able to do NOTHING. You may be fine with being completely helpless. Others are not.
Who can say it now if it's safe or not? Usually shit like this never happened... But you should be safe... This stuff could happen every where and it's still more likely that you die of cancer or a car crashI don't know. I fucking hate guns, I hate gun culture. But if Muslim terrorists can get their hands on hundreds of rounds of ammunition, ak47's and assault rifles and shoot hundreds of humans like fish in a barrel and no one else is armed or able to hit them back, I don't know.
What is gun control like in France? I actually have tickets to go to Euro 2016 and even though it's irrational for me to fear, after Charlie Hebdo, after that stopped train attack where the attacker was subdued and now this, it's just showing me France is no safer than many other countries.
Whatever, I agree nows not the right time, emotions are high. Prayers to everyone in France having to deal with yet another Muslim terrorist attack that kills hundreds of innocent lives.
Huh? It's my personally held belief that humans are pretty shitty. I'm sick of this perpetual state of unresolvable conflict and our destruction of Earth. We just don't deserve it.
Go about your day normally.Does this seem like an isolated incident or are there likely to be follow up attacks in the next couple of days? May sound crazy but I am worried about going into London tomorrow.
Huh? It's my personally held belief that humans are pretty shitty. I'm sick of this perpetual state of unresolvable conflict and our destruction of Earth. We just don't deserve it.
but they didn't flee from him before? looks like they're just fleeing a shit situation all around.
I'd take my chances versus being able to do NOTHING. You may be fine with being completely helpless. Others are not.
but they didn't flee from him before? looks like they're just fleeing a shit situation all around.
I really don't understand what your point now. You're against war but you talk about religious zealots. So what's your point? What's your magic solution against religious zealots? #BREAKING Over 200 injured in Paris attacks, 80 seriously: security source
What, you accused the guy suggesting stable regime change to eliminate ISIS as being naive. What do you think he meant by that? Hopefully you're not dense enough to assume that he was suggesting getting rid of ISIS in a vacuum, right? Islamic fundamentalism and ISIS are one and the same in this context. I hope I don't need to tell you this. What good will getting rid of ISIS and only ISIS do, if westerners keep dying at the hands of fundamentalists who will replace them? You're being obtuse.