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Paris Terrorist Attacks, 120+ dead. Do not post hearsay/unsourced/old news.

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Considering the terrorists had suicide vests I don't really think gun control is the problem to be discussing here. And even if it somehow was even with the mass death toll today the numbers won't even come close to the gun deaths in the US this year.
you gonna 360 no scope four suicide bombers, John Halo? ridiculous comments.

LOL "John Halo". Gonna have to use that in real life.

smh at people bringing US politics into this. The fact that the response to a massacre is calling a state of emergency and not "Tuesdays suck eh" says everything.
Logical and tactical actions against IS did almost nothing in the past 2 years.

And your solution is to make the Western world police states. Not solving the root cause and make the victims pay. Sounds lovely.

What makes you think ground invasion does better? We're permanently occupied in Afghanistan and threats still remain. Solving the root cause is literally impossible considering we're battling an ideology so if you think doing what we've done for OVER 15 YEARS is not enough then what is? In that 15 year we've had two ground war and countless other actions against extremists all around the world.

How would holding some land in Syria stopped the Boston bombers? How would it have stopped the Fort Hood shooter? Your ideas are weak and reactionary. They solve virtually nothing in the overarching issue. It's just some callback to "Mission Accomplished" banners which mean nothing against the overarching battle against extremist ideology.
Are you serious? There's heroes all the time. I wouldn't be surprised if we hear of heroic actions coming out of this event. You don't have to be an action star to actually do something.

The one witness account in the concert we have right now couldn't even say how many terrorists there were at that time. You live a fantasy world if you think arming hundreds of people will result in literally everyone immediately identifying who the attackers are and killing them with zero stray shots and no bystander casualties.

The real problem with that concert was that there was zero security. No metal detector even.


ISIS wants Rome next.

Why Rome of all places?

While I would urge people to read the second part of the thread title, this is what it may be referring to:

The Prophetic narration that foretells the Dabiq battle refers to the enemy as Rome. Who “Rome” is, now that the pope has no army, remains a matter of debate. But Cerantonio makes a case that Rome meant the Eastern Roman empire, which had its capital in what is now Istanbul. We should think of Rome as the Republic of Turkey—the same republic that ended the last self-identified caliphate, 90 years ago. Other Islamic State sources suggest that Rome might mean any infidel army, and the Americans will do nicely.



The Birthday Skeleton
"KILL 'EM!" and then hope for the best is also a terrible plan. A ground operation would further destabilize the Middle East and further stole the anti-Western sentiments that exist there.

I don't have a solution. Doing the same thing we've been doing since the 90s is not smart. It's stupid, expensive, and will ultimately prove fruitless. But if a stupid war without an endgame fuels your rage, go for it!

There is at least an endgame: destroying ISIS capacity of financing, training and organizing terrorist attacks like this one. It's not my rage, it's rather my fear. The fear that they are capable of striking in any European capital at some point in time.

Edit: another endgame would be not to have Europe being ruled by extreme right because of the fear.


Given that snide quip about multicultural societies, I imagine he'd favour the homogeneous variety.

I feel like he was just suggesting that when different cultures mix, there is inevitable tension etc at times.

It's a fact. It doesn't mean we shouldn't strive to be accepting, multicultural and open with our hearts and minds, but it's still a fact.


Yet they're running from ISIS, not Assad.
They're running from both.

It's Assholes vs Assholes vs Assholes in Syria, and the general population are suffering from it.

I'd take my chances versus being able to do NOTHING. You may be fine with being completely helpless. Others are not.
Right. Except music venues are private establishments, and can rightfully ban weapons as they see fit.


what the hell am I asking for?

you're taking this to some weird extreme level where all im saying that upping security in a concert venue after a tragedy just happened to avoid another one and after your president promised it sounds like what should happen

who is talking about the future and businesses and shit? im not talking of this as a solution opposed to others dude. You're putting my argument as if I was saying this is the one thing to be done to avoid this happening. of course you gotta draw the line at some point, but you also gotta start, at all.

im saying it's shitty and surprising there wasnt more security there <- so just read this one sentence I guess

How much more though? What form would it take?
The Belgian government said a while ago that the police/anti terror forces etc... stop many possible attacks before they take place, but that it's just a matter of one organized attack slipping through the cracks before a disaster happens. This is the same in France, Germany, UK, etc..

You really do not have to be very smart to understand the risks and direct link to the refugee situation in Europe. If anyone flat out denies that, then keep living in your fantasy world of a tolerant multicultural society with bunnies, unicorns and welfare for all.

Many muslim terrorists arrived as refugees in Europe and were able to go into stealth mode calmly waiting to execute a planned attack.

Absolutely. This scene will be repeated all over the EU. And to think there's people in the US that want an open border policy here. SMH


Are there major concert venues in the States which allow for concealed weapons or something? The hell? Enough with the gun politics already.
Damn been playing Tomb Raider all evening and just came to read for a few minutes and this is the first place I've heard about it. Sounds completely insane, hope people in France are safe now.


Is someone seriously suggesting that audience members at a concert should be armed??? Good lord.. I can't even fucking imagine..

I would never leave my house.


How much more though? What form would it take?

I dont know. Is that what you wanna hear? no one here knows shit

all im saying that if 3 cops were there rather than apparently 0, maybe 1 live could have been saved? who the hell knows, but that's already worth it. a terrorist attack over a place with virtually no security is an understandable thing now?

how do we even know if this venue wasnt chosen precisely cause the security is shit?

I can fantasize a 'could have' scenario to this side just as much as you can the other. we're going in circles.

this is what this is:

- oh there were 0 cops there? shit, should have been more security

- more security??? BUT AT WHICH POINT DOES IT STOP?


Neo Member
"Westerners" don't have the stomach to take care of ISIS. It's not like a traditional, enemy state. How do you combat an ideology?


The process needed to reduce the terrorist threat around the world is extremely expensive. Even more so than a full blown war. This is why nothing will be done to solve the root issue.

As for ISIS, attacking paris, even if they had failed to kill as many as they did, was a sure way to help their cause. What they need right/want is more extremists joining their cause. By attacking paris they are sure to create an anti-syrian/muslim/etc sentiment across europe and that will in turn create more radicalisation and extremism.

ISIS has been very effective and that is scary.


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
Okay I'm out, this thread is become a "refugees are terrorists" and "if everyone had guns this wouldn't have happened" bullshit of personal opinions and no supporting sources

think about what this thread is about before you post people, good lord


Is someone seriously suggesting that audience members at a concert should be armed??? Good lord.. I can't even fucking imagine..

I would never leave my house.

Thousands of people drunk as shit and packing guns, crammed together into a tight space for a couple hours, what could possibly go wrong?


There is at least an endgame: destroying ISIS capacity of financing, training and organizing terrorist attacks like this one. It's not my rage, it's rather my fear. The fear that they are capable of striking in any European capital at some point in time.

And then what happens next, if we employed a similar model to Iraq, bldining going into the Middle East without an actual plan besides stop the bad guys no questions asked? Congratulations, you stopped ISIS! A similar group would pop up again because you've just destabilized the region further. This isn't a plan. It's Whack-A-Mole.
Okay I'm out, this thread is become a "refugees are terrorists" and "if everyone had guns this wouldn't have happened" bullshit of personal opinions and no supporting sources

think about what this thread is about before you post people, good lord


Think I'll just lurk from now on and read the new developments.


They're running from both.

It's Assholes vs Assholes vs Assholes in Syria, and the general population are suffering from it.

Some of those assholes gained power via Western interventions and abrupt toppling of dictators. What now? All of Iran and Syria soon will chant USA=Satan. Do they chant that because they're just born evil?

With Syrian government stopping ISIS - crisis in Syria will go down. The people of Syria will trade political activism in return for normal schools and offices vs an ISIS/Nusra/Saudi controlled regime taking over.


Yes, Syrians are fleeing from Assad, despite fucking ISIS vying for power in Syria? And you expect people to treat the poll with an ounce of credibility? The most brutal Salafist jihadi groups vying for power that will make daily life and conditions for women much more constricted and worse off than Assad.

It's a scientific survey among 900 refugees who fled from Syria to Germany, 70% of them because of Assad. It's not the be-all-end-all of surveys, certainly, but it directly contradicts your claim they're fleeing ISIS, not Assad.

Care to share a survey that supports your claim?

For some more perspective: ISIS Transforming Into Functioning State That Uses Terror as Tool
I admit to complete ignorance on the topic, but I do wonder if the choice of Paris and Rome would have something to do with the fact that both cities share the same landmass with the countries that ISIS operates out of.

Could it be an accessibility thing? Aside from border crossings, these must be the easiest major western cities to smuggle stuff into (weapons/personnel, etc). No rail/ship/air travel required. Again, uninformed speculation on my part, but something that struck me.
If ISIS went after the pope so many countries would be falling over themselves to just blow up Syria.


I admit to complete ignorance on the topic, but I do wonder if the choice of Paris and Rome would have something to do with the fact that both cities share the same landmass with the countries that ISIS operates out of.

Could it be an accessibility thing? Aside from border crossings, these must be the easiest major western cities to smuggle stuff into (weapons/personnel, etc). No rail/ship/air travel required. Again, uninformed speculation on my part, but something that struck me.

Sooo, like the rest of the EU? London/Stockholm is basically "the same landmass" as well despite tunnels and bridges.


Sooo, like the rest of the EU? London/Stockholm is basically "the same landmass" as well despite tunnels and bridges.

Yes, like the rest of the EU -- but no, I wouldn't include London in that (separated by the english channel).

Also, I removed my post. I think this discussion belongs in another thread.
I don't want to fuck up this thread any more than the gun debate but i remembered some coincidences from that creepy video that went around the other month:

Redlipsliketenth=kill the president: french president was at the game?

2015 there will be three: Friday the 13th. Three in 2015, yesterday being the last.

"Strike an arrow through the heart of the eagle": eagles of death metal

Probably just coincidence.
It's still hard to believe this has happened, but at the same time it comes as no surprise. I have been expecting something to happen again, in France especially. I just didn't expect something of this scale.

How something like this hasn't happened in Britain yet I don't know. It's a scary fucking world, especially as a new parent. I feel guilty bringing a child into a world where such backward attitudes are still relatively common.

RIP to the victims.

I wish I believed in a hell for the attackers, somewhere they'll be tormented for eternity.


I don't want to fuck up this thread any more than the gun debate but i remembered some coincidences from that creepy video that went around the other month:

Redlipsliketenth=kill the president: french president was at the game?

2015 there will be three: Friday the 13th. Three in 2015, yesterday being the last.

"Strike an arrow through the heart of the eagle": eagles of death metal

Probably just coincidence.

What was that from?


Do you even know what it you takes to create a stable regime ?

I know that killing fundamentalists is not going to help.

Stable regime or not, getting rid of them in the vacuum or not you are going have to military confront them. Also, getting rid of ISIL will get rid of the current ISIL simply as that .

Huh? ISIS is the direct result of western involvement in the middle east, so you're suggesting an endless cycle of violence?

I said it is naive because making those countries safe and wealthier isn't going to fix anything because many people that are in ISIL are western educated people and/or lived in places like that.

So killing them is the answer? All of them are educated? Look up naive.

Again, I only talking about ISIL and you keep bring up BS that wasn't making any sense in the context to what I was talking about.

Holy shit dude, AGAIN you called someone naive for suggesting that eliminating ISIS would not solve the problem. You just even agreed that it wouldn't solve the problem in the preceding paragraph.

You initiated this discourse. Getting rid of ISIS, sure it's a good thing, but did you need to call someone uninformed for suggesting it wasn't going to solve the problem? That's why I called you naive.

And now you go on to make a strawman that the problem he was suggesting wasn't fundamentalism, but ISIS itself. I'm done.:

Islamic fundamentalism is part of ISIL, but Boka Harem, AQ, and ISIL are entirely different beasts with entirely different strengths, purposes, details etc. Getting rid of ISIL will not end terrorism, no shit, getting rid of them stops more breeding grounds and makes those countries much more safer and again I wasn't even talking about terrorism in general just ISIL.

How could you possibly think this?

The process needed to reduce the terrorist threat around the world is extremely expensive. Even more so than a full blown war. This is why nothing will be done to solve the root issue.

As for ISIS, attacking paris, even if they had failed to kill as many as they did, was a sure way to help their cause. What they need right/want is more extremists joining their cause. By attacking paris they are sure to create an anti-syrian/muslim/etc sentiment across europe and that will in turn create more radicalisation and extremism.

ISIS has been very effective and that is scary.

How in the world do you re-educate people like ISIS? That is complete la la land. They HATE you and want to kill you and your entire family purely because you don't share their beliefs. Inviting them to a cup of tea to educate them about why we should all exist in harmony is NEVER going to happen.


That's because gun violence is epidemic in the US and very rare in France. Not to mention this is an act of terrorism, not your average shooting anyway, and your whole posited scenario about John McClane wannabes in the theater somehow making a difference because of their concealed carry is total bullshit.

There's nothing hypocritical about it, you're just off on another planet.
You could add the top 6 deadliest U.S. shootings going as far back as 1966, and it would still be a mass shooting short of what just happened in France after a few hours.

But like someone else said, its just annoying how it's mentioned repeatedly in a U.S. mass shooting thread.


it's sad that I am somtimes bummed of living in a small uninvolved (with pretty much anything) country where nothing much happens, cause of the limited opportunities that come with, specially for my interests

then something like this happens and you immediatly appreciate it

just sad


It's a scientific survey among 900 refugees who fled from Syria to Germany, 70% of them because of Assad. It's not the be-all-end-all of surveys, certainly, but it directly contradicts your claim they're fleeing ISIS, not Assad.

Care to share a survey that supports your claim?

That shit survey literally means nothing and screams of propaganda. Nor will I trust Washington controlled documents, the same ones that promoted bipartisan support for Iraq war, and blamed Assad immediately for Ghouta chemical bombing despite there being no proof till this day (and ISIS later being found with similar chemical weapons).

I'll point instead to common sense. I'll point instead to the recent crisis and ISIS/Nusra seizing large areas, committing atrocities which directly coincided with migrant crisis, majority of Syrians still hanging tight in Assad controlled areas which aren't facing conflict who are probably praying ISIS does not take over. Do you seriously believe your own bullshit?
Given that snide quip about multicultural societies, I imagine he'd favour the homogeneous variety.

If you think pluralism isn't inherently good and that it does not enrich society...that's fine. But hopefully the argument isn't for intolerance and gutting welfare. I'd need to hear more justification for that stance.


I dont know. Is that what you wanna hear? no one here knows shit

all im saying that if 3 cops were there rather than apparently 0, maybe 1 live could have been saved? who the hell knows, but that's already worth it. a terrorist attack over a place with virtually no security is an understandable thing now?

how do we even know if this venue wasnt chosen precisely cause the security is shit?

I can fantasize a 'could have' scenario to this side just as much as you can the other. we're going in circles.

this is what this is:

- oh there were 0 cops there? shit, should have been more security

- more security??? BUT AT WHICH POINT DOES IT STOP?

The city I live in has hundreds of bars, nightclubs, and concert venues. They all work fine without a police presence, using unarmed private security, aside from the every-few-years gang-related shooting.

You can't plan for an event like yesterday's.

Some of those assholes gained power via Western interventions and abrupt toppling of dictators. What now? All of Iran and Syria soon will chant USA=Satan. Do they chant that because they're just born evil?

With Syrian government stopping ISIS - crisis in Syria will go down. The people of Syria will trade political activism in return for normal schools and offices vs an ISIS/Nusra/Saudi controlled regime taking over.
Whoa. I'm just saying all dominant sides in Syria are shit.

I completely understand ISIS is a result of a power vacuum left by western powers. But that's not the point I was making.
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