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Paris Terrorist Attacks, 120+ dead. Do not post hearsay/unsourced/old news.

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I dont know. Is that what you wanna hear? no one here knows shit

all im saying that if 3 cops were there rather than apparently 0, maybe 1 live could have been saved? who the hell knows, but that's already worth it. a terrorist attack over a place with virtually no security is an understandable thing now?

how do we even know if this venue wasnt chosen precisely cause the security is shit?

I can fantasize a 'could have' scenario to this side just as much as you can the other. we're going in circles.

Exactly. So on that basis, how can you criticise them for not doing enough when you have absolutely no idea what they should have done?

To have stopped this attack we're talking about having snipers stationed around the building and an armed presence inside and outside of the venue. It's just not practical.

Increased security is what Hollande promised, not the city on lockdown under martial law.


How in the world do you re-educate people like ISIS? That is complete la la land. They HATE you and want to kill you and your entire family purely because you don't share their beliefs. Inviting them to a cup of tea to educate them about why we should all exist in harmony is NEVER going to happen.

You can't reeducate most of ISIS, as those folks are likely a lost cause. The long-term goal is to lessen reasons to join or support terror groups like them, for which education and economic prosperity is critical in the region.
CNN is giving the best coverage of this event.


When you highlight it, it turns red...like blood red color.

That's disgusting and distasteful. Fuck CNN.

It's still hard to believe this has happened, but at the same time it comes as no surprise. I have been expecting something to happen again, in France especially. I just didn't expect something of this scale.

How something like this hasn't happened in Britain yet I don't know. It's a scary fucking world, especially as a new parent. I feel guilty bringing a child into a world where such backward attitudes are still relatively common.

RIP to the victims.

I wish I believed in a hell for the attackers, somewhere they'll be tormented for eternity.

Live your life well and raise a strong child (congrats!). Being scared to leave your house is exactly what they want. Fuck them.


Absolutely. This scene will be repeated all over the EU. And to think there's people in the US that want an open border policy here. SMH

Because Hispanics have been responsible for so many terror threats in recent history....? Not sure that the US and EU situations are at all comparable.


The Amiga Brotherhood
I dont know. Is that what you wanna hear? no one here knows shit

all im saying that if 3 cops were there rather than apparently 0, maybe 1 live could have been saved? who the hell knows, but a terrorist attack over a place with virtually no security is an understandable thing now?

how do we even know if this venue wasnt chosen precisely cause the security is shit?

I can fantasize a 'could have' scenario to this side just as much as you can the other. we're going in circles.

It's not even a huge venue, I don't even know what you are talking about suggesting police should have been there.

I've never been to a venue of that size with even as much as a pat-down, you just walk in. Just occasional bag checks for taking in alcohol from bouncers. Any such venue would have been the same.

Reports were that it may have been chosen because of its owner, although don't think that's been confirmed. And it was also reported they started firing outside the venue, so whoever was on the doors was probably taken by surprise.

These were soft targets, and realistically there will always be soft targets.


I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
Has it all ended or are attacks still going on?

From what I am reading, it looks like it's over for now. You never know if there are still other lunatics out there waiting to attack, but that is the new normality we are in, I guess.


Count of Concision
People keep saying "re-education", but how can you educate a populace which does not want to be educated, and when the entire surrounding culture is openly hostile to the sort of ideas you're trying to inculcate? Sounds like wishful thinking...


CNN is giving the best coverage of this event.


When you highlight it, it turns red...like blood red color.

I wanted to think you were joking, wtf CNN. edit: looks like I over-reacted on this one, nvm.

So, did they end up catching any of the attackers alive? I'm glad that it's all over though.


Whoa. I'm just saying all dominant sides in Syria are shit.

I completely understand ISIS is a result of a power vacuum left by western powers. But that's not the point I was making.

More or less the same one as I hold, but such an opinion pragmatically does not help with anything. War needs to stop in Syria. Which lesser evil do we pick?
You these news were so depressing I couldn't read the thread in GAF. I had to read the thread in SA with the troll comments sandwich inbetween to make them more bearable. I haven't visit GBS in years
People keep saying "re-education", but how can you educate a populace which does not want to be educated, and when the entire surrounding culture is openly hostile to the sort of ideas you're trying to inculcate? Sounds like wishful thinking...

It is wishful thinking.


I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
CNN is giving the best coverage of this event.


When you highlight it, it turns red...like blood red color.

The red seems to be the standard highlight color on links on their entire website. Is the same red they use in their corporate design. It's not a deliberate dramatic effect.


People are wrong about it being easy for the average person to kill. Mechanically, yes, shooting someone is not difficult. But psychologically, we have documented difficulty killing each other... unless psychological conditioning techniques are used. During World War II, American soldiers had a fire rate of 20%. After behavioral conditioning techniques wre added to military training, in the Vietnam War the American soldier's fire rate was 95%, despite World War II being a far mote justifiable conflict. This conditioning can occur through other ways as well: a religious extremist who has sacrificed their higher thought functions to holy schizophrenia can more easily kill, a person who has dehumanized and objectified their class of target can more easily kill, and a person who is filled with hatred can more easily kill. But the average civilian intrinsically does not want to kill, and that nervousness or hesitation means they will lose almost every gun fight up against organized terrorists - and most likely in panic cause heavy collateral damage. Armed civilians is not the answer.

This is a tragic situation, and my heart goes out to the French people who were so violently attacked by these terrorists.


People keep saying "re-education", but how can you educate a populace which does not want to be educated, and when the entire surrounding culture is openly hostile to the sort of ideas you're trying to inculcate? Sounds like wishful thinking...

This is GAF, most of the people here have no clue how the world actually works and believe everything can be peace and love
Because Hispanics have been responsible for so many terror threats in recent history....? Not sure that the US and EU situations are at all comparable.

Dude, has nothing to do with Hispanics. But it's pretty easy to get into a shitty country in South America then make your way up into the US.
My sister lives in Paris so when I saw this I got pretty scared. We managed to speak to her and she wasn't harmed so I can rest a little bit relieved.

This shit is so sad I don't even have words. Prayers go to every family that was hit by this. And stay strong Paris-GAF.
You can't reeducate most of ISIS, as those folks are likely a lost cause. The long-term goal is to lessen reasons to join or support terror groups like them, for which education and economic prosperity is critical in the region.

The reason people join and support them is because they share the same belief/ideology, which wants you dead. It's not because ISIS is providing higher paying jobs that they can't get elsewhere or something.


If we start another all-out war in the middle east, we should at least have a better plan for how to deal with the situation afterwards. I have the impression that much of the problems in that region are due to the fact that the borders of the nations in that region do not align at all with the ethnic groups and identities that exist there.

So if we remove ISIS (and Assad, or whoever else we fancy conquering) from that map, it might be a good point in time to think about splitting up nations like Iraq and involving the ethnic groups there in deciding on new nations and borders.

It is such a quagmire of unprecedented proportion. In Ww2 the allies, atleast, had a shared interest in rebuilding Germany. In this situation, there is no interest in rebuilding the area, evident by the lack of regional participation. How do you manage that volume of people in the area when they can barely manage themselves outside of dictatorial rule, albeit, no thanks to European and American Imperialism. They are close to Europe which could distabilize Eastern Europe, yet the heart of the problem is a idealism that goes against that of western/european civilization.

As an American, it's even more difficult because we caused this shit with destabilizing Iraq. How does this get solved without waging WW3? What sides are the world powers going to take, especially China, considering they are buying land in Africa to grow food which is where a lot of the idealism of ISIL is spreading as the world warms and farmable acres are reduce. I'm sad, the youth of America are the future but we doubt our power and influence. The prevailing thought is that only old people vote; the sooner we accept that our generation is next in line, the sooner we can stop this generation of fuckface 55-70 year olds from burning the world down as they desperately try to out legacy the achievements of their parents/grand parents. They don't understand us, the call us lazy and entitled to justify their fucked up rational for making the piss poorest fucking foreign/domestic policy decisions year after fucking year. All the while, we as a collective whole, bend over and take it as we laugh to ourselves about how little power and influence we perceive ourselves to actually have. If we don't act soon, the only thing we will be remembered for is birthing the generation that is going to fight this in a war on the battlefield, but I digress.


That shit survey literally means nothing and screams of propaganda. Nor will I trust Washington controlled documents, the same ones that promoted bipartisan support for Iraq war, and blamed Assad immediately for Ghouta chemical bombing despite there being no proof till this day (and ISIS later being found with similar chemical weapons).

I'll point instead to common sense. I'll point instead to the recent crisis and ISIS/Nusra seizing large areas, committing atrocities which directly coincided with migrant crisis, majority of Syrians still hanging tight in Assad controlled areas which aren't facing conflict who are probably praying ISIS does not take over. Do you seriously believe your own bullshit?

That's a long rambling with zero substance to the particular topic just to say no, huh.

CHEEZMO™;185418893 said:
Save your energy, chadskin. He'll believe what he wants to believe.

Well, I'm always open for more actual facts to get a broader picture, it's just they rarely actually deliver. :/
Because Hispanics have been responsible for so many terror threats in recent history....? Not sure that the US and EU situations are at all comparable.

Oh right. So we'll just let in ONLY Mexicans and Canadians then. We'll be sure to stop everyone else. Terrorists couldn't possibly come through an open southern/northern border.



FGC Waterboy
She is worried whats going on at Mizzou will be forgotten because of Paris? Is this what she is really saying?


One situation to another. If actions hadn't been taken #Mizzou could have easily turned into a mass slaughtering.

Yep. Full equating. Just in case folks didn't believe it.

Will drop it per mod request. But don't think a lot of folks aren't thinking this here.
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