Prayers for Paris.
"Westerners" don't have the stomach to take care of ISIS. It's not like a traditional, enemy state. How do you combat an ideology?
I'd take my chances versus being able to do NOTHING. You may be fine with being completely helpless. Others are not.
Two members of [Eagles of Death Metal's] crew told an NBC News reporter that one of the band members have died in the attack. It is unclear which band member was killed.
There's conflicting reports, so I don't know what to make of this. Earlier, we heard from the drummer's wife they were all okay.
The Nazi's slowly infiltrated the German government. They simply took control of an already powerful German military that was already built to go. They did this by gaining public support and winning elections (and lots of backroom deals, intimidation and even murdering officials who resisted them).
ISIS does not have any specific country's population's support. They only have minority groups scattered about the world. They can only fight with the weapons and vehicles they can claim in small clashes with small towns and villages. Their best chance for a unified state with a legit military would be to oust Assad and take over the Syrian government. But Assad is so brutal, that'll never happen - plus he's got Russia backing him up now.
So, ISIS will remain nothing but an organized terrorist association fueled mostly by desperate, delusional, fanatical recruits.
You really do not have to be very smart to understand the risks and direct link to the refugee situation in Europe. If anyone flat out denies that, then keep living in your fantasy world of a tolerant multicultural society with bunnies, unicorns and welfare for all.
Many muslim terrorists arrived as refugees in Europe and were able to go into stealth mode calmly waiting to execute a planned attack.
I understand that this is genuine and from the heart, but it's really not the time for a pro-second amendment soapbox.
Exactly. Gun control only takes away guns from people that follow the law. It does nothing for bad guys except ensure they can murder as many people as possible, without resistance. Like we saw tonight.It's too bad none of those people had the option to even TRY and defend themselves.
I'm not against war. I'm against jackass cowboy emotionalism that solves nothing.
The solution is to continue logical and tactical actions against IS instead of being forced into doing "something" which is what seems to have started more problems than it solved. I've also expressed that the real viable solution to these acts in the 21st century is not about controlling some piece of land in Afghanistan or Iraq but being able to monitor people. But that would require even more spying programs.
What is gun control like in France? I actually have tickets to go to Euro 2016...
My brain stopped at WWII, but yeah WWI had a larger influence - and as you say origins of conflicts today can be traced back even well before that.
So what the hell can be done? Drone strikes don't work, I'm not sure a peaceful education/infrastructure initiative alone is possible, a half-cooked Iraq war situation, really doesn't work.
What is there to do? Total war coupled with long-term occupation and building? I feel like anything along those lines will be a WWIII. Is that necessary, though? I'm having dark thoughts that it might be required to ultimately start moving past this rise of terrorism and instability that lets it thrive.
im not the one to draw the line nor will I pretend to have an easy answer like a lot of people here seem to think or pretend to do
all im saying is when something like this happen at a place with very, very scarse security after a tragedy like the recent one you start to think on a life by life basis and approaches you could have taken. when your effort seems null one way or the other It just looks bad, and it should.
The four million Syrians who are already refugees mostly came from opposition or contested areas that have been systematically bombarded by government aircraft and artillery, making them uninhabitable. But the majority of the 17 million Syrians still in the country live in government-controlled areas now threatened by Isis. These people are terrified of Isis occupying their cities, towns and villages because of its reputation for mass executions, ritual mutilation and rape against those not obedient to its extreme variant of Sunni Islam.
this is the most tasteless thing ive ever read on a forumExactly. Gun control only takes away guns from people that follow the law. It does nothing for bad guys except ensure they can murder as many people as possible, without resistance. Like we saw tonight.It's too bad none of those people had the option to even TRY and defend themselves.
Good for you but I don't want that shit in my country. France has way less death by gun than the US and I'd rather keep it that way.
Horrific details about the attacks. What savagery.
I understand that this is genuine and from the heart, but it's really not the time for a pro-second amendment soapbox.
You really do not have to be very smart to understand the risks and direct link to the refugee situation in Europe. If anyone flat out denies that, then keep living in your fantasy world of a tolerant multicultural society with bunnies, unicorns and welfare for all.
Many muslim terrorists arrived as refugees in Europe and were able to go into stealth mode calmly waiting to execute a planned attack.
Maybe because shootings in the USA are far more common than any other first world country?However, when shootings happen in the USA, anti-gun people jump at the opportunity in less than a minute and "everyone" seems ok with it?
I like this scenario where a civilian with access to a gun is able to kill just the terrorists in a 2 thousand people venue in crazy distress and panic during a mass shooting
Others are a little more grounded in reality and aren't convinced they're the hero of an action movie.
But you have to draw the line. If terrorists are targeting restaurants, supermarkets and offices, you're now talking about having armed guards at businesses with maybe less than ten employees and less than 100 customers a day. On that basis, every single business in France would need at least one armed guard. We're talking highly skilled and trained personnel here.
Are you even beginning to understand that what you're asking for is completely unrealistic?
Rachel Maddow just said the band manager confirmed this report was NOT true. All members are safe.
You'd miss.
The Belgian government said a while ago that the police/anti terror forces etc... stop many possible attacks before they take place, but that it's just a matter of one organized attack slipping through the cracks before a disaster happens. This is the same in France, Germany, UK, etc..
You really do not have to be very smart to understand the risks and direct link to the refugee situation in Europe. If anyone flat out denies that, then keep living in your fantasy world of a tolerant multicultural society with bunnies, unicorns and welfare for all.
Many muslim terrorists arrived as refugees in Europe and were able to go into stealth mode calmly waiting to execute a planned attack.
I don't know. I fucking hate guns, I hate gun culture. But if Muslim terrorists can get their hands on hundreds of rounds of ammunition, ak47's and assault rifles and shoot hundreds of humans like fish in a barrel and no one else is armed or able to hit them back, I don't know.
What is gun control like in France? I actually have tickets to go to Euro 2016 and even though it's irrational for me to fear, after Charlie Hebdo, after that stopped train attack where the attacker was subdued and now this, it's just showing me France is no safer than many other countries.
Whatever, I agree nows not the right time, emotions are high. Prayers to everyone in France having to deal with yet another Muslim terrorist attack that kills hundreds of innocent lives.
Logical and tactical actions against IS did almost nothing in the past 2 years.
And your solution is to make the Western world police states. Not solving the root cause and make the victims pay. Sounds lovely.
The first thing that should have happened is redrawing the stupid fucking borders that britain made, lumping disparate groups of people who hate each other together into one 'country' (Iraq) was a bad idea.
So what kind of society should we have?
However, when shootings happen in the USA, anti-gun people jump at the opportunity in less than a minute and "everyone" seems ok with it?
I agree with you completely but it seems a little hypocritical when the anti-gun people come out and shit up a thread whenever there's a shooting in the US. Nobody says anything to them.
Message received though; I'll let it be.
Speak for yourself.We just don't deserve it.
No one's expecting a world that runs on justice
No one is waiting for such a grand departure from basic human nature
Try imagining this world living in
Tolerance and compassion
Could you change mankind, one mind at a time?
Well let's put it into positive action.
All participants in this experiment
Start and end with you, mate.
Could you carry on without judging anyone?
Do you believe it isn't too late?
If your solution is in the positive
Everything's gonna be stardust
But if you gonna live in the negative
The popular voice was right, and the stupid people won
The human race is fucked, the experiment went wrong
Your species won't missed, close the door on your way out.
See you on the other side
Hope I come back as a chair.
ISIS wants Rome next.
Why Rome of all places?
Am I in the thread for the Paris attacks? Why did you spend the time typing any of this here?
ISIS wants Rome next.
Why Rome of all places?