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Paris Terrorist Attacks, 120+ dead. Do not post hearsay/unsourced/old news.

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Islamophobia is a concept widely abused to discredit legitimate critiques of Islamic extremism by equating its detractors to bigots, i.e. homophobes.
Yes. It is used to conflate legitimate criticisms of the doctrines of Islams by intellectuals and commentators with the far-right anti-muslim bigotry of someone like Ben Carson.


It's a completely dumb quote that yes, acknowledges the big picture but is more of just a "wow neat" thing instead of acknowledging reality.
This is pretty much what I wanted to say about the quote.
This is OFF topic:
Imo, we live in a planet that is big enough to have those kinds of emperors and generals sagan talked about, yes its true that we are small if we are seen on a bigger scale. But in the end as every human and culture that has ever existed, it will clash and have conflicts with another no matter what the size of the planet is.
I don't see him as an islamaphobe, to me he is just saying liberals should be more vocal about how the religion in the middle east is very oppressive to values of the west. Just because he is critical of Islam, it doesn't mean he "hates them all."
I've honestly never liked the type of stuff he's had to say. But whatever, I know he's got a huge following.

The problem is that you will never get people to accept reality, that the ME is so volatile that not messing around with it is the best option. But now that isn't an option anymore, how are you going to get Sunnis and Shiites extremist to be in peace with each other and then you have the Kurds that are a time bomb as well, specially with the Turkish kurds that are basically an invitation for a NATO intervention in the region and further escalation to new highs.

People will need to start to understand WHY this is happening and not just "we invaded Iraq and there was a vacuum power" there has to be a clear vision of the region and the difference between the ethnicity and religion. And then try to look for a solution or at least understand what you could or not achieve with military action so at least there isn't another Iraq situation again or at the very least you aren't lie to again as how removing a ruthless dictator in the region would affect said region (anyone remember Netanyahu talking about the benefits of removing Saddam from power?)


There's plenty of substance, and its right there. Syrians started fleeing from areas where ISIS gained territory (Idlib, Aleppo, Al-Raqa). Those fleeing within Syria are running to Damascus and other Alawits and Assad controlled areas. Try to get your news outside of the regular western circle to get the full picture.

Some good news is the mass opinion within U.S. is bordering more and more towards isolationist policy everyday, so maybe things will change for the better. People are beginning to realize power vacuums do no good.

Keep wagging that little poll.

Rand Paul, the only one.
Islamophobia is a concept widely abused to discredit legitimate critiques of Islamic extremism by equating its detractors to bigots, i.e. homophobes.

Islamophobia is when the idea of being Muslim is attacked to rightfully attack the idea of a terrorist Muslim. Islamophobia stems from the view that all Muslims who are adherent to Islam must be terrorists or prone to terrorism because Islam is the issue and adherents to it are the issue. While labeling those who are moderates as not adherents to Islam. It tends to the view that a muslim who is actually moderate could never follow Islam by the book because by the book is exactly what the terrorists say is in the book as facts

It's an old playbook first used by Christian missionaries in Middle Ages during the crusades and now used by islamophobes of all walks of life


Well its not like this is the first time we had to deal with a crazy ideology, right? I'm not a history major, but Nazism did die in Germany? Why can't the same thing happen in the middle east with extremism? My (admittedly uninformed) opinion at a glance would be that unlike Germany, the Western powers simply don't see any value or have any interest in rebuilding the middle east... but i could be wrong here.


Ideally, none of them.

But that's not going to happen, and I can't give an answer.

Ideally, I too would love U.S. styled freedom and democracy in every corner of Middle East. We should not take the route of funding rebels to topple systems. Clearly its backfiring.
I've honestly never liked the type of stuff he's had to say. But whatever, I know he's got a huge following.

I agree, he can be a douche in what he says. He probably does it more for the attention side of things. But I do believe he just wants things to be better for the moderates in the middle east. They are living in horrible conditions with these wackos.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
Not confirm, but a suspected ISIS social media account claimed that NYC and DC among other important western cities will be the next possible targets... Not sure about the credibility, but better to be careful.

NYC is always a target. Nothing new
holy fuck, I just went there. Why would they do that?

Before people start calling out CNN for sensationalism again...

1. Link highlights are scheme-based on most sites. CNN uses a mostly red & black scheme for their site and their logo.

2. It's "Bloodbath" in quotes, because a French police official was quoted as calling it a "bloodbath" when describing one of the scenes. CNN did not just make it up for clicks. It's a direct quote.
I agree, he can be a douche in what he says. He probably does it more for the attention side of things. But I do believe he just wants things to be better for the moderates in the middle east. They are living in horrible conditions with these wackos.
that's what everyone should want though. it doesn't mean he has to be such a fucking jerk about it.


Not confirm, but a suspected ISIS social media account claimed that NYC and DC among other important western cities will be the next possible targets... Not sure about the credibility, but better to be careful.

Was London named? I am going out in London tomorrow and am shitting bricks. I know I shouldn't let it affect me like this but I can't sleep.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
Edit: Whelp I regret responding. Not gonna shit up the thread with a conga line of useless quoting.
Before people start calling out CNN for sensationalism again...

1. Link highlights are scheme-based on most sites. CNN uses a mostly red & black scheme for their site and their logo.

2. It's "Bloodbath" in quotes, because a French police official was quoted as calling it a "bloodbath" when describing one of the scenes. CNN did not just make it up for clicks. It's a direct quote.
I acknowledged here that it was wrong for me to overreact. Thank you for the info though.


That may work with some people but not with Isis and therein lies the problem.
I do agree with you on training insurgents and rebels, it's a stupid idea that creates more problems in the long run
You're right, it won't work with ISIS, they are too far gone at this point. I generally hold a humanistic "everyone has the potential to be good" mindset, but considering ISIS has eroded its humanity there is too little to save. The cost of their lives is much more acceptable than the massive toll they take on humanity. And they have made themselves the villains through their brutality, so destroying them will not sully us.

I don't know how to make it happen, but I think a long term general paradigm of villainizing and exterminating ISIS whilst re-educating and providing a better life for those who can be saved is a good shot at solving the problem on a wide scale. That is how you destroy the memetic form of an ideology, by demonstrating the evil of the most extreme and turning the moderate against it by providing them with a better life and re-educating them.

Deleted member 80556

Unconfirmed Member
It's a completely dumb quote that yes, acknowledges the big picture but is more of just a "wow neat" thing instead of acknowledging reality.

Other speeches from Cosmos talked about by Sagan do aknowledge the propagation of weapons and corruption, which ultimately can and will cause our destruction. More than aknowledge reality, he tried to inspire hope and change in people. I think telling people "but we'll always be violent" kind of defeats that purpose.


Neo Member
People keep saying "re-education", but how can you educate a populace which does not want to be educated, and when the entire surrounding culture is openly hostile to the sort of ideas you're trying to inculcate? Sounds like wishful thinking...

It's a process that is immensely complicated. Heck, even the simple re-education of violent children is utterly complicated, imagine what is needed for ISIS.

But the point is, it is possible. It is also the only long term solution to a problem like this.

Those people might have cultural values that are extremely far from ours but we need to try to understand how they think to see what we can work from. Their whole concept of the world might be based on events like the death of their family by drone strikes from the US or things like that, which in turn makes them think that any civilized (civilized by our standards) country is wicked and evil and that they must be destroyed.

Heck, even some people in canada (who were canadians from birth) have adopted ISIS' beliefs and acted on them because they felt marginalized and left out of society's cultural model.

Once we understand where the hatred comes from we can start working on the problem. It's been done before and it can be done again.


Ideally, I too would love U.S. styled freedom and democracy in every corner of Middle East. We should not take the route of funding rebels to topple systems. Clearly its backfiring.

USA is on mostly isolated landmass, built on genocide, slavery and colonialism. Its hard to replicate that. Especially with that USA trying to prevent anyone to get stronger than them and having a longstanding history of killing leaders with opposing worldviews.


Not confirm, but a suspected ISIS social media account claimed that NYC and DC among other important western cities will be the next possible targets... Not sure about the credibility, but better to be careful.
We're (NYC) are always on high alert for terrorist attacks.


"I just wanna go about my day and mind my own business without living in fear therefore commit genocide because reasons"


aka IMurRIVAL69
Maher defends racial profiling against Muslims.

He's become a textbook bigot and Islamophobe.

Not really.

I've seen people accused of being islamophobes for saying things like women are treated poorly in islamic countries. I am by no means a Bill Maher fan and he has said some questionable things but I still think the label is overused.


Haven't really got to keep up to date, just reading now. So horrific, RIP to all those lost and those affected.

I really don't know what else to say. Such a fucked up world we live in. :(
CHEEZMO™;185421188 said:
I agree lets exterminate a fifth of the human population that will sort things right out

Sadly, this is now going through a lot of people's minds. Trump is about to get a lot of supporters, I'm sure...
France has been committed in Syria, partly because of the Charlie Hebdo massacre.

I'm readying some French sites.
Holland says France will lead the charge and will be without mercy.

44 deads aparts from the rock concert. Many injuried.
About 100 dead at the rock concert. The 4 assaillants sprayed the crowd, held hostages for 3 hours and blew themselves up when the police gave the assault. Total carnage.


Damn, what an awful day this was.

RIP to everyone who died.
Yes It was a horrible night...I was shocked during my posts in this thread so I havent given the respect the victims and their families deserve, before going to bed I want to say RIP to everyone who died, also give some of my condolences to their families and wish that the estimated number of people dead doesnt increase.


I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
Islamophobia is a concept widely abused to discredit legitimate critiques of Islamic extremism by equating its detractors to bigots, i.e. homophobes.

Most of the time, it's the lazy way out of the conversation. You can shout "that's gross, that's racist" and feel better about yourself afterwards without having to have exchanged a single thought with the other person. And still you manage to taint that other person merely by calling him/her a racist/bigot/islamophobe. I particularly love it when Muslims who criticize parts of Islam are then themselves accused of being islamophobic or puppets of islamophobes. That really happens...

I guess the root cause of that is that many people organize other people into friend or foe based on simplistic heuristics, for which they do not need more than a few uttered keywords. Somebody who criticizes Islamism can thus easily be conflated with people who want to wage war in the middle east or throw Muslims out of the country.

There are certainly bigots with simplistic concepts of Islam and Muslims that can be labeled islamophobic, but the term has lately probably done more harm than good overall.
Im sorry i offended folks and i apologize. I am drinking and that was my 1st reaction to seeing so many dead. I know its not all Muslims and i regret saying what i did it was all out of anger


Islamophobia is when the idea of being Muslim is attacked to rightfully attack the idea of a terrorist Muslim. Islamophobia stems from the view that all Muslims who are adherent to Islam must be terrorists or prone to terrorism because Islam is the issue and adherents to it are the issue. While labeling those who are moderates as not adherents to Islam. It tends to the view that a muslim who is actually moderate could never follow Islam by the book because by the book is exactly what the terrorists say is in the book as facts

It's an old playbook first used by Christian missionaries in Middle Ages during the crusades and now used by islamophobes of all walks of life

"Yes I am a Muslim I am a terrorist" were the words of AlMunadjid when he visited my middle school.

Please stop.
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